Sidor som bilder

As prefence did present them; him in eye, Still him in praife:9 and, being present both, 'Twas faid, they faw but one; and no difcerner Durft wag his tongue in cenfure. When these funs (For fo they phrase them,) by their heralds challeng'd

The noble spirits to arms, they did perform

Beyond thought's compafs; that former fabulous


Being now feen poffible enough, got credit,
That Bevis was believ'd.2


O, you go far.

NOR. As I belong to worship, and affect In honour honesty, the tract of every thing 3 Would by a good difcourfer lose some life, Which action's felf was tongue to. All was royal; 4

[blocks in formation]

"So match'd, as each feem'd worthiest when alone."


Durft wag his tongue in cenfure.] Cenfure for determina

tion, of which had the noblest appearance.

See Vol. IV. p. 190, n. 4. MALONE.


2 That Bevis was believ'd.] The old romantick legend of Bevis of Southampton. This Bevis, (or Beavois,) a Saxon, was for his prowess created by William the Conqueror Earl of Southampton of whom Camden in his Britannia. THEOBALD.


3 the tract of every thing &c.] The courfe of these triumphs and pleasures, however well related, must lose in the defcription part of that fpirit and energy which were expreffed in the real action. JOHNSON.

•All was royal; &c.] This fpeech was given in all the editions to Buckingham; but improperly: for he wanted information, having kept his chamber during the folemnity. I have therefore given it to Norfolk. WARBURTON.

The regulation had already been made by Mr. Theobald.


To the difpofing of it nought rebell'd,
Order gave each thing view; the office did
Diftinctly his full function.5


Who did guide,

I mean, who fet the body and the limbs
Of this great sport together, as you guess?
NOR. One, certes," that promifes no element"
In fuch a business.



pray you, who, my lord? NOR. All this was order'd by the good discretion Of the right reverend cardinal of York.

Buck. The devil speed him! no man's pie is free'd

From his ambitious finger.

What had he

To do in these fierce vanities? I wonder,

5 the office did

Diftinctly his full function.] The commiffion for regulating this feftivity was well executed, and gave exactly to every particular person and action the proper place. JOHNSON.

certes,] An obfolete adverb, fignifying-certainly, in truth. So, in The Tempest:

"For, certes, these are people of the island." It occurs again in Othello, A&t I. fc. i.

It is remarkable, that, in the prefent inftance, the adverb certes must be founded as a monofyllable. It is well understood that old Ben had no fkill in the pronunciation of the French language; and the scene before us appears to have had some touches from his pen. By genuine Shakspeare certes is conftantly employed as a diffyllable. STEEVENS.

7 element-] No initiation, no previous practices. Elements are the first principles of things, or rudiments of knowledge. The word is here applied, not without a catachrefis, to a perfon. JOHNSON.


no man's pie is free'd

From his ambitious finger.] To have a finger in the pie, is a proverbial phrafe. See Ray, 244. REED.


fierce vanities?] Fierce is here, I think, used like

That fuch a keech' can with his very bulk
Take up the rays o' the beneficial fun,
And keep it from the earth.

Surely, fir,
There's in him ftuff that puts him to these ends:
For, being not propp'd by ancestry, (whofe grace
Chalks fucceffors their way,) nor call'd upon
For high feats done to the crown; neither allied
To eminent affiftants, but, spider-like,

Out of his felf-drawing web,' he gives us note,3
The force of his own merit makes his way;
A gift that heaven gives for him, which buys
A place next to the king.4

the French fier for proud, unless we fuppofe an allufion to the mimical ferocity of the combatants in the tilt. JOHNSON.

It is certainly used as the French word fier. So, in Ben Jonfon's Bartholomew Fair, the puritan fays, the hobby horse "is a fierce and rank idol." STEEVENS.

Again, in The Rape of Lucrece :

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Thy violent vanities can never last.”

In Timon of Athens, we have

"O the fierce wretchedness that glory brings!"


1 That fuch a keech-] A keech is a folid lump or mass. A cake of wax or tallow formed in a mould, is called yet in fome places, a keech. JOHNSON.

There may, perhaps, be a fingular propriety in this term of contempt. Wolfey was the fon of a butcher, and in The Second Part of King Henry IV. a butcher's wife is called-Goody Keech. STEEVENS.

2 Out of his felf-drawing web,] Thus it ftands in the first edition. The latter editors, by injudicious correction, have printed:

Out of his felf-drawn web. JOHNSON.

-he gives us note,] Old copy-O gives us &c. Corrected by Mr. Steevens. MALONE.

+ A gift that heaven gives for him, which buys

A place next to the king.] It is evident a word or two in

the fentence is misplaced, and that we should read:


I cannot tell

What heaven hath given him, let some graver eye Pierce into that; but I can fee his pride

Peep through each part of him :5 Whence has he that?

If not from hell, the devil is a niggard;
Or has given all before, and he begins
A new hell in himself.


Why the devil,

Upon this French going-out, took he upon him,
Without the privity o' the king, to appoint
Who fhould attend on him? He makes up the file
Of all the gentry; for the most part such

A gift that heaven gives; which buys for him
A place next to the king. WARBURTON.

It is full as likely that Shakspeare wrote:

gives to him,

which will fave any greater alteration. JOHNSON.

I am too dull to perceive the neceffity of any change. What he is unable to give himself, heaven gives or depofits for him, and that gift, or depofit, buys a place, &c. STEEvens.

I agree with Johnson that we should read:

A gift that heaven gives to him :

for Abergavenny fays in reply,

"I cannot tell

"What heaven hath given him :"

which confirms the juftness of this amendment. wife have thought Steevens's explanation right.

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I can fee his pride

Ihould other


Peep through each part of him:] So, in Troilus and Creffida:


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her wanton fpirits look out

"At every joint and motive of her body." STEEVENS.

the file-] That is, the lift. JOHNSON.

So, in Meafure for Measure: "The greater file of the fubject held the duke for wife." Again, in Macbeth :

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I have a file


"Of all the gentry

Too, whom as great a charge as little honour
He meant to lay upon and his own letter,
The honourable board of council out,"

Muft fetch him in he papers.8

I do know

Kinfmen of mine, three at the least, that have
By this fo ficken'd their eftates, that never
They fhall abound as formerly.


O, many

Have broke their backs with laying manors on them For this great journey. What did this vanity,

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council out,] Council not then fitting. JOHNSON. The expreffion rather means, "all mention of the board of council being left out of his letter." STEEVENS.

That is, left out, omitted, unnoticed, unconfulted with.


It appears from Holinshed, that this expreffion is rightly explained by Mr. Pope in the next note: without the concurrence of the council. "The peers of the realme receiving letters to prepare themselves to attend the king in this journey, and no apparent neceffarie caufe expreffed, why or wherefore, feemed to grudge that fuch a coftly journey fhould be taken in hand--without confent of the whole boarde of the Counfaille."


Muft fetch him in he papers.] He papers, a verb; his own letter, by his own fingle authority, and without the concurrence of the council, must fetch him in whom he papers down.—I don't understand it, unless this be the meaning.


Wolfey published a lift of the feveral perfons whom he had appointed to attend on the King at this interview. See Hall's Chronicle, Rymer's Foedera, Tom. XIII. &c. STEEVENS.

9 Have broke their backs with laying manors on them

For this great journey.] In the ancient Interlude of Nature, bl. 1. no date, but apparently printed in the reign of King Henry VIII. there feems to have been a fimilar ftroke aimed at this expenfive expedition :

"Pryde. I am unhappy, I fe it well,

"For the expence of myne apparell

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