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the magiftrate for that purpose, with their profeffion, and manner of living. Solon inferted this cuftom among his laws.

He built many magnificent temples, especially at Sais the place of his birth. Herodotus admired efpecially a chapel there, formed of one fingle stone, and which was twenty one cubits in front, fourteen in depth, and eight in height; its demenfions within were not quite fo large: It had been brought from Elephantina, and two thousand men had employed three years, in conveying it along the Nile.

AMASIS had a great efteem for the Greeks. He granted them large privileges; and permitted fuch of them as were defirous of fettling in Egypt, to live in the city of Naucratis, fo famous for its harbour. When the rebuilding of the temple of Delphi, which had been burnt, was debated on, and the expence was computed at three hundred talents, Amafis furnished the Delphians with a very confiderable fum towards difcharging their quota which was the fourth part of the whole charge.

He made an alliance with the Cyrenians, and married a wife from among them.

He is the only King of Egypt who conquered the ifland of Cyprus, and made it tributary.

UNDER his reign Pythagoras came into Egypt, he having been recommended to that Monarch by the famous Polycrates, tyrant of Samos, who was joined in ftrict friendship with Amafis, and will be mentioned hereafter. Pythagoras, during his ftay in Egypt, was initiated in all the myfteries of the country; and inftructed by the priests in whatever was most abftrufe and important in their religion. 'Twas here he imbibed his doctrine of the Metempfychofis, or tranfmigration of fouls.

In the expedition in which Cyrus conquered fo great a part of the world, Egypt doubtlefs was fubdued, like the rest of the provinces; and Xenophon deThe cubit is one foot and almost ten inches. Vide fupra.

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clares this in the beginning of his Cyropedia or inftitution of that Prince. Probably, after that the forty years of defolation which had been prophefied by the prophet, were expired; Egypt beginning gradually to recover itself, Amafis fhook off the yoke, and recovered his liberty.

ACCORDINGLY we find, that one of the first cares of Cambyfes the fon of Cyrus, after he had afcended the throne, was to carry his arms into Egypt. On his arrival there, Amafis was juft dead, and was fucceeded by his fon Pfammenitus.

PSAMMENITUS, Cambyfes, after having gained a battle, pursued the vanquished enemy to Mem3479, before Jephis; befieged the city, and foon won it: However fus Chrift he treated the King with clemency, granted him his 525. life, and affigned him an honourable penfion; but being informed that he was fecretly concerting meafures to re-afcend his throne, he put him to death. Pfammenitus reigned but fix months: All Egypt fubmitted immediately to the victor. The particulars of this hiftory fhall be related more at large, when I come to that of Cambyfes.

HERE ends the fucceffion of the Egyptian Kings.. From this æra the hiftory of this nation, as was be. fore obferved, will be blended with that of the Perfians and Greeks, till the death of Alexander. At that period, a new Monarchy will arife in Egypt, founded by Ptolemy the fon of Lagus, which will continue to Cleopatra, that is, for about three hundred years. I fhall treat each of thefe fubjects, in the feveral periods to which they belong.

* Επῆρξε δὲ καὶ Ἑλλήνων τῶν ἐν τῇ Ασία, καταβὰς δὲ ἐπὶ θάλασσαν xai Kuweśar xai Aiyuzlía, p. 5. Edit. Hutchinfoni.








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HAT I have to fay concerning the Carthaginians fhall be divided into two Parts. In the firft, fhall be given a general Idea of the Manners of this People, of their Character, their Government, their Religion, their Power, and their Riches. In the second, after fome Notice taken by what Steps Carthage establish'd and increas'd her Power, I fhall enter upon a Relation of the Wars by which the became fo famous.

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