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ectly consonant with the strictest decorum, with the most refined spiritual sensibility? Shall science, hall politics, shall literature, have their special services, and not religion? How likely a plan is it to rouse the minds of the careless--to fix the thoughts of the volatile--to decide the choice of the wavering -and to kindle the ardour of the lukewarm, thus to arry on a succession of appeals to them through a whole week? Keep out extravagance, let there be no nxious seat, no vociferation, no extravagant appeals o the passions; but only the vivid, solemn, and faithul exhibition of the truth. As one minister, the astor, may not have strength enough for such serices, another, or more than one, may be called on to ssist him. During all this while, much prayer hould ascend from the Church for the divine blessing o come down upon such efforts. What can be ob ected to in such a scheme? Who has ever tried it without a blessed result? What, in fact, were the abours of Whitefield and Wesley, yea, what were the bours of apostles, but such continuous services as hese? It is said of the blessed Paul, he disputed, r as it signifies by a better translation, discoursed, laily in the school of Tyrannus.

On writing for his opinion on this subject to one whom God has honoured and blessed in his efforts, and who is one of the most devout and sober-minded of our brethren, he thus replies to my inquiries: "I chink that, considering the state of the churches generally, there is a call for something of this kind. The ministers are unsettled, which they would not be f they were doing good. I am sorry to say also the churches are often dissatisfied with their ministers, in evil which would be obviated were more good accomplished. It appears to me that special efforts, f wisely conducted, would be productive of much benefit; first of all, to the ministers themselves, in eaching them to understand better the nature of the work in which they are engaged. They would be led to know more how to aim at the conversion of sinners n their preaching. Secondly, it would do much ood to the churches in arousing them to a better conception of their calling and duty, and they would cquire more of the taste for seeing good done, which vould render them discontented with the desolation round them, and constrain them to give themselves more to prayer for the outpouring of the Spirit. When a church has once witnessed a season of revival, it is much more likely to witness the same again and again, than one that knows nothing of it but by hearsay. Thirdly, the world around the church where the special effort is made will often receive an impression, the effects of which are visible for many years. Thoughts are first started in the mind which are not for long after matured into conversion. This I look upon as the greatest of all the benefits derived from special efforts. A leaven is cast into the community, which makes the regular preaching of the gospel afterwards much more efficacious. I am sure this was the case at C, and I have reason to believe it has been the case at other places also."

This is the testimony of reason and experience, and cannot be gainsaid. Similar testimony is borne by all who have had the courage to institute such serIvices, the fervour necessary for their efficiency, and the discretion requisite to conduct them with propriety.

THE SECRET OF POWERFUL PREACHING. No sermon preached in New England has acquired greater celebrity than that preached by President Edwards at Enfield, July 8, 1741, from the words, Their foot shall slide in due time." "When they

went into the meeting house the appearance of the assembly was thoughtless and vain; the people hardly conducted themselves with common decency." But. as the preacher proceeded, it is certain that the audience was so overwhelmed with distress and weeping, that the preacher "was obliged to speak to the people and desire silence that he might be heard;" and a powerful revival followed. And it is said that a minister in the pulpit, in the agitation of his feelings, caught the preacher by the skirt, and cried, Mr E., Mr E., is not God a God of mercy?" and that hearers were seen unconsciously bracing themselves against the pillars and the sides of the pews, as if they already felt themselves sliding into the bottomless pit. This fact is often cited simply as a proof of President Edwards' peculiar eloquence---the more striking because it was his habit simply to read from his notes without gestures.

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But there is another element to be taken into the account in explaining this result. The following quotation will exhibit it. "While the people of the neighbouring towns were in great distress for their souls, the inhabitants of Enfield were very secure, loose, and vain. A lecture had been appointed there; and the neighbouring people were so affected at the thoughtlessness of the inhabitants, and in such fears that God would in his righteous judgment pass them by, as to be prostrate before him a considerable part of the evening previous, supplicating mercy for their souls. When the time appointed for the lecture came, a number of the neighbouring ministers attended, and some from a distance;" a proof of the extent of prayerful interest in behalf of the town. Here, then, we have the secret of the powerful impression of that sermon, in the fact that Christians in the churches around, themselves under the unusual influences of God's Spirit, were offering their fervent prayers for God's blessing on that sermon.

Another sermon, the immediate results of which were perhaps more striking than the results of any sermon of modern times, was preached by Mr Livingstone, in Scotland. This, also, is often cited as an illustration of the power of eloquence. But in the old work by Robert Fleming of Rotterdam, entitled, "The Fulfilling of the Scriptures," will be found precisely the same explanation of these extraordinary results:-"I must also mention that solemn communion at the Kirk of Shotts, June 20, 1630, at which time there was so convincing an appearance of God, and down-pouring of the Spirit even in an extraordinary way, that did follow the ordinances; especially that sermon on the Monday, 21st June, with a strange unusual motion on the hearers, who in a great multitude were there convened of divers ranks, that it was known (which I can speak on sure ground) near five hundred had at that time a discernible change wrought on them, of whom most proved lively Christians afterwards. It was the sowing of a seed through Clydesdale, so as many of the most eminent Christians in that country could date either their conversion or some remarkable confirmation in their case from that day. And truly this was the more remarkable, that one after much reluctance, by a special and unexpected providence, was called to


preach that sermon on the Monday, which then was not usually practised; and that night before, by most of the Christians there, was spent in prayer; so that the Monday's work as a convincing return of prayer might be discerned." Here then is the secret. Christians having received on the Sabbath an anointing from on high, spent the night in that wrestling and prevailing prayer which such an anointing alone calls into exercise."

These two extraordinary facts, therefore, are to be cited as examples, not of the power of eloquence, but of the power of prayer.-Puritan Recorder.


MR RAVENCROSS was a slaveholder in Virginia, and reputed a hard master. His poor distressed slaves were in the habit of meeting at night in a distant ut, for the purpose of worshipping God. He was nformed of this, and at the same time put on his uard, as it was suspected their motives for meeting were different from what they held out, and that an insurrection might be the consequence. Under this Any ression he determined to prevent their assemling in future, chastised the promoters of this work, nd gave positive orders, under the most serious enalty, that they should never assemble again under ny pretence whatever. A short time after he was old they had been seen going in a body into the hut. Much displeased at their disobedience, and resolving hat night to put a stop to their proceedings, he pproached the hut with all the feelings of an offenddmaster. When he reached the door, it was partly pen. He looked in; they were on their knees. He istened; there was a venerable old man, who had beca long in his service, pouring out his soul in prayer to God. The first words which caught his car were, "Merciful God, turn my poor massa's heart: make him merciful, that he may obtain mercy; make him good, that he may inherit the ingdom of heaven." He heard no more, but fainted. Upon coming to himself he wept, went into the acred hut, knelt by the side of his old slave, and prayed also! From this period, he became a true Penitent, studied the Scriptures, took orders, and became a shining light. He preached at the general convention of the Episcopal church, in the city of Philadelphia, before more than two hundred of the clergy, in the year 1820.


WHEN Mr Thomas Goodwin, who died in the prime of life in the year 1658, was on his deathbed, a friend visited him, and recommended submission to the will of God. Goodwin assented to the propriety of the counsel given, and added, “But my desire is to reach further, and not only to submit, which an ordinary Christian may do, but to raise myself to courage and cheerfulness under the rod. Blessed be God, that hitherto I can date his choicest mercies from some great affliction." Have the afflictions of the reader been thus sanctified?

A few days before his death, he overheard the physician expressing his fears that the disease would prove fatal. This led him to a very solemn selfexamination. “I did all along in my sickness," said


set my heart to labour for a sanctified use of the Lord's hand; but overhearing that, I thought it needful to look most carefully into my heart as to evidences for eternity; and truly, upon a thorough search of my heart, I bless God I find good old


evidences though I be but a young man, and they stick very close to me. But one thing troubles and afflicts my spirit very much, that when I grew very serious, being exercised about serious work, the search of my heart for eternity-evidences, I perceived this seriousness of mine was judged by some to be melancholy for fear of death. Now this, indeed, troubles me very much, that any should take me to be such an one who am afraid to die."

Just before his death, he discoursed with great power concerning the sweetness and fulness of Christ. His last words were-" Well, it is a sweet thing when he that speaks of Christ hath Christ dwelling in him at the time when he speaks." Why should not every Christian possess the same clear eternity-evidences, and attain the same nearness to



WHEN visiting America, Mr Whitefield often stood Street, at the corner of Second, in Philadelphia, and on the outside steps of the court-house, in Market preached to thousands who crowded the streets below. On one of these occasions, a youth pressed as near to his favourite preacher as possible; and, to testify his respect, held a lantern for his accommodation. Soon after the sermon began, he became so absorbed in the subject, that the lantern fell from his hand, and was dashed to pieces; and that part of the audience in the immediate vicinity of the speaker's station were not a little discomposed by the occurrence.

Some years after, Mr Whitefield, in the course of his fifth visit to America, about the year 1754, on a journey from the southward, called at St George's. in Delaware, where Mr (afterwards Dr) Rodgers (one of the ablest and most spiritual ministers of his day) was then settled in the ministry, and spent some time with him. In the course of this visit, Mr Rodgers, riding one day with his visitor in a close carriage,

asked him whether he recollected the occurrence of the little boy who was so much affected with his preaching as to let the lantern fall. Mr Whitefield answered, "Oh, yes! I remember it well; and hath often thought I would give almost any thing in my power to know who that little boy was, and what has become of him." Mr Rodgers replied, with a smile, "I am that little boy." Mr Whitefield, with tears of joy, started from his seat, clasped him in his arms, and with strong emotions remarked, that he was the fourteenth person then in the ministry whom he had discovered in the course of that visit to America, of whose hopeful conversion he had been the instrument.


AN excellent but somewhat eccentric clergyman, one Sabbath, at the close of the services, gave notice to his congregation that in the course of the week he expected to go on a mission to the heathen. The members of his Church were struck with alarm and sorrow at the sudden and unexpected loss of their beloved pastor, and one of the deacons, in great agitation, exclaimed, "What shall we do?" "Oh, brother C-," said the minister, with great apparent ease, "I don't expect to go out of town!"


THE humble, weary, and anxious toils of the nursery, sometimes need glimpses of the future, to impart to them their true dignity and value. Let any mother who feels that she is of small value, and that her duties and cares are of little account, ponder over such incidents as these:

On the east of Long Island, in one of the most secluded spots in this country, more than thirty years ago, a mother, whose rare intellectual and moral endowments were known to but few, made one day

this simple record:

"This morning I rose very early to pray for my children, and especially that my sons may be minister and missionaries of Jesus Christ."

A number of years after, a friend who was present, thus describes the mother's dying hour: "Owing to extreme weakness, her mind wandered, and her con

versation was broken; but as she entered the valley of the shadow of death, her soul lighted up and gilded its darkness. She made a feeling and most appropriate prayer, and told her husband that her views and anticipations had been such that she could scarcely sustain them, and that if they had been increased, she should have been overwhelmed; that her Saviour had blessed her with constant peace, and that through all her sickness she had never prayed for life. She dedicated her five sons to God as ministers and mis sionaries of Jesus Christ, and said that her greatest desire was, that her children might be trained up for


"She spoke with joy of the advancement of the kingdom of Christ, and of the glorious day now ushering in. She attempted to speak to her children, but was so exhausted, and their crics and subs were such, that she could say but little. Her husband then offered up a prayer, in which he gave her back to God, and dedicated all they held in common to him. She then fell into a sweet sleep, from which she awoke in heaven."

The prayers of this mother have been answered. All her eight children have been "trained up for God." Her five sons are all "ministers and missionaries of Jesus Christ." And the late Rev. George Beecher was the first of her offspring whom she welcomed to heaven.


THE Rev. Solomon Stoddard of Northampton, the predecessor of the far-famed President Edwards, was engaged by his people on an emergency. They soon found themselves disappointed, for he gave no indications of a renewed and serious mind. In this difficulty their resource was prayer. They agreed to set apart a day for special fasting and prayer, in reference to their pastor. Many of the persons meeting for this purpose had necessarily to pass the door of the minister. Mr Stoddard hailed a plain man whom he knew, and addressed him, "What is all this? What is doing to-day?" The reply was, "The people, sir, are meeting to pray for your conversion." It sunk into his heart. He exclaimed to himself, "Then it is time I prayed for myself!" He was not seen that day. He was seeking in solitude what they were asking in company; and while they were yet speaking," they were heard and answered. The pastor gave unquestionable evidence of the change; he laboured amongst a beloved and devoted people for nearly half a century; and was, for that period, deservedly ranked among the most able and useful of Christian ministers.


IN one of the lectures addressed to his students on the composition of sermons, Dr Stanford says: -"I cannot deny myself tle pleasure of stating, that many years ago I met with a plain yet good old minister, who, in conversation with me on the subject of the composition of a sermon, very plea santly said, "I know of no better rule than the proportions observable in the structure of the human body. Let your introduction be short, like the head the body of your sermon of the solids of divine truth; of the man, round, and full of expression. Make up but be sure that Christ be the heart, and the Spirit of God like the lungs, to produce respiration. The legs to run after every class of your hearers; and a pair of arms tenderly to embrace them. This may appear to you a little fanciful, but I must confess, however singular the description, yet to my mind it seemed worthy of being remembered."

[blocks in formation]

What is a saint, but a stranger and pilgrim upon earth-a man in a strange country travelling homeward? So David professed himself; and so those worthies who are now at home in heaven professed themselves. A viaticum contents a traveller; he will not encumber himself with superflu us things, which would rather clog and tire, than expedite and help him in his journey.

In company, set a guard upon your tongue; in solitude, upon your heart.

Diogenes used to say, " Other dogs bite their enemies, but I my friends, that I may save them."

Seest thou a man diligent in his business ?-he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before

mean men.

Sir Peter Lely made it a rule never to look at a bad picture, having found by experience that whenever he did so, his pencil took a tint from it. Apply the same rule to bad books and bad company.

What is misfortune? Whatever separates us from God. What a blessing? Every means of approximation to him No right opinions, clearness of comprehension, or fulness of belief in religious matters, signify any thing to our establishment and conversion, unless they are from God. The crosses and mortifications we meet with from others are a precious means of humbling, instructing, and improving us; we should be undone without them. If God gives internal comfort, it is not that we may live upon it, but to support and animate us to some further end. Adam.




The Fall of the First Leaf.

Now the setting sun casts its slanting ray over
bare fields and full barn-yards; the embrown-
ing shade is stealing over the woods; the plovers
congregate, showing and hiding by turns, in
their rapid evolutions, their white breast and
back; the partridges emit their harsh sound
from the fresh stubble; the shortening day and
lengthening nights-all tell that the year is

"Tending to the darksome hollows,
Where the frosts of winter lie"

Still, there are days full of enjoyment and
sacred to meditation, in which autumn meets
the lingering summer-days in which a stray
swallow may be seen, and the last butterfly is
on the wing. In one of these delightsome days,
walking in an alcove of trees, where the broken
sunbeams were struggling through the thick
branches, and the gnats were besporting them-
selves during their little hour, and the only
sound which broke the stillness was the song
of the red-breast, with its sweet cadences and
pauses, a gentle rustle was heard amid the foli-
age-the rustle of a moment-and a beech leaf,
undulating for a little in the air, lighted noise-
lessly on the ground. It was the falling of the
first leaf we had observed, and it carried the
mind away into many grave reflections.

It told of decay. It resembles the first grey hair, or the first loosening tooth, or the first

occasion on which a man is made convincingly

to feel that his legs have not the strength which they once knew, or some other of the numberless messengers of ebbing vigour. The prophet Hosea says of Ephraim, "Yea, grey hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knows it not." This is spoken in reproof. For man's

wisdom is to know his weakness. The lesson
is great gain when we learn practically and
personally that our strength is not the strength
of stones, nor our bones brass.

"O, let the soul in slumber break,
Arouse its senses and awake,

To see how soon

Life, with its glories, glides away,

And the stern footsteps of decay

Come stealing on!"

know that thou will bring me to death, and to the house appointed for all living."

This little leaf had served its end in the vegetable economy. It had expanded itself in delicate green from the manifold enwrappings of the bud; it had fluttered joyously in the breeze, it had glanced in the sunshine; along with its fellows it had served to expand the surface of the tree on which it had hung, preparing its juices and ministering to its nourishment; but the leaf as superfluous, and it falls, to be for a now the end is gained, nature rids herself of and then to rot and decay, and to be trampled time the sport and plaything of the winds, under foot. The fall of the leaf is not a single result. It is symptomatic of the fall of all its fellows. The frosts will loosen them, the winds will shake them, and they will drop off honours become a leafless scene. in showers, until the forest bereft of its So falls man. At times singly and silently.

Again as with an overflowing flood they are carried away. fearful force, and multitudes are hurried into As in the late mortality, death smites with a an unexpected grave. Let me meditate gratitude for preservation when death's shafts have

been flying thick through the land! And yet
it is at best only a difference of time; when
few years are over and gone, we all must go
whence there is no return.



Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all the

men of that generation."

Scripture overlooks not the fall of the leaf. Amid confessions of sin are those affecting words placed, "We all do fade as a leaf." They tell of decay and decline not only in the natural, but in the spiritual world. "We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities like the wind have taken us


As we tread amid the scattered leaves of autumn, let us humble our proud hearts, for each leaf may be a monitor to us of impressions which have faded, and of resolutions which have failed. If grace is implanted and

My soul, seek thou Job's knowledge: "I maintained, it is by the power and repeated

renewals of Him who is the author of it, to the glory of whose grace be all the praise. That falling leaf may admonish me of the first step of a declining course which hastens on to more ungodliness, until, one by one, all the symbols and evidences of spirituality disappear, and the poor soul is left all the more hardened and the more hopeless. The latter end of that man is worse than the first.

It is the voice of the Church's lamentation, when driven by God's visitations to the pure and wholesome fountains of true penitence. By these rivers she sits and she weeps; and, sympathizing with decaying nature, she bewails in sorrow her past defections. She reviews the state of religion, and sees much total prayerlessness, and more formal, ineffectual prayer- -a withdrawing and a smiting God. Yet embracing in her fellowship "the small remnant" cast down, but not forsaken, she cleaves in faith to her covenant God. "But now, O Lord, thou art our Father. Be not wroth very sore, O Lord, neither remember iniquity for ever; behold, see, we beseech thee, we are all thy people." In this spirit may the Church at present conduct her inquiries and her exercises regarding the condition of religion in our land.

that prayer is useless, because in all her operations nature is uniform.]

Every event in nature or history has a cause in some prior event that went before it, and that again in another, and that again in another still higher than itself in this scale of precedeney; and so might we climb our ascending way from cause to cause, from consequent to antecedent, till the investigation has been carried upwards, from the farthest possible verge of human discovery. There it is that the domain of observation or of philosophy terminates; but we mistake if we think that there the progression, whose terms or whose footsteps we have traced thus far, also terminates. Beyond this limit we can. not track the pathway of causation, not because the pathway ceases, but because we have lost sight of it, having now retired from view among the depths and mysteries of an unknown region, which we, with our bounded faculties, cannot enter. This may be termed the region of faith-placed as it were above the region of experience. The things which are done in the higher, have an overruling influence, by lines of transmission, on all that happens in the lower, yet without one breach or interruption to the uniformity of visible nature. Whatever is done in the transcendental region-be it by the influence of prayer; by the immediate finger of God; by the ministry of angels; by the spontaneous movements, whether of displeasure or of mercy above, responding to the sins or to the supplicating cries that ascend from earth's inhabitants below-that will pass by a descending influence into the palpable region of sense and observation; yet, from the moment it comes within its miracle, but by the march and the movement of limits, will it proceed without the semblance of a nature's regularity, to its final consummation. God hath in wisdom ordained a regimen of general laws; and, that man might gather from the memory of the But what of that land itself? Behold, in every past those lessons of observation which serve for the case which emerges fresh instances of growing guidance of the future, he hath enacted that all those corruption. Britain, once the fortress of Pro- successions shall be invariable which have their place and their fulfilment within the world of sensitestantism, pandering in her legislation to Poble experience. Yet God has not, on that account, pish and Socinian influence-her Sabbaths made the world independent of himself. He keeps a violated-her Government deaf to the voice of perpetual hold on all its events and processes notwithstanding. He does not dissever himself, for a God's judgments, and to the remonstrances of single instant, from the government and the guardianthe Christian community-obstinately bent on ship of his own universe; and can still, notwithstandnew encroachments-and, as if testifying to ing all we see of nature's rigid uniformity, adapt the every eye the currency of ungodliness, with-forthgoings of his power to all the wants and all the prayers of his dependent family. For this purpose, drawing from her last coinage all acknowledge- he does not need to stretch forth his hand on the ments of the Highest.* Where is now the inferior and the visible links of any progression, so as to shift the known successions of experience; or at Protestant spirit of the Brunswick race? Sleeps all to intermeddle with the lessons and the laws of it in the grave of the departed? Is the age of this great schoolmaster. He may work in secret, and Christian legislation for the present gone? Ye yet perform all his pleasure, not by the achievement of a miracle on nature's open platform, but by the' that fear the Lord, and love your country, touch of one or other of those master springs which arise, anoint the shield, and be ye valiant for lie within the recesses of her inner laboratory. the truth. There, and at his place of supernal command by the fountain heads of influence, he can turn whithersoever he will the machinery of our world, and without the possibility by human eye of detecting the least intringement on any of its processes-at once upholding the regularity of visible nature, and the supremacy of nature's invisible God.


[THE following is a portion of a sermon preached by
Dr Chalmers on this subject, during the visitation
of cholera in 1832. It furnishes an eloquent and un-
answerable reply to the common Infidel objection,

* The florin, which has been issued from the mint lately, has not the usua! inscription, "Victoria, by the grace of God Queen," but only "Victoria, Queen."

When the sigh of the midnight storm sends fearful agitation into a mother's heart, as she thinks of her sailor boy, now exposed to its fury, on the waters of a distant ocean-these stern disciples of a hard and stern infidelity would, on this notion of a rigid and impracticable constancy in nature, forbid her prayers, holding them to be as impotent and vain, though addressed to the God who has all the elements in his

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