The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Volym 15J. Johnson, 1803 |
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Sida 41
... answer'd , Tush ! It can do me no damage : adding further , That , had the king in his last sickness fail'd , The cardinal's and fir Thomas Lovell's heads Should have gone off . K. HEN . 8 Ha ! what , fo rank ? Ah , ha ! There's ...
... answer'd , Tush ! It can do me no damage : adding further , That , had the king in his last sickness fail'd , The cardinal's and fir Thomas Lovell's heads Should have gone off . K. HEN . 8 Ha ! what , fo rank ? Ah , ha ! There's ...
Sida 90
... answer , rifes out of her chair , goes about the court , " comes to the King , and kneels at his feet ; then speaks . ] Q. KATH . Sir , I defire you , do me right and justice ; 8 And to beftow your pity on me : for I am a moft poor ...
... answer , rifes out of her chair , goes about the court , " comes to the King , and kneels at his feet ; then speaks . ] Q. KATH . Sir , I defire you , do me right and justice ; 8 And to beftow your pity on me : for I am a moft poor ...
Sida 95
... answer . WARBURTON . I think , to fign , muft here be to show , to denote . By your outward meeknefs and humility , you how that you are of an holy order , but , & c . JOHNSON . So , with a kindred fenfe , in Julius Cæfar : " Sign'd in ...
... answer . WARBURTON . I think , to fign , muft here be to show , to denote . By your outward meeknefs and humility , you how that you are of an holy order , but , & c . JOHNSON . So , with a kindred fenfe , in Julius Cæfar : " Sign'd in ...
Sida 99
... answer- able . A fimilar phrase occurs in Macbeth : 66 Stop up the accefs and passage to remorse . " Yet the fenfe in which thefe words have hitherto been received may be the true one . STEEVENS . 7 on my honour , I Speak my good lord ...
... answer- able . A fimilar phrase occurs in Macbeth : 66 Stop up the accefs and passage to remorse . " Yet the fenfe in which thefe words have hitherto been received may be the true one . STEEVENS . 7 on my honour , I Speak my good lord ...
Sida 104
... answer , in p . 108 , is exactly conformable to that which he has recorded , and which he appears to have heard her pronounce . MALONE . Enter a Gentleman . Q. KATH . How now ? 104 KING HENRY VIII . ACT III. SCENE I. ...
... answer , in p . 108 , is exactly conformable to that which he has recorded , and which he appears to have heard her pronounce . MALONE . Enter a Gentleman . Q. KATH . How now ? 104 KING HENRY VIII . ACT III. SCENE I. ...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volym 15 William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1809 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and ..., Volym 15 William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1809 |
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Achilles Æneas againſt AGAM Agamemnon Ajax alfo anſwer Antony and Cleopatra becauſe buſineſs Calchas cardinal Creffida CRES defire Diomed doth Duke eringoes Exeunt faid fame fays fecond feems fenfe fhall fhould firft firſt folio fome fpeech ftand ftate ftill ftrong fuch fuppofe fweet fword GENT Grecian Greeks Hanmer hath heaven HECT Hector Helen highneſs himſelf Holinfhed honour inftance itſelf JOHNSON KATH King Henry King Richard III king's lady lord Lord Chamberlain MALONE means meaſure Menelaus moft moſt muft muſt Neftor Neoptolemus noble obferves old copy paffage Pandarus Patroclus perfon play pleaſe pleaſure praiſe prefent Priam prince purpoſe quarto queen reafon ſay Shakspeare ſhall ſhe Sir Thomas Hanmer ſpeak STEEVENS thee thefe THEOBALD THER Therfites theſe thofe thoſe thou Troilus Trojan Troy Ulyffes ULYSS uſed WARBURTON whofe Wolfey word