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SECT. I. CARTHAGE Form'd upon the Model of TYRUS, of which She was a Colony.

HE Carthaginians ow'd to the Tyrians not only their Origin, but their Manners, their Language, their Cuftoms, their Laws, their Religion, their Tafte for, and Application to Commerce, as the whole Sequel will declare. They spoke the fame Language with the Tyrians, or rather with the Canaanites and Ifraelites, that is to fay, the Hebrew Tongue, from Bochard, which the Tyrian was, at leaft, entirely deriv'd. Their Part 2. Names had commonly fome particular Meaning: B. 2. c. 16. Thus Hanno fignify'd gracious, bountiful; Dido,

amiable or well belov'd; Sophonisba, one who keeps faithfully her Husband's Secrets, From a Spirit of


Facing Page 113.

Rollin's Hift. Vol. I.

H. Gravelot, delin

Le Bas foulp

HANNIBAL at hine Years of Age, Swearing Enmity to the Romans. P

Published Feb. 1. 1754, by J & P. Knapton


Religion they likewife joyn'd the Name of God to their own, agreeably to the Genius of the Hebrews. Hannibal, which answers to Ananias, fignifies Baal (or the Lord) has been gracious to me. Afdrubal anfwering to Azarias, fignifies the Lord will be our Succour. It is thus with other Names, Adherbal, Maharbal, Maftanabal, &c. The Word Pani, from which comes Punic, is the fame with Pheni or Phenicians, becaufe they drew their Origin from Phenicia. In the Panulus of Plautus is a Scene which has much exercis'd the Wits of the Learned ".

BUT the ftrict and close Union, which always fubfifted between the Phenicians and Carthaginians, is fomething still more remarkable. When Cambyfes Herodot. refolv'd upon a War with these laft, the Phenicians, L. 3. c. 17 who form'd the Strength of his Naval Army, told 19. him plainly that they cou'd not ferve him againft their Countrymen; and this Declaration oblig'd him to defift. The Carthaginians on their Side were never forgetful of the Place from whence they came, and drew their Origin. They fent regularly every Polyb. Year to Tyrus, a Ship loaden with Prefents as a Legationi Quit-rent or Acknowledgment paid to their ancient 114. Country; and her tutelar Gods had an annual Sa-Curt. L crifice offer'd to them by Carthage as to her own Protectors. The firft Fruits of their Revenues were never neglected to be fent, nor the Tithe of the Spoils and Booty taken from their Enemies, as Of ferings to Hercules, one of the principal Gods of Tyrus and Carthage. The Tyrians, to fecure from Alexander, befieging their City, the most dear Parts of themselves, their Wives and Children, fent them to Carthage, where, in the Time of a War greatly ftraitening that City, they were receiv'd and enter tain'd with a Kindness and a Generofity, fuch as might be expected from Parents at once the mof

The firft Scene of the 5th A tranflated into Latin by Pe

tit in the fecond Book of his Mif-

4. 9. 2, 3

I 2


n. I


⚫n. 21.

tender and opulent. These conftant Marks of a
warm and fincere Acknowledgment are more ho-
nourable to any Nation than the most extended Con-
quefts, and the moft glorious Victories.


Tappears from feveral Paffages of the Hiftory

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of Carthage that her Generals regarded as an effential indifpenfable Duty, the beginning and ending all Enterprizes with the Worship of the Gods. Liv. 1. 21. Amilcar Father of the great Hannibal before he entered Spain as an Enemy, was careful to facrifice to the Gods; and his Son, treading in his Steps, before he left Spain to march against Rome, repair'd to Cadiz to pay his Vows made to Hercules, and make new ones, if that God was propitious to him. After the Battle of Canne, when he acquainted Carthage with the joyful News, he recommended above all things a Thanksgiving to the Gods for the Victories granted by them to his Arms b.

L. 7.


NOR was a religious honouring of the Deity the Ambition of private Perfons only; it was the Genius and Humour of the whole Nation.

POLYBIUS has tranfmitted to us a Treaty of P. 697. Peace between Philip King of Macedon and the Carthaginians, wherein the Refpect of the latter for the Deity, their intimate Perfuafion of the Gods affifting and prefiding over human Actions, and particularly folemn Treaties made in their Name, Sight and Prefence, are fenfibly difplay'd. There we find mention'd five or fix different Orders of Divinities; and this Enumeration appears very extraordinary in a publick A&t, fuch as is a Treaty of Peace between two Empires. I fhall give my Reader the very

b Pro his tantis totque victoriis libus agi haberique. Liv. 1, 23. verum effe grates Diis immorta

n. II.


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