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April, 1731, and by whom he had the following sons and daughters; William, who died 2 May, 1781, aged 59, and is interred in this church; Jane, who died 17 November, 1781, aged 58, interred in this church; Obadiah, surgeon, baptized 7 June, 1724, died in the East Indies; John, baptized 11 Sep, 1727, lost at Jamaica in a hurricane; Robert, surgeon and apothecary, died 18 April, 1798, aged 70, interred in this church; Rachael, who died at Hornsea, 27 Dec., 1793, aged 62, interred in this church. The aforesaid Rachael was married 1765, to the Rev. William Whytehead, B.A., Vicar of Atwick, to whom she had the following sons and daughters, Margaret, Jane, William, Rachael, and Henry Robert. Jane died 29 August, 1775, aged 7, and is interred in this church. Her surviving children in gratitude to their pious and benevolent ancestors have erected this monument.

In this church lies also interred, the body of


Vicar of Bromfield, in the County of Cumberland, and brother to the aforesaid Henry Yates; he died 6 June, 1765, aged 76. Beneath the above, on the same monument, is inscri


Here also was buried Sep. 14, 1746, the body of Sarah Coates, daughter of Captain Benjamin Coates, of Bridlington, and niece to the above-named Henry and Obadiah Yates. "Verily there is a reward for the righteous: doubtless there is a God who judgeth the earth." Psalm 58, verse 10. On the south side of the communion table is a mural monument, inscribed

To the Memory of


attorney-at-law, a native of this place. His integrity and uprightness of conduct, his kindness and charity to his neighbours, are seldom equalled and never surpassed. He died March 31st, A.D. 1836, aged 58.

On a similar tablet beneath, is an incription in memory of ELIZABETH,

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who died at Gamston, Notts, July 10, aged 37 years. remains are deposited near to the west end of the Church. On the chancel floor is an Inscription in some danger of being effaced :

To the Memory of

who departed this life the 15th of May 1789, aged 63.

Also of


wife of the above


The South wall of the chancel is chiefly occupied by the records of various charitable bequests of which the following is an abstract with some additions from authentic documents.

MRS. ELEANOR WESTERMAN by will, dated Aug. 24, 1781, gave the dividends on £2,500, reduced annuities, of which £54 12s. are to be paid to a Schoolmaster, who must be a member of the Church of England, for teaching thirty boys, Latin, the English grammar, reading, writing, arithmetic, and bookkeeping; and also for teaching thirty girls, reading, writing, and arithmetic; £10 for house rent, coals, and candles; £8 8s. for books, pens, ink, and stationery; £2 to the minister for preaching a sermon on the 26th of May, before the children, on the benefit of early piety, and another, on the 1st of September, on some moral subject. The schoolmaster to attend with the children upon these days, and also on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, in every week, at the parish church.

THE REV. RALPH STRINGER's charity, of Foss-bridge House. This house, in the Long-street, was given in 1599 to the vicar and churchwardens, and their successors, for the use of two poor people, (since rebuilt so as to form houses for four widows.)

THE REV. GEORGE WILSON's charity, who by will, in 1666. gave the rent of a close called North Moors, containing 5A. 2R.; to the needy poor, and for the supply of fuel to the Foss-bridge House.

Also 11A. OR. 5p. purchased by means of a fund then exis

ting, and conveyed to the Vicar and Churchwardens for the use

of the poor.

JOHN FOSTER'S rent charge of 10s. per annum, by will, in 1640, out of lands in Raskelf, for the like use.

NATHANIEL WILSON's rent charge of 30s. per annum, by will, in 1726, out of land called York Waths, 20s. for the poor and 10s. for a sermon on November 5.

MR. ROBERT DRIFFIELD 1712, gave by will, to the poor, the yearly rent of a broad Sand acre in the mill field.

ANN COBB 1728, gave by will, for ever, part of the annual rent of Tods Close, to buy bread for 12 of such of the poor inhabitants as are constant at church every Lord's Day, which is to be distributed in the church every Lord's Day, immediately after Divine Service.

GEORGE WESTERMAN's gift of the dividends on £200, old south sea annuities, vested in 1783, in the names of the Vicar and Churchwardens, to be laid out in bread for the poor.

JOHN RAPER'S charity, 1798, of £2 per annum to four housekeepers without trades, who have not received parish relief, and £1 to the teacher of the Sunday School.

THE REV. WM. COMBER'S charity, 1810, of the div £50, navy fives, for widows and poor housekeepers.

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WILLIAM KITCHEN's rent of two Roodlands by will ated urch

in 1761, out of an allotment called the Suskers, in the field, for the poor. Also 10s. to be paid yearly to 'he schoolmaster, out of the Raglands, for teaching a poor. ɔy. WILLIAM DRIFFIELD's gift, by will, dated 778,. est of £50 for teaching four poor children to real



THOMAS RAYNES's gift, 1713, recorded on his ALICE SMITH'S rent charge, 1698, of 40s. Thirsk lane Closes, for the yearly placing out prentice.

FRANCES DRIFFIELD's gift, 1676, of a ter lane, Easingwold, for the residence of four and the rent of twelve acres of land, for t apprenticing a poor boy.

WILLIAM COOPLAND's charity, 1759, inte clothing two poor boys.

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THOMAS WRAY'S charity, 1738, interest of £20 among four poor widows.

MR. WM. RAISBECK's gift, 1811, of the interest of £100 to the use of the Sunday School.

ANN DRIFFIELD's bequest Feb. 1834, £100 on government real security, invested in the names of the minister and churchwardens, for the purchase of bread to be distributed weekly on every Sabbath day to poor persons belonging to the parish of Easingwold, who attend divine service at the Parish Church.

To these may be added, though not recorded in the Church, a bequest of £150 stock in the three per cent consols made by Miss Margaret Whytehead, by will, dated April 14, 1840, for the payment of a mistress of the Sunday School, to be chosen by the Vicar, and for the purchase of Reward-books to be by him distributed at Christmas and Midsummer yearly.

A bequest by Mr. John Nicholson of Easingwold, who died Sept. 10, 1841, of £4 18s. Od, per annum, for the distribution of bread to poor widows or widowers on Easter-sunday, Whitsunday, and Christmas day, during ten years from the time of his decease, has lately expired.

Passing from the chancel to the body of the church we find one floor of the centre aisle, the memorials of

John Raper, who died Aug. 2, 1799 aged 62, and
Margaret Raper, who died July 14, 1828, aged 86.

At the west end of the south aisle is an enclosure containing two altar-tombs, that nearest the wall inscribed thus: ELIZABETH,

wife of T. P. Vic. (Thomas Prance, Vicar.) daughter of Ones: Paul, Rector of Warnbro' in com. Wilts. She lived 19 years in Marr and made not only one man happy, but, by a virtuous and lively conversation endear'd herself to all that knew her.

READER: she recommended many virtues to thy practice. I shall mention but one, which the Bd. Paul recommended, Phil. 2. 3rd. In lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than then lves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

In the practice of this and all other christian graces, she layde down her life

Mar. 24th, 1737, aged 50.

It was her request (and is ours) that her ashes may never be disturbed.

On the adjoining tomb, is the memorial of her husband, and probably the author of the above honourable tribute to her memory.

Hic Subtus Jacet

Vir probus & doctus

Qui Munus Pastorale,

quod per Annos undeuiginti
in hac Parochia Vicarius

Omni Virtute evangelica

expleuit & ornauit

Obiit 70. Decem. A.D., 1737.

Etatis 48.

Near to these is the following inscription:

Beneath this stone lies the Body of JOHN ARMITSTEAD, Clerk, who died 16th July, 1812, aged 77. He officiated as Vicar of this Parish upwards of 40 years, where his moderation and peaceful demeanour will long perpetuate his memory.

On other tombstones, at the west end of the church are commemorated—

Ann, wife of the above, who died Aug. 28, 1773, aged 41, Mary, his second wife, who died Jan. 19, 1802, aged 49, John, their son, who died Jan. 18, 1795, aged 13, and Mary, their daughter, who died Nov. 22, 1803, aged 17. The Rev. William Whytehead, late of Hornsea, born Aug. 3, 1729, died Aug. 8, 1817.

Robert Gray, of Broom Close House, who died May 7th, 1814, aged 64.

Jane, wife of William Lockwood, Junr., who died May 9, 1808, aged 30.

Jane, wife of the Rev. William Lockwood, interred here Nov.

29, 1829, aged 26, and

Rachael, second wife of Wm. Lockwood, Attorney-at-law, who died Apr. 18, 1828, aged 42.

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