arrived before this ill-fated place on April 11, 1822. He landed several thousand men, and at the same time Vehib Pacha, who was in the citadel, made a sortie with the garrison. Upon this commenced a scene equal in horror and bloodshed to the ransacking of Tripolizza; 9,000 persons, of every age and of both sexes, being slain. On the 16th the disorder was somewhat abated, and the Sciotes were taken and chained together like cattle; and by the end of May 25,000 Sciotes had fallen victims to the fury of the Turks, and 45,000 had been carried away into slavery. In consequence of this disaster, the Greek islands fitted out a numerous fleet with brulots. Canaris commanded one of them, and, while the Turks were at anchor, attached his vessel to Kara Ali's large vessel of war, which ultimately blew up at two o'clock in the morning. The Turks were furious at this, and made fresh attacks upon the poor Sciotes; they hunted them in the villages like wild beasts, so that by June 19, 1822, there were not 1,800 Greeks upon the island out of a population of 100,000. Such a frightful destruction of mankind, in so small a spot, is perhaps unparalleled in the annals of history. The account given by General Gordon is that, of the 100,000 Greeks of Scio, 45,000 were made slaves and 1,800 only were left on the island; consequently, 50,000 men, women, and children must have been massacred.' POWELL OF CAER-HOWELL (8th S. iii. 268, 373). -May I ask for a correction? I wrote Eineon Efell, and not "Simeon Sfell." Perhaps my handwriting was in fault. Eineon and his brother Cynric both bore the appellation of Efell, "the twin." A Welshman would be horrified with the words as they now stand. THOMAS WILLIAMS. FURYE FAMILY (8th S. iii. 68, 118).-Lieut.Col. Furye was killed in action at Sachsenhausen, July 10, 1760. See despatches of the Marquis of Granby, July 14, 1760, to Viscounts Ligonier and Barrington, Hist. MSS. Com., Twelfth Report,' Appendix, Part V., vol. ii. pp. 219, 220. Heaton. W. B. THOMAS. JOHN OF GAUNT (8th S. iii. 109, 231, 292).Alice (or, more correctly, Aleyse) de Lacy, was thrice married; first to Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, secondly, to Sir Ebulo L'Estrange, and thirdly, to Sir Hugh de Fresne. She left no issue, as is shown by her Inquisition, 22 Edw. III., 34. William, Earl of Salisbury, son of Henry II., had issue four sons and four daughters, of whom four only-William, Stephen, Nicholas, and Idonia Beauchamp-left issue. His son William had three sons and two daughters, of whom William and Ela Audley left issue. The two daughters of Stephen, Elena La Zouche, and Emelina Fitzmaurice, both left issue. Nicholas was the father of Agnes, Abbess of Shaftesbury, and also, accord ing to doubtful authority, of a son William, of Broclosby. Idonia Beauchamp left three sons and three daughters, but her posterity survived only in the female line, in the issue of her daughters, Maud Mowbray, Beatrice Montchensey, and Ela Wake. These, therefore, are the lines along which to look for the descent, besides that of the heiress of Longespée, Margaret de Lacy. HERMENTRUDE, Your correspondent MR. WILLIAMS thinks it possible John of Gaunt may have been a descendant of Alice de Laci, and thus of Rosamund Clifford. This could not have been the case. John of Gaunt was the son of Edward III. and Philippa of Hainault. If an ancestress of John of Gaunt, Alice must have been an ancestress of either Edward or Philippa. Now Edward and Philippa were married in 1329, and in 1322, when Alice married Eubolo le Strange, she had had no children. She died childless in 1348, as I mentioned in my former reply; but whether she had had children or not, she could not have been an ancestress of John of Gaunt. If John of Gaunt was descended from Fair Rosamund, so also were his brothers and sisters; and the descent must have been either through Philippa of Hainault (their mother), Isabella, daughter of Philip IV. of France (their grandmother), or Eleanor, daughter of Ferdinand III. of other person through whom they could possibly Castile (their great-grandmother). There was no have been descended from Fair Rosamund. And, after all, it does not seem to be an established fact (see the reply of CANON VENABLES) that William Longsword, through whom the descent is supposed to have come, was the son of C. W. CASS. Fair Rosamund. of HERMENTRUDE, and yet it seems permissible to It it rather a bold thing to question a statement doubt the assertion that Will de Longespée's daughter Ida was mother of Hugh Bigod. The Lacock Book' says she married Walter FitzRobert, I presume one of the Clares (the second Walter as he stands in my notes, with a query). Certainly she might have married Roger Bigod, but I cannot see how she could have been mother of Hugh. Hugh did homage on his father's death in 1221, and he must then have been of age, as he died four years after leaving at least three children. Hugh's mother, admitting she was Ida, could not in 1221 have been more than five-and-twenty. Her father and mother, it seems clear both from Matthew Paris and Hoveden, were not married before the death of William d'Evreux, her (Ida's) mother's father. The marriage might have been after 1196. I do not think she was the eldest child; anyhow, she could not have been the mother of a son aged twenty-one and probably much more in 1221. By-the-by, who was Lucia, wife of Robert de Berkeley and neptis of William Earl Sarum, avunculi regis in 6 Hen. III.? I do not think Maud, wife of Will de Beauchamp, was daughter of John Fitz-Geoffrey, but of John FitzJohn (Fitz-Geoffrey), his son. That John FitzGeoffrey married Isabel Lacy is expressly stated in the Annales of Ireland' at the end of Camden. He was then, apparently, Justice of Ireland, 1248. He died in Ireland in 1258; and his son John, who married Margery, daughter of Philip Basset, lived to 1276. It seems certain that Richard, who succeeded, was this John's son, and not his brother as generally given, for in the Quo Warranto case of 7 Ed. I. Richard Fitz-John shows that Shyre, Surrey, was given by Hen. III. to his father, John Fitz-Geoffrey, but that he inherited Gorneshelve from John Fitz-Geoffrey avo prædicti Ric. Maud Beauchamp seems to have been sister and coheir of this Richard, and so (as I think) granddaughter, and not daughter, of the John Fitz-Geoffrey who married Isabel Lacy. THOMAS WILLIAMS. Aston Clinton. SILVER IN BELLS (8th S. iii. 105, 175, 269). – The report that the Californian bells, imported from Spain by missionaries, are made in part of silver is quite in keeping with mediæval ideas and practice. Many years ago the tone of the chief bell in German Erfurt struck the writer as charming, recalling Shakspeare's "silver-sweet lovers' tongues by night." The sexton assured me that this bell, baptized "Maria gloriosa," and weighing 275 cwt. was half silver. My Murray also said that this bell "had much of silver in its composition," but gave its name as Susanna. I failed to examine its inscription, which was said to be : Ich heisse Susanna Und treibe die Teufel von danna ! The last of great magicians, Theophrastus Paracelsus, made a bell of astrological omnipotence, for it was compounded of all known metals. These were then held to be seven, each symbolical of one of the seven planets. Hence this bell, when struck, called up the spirits of all the planets, and made them subservient to its owner. The seven-fold mixture was called electrum, and held to be even more potent than electricity has yet proved itself. Witness the bell of the sorcerer Virgil, which drove crazy all who heard it. J. D. BUTLER. Madison, Wis., U.S. JOAN OF ARC AND WILLIAM TELL (8th S. iii. 388). A bibliography of the Tellsage, or Tell myth, would take up a considerable space. Your correspondent may refer, however, to Baring Gould's 'Curious Myths of the Middle Ages'; Dr. Buchheim's edition of Schiller's William Tell' (Clarendon Press Series of "German Classics "), Vischer's 'Die Sage von der Befreiung der Waldstatte,' 1867, and especially to the exhaustive statement of the subject in Rilliet's, Origines de la Confédération Suisse, Histoire et Légende,' 1869, If your correspondent cares to communicate with me, I could give him further information. A. COLLINGWOOD LEE. Waltham Abbey. An English book which enters into the question the Middle Ages,' at pp. 113-133, Lond., 1888. very fully is Baring-Gould's Curious Myths of A French book in which there is a similar examination is E. Fournier's 'L'Esprit dans l'Histoire,' ch. ii. pp. 18, 19, Paris, 1883. There are various references to authorities. The same volume also has a full examination of the case of Joan of Arc, ch. xvii. pp. 121-6. There is a great variety of reference to authorities. There is no question here as to the existence of Joan of Arc-"Je ne serai d'Arc" (p. 121)-but only of the mythical accrepas de ceux qui doutent de l'existence de Jeanne tions: "De nos jours l'on a douté de l'aventure, et l'on a fort bien fait, à mon sens, Il y a tant de choses qui prouveraient au besoin qu'elle ne dut pas être, si peu qui témoignent qu'elle est authentique."-P. 123. ED. MARSHALL. 1. Joan of Arc.-The St. James's Magazine, xiii., has a chapter entitled 'Historic Misrepresentations,' which may be of service to your correspondent. 2. William Tell.-Dr. Ludwig Hausser, in his 'Die Sage vom Tell,' proves that a person named Tell existed, but that the incidents commonly connected with him have been borrowed from the Icelandic Sagas. EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road, The following cutting is from the Echo of Tuesday, May 23, and seems an appropriate reply to the query of your correspondent: "(1) No public records of the time (1307) mention him, but only Gruttli and his three associates, Furst, Arnold de Melcthal, and Stauffmacher. (2) There is a perfect chronicle of the Bailiffs of Altorf, but the name of Gessler is not among them, and no Bailiff of Altorf was murdered after 1300. (3) A governor of the fortress was shot dead with an arrow by a peasant in revenge, in legend of Tell is based on this event. (4) Not till the 1296, on Lake Lowertz, not on Lake Schweitz. The end of the fourteenth century did Swiss historians mention this legend. (5) Tell is a nickname, from Toll (German) applied to a prattler or visionary enthusiast. (6) The apple' story is told of Egil and King Nidung; and in Norway of King Olaf and Eindridi; and in the Faroe Isles of Geyti and Harald; also of Joki, the Danish hero, and Harald; and in England of William of Cloudesley and King Henry IV., in the ballad of Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudesley. (7) The Canton of Schuyz, in August, 1890, ordered the story of Tell to be expunged (as being non-historical, and legendary only) from the school-books of the Canton.Edw. Geo. Mills." W. R. CHAUCER'S "STILBON" (8th S. iii. 126, 249, 293).-I must tender my thanks to PROF. SKEAT for having shown me how far behind the age I am, and for referring me to his edition of the 'Minor Poems,' with which I am unacquainted. My idea that the Anglo-Latin writers had not been sufficiently taken into account was formed during a perusal of some of their works a few years ago, and in some measure confirmed by finding no note referring to Alanus de Insulis on 1. 137 of the 'Legend of Good Women,' edited by Prof. Skeat in 1889. I shall be grateful to PROF. SKEAT if he will explain how the passage he quotes from Hofmann's Lexicon Universale' fixes the identity of Bernard the Monk. The chief evidence in favour of St. Bernard appears to be that a proverbial saying to this effect, which may have originated from the passage in question, existed after the time of Chaucer, and in the seventeenth century was applied by Hofmann to St. Bernard, as the greatest of the Bernards. Chaucer begins his Prologue to the Legend of Good Women' by speaking of the "Ioye in heven and peyne in helle," and states that those who tell of these things do so only on hearsay; and then remarks: Bernard the Monk ne saugh nat al, parde. Now this is not particularly applicable to any of the works of St. Bernard, but is singularly apposite when applied to the 'De Contemptu Mundi' of Bernard of Morlaix, which commences with an elaborate and minute description of the joys of heaven and the pains of hell, occupying some seven or eight hundred lines. nothing to do with the Megariau philosopher Stilpo, but refers to Mercury, whose planet is so called by Marcianus Capella in another part of the book from which John borrows one substance of this part of his poem (viii. § 851). For other examples of this use see Liddell and Scott, s.v. σTiλBwv. Can any reader of 'N. & Q.' throw light on the source of the anecdote told of Chilon by John, 'Policr.,' i. 5, from which Chaucer seems to have derived his story of “ Stilbo, that was a wys ambassadour"? C. C. J. W. PROF. SKEAT quotes Pardoner's Tale,' group C, L. 603. Will the Professor kindly define the edition from which he quotes? A. H. Die Fisch' in Teichen und in Seen Die Säu' alljährlich wohl gerathen Und lässt auch andern was von Schwein. The gees, irostid on the spitte, Again, Was it usual to speak of St. Bernard as Bernard the Monk? He was a monk, in the strict sense of the word, for a very short time, being ordained abbot within two years after his admission as a novice to Citeaux. The epithet seems rather used to mark a distinction between the monk and the saint. Chaucer could have no object in speaking slightingly of St. Bernard; but in the cause of "Good Women" he had every reason to cast discredit on Bernard of Morlaix, whose strictures on the ladies of his day are exceedingly severe. Even if it can be proved that a proverb of this kind existed before the time of Chaucer, is it not much more likely to have had reference to the poet who drew so largely on his imagination than to the orthodox ST. SWITHIN. and universally credited father of the Church? Although the fame of Bernard of Morlaix has been "LOOKING FROM UNDER BRENT HILL" (8th S. almost eclipsed by that of his greater contemporary, iii. 209). -It strikes me that "looking from his poem was by no means unknown in the Middle under brent hill" is the very opposite of the Ages (see references in Fabricius, 'Bibliotheca "sullen, frowning [look] of one in ill humour." "Brent" M. et L. Lat.,' 1734). It was printed in 1557, wrinkle. means without a and Thus, four times reprinted within the next century. of John Anderson, in his palmy days, Burns "" and his It is somewhat singular that at the present day, says, his "locks were like the raven whilst the works of St. Bernard are comparatively "bonnie brow was brent" (without a wrinkle). unread, portions of the poem of the humble monk Gazing from under brent hill is looking fondly have found their way into the hymn-books of at another, as a loving person does when he almost every sect. E. S. A. turns his eyes upwards and gazes in silent admiration. In what Milton calls "heavenly contemplation" child angels and saints so gaze with upturned eyes. E. COBHAM BREWER. "Stilbon," in the passage quoted by E. S. A. from John of Salisbury ('Entheticus,' i. 211), has JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D.D. (8th S. ii. 208, 314). In his brief but interesting rejoinder to my note, MR. PICKFORD unintentionally deprives Dr. Todd of a day in his earthly pilgrimage. June 28, not June 27, 1869, was the precise date of Dr. Todd's death. I copy the following from Dr. Leeper's invaluable little Historical Handbook of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin,' 1891, p. 102 :"A monument has been erected in the churchyard to the memory and over the remains of James Henthorn Todd, S.F.T.C.D., Precentor of the Cathedral. A large, well-executed Irish Cross, erected by his brothers and sisters, marks the grave, with the following inscription: Jesus Soter Salvator. In Memoriam it ought separating the adverb by from the verb; ensures it. Chingford Hatch, Essex. AMBROSE GWINETT (8th S. ii. 447, 535; iii. 56, 116, 192).—I have another reference for this or a similar story to a work entitled 'Remarkable Events in the History of Man,' by Dr. Joshua Watts. A youth, condemned for murder of a boatswain, was hung, but taken away by his friends and recovered, put on board ship, and afterwards met the boatswain, who had been taken away by the press-gang. HARDRIC MORPHYN. TYING STRAW TO A STREET-DOOR (8th S. iii. 327).-This custom also prevails in Staffordshire, and means, "Thrashing done here." Water Orton. J. BAGNALL. TITHE-BARNS (8th S. ii. 246, 330, 397, 475; iii. A MOTTO FOR THEATRICAL MANAGERS (8th S. 16, 314).-As a former lay brother of the Abbey of iii. 106, 315).—I cannot but smile, in the midst of St. Mary of Beaulieu, Hants, I must ask your so many remarks upon, and feverish anxieties to leave to correct the statements of Y. T. at the last establish, the accuracy of language, to see con- reference. The barn alluded to never was a tithestantly their utter inefficacy. I imagine that barn; it has no connexion with St. Lawrence; and nobody will say that Dr. Johnson, although he it is in anything but a good state of preservation. was taught at school very thoroughly the Latin That it is, or was, large, and is still picturesque, is, language, did not attain to the writing of English however, correct. The barn was not a tithe-barn, generally with very great grammatical accuracy. seeing that the abbey owned not the tithes merely Yet here we have been blundering in such manner of Beaulieu, of which there never were any, but as to render one or two readers of N. & Q.' quite the whole fee simple of the manor. The barn puzzled, or fancying they are puzzled, about what was used for storing the whole of the produce of he means to say. "The stream of Time......passes their corn-lands on their farms of St. Leonard's, without injury by the adamant of Shakspere." Clobb, Bergerie, Gius, Warren, Thorns, Beck, and Johnson never meant to convey that "the stream Sowley. I give the names on account of their of time" suffered any injury from Shakspere's quaintness and the strange mixture of Anglo-Noradamant, but that the adamant could not be hurt man and technical English. All the names coneither by "the stream of time" or the imber edax note some recognizable characteristic save "Clobb," of friend Horace. It is only the ordo is wrong. a word to which I never was able to attach anyIf Johnson had written, "The stream of Time thing more than an appellative signification. The .....passes by, without injury [to] the adamant of barn in question is at St. Leonard's (not St. LawShakspere," there would be nothing to remark upon. rence's) Grange, some four miles from the abbey. I insert to; but if omitted the same sense is conveyed. It was originally a splendid building, about 210 What chance is there that the general public will feet long and 70 feet wide, and would hold, prospeak English with scientific accuracy when a sig-bably, 4,000 quarters of grain stacked in the straw. nally practised and competent pen such as Johnson's conveys an erroneous impression by so small a slip as the above. All error, if any exist, resides here in So far from its being now in a good state of preservation, scarce anything remains but the two gable-end walls, which are fairly intact. The roof went centuries ago. It must have been a noble piece of carpentry. The southern side wall is almost entirely gone; but part of the northern wall remains, and forms one side of a large modern barn, built inside the space formerly occupied by the old one, and covering just one-fourth thereof. There is an interesting little chapel at St. Leonard's Grange, of which the roof is gone, but the walls are fairly intact. Both barn and chapel are apparently thirteenth century work. W. D. GAINSFORD. I have a recent work on 'Gothic Architecture,' by E. Corroyer, edited by Walter Armstrong, which devotes several pages to barns (with elevations, ground plans, and sections) on the Continent, and mentions that when large and important, tithe-barns had two stories, as at Provins, of which a side view is given showing both the lower and upper range of windows. I am a little curious to know if any two-storied tithe-barns are to be found in England, or if there are any records of such structures having ever existed in any part of Great Britain. Same authority adds that granaries, or 66 greniers d'abondance," were often built with three stories, and illustrates the one of Abbey of Vauclair as a very interesting example. J. BAGNALL. A PREPOSITION FOLLOWED BY A CLAUSE (8th S. ii. 488; iii. 112, 298).- Will you kindly allow me to explain that I had no intention to criticize Shakespeare? I borrowed the line from 'Love's Labour's Lost' for want of a modern instance. MR. WARD is right in thinking that I find no fault with Byron; but he is not aware that the famous scrap of Byron's verse has its analogue in Shakespeare's prose: "Whom I serve above is my master" (All's Well,' II. iii. 261). I rather like this construction; but I should blame Byron had he imitated the following: "Him we serve's away" (Ant. and Cleop.,' III. i. 15), "Him I accuse hath entered" (Coriol.,' V. vi. 6)—and written "Them the gods love die young." ADAMANT. WM. WESTALL, A.R.A. (7th S. xii. 166).-His marriage is thus recorded in the London Magazine, October, 1820, vol. ii. p. 467:— "Sept. 2. At Kendal, Wm. Westall, Esq., of the Royal Academy, to Ann, youngest daughter of the Rev. R. Sedgwick, of Dent.' 17, Hilldrop Crescent, N. DANIEL HIPWELL. one similar to this, though on the occasion of one Epiphany he feeds " as many poor as can be found" in the hall at Windsor, and offers the weight and measure of his children in wax "for their welfare" (Close Roll, 28 Hen. III.). HERMENTRUde. will refer to p. 38, 'Records of the Manor, Parish, which he will find at the British Museum or Guild- Staverton, West Hampstead, 'THE PLEASANT HISTORY OF THE KING AND LORD BIGOD OF BUNGAY' (8th S. iii. 207).—A sentence in Speed's 'Historie of Great Britaine' submission to Henry II. occurred in one of the (ed. 1623) tends to show that the Earl of Norfolk's earliest years of that monarch's reign. Speed says: young monarch [Henry II.] appeare to his greatest "So justly dreadfull did the growing puissance of this enemies, that Hugh By-god Earle of Norfolke, who had potent meanes to doe mischiefe, rendred his Castle to be at his disposall.”—P. 502. This took place before the year 1158, Henry's reign LINDSAY AND CRAWFORD (8th S. iii. 388).—Sir A. H. will find the information that he seeks in Lord Lindsay's 'Lives of the Lindsays.' See vol. i. pp. 180 et sqq., edition 1849. Ventnor. E. WALFORD, M.A. MONASTIC RULES (8th S. iii. 387).—I am not aware of anything in the Cistercian statutes allotting parochial duties to any of the monks. The "surrounding hamlets" were looked after by the parochial clergy. In 1467 Joan Bradshaw was dying in the house of her son-in-law at the west gate of Fountains Abbey, in the parish of William Saule, perpetual vicar of the prebend of Given |