MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Married.]-At the British Embassy, Paris, and afterwards according to the Rites of the Roman Catholic Church, Edward Charles Blount, Esq., second son of Edward Blount, Esq., and nephew to the late Sir Walter Blount, Bart., of Soddington, in the county of Worcester, to Gertrude Frances, youngest daughter of the late William Jerningham, and niece of the Right Hon. Lord Stafford. At Heddington, Wilts, by the Rev. James T. Du Boulay, the Rev. John Blennerhassett, rector of Ryme Intrinseca, Dorset, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Francis Houssemane Du Bonlay, Esq., of Walthamstowe, Essex. By the Rev. John Stirling, B.A., Thomas Henry Dakins, Esq., of the island of St. Vincent, to Harriet, only daughter of the late John Roche Dasent, Esq., late Attorney-General of the same Island. At St. George's, Hanover-square, Thomas, youngest son of the late David Denne, Esq, of Lydd, in the county of Kent, to Jane, youngest daughter of John Falconer, Esq., his Britannic Majesty's Consul at Leghorn. At St. George's, Hanover-square, by the Rev. T. Fuller, William Archibald Campbell, Esq. of Wilton-place, to Miss Charlotte Wentworth, of Wilton-crescent. At St. Marylebone New Church, after having been first married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church, Francis J. Van Zeller, Esq., her Most Faithful Majesty's Con PROVINCIAL OCCURRENCES IN THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND, AND IN WALES, SCOTLAND, LONDON. AND IRELAND. The presentments made by the leet juries of the three manors in the borough of Southwark exhibited a much greater number than usual of persons who had been amerced in penalties for using illegal weights, scales, and measures. The penalties, varying from 2s. 6d. to 10l., amount in the whole to between 600/. and 700l. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Allotment System. - The "Bucks Gazette" contains the following satisfactory article on this subject:-The parish authorities of Buckingham have taken the glebe farm of 103 acres, to let out in small allotments of from one to three acres, to such labourers as may apply for them, the parish agreeing to assist such labourers until their first crop is housed. Several parishes in the neighbourhood have adopted a similar plan, which we earnestly hope will restore the honest, industrious labourer, to that independence now nearly lost among that class sul General in the United Kingdom, to Dorothea, second daughter of the late Henry Van Zeller, Esq., of Oporto. At Crowcombe, Thomas Cridland Luxton, Esq., of Weacomb House, Somerset, to Mary Aune, second daughter of George Henry Carew, Esq., of Crowcombe Court, in the same county. Died.] -In her 63d year, Lady Miles, formerly of Conisboro', Yorkshire. At Tittenhanger-house, near St. Alban's, Herts, the Right Hon. Phillip Earl of Hardwicke, K.G., aged 77. At Huntingdon, the Rev. Alfred Veasey, B.D., Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, aged 34. Jaines Heath, Esq., A.R.A., in the 78th year of his age. At Richmond, Surrey, Henry Edmond Innes Calder, eldest son of Sir Henry R. Calder, Bart. At Berhampore, Bengal, aged 41, Major George Macartney Greville, of his Majesty's 38th Regiment. At Kingsbury Lodge, St. Alban's, Herts, aged 77, the Rev. Robert Moore, D.D., formerly vicar of Thurleigh, Bedfordshire. At Cheshunt-park, the residence of T. A. Russell, Esq,, Lieut.-Gen. G. A. Armstrong, aged 63, deeply and deservedly lamented by all who knew him. At Fulham, most affectionately regretted by her family, the Lady Sophia Kent. of society. The Duke of Buckingham has offered land in all the parishes in which he has property, for the use of the labouring poor. In the parish of Buckingham a two-acre renter (and not an agricultural labourer) had a produce of five quarters from less than one acre of ground, and on the other acre has and will realise more than 20/1. in potatoes; in fact, the two-acre system has been for several years in operation on his Grace's estate near Buckingham; and we can confidently state that (although there are some bad managers) one third more food for man and beast has been produced from this land than was produced when let altogether. Can any thing be said more in favour of this admirable system? CORNWALL. There has been a valuable course of copper ore recently discovered on Trevarren Beach, near Morgan Porth, by Mr. Trethewy, an engineer, who has secured the set, and is about to com mence forming a company. The copper is said to be of an excellent quality. SCOTLAND. The following article on the manufactures of Scotland is from Mr. Horner's Report to Lord Duncannon, dated London, July 20, 1834 : "The total number of cotton, woollen, flax, and silk factories in Scotland, in which the machinery is moved by steam-engines or water-wheels, amount to 388. It is possible that there may be some country woollen mills which have been omitted by the surveyors, but if so, they can only be on a very small scale. The chief seats of the cotton and flax mills are in those parts of the country where coal abounds, or is to be had at a cheap rate from the vicinity of the sea; and some great mills have been established in situations distant from coal, where there is a great command and fall of water; but it is remarkable. that some situations in Scotland, highly favourable for manufactures, are without them, as, for instance, in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, where coal is very cheap, where there is a large population to supply young hands, and where there is a sea-port to save the expense of land-carriage, both for the raw material and the manufactured article. With the exception of some large establishments at Aberdeen, and one at Stanley, near Perth, the cotton manufacture is almost entirely confined to Glasgow, and the country immediately adjoining, to a distance of about 25 miles radius, and all these country mills, even including the great works at Stanley, are connected with Glasgow houses, or the Glasgow trade. "The spinning of flax by machinery is the next manufacture carried on in mills to a large extent. These factories are even more numerous than the cotton mills, but are generally on a smaller scale. The chief seats of that manufacture are in the counties of Forfar, Fife, and Aberdeen; they are chiefly engaged in spinning the coarser qualities of yarns, but the finer qualities are on the increase. With few exceptions, the woollen mills of Scotland are on a small scale. Of the total number, 89, 71 do not employ 50 people each; and of these 71, there are 26 which do not give employment to 20 people each. There are only six silk mills in all Scotland, and only three of these are of any importance. The total number of persons employed in the cotton, woollen, flax, and silk mills of Scotland, is 46,825; of whom 13,721 (3799 males and 9922 females) are between the ages of thirteen and eighteen; and 6228 (2552 males and 3676 females) are under thirteen years of age. There are a few under eleven; their number, as in the returns, amounts to above 1100; but that is not to be taken as the number now in the mills, for I have found that since these returns were made, some mill-owners have discharged all under eleven, and taken on older children in their stead. At the same time, I am inclined to think, that a deduction of 100 would cover all who have been so discharged; for it was usually in cases where two, three, or four only were under eleven, and it was not thought worth while altering the arrangements of the mill for so small a number. The "enumeration of steam-engines and waterwheels is not to be understood as show ing the actual number of engines and wheels, because the returns for those mills where more than one engine or water-wheel is employed, only state the total amount of the power. It will be seen, however, that the total amount of steam-power is 5330 horses, and that the water-wheels are estimated as equal to a power of 4822 horses-making together a mechanical moving power equivalent to 10,152 horses." Of the 5330 horses of steam-power given in the above report, the town of Dundee alone produces 1042, being about one-fifth of the whole steam-power of Scotland. The election of Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, caused by the elevation of Mr. Cockburn to the Bench, has taken place. The candidates-or rather those nominated by their respective partisans were Lord Stanley (the late Secretary) and the Earl of Durham, and a very active canvass was carried on by the adherents of both parties. The former was supported by the church party, and the latter by the radicals. At the conclusion, the election of Lord Stanley was carried by the great majority of 135; the votes being, Stanley, 298; Durham, 163. 1 INDEX TO THE THIRD PART OF 1834. 1 L Allotment System, the, 393 Alfieri's Prophetic Tragedy, 273 American Episcopal States, 527 Anecdotes of the French Provinces, 39 Annuals, noticed, 377 Appleyard, Rev. Mr., his Four Lectures on the Liturgy, noticed, 373 Appointment, an apt, 359 Useful. See Useful Arts Atkins, Mr., account of his death, 132 Balloon, the big one, 92 Bank, affairs of the, 415 * Bank: upts, 123, 259, 396, 533 - Bathurst, Right Hon. Henry, his death, 89, 131 Bayly, T. H., Esq., his "Seeing's not Be- Beggars, Irish, 337 ■ Belgium, affairs in, 130 } Biographical Particulars of celebrated Per- Bristol, the See of, 357; death of the Bishop British Association for the advancement of Dec. VOL. XLII. NO. CLXVIII. Bubbles from the Brunnens, noticed, 109; Ode to the Author of, 221 Bubbles from Brussels, 499 Bulwer E. L., Esq., his Last Days of Pom- Buonaparte, his Bards, and Alfieri's Pro- Cape of Good Hope, accounts from, 129 count of, 539 Cart Horses, economical mode of preparing food for, 256 Castor, affairs of the, 229 Cataract, work on, noticed, 518 Cavern, remarkable, 116 Cephalonia, earthquake in, 253 Changes, the recent, 503 China, sketch of the History of, reviewed, 233 Clergy, Spanish, revenues of, 389 Coals, export duty on, 252 Coleridge, biographical sketch of, 55 Conflagration, the late one, 362 Crimes of Prize Fighters, 326 Davis, Mr, the singer, 401 20 D'Israeli, Mr., Jun., the Infernal Marriage Diving Bell, recovery of treasure by the, 384 Donna Francisca, death and funeral of, 224; Doyle, Sir John, some account of, 132 East Indies, accounts from, 129, 400 267 Irish Highways, sketches of, 190, 432 Jacob Faithful, noticed, 377 369 Johannot and the Comic Singers, 491. Kean's Story of a Gambler, 495 Killarney, Guide to, noticed, 107 King Penguin, habits of the, 112 Ladies Botany, reviewed, 238 Law, Thomas, Esq., some account of. 268 noticed, 372 Leach, Sir John, his death, 230; some at- Leaves, the fallen, 351 Leaves from the Memorandum Book of Lebanon Springs, romantic story connected with, 441 Forget Me Not, noticed, 377 Friendship's Offering, noticed, 378 Long Life, 472 Lyceum, performances at, 111, 244 M'Gregor, John James, his death, 269 Manna of Mount Sinai, 253 Parliament, destruction of the Houses of, Parliamentary Papers, 249 Pedro, Dom, account of, 401 Plea for Ireland, reviewed, 236 Poetry. A series of Sonnets, by Mrs. He- Quarantine Laws, 512 Queen's Champion, representation of, 143 Rail-roads, projected, 416 Raphoe, Bishop of, his death, 538 Realp, a Tale of the Swiss Mountains, 178 Sonnets, by Mrs. Hemans, 16 Researches in the East, 114 Roman Catholicism, progress of, 416 Savings' Banks, summary of, 526 Season of Field Sports, 417 Seeing's not Believing, 28 Segourney, Mrs., her " Sketches" noticed, 375 Servants, Irish, 432 Session, close of the, 86 Seymour, Rear-Admiral, services of, 540 Sierra Leone, accounts from, 536 Sketches of Irish Highways, 190, 337 Societies, proceedings of. 112; the Zoolo- |