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1831 and benefit of the Menomonee Tribe of Indians, and to be applied by him to the education of the Children of the Menomonee Indians in such manner as he deem most advisable.


ART. VI. The Menomonee Tribe of Indians shall be at liberty to hunt and fish on the lands they have now ceded to the United States, on the east side of For River and Green Bay, with the same privileges they at present enjoy, until it be surveyed and offered for sale by the President, they conducting themselves peaceably and orderly. The Chiefs and Warriors of the Menomonee Nation, acting under the authority and on behalf of their Tribe, solemnly pledge themselves to preserve peace and harmony between their People and the Government of The United States for ever. They neither acknowledge the power nor protection of any other State or People. A departure from this pledge by any portion of their Tribe, shall be a forfeiture of the protection of the United States, Government, and their annuities will cease. In thus declaring their friendship for the United States, however, the Me nomonee Tribe of Indians, having the most implicit confidence in their great Father, the President of the United States, desire that he will, as a kind and faithful guardian of their welfare, direct the Provisions of this Compact to be carried into immediate effect The Menomonee Chiefs request that such part of it as relates to the New York Indians, be immediately submitted to the Representatives of their Tribes; and if they refuse to accept the provision made for their benefit, and to remove upon the lands set apart for them on the west side of Fox River, that he will direct their immediate removal from the Menomonee Country; but if they agree to accept of the liberal offer made to them by the Parties to this Compact then the Menomonee Tribe, as dutiful children of their great Father the President, will take them by the hand as brothers, and settle down with them in peace and friendship.

The Boundary, as stated and defined in this Agree ment, of the Menomonee Country, with the exception of the cessions hereinbefore made to the United Sta tes, the Menomonees claim as their Country; that part of it adjoining the farming Country, on the west side

of Fox River, will remain to them as heretofore, for 1831 a hunting ground, until the President of the United States shall deem it expedient to extinguish their title. In that case the Menonomee Tribe promise to surrender it immediately, upon being notified of the desire of Government to possess it. The additional annuity then to be paid to the Menomonee Tribe, to be fixed by the President of the United States. It is conceded to the United States that they may enjoy the right of making such roads, and of establishing such military posts in any part of the Country now Occupied by the Menomonee Nation, as the President at any time may think proper.

As a further earnest of the good feeling on the part of their great Father, it is agreed that the expenses of the Menomonee Delegation to the City of Washington, and of returning, will be paid, and that a comfortable suit of clothes will be provided for each; also that the United States will cause 4,000 dollars to be expended in procuring fowling guns and ammunition for them; and likewise, in lieu of any garrison rations, hereafter allowed or received by them, there shall be procured and given to said Tribe 1,000 dollars worth of good and wholesome provisions annually, for 4 years, by which time it is hoped their hunting habits may cease, and their attention be turned to the pursuits of agriculture.

In testimony whereof, the respective Parties to this Agreement have severally signed the same, this 8th February, 1831.


[Marks of 12 Indians.]

Signed, sealed, and delivered, in presence of,

etc. etc. etc.

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Note. In the Ist Article, 2nd line from the end of it, the words "and alteration of tenure were interlined with the consent and approval of all the Parties who signed the same.

In presence of ROBERT A. FORSYTH, etc. etc. etc.

Additional Articles, 17th February, 1831.
Whereas certain Articles of Agreement were enter-

1831 ed into and concluded at the City of Washington, on the 8th day of February instant, between the Undersigned, Commissioners on behalf of the United States, and the Chiefs and Warriors representing the Menomonee Tribe of Indians, whereby a portion of the Menomonee Country on the north west side of Fox River and Green Bay, was ceded to the United States for the benefit of the New York Indians, upo certain conditions and restrictions therein expressed: and whereas it has been represented to the Parties to that Agreement, who are Parties hereto, that it would be more desirable and satisfactory to some those interested, that one or two immaterial changes be made in the Ist and 6th Articles, so as not to li mit the number of acres to 100 for each soul who may be settled upon the land when the President ap portions it, as also to make unlimited the time of removal and settlement upon these lands by the Ne York Indians, but to leave, both these matters discre tionary with the President of the United States.

Now, therefore, as a proof of the sincerity of the professions made by the Menomonee Indians, when they declared themselves anxious to terminate, in an amicable manner, their disputes with the New York Indians, and also as a further proof of their love and veneration for their great Father, the President the United States, the Undersigned, Representatives of the Menomonee Tribe of Indians, unite and agree with the Commissioners aforesaid, in making and acknowledging the following Supplementary Articles a part of the former aforesaid Agreement:

1. It is agreed between the Undersigned, Commissioners on behalf of the United States, and the Chiefs and Warriors representing the Menomonee Tribe of Indians, that, for the reasons above expressed such parts of the Ist Article of the Agreement, entered into between the Parties hereto, on the 8th instant as limits the removal and settlement of the New York Indians upon the lands therein provided for their fo ture homes, to 3 years, shall be altered and amend ed, so as to read as follows: That the President the United States shall prescribe the time for the removal and settlement of the New York Indians upon the lands thus provided for them; and, at the expi

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ration of such reasonable time, he shall apportion the 1831 land among the actual Settlers, in such manner as he shall deem equitable and just. And if, within such reasonable time as the President of the United States shall prescribe for that purpose, the New York Indians shall refuse to accept the provisions made for their benefit, or having agreed, shall neglect or refuse to remove from New York, and settle on the said lands within the time prescribed for that purpose, that then and in either of these events, the lands aforesaid shall be and remain the property of the United States, according to said Ist Article, excepting so much thereof as the President shall deem justly due to such of the New York Indians as shall actually have removed to and settled on the said lands.

2. It is further agreed, that the part of the 6th Article of the Agreement aforesaid, which requires he removal of those of the New York Indians, who may not be settled on the lands at the end of 3 years, shall be so amended as to leave such removal discretionary with the President of the United States; - the Menomonee Indians having full confidence that, in making his decision, he will take into consideration the welfare and prosperity of their nation.

Done and signed at Washington, the 17 February 1831.


(L. S.) S. C. STAMBAUGH. (Marks of 12 Indians.)


Loi promulguée en France, concernant la Répression de la Traite des Noirs.

En date du 4 Mars 1831.

(Bulletin des Lois. 1831.)

A Paris, au Palais-Royal, le 4 Mars, 1831. Louis-Philippe, Roi des Français, à tous présens tà venir, salut.

Les Chambres ont adopté, 'nous avons ordonné et ordonnons ce qui suit:

ART. I. Quiconque aura armé ou fait armer un

1831 Navire dans le but de se livrer au trafic connu sou le nom de Traite des Noirs, sera puni d'un empri sonnement de 2 ans au moins, à 5 ans au plus, sil Navire est saisi dans le Port d'armement avant départ.

Les Bailleurs de fonds et Assureurs qui auron sciemment participé à l'armement, le Capitaine etk Subrecargue du Navire, seront punis de la même peine La poursuite ne pourra avoir lieu que lorsquel preuve du but de l'armement paraitra résulter, soit d dispositions faites à bord, soit de la nature du cha gement.

mer ava

ART. II. Si le Navire est saisi en qu'aucun fait de traite ait eu lieu, les Armateurs sero punis de 10 ans de travaux forcés au moins, à ans au plus.

Les Bailleurs de fonds et Assureurs qui aur sciemment participé à l'armement seront punis de reclusion.

Le Capitaine et le Subrecargue seront punis 5 ans de travaux forcés au moins, à 10 ans au plu Les Officiers seront punis de la réclusion.

Les hommes de l'équipage seront punis d'un e prisonnement d'un an au moins, à 5 ans au plus.

ART. III. Si un fait de traite a eu lieu, le C pitaine et le Subrécargue seront punis de 10 ans travaux forcés au moins, à 20 ans. au plus.

Les Officiers seront punis de 5 ans de traval forcés au moins, à 10 ans au plus.

Les hommes de l'équipage seront punis de la rẻ clusion, ainsi que tous les autres individus qui auror sciemment participé ou aidé au fait de traite, sa préjudice des peines portées contre les Armateu Bailleurs de fonds et Assureurs, par l'Article précéde

ART. IV. Les peines prononcées par les préc dens Articles contre le Capitaine et le Subrecarg seront applicables aux individus qui, quoique non i scrits comme tels sur les rôles d'équipage, en auro rempli les fonctions.

L'aggravation des peines, prononcées par l'Artic CXCVIII du Code Pénal *) sera encourue par 1

*) Code Pénal. Article 198. Hors les cas où la Loi règ spécialement les peines encourues pour crimes ou déli

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