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the residence of a family of the name of Bridesale. Robert de Bridesale gave to the Abbey of St. Mary, York, two carucates of Land in Steresby.3 In the year 1383 William de Bridesale was Sheriff of York, and a monumental inscription in the Church of All Saints, Pavement, York, records the burial place of the above Robert :

Hic jacet Robertus Bridesale et Matilda uxor ejus quilibet orans pro eis habebit D. E.

The Brandsby and Brafferton Estates came by a marriage with the heiress of de la Ryvers, about the time of Queen Elizabeth, to the Cholmeleys, in whose possession it now remains. This is the senior line of the eminent Yorkshire family of that name. Sir Richard Cholmeley descended from the Barons Malpas in Cheshire, the parent stock of the present Marquis Cholmondeley, married Elizabeth, daughter of - Neville

of Thornton Bridge. He was famed for his valour on several occasions, and was knighted 12 Henry VII, and constituted lieutenant of the Castle of Berwick and governor of Hull. For his services at the battle of Flodden field, he was made lieutenant of the Tower of London. Sir Richard his son chiefly resided at Roxby, between Pickering and Thornton. He was a distinguished soldier under the Earl of Hertford, and received the honour of Knighthood at Leith, in 1544. He married to his first wife, Margaret daughter of Lord Conyers, and to his second, Katharine, daughter of Henry, first Earl of Cumberland, and widow of John Lord Scrope of Bolton. Sir Henry Cholmeley, offspring of his second marriage was ancestor of the Cholmeleys of Whitby. Margaret, married

Strangwayes, Esq., the Lord of Sneaton. Jane, married Ralph Salvin of Newbiggin and Easingwold. Katharine was espoused to Lord Lumley, but was married to one Dutton, who taught her music. Roger, the son of Sir Richard, by his first wife, married a daughter of De la Ryver, and was ancestor of the Cholmeleys of Brandsby. Their present representative is Francis Cholmeley, Esq., who is magistrate and deputy-lieutenant of the North-Riding of Yorkshire. He married 22nd

3 Monasticon Anglicanum. p. 389.

August, 1809, Barbara, fifth daughter of Henry Darrell, Esq., of Hall, Co. Kent.

Arms.-Gules, two helmets in chief, proper, garnished or, in base, a garb of the last; quartering ENGLEFIELD.

Crest.-A demi-griffin segreant, sable, beaked or, holding a helmet of the arms.

The Cholmeleys have been distinguished in their country's annals as faithful adherents to the Royal cause. At the commencement of the civil war, Sir Hugh Cholmeley and Sir Henry Cholmeley, in connexion with Lord Howard of Escrick and Sir Philip Stapylton, presented a petition to the King in justification of Sir John Hotham's proceedings on behalf of the parliament, and their names are found appended to a letter of a similar nature; but Sir Hugh, who was governor of Scarbrough Castle soon after, had abundant opportunities of testifying his obedience to his sovereign in that important trust, which he discharged with courage and singular fidelity.

In 1547 and 1556, Richard Cholmeley, Knight, was High Sheriff of Yorkshire; and in 1724, Hugh Cholmeley, Esq., held that office.

Brandsby Hall is a modern structure of free-stone, erected on the site of an older mansion, not far from the Church, of which Dom. Thomas de Ryparia, 12 Sept., 1228, was rector, to whose family the patronage belonged as well as the manor, and from whom it descended to the Cholmeleys.

In January 1716, a faculty was granted to remove the old Church to its present position, which was accordingly done at the expence of the late Francis Cholmeley, Esq., except £45, which was paid by the parish. It is built after the Italian style of architecture. On the north side are emblazoned the arms of the Cholmeleys, and the following inscription on a neat tablet:

In this Vault are interred the earthly remains of


Eldest daughter of Francis and Teresa Ann Cholmeley, Born Jan. 25, 1785, died July 5th, 1794.

To the memory of a most dear and lamented child, whose


early dawn of life opened with the promise of every excellence, this Tablet is inscribed by her unfortunate parents.

How tenderly loved and deeply regretted
While life endures their tears will testify!
May this cold marble then record their grief
And bid the rising generation

Emulate the Angel it has lost.

A. C.

Early, bright, transient, chaste as morning dew,
She sparkled, was exhaled, and went to Heaven.


The Church contains an Organ which was presented by Mr. Cattley. The living is a Rectory, stated above, and was valued in Pope Nicholas's taxation at £20. The Register Books commence in 1575. The charities connected with the parish amount to about £7 per annum. The Rev. Robert

Swann, M. A. is Rector, and the Rev. G. T. Edwards, Curate. Population 310.

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