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Byland Abbey.


(Bellalanda, Begeianda, or Bechland,-Dugdale.)`

YLAND ABBEY is a magnificent ruin, and the first impression it makes on the mind of the beholder, is one of awe and wonder. Standing by the side of the superb Gothic entrance at the west end of the ruined pile, through which the Lords de Mowbray, and after them the Plantagenets with their chivalry have passed, what visions of glory seem to glide before us. But we shall proceed to describe the particular events of its history, the motives which influenced the mind of its founder, and the feelings and thoughts of the people among whom it was erected; and this may happily be done from a narrative written by one of the monks of the abbey, and therefore founded upon the best authority; written too, soon after its foundation, when persons were still alive who had witnessed the whole proceeding. In some instances we shall have occasion to borrow both the language and the facts as recorded in this good monk's history, an epitome of which has been. printed in the Latin of Dugdale's Monasticon, and translated in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1843, p. 261.

The history of the foundation of Byland to which we refer, was written "by Philip, third Abbot of the aforesaid house, as he heard it from his predecessor Abbot Roger, and other seniors of this house." It proceeds thus:

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"By the disobedience of our first parents, man's memory is so greatly obscured and clouded, that, unless the actions and events of this earthly life are expressly committed to writing, the power of oblivion soon prevails, and causes them altogether to pass away, as though they had never been. Wherefore we have thought it fitting, by a short history, to make known to our successors, the cause, form, and manner, or the process of

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