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1831 factors, as they may judge proper, in all their tria at Law; and the Citizens of either Party, or the Agents, shall enjoy in every respect, the sam rights and privileges, either in prosecuting or de fending their rights of person or of property, as th Citizens of Country where the cause may be tries

ART. XV. The Citizens of the United States of America, residing in the United Mexican Sta tes, shall enjoy in their houses, persons, and pr perties, the protection of the Government, wit the most perfect security and liberty of conscienc they shall not be disturbed or molested, in a manner, on account of their religion, so long they respect the Constitution, the Laws, and esta lished usages of the Country where they resi and they shall also enjoy the privilege of buryi the dead in places which now are, or may here ter be assigned for that purpose; nor shall the nerals or sepulchres of the dead be disturbed any manner, nor under any pretext.

The Citizens of the United Mexican Sta shall enjoy, throughout all the States and Terr ries of the United States of America, the sa protection; and shall be allowed the free exere of their religion, in public or in private, eit within their own houses, or in the Chapels Places of Worship set apart for that purpose C

ART. XVI. It shall be lawful for the zens of the United States of America, and of United Mexican States, respectively, to sail w all manner of security and liberty, no distinct being made who are the Owners of the merchand laden thereon, from any Port to the places those who now are, or may hereafter be, at mity with the United States of America or w the United Mexican States. It shall likewise lawful for the aforesaid Citizens, respectively sail with their Vessels and merchandise be mentioned, and to trade with the same liberty. security from the places, ports, and havens, those who are enemies of both or either par without any opposition or disturbance whatsoe not only directly from the places of the enemy fore mentioned to neutral places, but also from

que juzgen á propósito en todos sus juicios: y dichos 1831 Ciudadanos ó sus Agentes gozarán en todo, los mismos derechos y privilegios en la prosecucion ó defensa de sus personas ó propiedades que disfrutan los Sudadanos del Pais en donde la causa sea seguida.


ART. XV. Los Ciudadanos de los Estados Unios de América residentes en los Estados Unidos Mexanos, gozarán en sus casas, personas, y propieda, de la proteccion del Gobierno y continuando en posesion en que están: no serán alterados, inquieados, ni molestados, de ninguna manera por motivos su religion, con tal que respeten la de la Nacion que residan, y la Constitucion, Leyes, usos, y stumbres, de esta; asi mismo continuarán en la fatad de que gozan para enterrar en los lugares alados ó que en adelante se señalaren á este obo, à los Ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos de Améque mueran en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos; os funerales y sepulcros de los muertos no serán rbados de modo alguno, ni por ningun pretestó.

Los Ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos Mexicas gozarán en todos los Estados y Territorios de los stados Unidos de América, de la misma proteccion ; podrán ejercer libremente su religion en público ó privado dentro de sus casas ó en los templos y lugares destinados al culto.

ART. XVI. Será lícito á todos y cada uno de los Ciudaanos de los Estados Unidos de América, y de los Estados nidos Mexicanos poder navegar libre y seguramente con sembarcaciones, sin que haya la menor escepcion or este respecto aunque los proprietarios de las merderias cargadas en dichas embarcaciones procédan cualquiera Puerto y sean destinadas á cualquiera aza de una Potentia enemiga, ó que los sea 'deses, asi de los Estados Unidos de América, como e los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Se permitirá iguamente à los Ciudadanos respectivamente navegar Buques y mercaderias, y frecuentar con igual bertad y seguridad las plazas y puertos en las Potenas enemigas de las Partes Contratantes, ó de una ellas, sin oposicion ú obstaculo, y de comerciar, o solo desde los puertos de dicho enemigo, á un

on sus

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1831 place belonging to an enemy to another place belonging to an enemy,. whether they be under the jurisdiction of the same Government or under several; and it is hereby stipulated that free Ships shall also give freedom to goods; and that every thing shall be deemed free and exempt which shall be found on board the Vessels belonging to the Citizens of either of Contracting Parties, although the whole lading, or any part thereof, should ap pertain to the enemies of either, contraband goods being alaws excepted. It is also agreed that the same liberty be extended to persons who are on board a free Vessel, so that, although they be enemies to either Party, they shall not be made prisoners or taken out of that free Vessel, unless they are soldiers, and in the actual service of the enemy. By the stipulation that the flag shall co ver the property, the two Contracting Parties agre that this shall be so understood with respect to those Powers who recognize this principle; but if either of the 2 Contracting Parties shall be at Wa with a third Party and the other neutral, the flag of the neutral shall cover the property of ene mies whose Governments acknowledge this prin ciple, and not of others.

ART. XVII. It is likewise agreed, that, the case where the neutral flag of one of the Con tracting Parties shall protect the property of the enemies of the other by virtue of the above stipu lation, it shall always be understood that the neu tral property found on board such enemy's Vessel shall be held and considered as enemy's property and as such shall be liable to detention and confis cation, except such property as was put on board such Vessel before the Declaration of War, o even afterwards if it were done without the know ledge of it; but the Contracting Parties agree that 4 months having elapsed after the Declaration their Citizens shall not plead ignorance thereof on the contrary, if the flag of the neutral does not protect the enemy's property, in that case the goods and merchandise embarked in such enemy's Vessel shall be free.

puerto neutro directamente, sino tambien desde un 1831 enemigo á otro tal, bien se encuentre bajo su jurisdiccion, ó bajo las de muchos; y se estipula tambien que los Buques libres asegurarán igualmente la libertad de las mercancias; y que se juzgarán libres todos los efectos que se hallasen á bordo de los Buques que perteneciesen á Ciudadanos de una de las Partes Contratantes, aun cuando el cargamento por entero, ó parte de él fuese de los enemigos de una de las dos, bien entendido sin embargo que el contrabando se esceptua siempre. Se há convenido asi mismo que la propia libertad gozarán los sugetos que puedan ercontrarse á bordo del Buque libre, aun cuando fuesen enemigos de una de las dos Partes Contratantes; y por lo tanto no se podrá hacerlos prisioneros ni separarlos de dichos Buques, á menos que sean militares, y estén á la sazon empleados en el servicio del enemigo. Por la estipulacion de que la bandera cubre la propiedad, han convenido las dos Partes Contratantes en que esto se entiende asi respecto de aquellas Potencias que reconozcan este principio; pero que si una de las dos Partes Contratantes estubiese guerra con una tercera, y la otra neutral, la bandera de esta neutral cubrirá la propiedad de los enemigos cuyo Gobierno reconozca este principio, y no de otros.


ART. XVII. Se conviene tambien que en caso de que el pavellon neutral de una de las Partes Contratantes proteja la propiedad de los enemigos de la otra en virtud de la referida estipulacion, se entenderá siempre que la propiedad neutral encontrada á bordo de los referidos Buques enemigos se, tendrá y considerará como propiedad enemiga, y como tal estará sugeta a detencion y confiscacion, escepto aquella propiedad que haya sido embarcada en tal Buque antes de Declaracion de Guerra y aun despues si se ha hecho sin noticia de tal Declaracion; pero las Partes Contratantes convienen en que 4 meses despues de la Declaracion, sus Ciudadanos no alegarán ignorancia; al contrario, si el pavellón del Buque neutral no prolege la propiedad enemiga, en este caso los efectos y mercancías del neutral embarcados en tal Buque enemigo serán libres.


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ART. XVIII. This liberty of commerce and navigation shall extend to all kinds of merchandise, excepting those only which are distinguished by the name of contraband; and, under this name of contraband or prohibited goods, shall be com prehended, first, cannons, mortars, howitzers, swi vels, blunderbusses, muskets, fusees, rifles, car nes, pistols, pikes, swords, sabres, lances, spears, halberts; and granades, bombs, powder, matches balls, and all other things belonging to the use of these arms; secondly, bucklers, helmets, breast plates, coats of mail, infantry belts, and clothes made up in a military form, and for a military use; thirdly, cavalry belts, and horses with the furniture; fourthly, and generally, all kinds arms, and instruments of iron, steel, brass, and copper, or of any other materials manufactured prepared, and formed, expressly to make War by sea or land.


ART. XIX. All other merchandise and things not comprehended in the articles of contraband ex pressly enumerated, and classified as above, shall be held and considered as free, and subjects of free and lawful commerce, so that they may carried and transported in the freest manner, both the Contracting Parties, even to places belong ing to an enemy, excepting only those places which are at that time besieged or blockaded; and, to avoid all doubt in that particular, it is decla red that those places only are besieged or blockaded, which are actually besieged or blockaded by a belligerent Force, capable of preventing the entry of the neutral.

ART. XX. The articles of contraband before enumerated and classified, which may be found in a Vessel bound for the enemy's Port, shall be subject to detention and confiscation, leaving free the rest of the Cargo and the Vessel, that the Owners may dispose of them as they see proper. No Ver sels of either of the 2 Nations shall be detained on the high seas on account of having on board articles of contraband, whenever the Master, Captain, or Supercargo, of said Vessel will deliver up the articles of contraband to the Captor, unless

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