CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, C. F. CLAY, MANAGER. London: FETTER LANE, E.C. Berlin: A. ASHER AND CO. New York: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. [All Rights reserved] CHARACTERS OF SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS Edited with Introduction and Notes by J. H. LOBBAN, M.A., Lecturer in English Literature, Birkbeck College, London ,, f {( །」 { 「·, CAMBRIDGE: at the University Press OF PREFACE F Hazlitt, more than of any other English critic, it may be said that to every writer whom he touches he affords the best and most inspiring introduction. In many respects of great importance to the student of English literature he has no equal as a critic. In the Introduction I have endeavoured to vindicate this claim. It is sufficient here to advance the conclusion that Hazlitt is one of the greatest teachers of literature because he had a great enthusiasm for his subject, and had the secret of imparting his enthusiasm. The text is reprinted, with a few verbal alterations, from the first edition, a copy of which was kindly placed at my disposal by Mr A. R. Waller. To the edition of Hazlitt's works by Mr Waller and Mr Arnold Glover I am indebted, as all editors of Hazlitt henceforth must be, for the aid given in the identification of numerous quotations. J. H. L. LONDON, 20 October, 1908. 192111 |