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and benevolent intention so conspicuous in this volume, to have pronounced, that what experience proves to be a pernicious folly, is suited to no age. We must also protest against the morality of such a passage as the following: "I should feel highly gratified, could I suppose it possible that I shall persuade any one old gentleman" (she is speaking of old beaux that affect youth) instead of talking nonsense to girls who laugh at him, to join their mothers and aunts at the whisttable." If these two occupations are the only alternative, why may not the poor old wretch choose which he likes best, alledging that the prettier fools, even though they do laugh at him, are the more pleasant set of the two? But it is wrong for a writer, who reveres what this writer professes to revere, to seem to allow that either of these employments can be the proper one, for a miserable creature in danger of that last and deepest curse, to close a life of folly by a death without repentance. As she makes repeated references, in a serious and explicit manner, to those future prospects, a right contemplation of which would dictate a plan of life widely different from what is generally in vogue in polished society, she ought not to have shewn the least tolerance to any thing essentially incompatible with the principles of such a plan. There is no pardoning one sentence, that sanctions such things as balls for young people, and whist for old ones, in a book which sometimes alludes to the Supreme Judge, to the improvement of time, to the period of retribution, and to eternity. It cannot be too often repeated, that Christianity will be an absolute monarch or nothing, that it has pronounced an irreversible execration on those vain habits of which the things just specified are a part and an evidence, and that a man positively must reject them or reject it. The general rectitude of our author's judgement has been beguiled, by her intercourse with the world, out of an accurate perception of the aspect which Christianity bears on some of the world's habits. And therefore a few of her strictures are content to propose a modification, of what they should have condemned to destruction.

We will select a few specimens of the illustrations, which give a spirited and entertaining, as well as instructive character, to this volume.

It is too often a fact that the obscure petitioner will be harshly refused, while the genteel charity is cheerfully engaged in; of this a strong instance occurs to me which I cannot help relating. I one day applied to a rich and elegant Lady for some relief for a poor family, whom I knew to be in the greatest distress, owing to the father's extreme illness preventing him from the daily labour by which he maintained a lying-in wife, and several children, one of whom had lately had the misfortune of breaking a leg. I was not a little hurt to be answered with the greatest cold

ness, "that it was impossible to relieve every body that was in want ; and that she had already given all she chose to give in charity to Lady in order to help her poor coachman to Bath, to visit his friends, and perhaps try the efficacy of the waters for his stomach." "But," said I, "these good people are your neighbours, the father has often worked in your grounds, they are worthy, and in great distress." "And what of that replied my acquaintance, "I can't maintain all the people I hear of; besides, you know, there is such a thing as the parish, let them apply to that." I presently took my leave, when, on going out of the house, I was stopped by a footman, (whom I had observed to linger in the room busy in repairing the fire, for a considerable time during our conversation} who, with tears in his eyes, said to me, slipping a couple of shillings into my hand," I have known honest Tom for years; I wish this were more; but such as it is he is heartily welcome." I went away delighted; and, as may easily be imagined, not without thinking of the poor widow and her mite.' p. 14.

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It is amusing to imagine the airs and attitudes in which the lady alluded to will display her mildness and her charms, if she should happen to read this story. In that case, we hope this footman will be far enough out of her way. better, we will assure him, be caught in any hail-storm that will happen this winter, than be within reach of my lady's bell when she reads this paragraph. Our worthy Author, too, had better meet Hecate and all her witches, than come in the way of this personage about the same good time. It was from her having given a great number of illustrations in this manner, from real facts and persons, that we were induced to express our concern, that she may have philosophy enough to brave the spite which her temerity may have provoked.

It is not for us to say whether she is as correct as she is humourous, and what is sometimes called wicked, in the fol lowing passages, on the affectation of cowardice.

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Fear produces so much compassion, that there is no occasion on which it may not be pretty for a lady to be alarmed. She may scream if the carriage goes a little awry; or if she should unfortunately be forced to enter a ferry-boat; or perhaps the nasty wasp may sting her. And then to shriek, and put herself in elegant attitudes, as she flies round the room to avoid it, is delicate, and interests the attention of the gentleman, who endeavours to destroy this disturber of the lady's peace. If in a crowd, the lady is to be afraid she shall be killed; though with the assistance of the gentleman who protects her, and pities her timidity, she gets as safely through the push as any other person. During a walk, she may be in agonies for fear of a mad dog, or an over-driven ox: indeed horses, cows feeding quietly in the field, a shabby looking man at a distance, or any thing, will do for the display of the feminine attraction of cowardice. Î have known a poor innocent mouse, or even a frog, throw a whole party into terrible confusion. But then, it must be observed, that these terrors seldom shew themselves if the ladies are unaccompanied by some man, iş

whose eyes they wish to appear graceful: and a woman walking with only her servant, would hardly fall into hysterics at the sight of a toad; though in company the same hideous spectacle might have caused the most dreadful agitation of spirits.' p. 28.

Of the affectation of being younger than a person really is, she gives a pitiable instance.

There cannot be a stronger proof of the very prevalent fondness for youth, which belongs to every situation and time of life, than in the behaviour of a woman who lived on charity. On petitioning for some additional relief from her parish, she was told by the person who was drawing up her case, that her age must be mentioned; but seeming rather aversé to disclose the important secret, and saying she never had known exactly what it was, “Well," said the friend, who meant to assist her, “we must make it all as bad as we can, consistently with truth; so I may certainly very safely say fifty." "No, no, Ma'am," interrupted the poor creature, with the greatest earnestness, "No, not so bad as fifty; I have been athinking, and am sure I ben't more than forty-nine, and not quite half neither." This wretched woman was diseased, deformed, and in the most abject poverty; and yet as much affected youth as the fine lady, who puts on rouge, and multiplies ornaments, to conceal years that will not be concealed. p. 289.

We are inclined to attribute affectation to an instance, which the author cites as an example of dignity of conduct; and which would have been eminently such, if not affected.

The old General Officer was no coward, of whom it was well known, that when excuses were offered to him by the friend of a young man who had used very improper language at a public place the night before, he received the apology by saying, "I am very deaf, Sir, and did not hear half the poor young gentleman said.” "But he is very truly ashamed; for he says he was foolish enough to give you his address, and ask for a meeting this morning." "He might," returned the General, "but pray don't let him distress himself; I did not look at it, and the crowd being very great, I dropped the card; so that I don't even know his name.? p. 25.

The style of this volume indicates a hand not habituated to the business, or at least not to the critical rules, of composition. It is of an unformed, negligent, and at times very incorrect cast; and yet has occasionally that kind of point and elegance, which we have observed to occur sometimes even in the ordinary conversation of all intelligent women.

By one moment's attention, the author will perceive that she has put a mistaken construction on the term "vanity," as used in the apophthegm of Ecclesiastes, cited in the beginning of her introduction.

After what we have said, we need not add, that we feel very sincere respect for this anonymous lady, whoever she may be, and deem her book, with one or two little exceptions, a valuable miscellany of instructions, especially for young perons in genteel life, for whom it is particularly designed.

Art. VII. A Catechism for the Use of all the Churches in the French Empire; to which is prefixed, the Pope's Bull, and the Bishop's Mandamus. Translated from the Original; with an Introduction and Notes, by David Bogue. 8vo. pp. xxviii. 187. Williams and Smith.


THERE are literary as well as natural curiosities; and

among these, some relate to history, some to science, and some to theology. We now present our readers with a specimen of the last sort. The Emperor of France, who is a man of "all-work," and who makes Grand Dukes, Princes, Kings, and Constitutions, here employs himself and his authority in making a Catechism. He has shewn that he can command armies, and make men march in rank and order, and that he can produce unity among the different corps. The same effect he is here attempting to produce among all the Roman Catholics in the French empire.

His Holiness the Pope leads, as is proper, the solemn procession, and sanctions the catechism with his Bull; he is styled by Cardinal Caprara, his Legate a latere at Paris, "our most holy Lord, Pius the 7th." His dutiful Son, Jean Baptiste de Belloy, Archbishop of Paris, follows St. Peter's successor with profound respect, and enjoins all the clergy of his diocese to use this work alone in the instruction of their flocks; as he walks along, he tosses the censer with great adroitness, and with the smoke of the frankincense perfumes both the altar and the throne, The Prince under whose government we live, though raised by Providence to the pinnacle of human power, giories to acknowledge that Priests, and not Emperors, are to preach the doctrines of the holy Church. He unites with one of his illustrious predecessors, who sat on the throne of France, in saying, that if the duty of Bishops is to make known with freedom the truth which they have received from Jesus Christ, that of the Prince is to hear it from them, founded on the Scriptures, and to enforce it with all his might." The Emperor comes in for another share of the Abp.'s praise: "It is just to inscribe on the annals of religion, by the side of the name of Constantine, the name of the hero, who, after the example of that illustrious emperor, is become the protector of true religion." Napoleon's authoritative mandate to his Minister of Religion to see to the execution of the decree, confirms the whole, and adds the edge of the civil, to the spiritual sword.

As to the Catechism itself, it is said to be compiled from that of the famous Bossuet, Bp. of Meaux, and others; but several additions are made to suit the present time and state of things. It begins with a brief historical account of the events

of the Old and New Testament, by way of Introduction. The work is divided into three parts: the first treats of Doctrines, the second of Morals, and the third of Worship, to which a Supplement is added. The form of the Catechism is good : the Questions and Answers are, in general, short and plainBut the matter is the principal thing; and that may justly excite the attention of every intelligent friend of religion in this country. Here is a system of Popery framed in the 19th century. Here is what the Roman Catholic priests profess to believe, and what the laity are required to believe.


is the Church of Rome, not disguised in the antiquated costume of the 10th or 12th century, but arrayed in the newest fashion, literally a la mode de Paris; and we invite every reader who has a zeal for the Gospel, to come and behold her in her own proper colours.

That there should not be many excellent things in such a work, is impossible; but the peculiarities of the papal system are of a very different quality. With a few specimens of these, we shall gratify our readers.

The use of the New Testament is thus neatly superseded: "2. What do you understand by the Christian doctrine? A. The doctrine which Jesus Christ has taught. 2. Where is the Christian doctrine to be learned? A. In the Catechism." The duty of the People of France to Bonaparte is thus delineated:

Q. What are the duties of Christians in regard to the princes who govern them, and in particular what are our duties towards Napoleon the first, our emperor?


4. Christians owe to the princes who govern them, and we owe in ticular to Napoleon the first, our emperor, love, respect, obedience, fidelity, military service, and the tributes ordained for the preservation and the defence of the empire and of his throne; besides, we owe him fervent prayers for his safety, and for the temporal and spiritual prosperity of the



Q. Why are we bound to all these duties towards our emperor ? A. First, because God who creates empires and who distributes them according to his will, in loading our emperor with favours, whether in peace or war, has established him our sovereign, has made him the minister of his power, and his image on earth. To honour and serve our emperor is therefore to honour and serve God himself. Secondly, because our Lord Jesus Christ, as well by his doctrine as by his example, has himself taught us what we owe to our sovereign; he was born under obedience to the decree of Cæsar Augustus; he payed the tribute prescribed; and in the same manner as he has commanded to render to God what belongs to God, he has also commanded to render to Cæsar what belongs to Cæsar.

Q. Are there not particular motives which ought to attach us more strongly to Napoleon the first, our emperor?

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