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That crying and sighing that needed your


Many people scatter fear thoughts,

Would fill the whole world full of pain. doubt thoughts, failure thoughts wher

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ever they go; and these take root in minds that might otherwise be free from them, and therefore happy, confident and successful.

Be sure that when you hold an evil, unhealthy, discordant, deadly thought toward another something is wrong in your mind. You should call: "Halt, aboutface." Look toward the sunlight, and determine that if you cannot do any good in the world you will at least not radiate the venom of malice and hatred.

Always hold magnan'mous, loving thoughts toward everybody. Then you will not depress and hinder them, but will scatter sunshine and gladness, and help to encourage, instead of discourage.

Shed it in the

Learn to radiate joy, not stingily, not meanly, but generously. Fling out your gladness without reserve. home, on the street, on the car, in the store, everywhere, as the rose sheds its beauty and gives out its fragrance. When we learn that love thoughts heal; that they carry balm to wounds; that thoughts. of harmony, of beauty and of truth always uplift and ennoble; that the opposite carry death and destruction and blight everywhere, we shall know the secret of right living.

The coming man will radiate health. and gladness as naturally as the rose exhales beauty and fragrance. He will radiate life and vigor as naturally as he breathes. Because he will think only healthful thoughts he cannot possibly radiate anything unhealthful. We reflect only the results of our thinking.—Orison Swett Marden in the Nautilus.

Mistakes will happen-particularly to the careless.


ET us scale the heights and mount unto the summ't and view the landscape o'er. As we stand there on this hoary heights and breathe, undisturbed, the pure spiritual atmosphere our brows are fanned by the soft zephyrs as they come to us from the valleys, plains, deserts, meadows, rivers and seas far below. There let us remember God.

As we look down on this scene we see activity everywhere. Great cities are being built and systems of commerce are being formed and carried on between nations.

We see the cattle on a thousand hills, and frut and grain growing, and in their seasons returning their harvest to the active workers.

The rivers flow on and finally reach. the sea-the sea, one great ocean of activity. Thus, from this mountain summit we view life expressed in action everywhere.

A wise sage once said, "God rests in action."

What is God? God is life. What is life? Life is is action-consciousness.

What are Life and Action? Love, Divine Love. Then we have Divine Love as never-ceasing action.

Then, if Love is God or God is Love, it stan ls in reason, Love fills all space. Then we live, move and have our beings in Love.

It is the essence of our being-the essence of our life, the essence of the spiritual universe.

"How can you love God, whom you have not seen, if you love not these, your fellow-man, whom you do see?"

If we catch a glimpse of this impersonal Love, which is divine, filling all space, and realize our at-one-ment with it, and our place in it, we can look into the heart of the lotus, the rose and the sunflower, too, and see love expressed there.

The common flowers by the roadside-love strengthens them and fans the'r faces and causes them to be content in their dry, hard and barren environments.

Know ye this, ye searchers after Truth: If we know the Truth and that Love fills all space, we will not perceive there are any dry, hard and barren places. But we will know and remember the Lord can cause even the deserts to bloom as a rose. If the mind and heart are filled with the realization of this Infinite Love no burden will be heavy, no task hard or difficult, and no place a barren desert; because Love will set about to cause the environments to bloom as the rose.

How beautiful a rose garden in the midst of a desert, with perhaps an evergreen fence around it and fountains spraying here and there to give the roses. water!

And just as beautiful as a rose garden. in the midst of the desert is one of God's little ones, who in the midst of the desert of carnality has learned the truth concern'ng God, Man and the Universe, and is consciously living in this great impersonal Love-has drank deep and

It was this Love to which Jesus refer- long of the water of life, until it has red when He said: turned to wine, and now drinks the wine

of inspiration; and living thus, the perfume of his holy life fills the air with a more pleasing and lasting fragrance than the perfume from the garden of roses, even though this, too, was pleasant.

If one is fully illumined as to the love, which is divine, being God and impersonal, he will be tender, kind and true. Deception will have no place in him, and evil propensities will no longer remain within him, because he has been changed. Touching the hem of Love's garment transposes us from Error to Truth, from Death to Life, from Hate to Love.

Note the expression of some dear one who is not illumined concerning the Truth, when he sees a friend whom he loves and when he meets one whom he thinks is an enemy.

The illumined one knows that love should be the same for friend and foe alike; for, lo, if one is filled with love, there are no foes, for in God's eternal kingdom of love there can be no enemies.

Then, if the disciple of Truth in his on-goings toward the fullness of light should sometimes think he has an enemy, as soon as this is whispered into his mind by error thought, let him go into the silence-I mean, go into a silent place, where he can be alone with God, and there, in inner communion and outer prayer, bring himself to the place where he can stand near enough to the summit to view the landscape o'er.

In this attitude he may catch a vision which will show him clearly God's perfect creation, and that the Infinite-our Father-loves all just alike. Then he will see God loves his cnemies as well as He loves us, and, I dare say, in this moment of insight, all hatred will be consumed by Divine Love, and, lo, there are no enemies, for all are the children of Love!

Love! Love! Love!

What potency there is in this word. Let us speak it continually, let it fall from our lips hourly, thereby causing the vibrations of the inner and outer to rise.

If everyone on earth would Link and speak Love at once for an hour this world would be changed.

But as every grain of sand fills it place, so we, each and all, fill our places. Our thoughts, prayers and desires for good fill their place and help in bringing in the millennium.

Love, Divine Love, is the key which unlocks the storehouse of God's Eternal Opulence. On Love's swift wings the message of Truth, Mercy, Kindness and Peace is carried to the individual tion, for a nation is only a collection of individuals.


There is a Love; it is Divine; it shines on land and sea and through humanitytouches you and me. On the ocean of Love our bark is resti.g; underneath it is the Everlasting Arm. May God's hand steer this bark and Jesus Christ stand near the helm.

Let us all join hands, thoughts and prayers and march bravely and lovingly along on this sacred path towards the Light of God. Let us say Lot to one another, 'Thou art wrong" but be thankful they are faced & Dout.

Be ye centered in the eternal light of Truth as God doth reveal it to you; press on and ever know there are higher heights to be attained tomorrow.

Love! Love! Love.

Let our hearts ands be filled with love

Jesus Christ said, "The greatest commandment is, love ;" and the second is like unto it-"Love thy neighbor as thyself."

It requires study, devotion, insightyea, almost illumination-to reach this great height where we love all.

But when we look through the mask which covers from the outer view the perfect man-God's creation-'tis then we can, at least, catch a glimpse of Jesus' deep meaning.

Hate will cause the vibrations of the mind and body to become lower and lower, while Love-Divine Love-will cause them to be raised until, when we

are fully illumined concerning this Love Divine, we will then become spir'tualized, our bodies and minds having become vibrant with Love.

Thus we see Divine Love is the key which we must use in unlocking the storehouse of Wisdom, Life-yea, Immortality.


That is the best solitude that comes

closest in the human form-your friend, your other self, who leaves you alone, yet cheers you who peoples your house or your field and wood with tender remembrances: who stands between your yearning heart and the great outward void that you try in vain to warm and fill; who in his own person and spirit clothes for you, and endows with tangible form, all attractions and subtle relations and meanings that draw you to the woods and fields. What the brooks and the trees

and the birds said so faintly and vaguely he speaks with warmth and directness. Indeed, your friend complements and completes your solitude and you experience its charm without desolation.-John Burroughs.

There is always a way; and the man who never gives up invariably finds the



Fresh air is probably the world's best medicine, not only in the treatment of disease, but in its prevention. This is at the National Association for the Study statement buried in an announcement by

and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Not cne person in one hundred, it says further, gets enough fresh air at his work, at his rest or in his sleep. The association has published a handbook on the subject of

sleeping out of doors and giving directions as to how to obtain the greatest benefit in so doing.

The helpfulness of fresh air has long been understood in a general way, but calling it the world's best medicine will give it a new value in the minds of many. Knowledge of it has expanded in the last few years from a point at which it was thought necessary to send sufferers from tuberculosis to California, Colorado or

Arizona to a point when the atmosphere of the Adirondacks was appreciated, and since then to the appreciation of the most available large open space having clean. air.

But while the curative work goes on thousands of more or less able bodied persons make no effort to secure individual breathing space. They sleep with closed windows, ride in closed cars and work in stuffy offices, shops or stores. Some few persons in the crowd whose lungs are offended protest or escape, but the bulk of humanity tolerates polluted air while it cries for unpolluted food and drink.

How much do you want in the world? Decide at once. Then make yourself worthy of it all and you will positively get it.


Sin and Sickness

Dr. John L. Jackson in Bloomington, Ill., Pantagraph

N the First Baptist Church Dr.

John L. Jackson gave his second lecture on "Religion and Health." His subject was "Sin and Sickness." His text was in John 9:2: "Master, who sinned, this man or his or his parent, that he was born blind?”

He said: "The reply of Jesus to this question shows us that we cannot always affirm that sickness is the immediate result of sin. We have known too many good people who have been great sufferers to believe this for a minute. Jesus would have us to be careful in passing judgment upon others. Nevertheless, there is a deep conviction in the human mind that somehow disease is the result of sin. Without doubt this is true in many cases. Jesus Himself seems to constantly recognize this where in cases of cure He says, 'Go in peace and sin no more,' and 'Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee.' Here the relation between the two is implied if not directly stated. According to the teaching of Jesus, goodness is spiritual health, and disease, in so far as it is an abnormal condition of the body, is the externalization of a mental, moral or spiritual disturbance. Sin is moral disorder. Sickness physSickness physical disorder. Generally they are closely related. It is because they are so closely related that we cannot well deal with one without consideration of the other. For this reason the modern minister of Christ knows that if he is to deal effectively with wrong-doing in the community he .ought not to fail to examine carefully into physical conditions.

"Every student of modern society soon. discovers that:

"I. Sickness leads to sin.
"2. Sin leads to sickness."

1. We are coming to see that many exhibitions of moral depravity are only cases of sickness or of some bodily defect. Many a poor fellow has been sent to the gallows or to state prison who might have escaped it if some friend had given a little attent on to his physical well-being. well-being. In most of those domestic tragedies where the husband kills his wife and sometimes the entire family, we trace the cause to an overworked and nervous woman, who scolds and frets and at last arouses the uncontrollable anger of the husband. He, in h's mad fury, which is nothing less than temporary insanity, commits the fatal deed for which he sorely repents as soon as he comes to himself. All this horror could have been avoided if the woman could have had rest and the man good cheer. A week of rest in the woods or at the oceanside would have made them lovers again. In countless cases of divorce it is simply the story of two sick people who in their nervous irritability sour the sweet milk of human love and turn from each other in hate.

Oh, if we only realized how much a diseased body has to do with moral and spiritual degradation how careful we would be to keep this human temple beautiful and strong. What treasure on earth is more precious than good health. There is always a lowering of moral fiber in the t'me of sickness. A poor,

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