Sidor som bilder


B'HAR, He (i.e. God) chooseth.


Sam. 5. 15. Ib'ne-iah,

2 1b-ni jah (yah), the Lord buildeth.

1 Chron. 9. 8. Ich'a-bod, inglorious. 1 Sam. 4. 21. I-co'ni-um. Acts 13. 51. Id'do. 1 Kings 4. 14. I-du-me'a. See Edom. Isa. 34. 5. 6. I'gal, (the Lord) will redeem. Num. [Jer 35. 4. Ig-dal'iah, the Lord is (or be) great. Ijon [pr. Eeyon], a heap. 1 Kings

13. 7.

15. 20.

Im'lah, He will fill up. 1 Kings 22. 8.
Im-man'u-el, God with us. Isa. 7. 14.
Iph'e-de-iah[pr. Iphdeyah], the Lord
sets free. I Chron. 8. 25.
I'ra, a watcher. 2 Sam. 20. 26.
I'rad, wild ass. Gen. 4. 18.

I-ri jah, the Lord seeth or provideth.
Jer. 37. 14.

Ir'pe-el, God healeth, Josh. 18. 27. I'saac, he laugheth. Gen. 22. 2. I-saiah, the Lord is salvation. Matt. 3. 3; Isa. 1. 1. [10. 4. Is-car'i-ot, a man of Kerioth. Matt. Ish bak, he forsaketh or remitteth. Gen. 25. 2. [2 Sam. 21. 16. Ish'bi-be-nob', my seat is at Nob (?). Ish'bo-sheth, servant of the shameful,' i.e. Baal. Same as Eshbaal. 2 Sam. 2. 8. [2. 16. I'shi[ pr. Eeshee]. my husband. Hos. Ish ma-el, God heareth. Gen. 16. 11. Is'ra-el, God fighteth. Gen. 32. 28. Is sa-char (sounds like 'day-labourer'). Gen. 30. 18.

Ith'a-mar. Ex. 6. 23.


Je-di [dee]-dah, beloved. 2 Kings 22. 1. Jed-i-di'ah [strictly, Yedeedyah], beloved of the Lord. 2 Sam. 12. 25. Jed-u'thun, appointed for praise. 1 Chron. 16. 42. [Gen. 31. 47. Je'gar-sa-ha-du'tha, heap of witness. Je-hi ah, the Lord liveth. 1 Chr. 15. 24. Je-hi el, God fiveth. 1 Chron. 15. 18. Je-ho-a'haz, the Lord taketh hold. 2 Kings 10. 35.

Je-ho'ash. 2 Kings 13. 25. Je-hoi'a-chin [strictly, Yeho-yahkin], the Lord maketh steadfast. 2 Kings 24. 6.

Je-hoi'a-da[strictly Yěho-yahda), the Lord knoweth. 2 Sam. 8. 18. Je-hoi a-kim (st. Yeho-yahkim], the Lord will raise up. 2 Kings 23. 34. Je-ho-ia'rib, the Lord will plead the cause. 1 Chron. 9. 10. Je-hon'a-dab. See Jonadab. 2 Kings [Kings 22. 50. Je-ho ram, the Lord is exalted. 1 Je-hosh'a-phat [strictly, Yeho-shaphatj, the Lord judgeth. 2 Sam. 8.

10. 15.


Je-ho'vah, He is, or, He maketh (or, will make) to be. (The proper spelling is Yahveh.) Ex. 6. 3. Je-ho'vah-ji'reh, the Lord will see or provide. Gen. 22. 14. Je-ho'vah-nis si, the Lord is my ban ner. Ex. 17. 15. Je-ho vah-sha'lom, the Lord is peace. Judg. 6. 24. [there. Ezek. 48. 35. Je-ho vah-sham'mah, the Lord is Je-ho'vah-tsid-ke'nu, the Lord is our righteousness. Jer. 23. 6.

Ith'i-el (not a proper name; see Var. Je-ho-za'bad, the Lord bestowed. 1

Rend. Bible). Prov. 30. 1.
Ith'nan, strong. Josh. 15. 23.
I-tu-re'a. See Jetur. Luke 3. 1.

[The letter J in proper names of Hebrew origin ought, strictly speaking, to be pronounced as Y].

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2 Kings 25. 23.

Jab bok, pouring out. Gen. 32. 22. Jab'esh, dry. 1 Sam. 11. 1. Ja besh-Gilead, Jabesh of Gilead. Ja bez. 1 Chron. 2. 55. [Judg. 21. 8. Ja bin, he understands. Josh. 11. 1. Jab'ne-el, God makes to build. Josh. [fast. Gen. 46. 10. Ja chin [pr. Yakin], he makes steadJa cob, he taketh hold of the heel, or followeth after. Comp Akkub. Gen. 25. 26. [28.

15. 11.

Ja'da, one that knoweth. 1 Chron. 2. Jad'dua, much-knowing. Neh. 10. 21. Ja'don, (God is) one that judgeth. Neh. 3. 7.

Ja'el. mountain goat. Judg. 4. 17. Jah pr. Yah], shortened from the original form of the name of God (Yahveh). See Jehovah. Ps. 68. 4. Ja haz,

Ja-haʼza, Num. 21. 23; Josh. 13. 18.
Ja-haziah, the Lord seeth. Ezra 10. 15.
Ja'ba-zi-el', God seeth. Ezra 8. 5.
Ja ir, He (God) enlighteneth. Num.
Ja-i'rus, the same. Mark 5. 22. [32. 41.
Ja kim, (God) will raise up. 1 Chron.
Jam'bres. 2 Tim. 3. 8.
[8. 19.
James. See Jacob. Mark 1. 19.
Jam'lech, may (God) cause to reign!
Jan'na. Luke 3. 24. [1 Chron. 4. 34.
Jan'nes. 2 Tim. 3. 8.
[5. 32.
Ja pheth, he extendeth widely. Gen.
Ja phi-a, far-shining. Josh. 10. 3.
Ja'reb, contentious. Hos. 6. 13.
Ja'red, descent. Gen. 5. 15.
Ja'sher, upright. Josh. 10. 13.

Ja'son. Acts 17. 5.

Ja'van. Gen. 10. 2.

Ja zer, He (God) helpeth. Num. 32. 1.
Je-ber-e-chi'ah, the Lord will bless.
Je bus. Judg. 19. 10.
[Isa. 8. 2.
Je-co-ni'ah [strictly, Yecouyah). See
Jehoiachin. 1 Chron. 3. 16.

Chron. 26. 4. [1 Chr. 6. 15. Jehu, ahistle (viz. G Je-ho-za'dak, the Lord is righteous.

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Jer-e-mi'ah, the Lord layeth the foundation. 2 Kings 23. 31. Jer. 1. 1. Jer'i-cho, moon-city. Num. 22. 1. Jer'i-moth, high places. 1 Chron. 7. 7. Je-rob'o-am, the kinsman (i.e. God) contendeth. 1 Kings 12. 20. Je-ro ham, he is loved. 1 Sam. 1. 1. Je'rub-ba'al, Baal contendeth. Judg. 6. 32.

Je'rub-be'sheth, the shameful con

tendeth (Jerubbaal). 2 Sam. 11. 21. Je-ru'el, place of God. 2 Chron. 20. 16. Je-ru'sa-lem, place of peace. 2 Sam. 5. 6.

Je-ru'sha, possession. 2 Kings 15. 33. Je-sa'iah. 1 Chron. 3. 21. See Isaiah. Je-shi'mon [pr. Yesheemon], desolation. 1 Sam. 23. 24. [24. 11. Jesh'u-ah, the Lord is welfare, 1 Chr. Je-shu'run, the upright one. Deut. Jes'se. 1 Sam. 17. 17. [32. 15. Jesus, same as Jeshua or Joshua. Matt. 1. 1; Heb. 4. 8.


Je'ther, preeminence. Judg. 8. 20;
Jeth'ro, Ex. 3. 1.
Je'tur, mountainous. Gen. 25. 15.
Je'ush. Gen. 36. 5.

Jez'e-bel, chaste (?). 1 Kings 16. 31.
Jez-rah'iah, the Lord appeareth.
Neh. 12. 42.

Jez re-el, God soweth. Judg. 6. 33. Jib sam, agreeable. 1 Chron. 7. 2. Jid laph, he sheddeth tears. Gen. 22.


[13. Jo'ab, the Lord is a father. 2 Sam. 2. Jo'ah, the Lord is a brother. 2 Kings

18. 18. Jo-an'na, the Lord is grace.


Luke 3.

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Jo-cheb'ed [pr. Yokebed], the Lord
is glory. Ex. 6. 20.
Jo'ed, the Lord is witness. Neh. 11. 7.
Jo'el, the Lord is God. 1 Sam. 8. 2.
Jo-e'zer, the Lord is help. 1 Chron.
[2 Kings 25. 23, 1
Jo-ha'nan, the Lord graciously gave.
John. See Johanan.
Jok'me-am. 1 Chron. 6. 68.
Jok'ne-am. Josh. 12. 22.
Jok'shan, fowler. Gen. 25. 2.
Jok tan, small. Gen. 10. 25.
Jon'a-dab, the Lord is a noble one. 2
Sam. 13. 32.
Jo'nah, or Jonas, dove, Jonah 1. 1.
Jon'a-than, the Lord hath given.
Judg. 18. 30.

Jop pa, beauty. 2 Chron. 2. 16. Jo'ram, the Lord is exalted. 2 Kings 8. 16.

Jordan, flowing down. Gen. 13. 11. Jo rim (another form of Joram). Luke 3. 29.

Jo'se, same as Joseph. Luke 3. 29; Jo'ses, Matt. 13. 55.

Jo'seph, may He add (children) (?). Gen. 30. 24. [13. Josh'u-a, the Lord is welfare. Ex. 17. Jo-si'ah, the Lord healeth. 1 Kings [9.5.

13. 2.

Jo tham, the Lord is perfect. Judg. Jo za-dak, Ezra 3. 2. See Jehozadak Ju'dah, (sounds like praised'). Ju'das, Gen. 29. 35: Matt. 13. 55. Ju'piter, name of Roman god. Acts 14. 12, 13.


AB'ZE-EL. God assembleth. Ka'desh, holy. Gen. 14. 7. Ka'desh-bar'ne-a. Num. 32. 8. [15-19. Kad mo-nites, men of the east. Gen. Ke'dar, blackness. Gen. 25. 13. east. Gen.

Ke-de moth, cast wurl districts. Josh

Ke-i'lah (pr. Ke-eelah). fortress. Ke-mu'el. Gen. 22. 21. [Josh. 15. 44. Ke'naz Josh. 15. 17.


Kenizzies, Gen. 15. 19; Num. 32. 12
Ke'nite. Judg. 1. 16. [Job 42. 14.
Ke'ren-hap-puch, horn of eye-paint.
Keri-oth, group of towns or hamlets.
Josh. 15. 25.

Ke-tu rah, incense. Gen. 25. 1, 4.
Ke-zi a, cassia. Job 42. 14.
Ke'ziz, clipped. Josh. 18. 21.
Kib roth-hat-ta'a-vah, graves of lust.
Num. 11. 34.


Kid'ron, black, turbid. 2 Sam. 15. 23.
Kir, city. 2 Kings 16. 9. [Isa. 16. 7.
Kir-ha-re'seth, city on the hill (?).
Kirja-tha'im, double city. Num. 32
[Josh. 18. 28.
Kir jath [pr. Kiryath], city or town.
Kirjath-ar ba, city of four. Gen. 23. 2.
Kirjath-a'rim, short for Kirjath-
jearim. Ezra 2. 25.
Kirjath-ba'al, city of Baal, Josh. 15,
Kirjath-hu zoth, city of the steppes.
Num. 22. 39.

Kirjath-je-a'rim [pr. Kiryathyeah-
rim), city of woods. Josh. 9. 17.
Kir jath-san'nah, city of the law ().
Josh. 15. 49.
[15. 15.
Kirjath-seph'er, city of books. Josh.
Kish. 1 Sam. 9. 1. 3.

Kit tim (same as Chittim). Gen. 10.4. Ko'hath, congregation. Gen. 46. 11 Ko'rah, ice, baldness. Gen. 36. 5.

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Le-vi a than, wreathed one (not really a proper name). Job 41. 1. Lib'er-tines, name of the descendants

of Jews taken to Rome as slaves, and afterwards emancipated. Acts Lib'nah, whiteness. Num. 33. 20. [6.9. Lib'ni, white. Ex. 6. 17. Lo-am'mi, not my people. Hos. 1. 9. Lo'de-bar', without pasture. 2 Sam. 17. 27.

Lo-ru-ha'mah, not pitied. Hos. 1.6, 8.
Lot, a covering, darkness. Gen. 11. 27.
Lu'bim (pr. Loobim Libyans.

Lu cas, or Luke. Philem. 24. Col. 4. 14.
Lu'ci-fer, bringing light. Isa. 14. 12.
Lu'hith, made of planks. Isa. 15. 5.
Luz, almond-tree. Gen. 28. 19.
Lyc-a-o'ni-a. Acts 14. 6, 11.
Ly-sa'ni-as. Luke 3. 1.
Lys tra. Acts 14. 6, 8.

TA'A-CHAH. Gen. 22. 24.


Ma'a-dai, ornament of the Lord. Ma'ad-iah, 3 Ezra 10. 34; Neh. 12. 5. Ma-a-se'iah, work of the Lord. Neh. Ma-ce-do'ni-a. Acts. 16. 9. `[11. 5. Ma'chir [pr. Makir), sold. Gen. 50. 23. Mach-pelah, doubling. Gen. 23. 17. Mag da-la, tower. Matt. 15. 39. Mag da lene [pr. Magdalen], inhabitant of Magdala. Luke 8. 2. Ma'gog. Gen. 10. 2. [Jer. 20. 3. Ma'gor-mis-sa bib, fear round about. Ma'gus, a magician [not a proper name]. Acts 13. 6, 8. [Gen. 5. 12. Ma-hal-al'e-el, God sheddeth light. Ma'ha-lath, song. Gen. 28. 9. Ma-ha-na im, two camps. Gen. 32. 2. Ma'her-sha lal-hash baz, swift of spoil, hasty of prey. Isa. 8. 1, 3. Mah lah. See Mahalath. Num. 26. 33. Mah ́lon, sickness. Ruth 4. 10. Mak-ke dah, place of shepherds. Josh.

[ 10. 10.

Mak tesh, mortar-shaped. Zeph. 1. 11.
Mal'a-chi, messenger'of the Lord; or,
my messenger. Mal. 1. 1.
Mal'cham, their king (i.e. supreme
god). Zeph. 1. 5.

Mal-chi'ah. the Lord is king. Jer.
Mal-chi jah. 38. 6; 1 Chron. 24. 9.
Mal'chi-el, God is king. Gen. 46. 17.
Mal-chi'ram, high king. 1 Chron. 3.
Mal'chus, king. John 18. 10. [18.
Mam'mon, riches (not really a proper
name). Matt. 6. 24.
Mam're. Gen. 13. 18.

Man'a-en, a comforter. Acts 13. 1.
Ma-nas'seh (sounds like 'one who for-
gets'). Gen. 41. 51.
Ma-no'ah, rest. Judg. 13. 2. [55.
Ma'on, house, habitation. Josh. 15.
Ma'ra, bitter, bitterness. Ruth 1. 20.
Ma'rah. Ex. 15. 23.



Me-gid'do Josh. 17. 11. [Gen. 36. 39. Me-he tab-el', God is a benefactor. Me-hu-ja el, struck by God. Gen. 4. [3. 24. Mel'chi, a king (is the Lord). Luke Mel-chiz e-dek [strictly Melki-zedek], the king is righteousness. Gen. 14. 18.

Mel'i-ta, (port of) escape. Acts 28. 1.
Memphis. Hos. 9. 6.
Me-mu can. Est. 1. 14.
Men'a-hem, comforter. 2 Kings 15. 14.
Me-phibo-sheth (mistake of scribe for
Meribbosheth, the shameful con-
tendeth Meribbaal). 2 Sam. 9. 6.
Me'rab. 1 Sam. 14. 49.

Mer a'ri, bitter. Gen. 46. 11. [50. 21.
Me-ra-tha'im, double rebellion. Jer.
Mer-cu ri-us, name of Roman god.
Acts 14. 12.
(Ex. 17. 7.

Me-ri bah pr. Mereebah], contention.
Me-rib-ba'al, Baal contendeth. 1 Chr.
Me-ro'dach. Jer. 50, 2.
18. 34.
Mer'o-dach-bal ́a-dan, Merodach gave
a son. Isa. 39. 1.

Me'rom, a height. Josh. 11. 5, 7.
Me roz. Judg. 6. 23.
Me shach. Dan. 1. 7.
Me shech. Gen. 10, 2.
Me-she'lem-iah', the Lord is a recom-
penser. 1 Chron. 9. 21.
Me-she-zab'eel, God is a liberator.
Neh. 3. 4.
[Ezra 8. 16.
Me-shul'lam, one devoted (to God).
Me-shul-le meth, the same (name of
woman). 2 Kings 21. 19.
Mes-o-po-ta'mi-a, between the rivers.
Mes-si'ah, anointed. [Gen. 24. 10.
Me'theg-am'mah (not a proper name:
see Var. Rend. Bible). 2 Sam. 8. 1.
Me-thu'sa-el, man (i.e. servant) of
God. Gen. 4. 18.
Me-thu'se-lah. Gen. 5. 21.



Mi'cab, who is like the Lord?
Mi-cha iah, Judg. 17. 1; 1 Kings 22. 8.
Micha-el, who is like God? Dan. 10.
Michal. 1 Sam. 14. 49.
Mich'mash. 1 Sam. 13. 2.
Mid'i-an, strife. Gen. 25. 2, 4.
Mig'ron. 1 Sam. 14. 2.
Mikloth, sticks. 1 Chron. 8. 32.
Mil'cah, queen. Gen. 11. 29.
Mil'com, king (Molech). 1 Kings 11.
Mi-le'tus. Acts 20. 15.
Millo, rampart. Judg. 9. 6.
Mi-ja'min (pr. Miyamin], at the right
hand. 1 Chron. 24. 9.
Mir-i'am. Ex. 15. 20.
Mi'she-al. Josh. 19. 26.
Mis're-photh-ma'im, burnings of the
waters, i.e. smelting-works by the
water. Josh. 11. 8.
Mit-y-le'ne. Acts 20. 14.
Mi'zar, smallness. Ps. 42. 6.
Miz pah, place of watch. Gen. 31.
Miz peh, 49; Josh. 15. 38.
Miz'ra-im (Hebrew for Egypt). Gen.
Mna'son. Acts 21. 16.
[10. 6.
Mo'ab, progeny of a father. Gen. 19.
15. 26.



Na-am'a-thite, inhabitant of Naamah. Job 2. 11.

Nah'shon, diviner. Num. 1. 7; Matt.
Na-as'son, { 1. 4.

Na bal, fool. 1 Sam. 25. 3.
Na'both. 1 Kings 21. 1.

Na'dab, noble, iiberal. Ex. 6. 23.
Na-ha'li-el, valley of God. Num. 21. 19.
Na'ha-ri, snorter. 2 Sam. 23. 37.
Na'hash, serpent. 1 Sam. 11. 1.
Na hor, snorter. Gen. 11. 22.
Na hum, comfort. Nah. 1. 1.
Na'in, pleasant. Luke 7. 11.
Naioth, habitations. 1 Sam. 19. 18.
Na o-mi. pleasant. Ruth 1. 19.
Na'phish, multiplied, numerous. Gen.

25. 15.

Naph'ta-li (sounds like my strife"). Gen. 30. 8.

1. 45.

Na than, He hath given. 2 Sam. 5. 14.
Na-than'a el, God hath given. John.
[given. 2 Kings 23. 11.
Na'than-me'lech, the king (God) bath
Na'um. See Nahum. Luke 3. 25.
Naz-a-rene', man of Nazareth. Matt.
2. 23.
[Matt. 2. 23.
Naz'a-reth, watch, or brushwood.
Ne-ap'o-lis. Acts 16. 11.
Ne-ba joth. Gen. 25. 13.
Ne'bo, he that announceth (Babylon-
ian god). Num. 32. 3.
Ne-bu-chad-nez'zar, O Nebo, defend
the crown. 2 Kings 24. 1.
Ne-bu-shas'ban, O Nebo, deliver me.
Jer. 39. 13.
[2 Kings 25. 8.
Ne-bu-zar'a-dan, Nebo gave a seed.
Necho. 2 Chron. 35. 20.
Ne-dab iah, the Lord impels. 1 Chr.
3. 18.
[Ezra 2. 2.
Ne-he-mi'ah, the Lord comforteth.
Ne-hush'ta, brass (?). 2 Kings 24. 8.
Ne-hush'tan, brazen. 2 Kings 18. 4.
Ner, lamp. 1 Sam. 14. 50.
Ne'reus. Rom. 16. 15.

Neri, the Lord is a lamp. Luke 3. 27.
Ne ri'ah, the same. Jer 32. 12.
Ne-than'iah, the Lord hath given. 2°
Kings 25. 23.
Neth'i-nim, given or devoted. 1 Chr.
Nib haz. 2 Kings 17. 31.
Ni-ca'nor. Acts 6. 5.

John 3. 1.

Isa. 15. 6.

Nic-o-la'i-tanes, the followers of Nic-
olas. Rev. 2. 6.
[6. 5.
Nico-las, conquering the people. Acts
Ni-cop'o-lis. Tit. 3 12.
Nim rim, limpid (water).
Nim rod. Gen. 10. 8, 9.
Nim'shi. 2 Kings 9. 2.
Nin'e-veh. Gen. 10. 11.
Nis'roch. 2 Kings 19. 37. [Jer. 46. 25.
No. city (ie. the Egyptian Thebes).
No-adiah, the Lord meeteth. Neh.
No'ah, rest. Gen. 5. 29.
[6. 14.
Nob, high place. 1 Sam. 21. 1.
No bah, a barking (). Num. 32. 42.
Nod (sounds like wandering'). Gen.
4. 16.

Noph, i.e. Memphis. Isa. 19. 13.

-BA-DI'AH [strictly, Obadyah],

122 Mola dah, she who causeth birth. Oworshipper of the Lord. 1 Kings

Marcus, or Mark. Col. 4. 10. Acts 12. Mars-hill. See Areopagus. Acts 17. 22. Mar tha, lady. Luke 10. 38, 40. Ma'ry. See Miriam. Matt. 1. 16. Mas're-kah, plantation of choice vines. Mas'sah, trial. Ex. 17. 7. [Gen. 36. 36. Mat'tan, gift. 2 Kings 11. 18. [24. 17. Mat-tan iah, gift of the Lord. 2 Kings Mat-ta-th ́ias, the same. Luke 3. 26. Mat'that, gift (of the Lord). Luke 3. [niah. Matt, 9. 9. Matth'ew (or Mattai), from MattaMat-thi as. See Mattathias. Acts 1. 26,


Maz-za'roth, the Hyades; or, the signs
of the zodiac. Job 38. 32.
Me'dad. Num. 11. 26.
Me'dan, strife. Gen. 25. 2.

12. 6.

Molech, or Moloch, king (i.e. of hea-
ven, or, of his worshipping people).
Lev. 18. 21.
Est. 2. 5.
Mor'de-cai, belonging to Merodach.
Moreh (sounds like teacher)'. Gen.
Mo-re'sheth-gath, the possession of
Mo-ri'ah (sounds like 'shown by the
Lord'). Gen. 22. 2.
Mo-se'ra, bond. Deut. 10. 6.
Mo-se'roth, bonds. Num. 33. 30.
Mo'ses (sounds like 'he that draws
out,' but more probably is an Egyp-
tian name). Ex. 2. 10.
Mysia. Acts 16. 7, 8.

A'AM, pleasantness. 1 Chron. 4.

NA 16.

Mel'chi-shu'a, the king is welfare. 1 Na'a-mah, pleasant. Gen. 4. 22; 2

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Ruth 4. 17. [Edom. 2 Sam. 6. 10. O'bed-e'dom, worshipper of (the god?) O'ded. 2 Chron. 28. 9. Og. Num. 21. 33. O'hel, tent. 1 Chron. 3. 20. Om'ri. Mic. 6. 16. On, obelisk (i.e. Heliopolis). O'nan, strong. Gen. 38. 4. O-ne'si-mus. Col. 4. 9. On-e-siph'o-rus. 2 Tim. 1. 16. O'phel, a hill. 2 Chron. 27. 3. O'phir. Gen. 10. 29. Ophrah, fawn. Judg. 6. 11. O'reb, raven. Judg. 7. 25.

O-ri'on (a constellation). Job 9. 9. Or'nan. 1 Chron. 21. 15.


[1. 4.

Or pah, back (i.e. departure?). Ruth


O'see (or, O-se'e). Rom. 9. 25. See
Oth'ni-el. Josh. 15. 17. [Hosea.
O-zi'as. See Uzziah. Matt. 1. 8.

PAA-RAL 2 Sam. 23. 35.


Pur [ pr. Poor], lot. Est. 3. 7.
Pu'rim [pr. Poorim], lots. Est. 9. 26.
Pu-te'o-li. Acts 28. 13.

Pu'ti-el, belonging to God. Ex. 6. 25.

A'A-MAH. Gen. 10. 7.


S13), or of Sheba (Job 1. 15).
A-BE'ANS, people of Seba (Isa. 45.

Sab'te-chah. Gen. 10. 7.
Sa'car, hire.

1 Chron. 11. 35.

Sa'doc. See Zadok. Matt. 1. 14.
Sa'lah, sprout. Gen. 10. 24.

Padan-a'ram, cultivated district Ram-jah', thunder of the Lord. Sala-mis. Acts 13.5%

of Syria. Gen. 25. 20.

Pal es ti na (not the whole of Palestine, but) the land of the Philistines. Ex. 15. 14.

[Num. 13. 9. Palti, (the Lord) is deliverance. Pam-phyl'ia. Acts 2. 10.

Pa'phos. Acts 13. 6.

Pa'ran, perhaps, cave-district.

[21. 21.


Par bar (not a proper name; see Var.
Rend. Bible). 1 Chron. 26. 18.

Par me-nas. Acts 6. 5.

Pa'rosh, flea. Ezra 2. 3.
Par-shan-da tha. Esth. 9. 7.
Pa-ru'ah. 1 Kings 4. 17.
Pas hur. Jer. 20. 1.
Pat'a-ra. Acts 21. 1.
Path'ros, house of (the goddess) Ha-
thor: name for Upper Egypt.
Pat'mos. Rev. 1. 9.

Isa. [11. 11.

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Pe kod, visitation. Jer. 50. 21.
Pe-la'iah, the Lord hath done wonder-
fully. 1 Chron. 3. 24.
Pe-lal'iah, the Lord hath judged.
Neh. 11. 12.
[1 Chron, 3. 21.
Pe-lat'iah, the Lord hath delivered.
Pe'leg, division; or, stream. Gen. 10.

Pe'leth-ites, runners (?). 2 Sam. 8. 18.
Pe-ni'el, face of God. Gen 32. 30.
Pe-nin'nah. coral. 1 Sam. 1. 2.
Pe-nu el. See Peniel. Gen. 32. 31.
Pe'or, chasm. Num. 23. 28.

Neh. 7. 7.

Rabbah, ?

Ex. 1. 11. See Rameses.

Rab bath, great (city). Deut. 3. 11.
Rab mag, chief of the magians (or
learned men). Jer. 39. 3.

Rab'sa-ris, chief of the eunuchs. 2
Kings 18. 17.
[18 17.
Rab'sha-keh, chief officer. 2 Kings
Ra'chal, traffic. 1 Sam. 30. 29.
Ra'chel, ewe. Gen. 29. 6.
Rag'au See Reu.
Ra-gu'el. See Reuel. Num. 10. 29.
Ra'hab, arrogance, defiance. Job 26.
12; Isa. 51. 9.

[blocks in formation]

Ra'hel, same as Rachel. Jer. 31. 15.
Rak kath, a shore. Josh. 19. 35.
Rak'kon, a shore district. Josh. 19.
Ram. Ruth 4. 19.
Ra'mah, height. Josh. 18. 25.
Ra-ma-tha im, the two quarters of
the town of Ramah.
[15. 17.
Ra-math-le 'hi, height of Lehi. Judg.
Ram'e-ses, child of the sun-god Ra.
Gen. 47. 11.
[10. 25.
Ram'iah, the Lord is exalted. Ezra
Ra'moth, lofty places. 1 Chron. 6. 73.
Ra'pha, a giant. 1 Chron. 8. 2.
Ra phu, healed. Num. 13. 9.
Re-bek'ah, a noose (?). Gen. 22. 23.
Re'chab, horseman. 2 Sam. 4. 2.
Re-e-la'iah, trembling (caused by) the
Lord. Ezra 2. 2.
[2. 47.
Regem, friend (of God). 1 Chron.
Regem-me lech, friend of the king
(ie. of God). Zech. 7. 2.
Re-hab'iah, the Lord enlargeth.
Chron. 23. 17.

Pe-riz'zites, those who dwell in vil- Re'hob, broad space. 2 Sam. 8. 3.

[blocks in formation]

Pha-nu'el. See Peniel. Luke 2. 36.
Pha'ra-oh, great house. Gen. 12. 15.
Pha'rez, rupture. Gen. 38. 29.
Phar par, swift. 2 Kings 5. 12.
Phe be. Rom. 16. 1.
Phe-ni'ce. Acts 11. 19.
Phi chol. Gen. 21. 32.

Phil-a-delphi-a. Rev. 1. 11.
Phi-le'mon. Philem. 1.

Phi-le'tus. 2 Tim. 2. 17.

Phil'is-tines, the people of Philistia.

[blocks in formation]


Re-hob'o-am, the kinsman (God) en-
largeth. 1 Kings 11. 43.
Re-ho both, broad spaces. Gen. 10. 11.
Re hum, compassion. Ezra 4. 8.
Re'i, (the Lord is) a friend. 1 Kings
Re'kem. Num. 31. 8.
Re-mal'iah. Isa. 7. 1.
Rem'mon. Josh. 19. 7. (See Rimmon).
Rem'phan (wrong reading of the He-
brew in a quotation from the Greek
version). Acts 7. 43.

[1. 8.

Re-pha el, God hath healed. 1 Chron.
Re-pha im, giants. Gen. 14. 5. (26.7.
Reph'l-dim, spread out. Ex. 17. 1.
Re'sen, bridle. Gen. 10. 12.

Gen. 11. 18.
'behold a

Re-sheph, flame (name of Phoenician
god). 1 Chron. 7. 25.
Reu, shepherd, i.e. king.
Reuben (sounds like
son?'). Gen. 29. 32.
Reu'el, shepherd of God. Gen. 36. 4.
Reu mah, high. Gen. 22. 24.
Reʼzin, firm, stable. 2 Kings 15. 37.
Re'zon, prince. 1 Kings 11. 23.
Rhe'gi-um. Acts 28. 13.
Rhe'sa. Luke 3. 27.
Rho'da. Acts 12. 13.
Rho'des. Acts 21. 1.

Ri'bai [ for Yeribail, the Lord plead-
eth the cause. 2 Sam. 23. 29.
Rib lah. Num. 34. 11.
Rim'mon [rather Ramman], high
(name of Assyrian air-god)." Josh.

Sa-la'thi-el (Hebrew Shealtiel), I have
asked of God. 1 Chron. 3. 17; Matt.
(1. 12.
Sa'lem, peace. Gen. 14. 18.
Sa'lim. John 3. 23.

Mark 16. 1.

Ruth 4. 20.
Sal-mo'ne. Acts 27. 7.
Sa-lo'me, see Shelomith.
Sa-ma'ri-a, Shemer's town: or watch-
tower. 1 Kings 13. 32. [Jer. 39. 3.
Sam'gar Ne'bo, be gracious. O Nebo.
Sam lah, garment. Gen. 36. 36.
Sa-mo-thra'ci-a. Acts 16. 11.
Sam'son, solar. Judg. 13. 24.
Sam'u-el, heard of God: name of God.
San-bal lat. Neh. 2. 10. [1 Sam. 1. 20.
San-san nah, palm-branch. Josh. 15.
Saph, threshold. 2 Sam. 21. 18. [31.
beautiful. Mic. 1. 11:
Sa phir.
Acts 5. 1.

Sa rah, queen. Gen. 17. 15; Gen. 11.
Sa'rai, 29.

Sar'dis. Rev. 1. 11.
Sa-rep'ta. See Zarephath, Luke 4.26.
Sar'gon, established king. Isa. 20. 1.
Sa rid, survivor. Jos. 19. 10, 12.
Sa'ron. See Sharon. Acts 9. 35.
Sar'se chim. Jer. 39. 3.

21. 1.

Sa ruch. See Serug. Luke 3. 35.
Sa'tan, adversary, accuser. 1 Chron.
[Gen. 36. 37.
Saul [Hebrew Sha'ul, asked for.
Sce'va pr. Skeva). Acts 19. 14.
Scyth'i-an. Col. 3. 11.

Se ba. Gen. 10. 7.
Se bat. Zech. 1. 7.
Se-chu [pr. Seku], place of watch. 1
Se gub. 1 Kings 16. 34. [Sam. 19. 22.
Se'ir, hairy. Gen. 33. 14.
Sela, crag. Isa. 16. 1.
Sela-ham-mah'le-koth, the crag of

division. 1 Sam. 23. 28.
Se-leu'ci-a. Acts 13. 4.

Sem'e-i. See Shimei. Luke 3. 26.
Se-mach' [mak]-iah, the Lord uphold-

eth. 1 Chron. 26. 7. [Sam. 14. 4.
Sen eh, a bush of the senna plant. 1
Sen-na-che'rib, Sin (the Assyrian
moon-god) gave many brothers 2
Kings 18. 13.
[Kings 17.24.
Seph-ar-va'im, the two Sipparas. 2
Se'rah, spreading out, abundant.
Gen. 46. 17.
Se-ra'iah, the Lord fighteth. 2 Sam.
Se'rug. Gen. 11. 20.
Seth, set, placed. Gen. 5. 3.
Se'thur, oovered. Num. 13. 13. (35.
Sha-al'bim, region of foxes. Judg. 1.
Sha-a-ra'im, two gates 1 Chron. 4.
Sha-ash'gaz Esth. 2. 14.


Shab'be-thai, born on the sabbath.
Shad'rach. Dan. 1. 7.

[Ezra 10. 15.
Sha'lim, region of foxes. 1 Sam. 9. 4.
Sha-li'sha. 1 Sam. 9. 4.
Shal'lum, recompence. 2 Kings 15. 10.
Shal-man-e'ser, (the god) Shalman is
favourable. 2 Kings 17. 3.
Sha'ma, (God) hath heard. 1 Chron.
Sham'gar. Judg. 3. 31.
(11. 44.
Sham 'huth. 1 Chron. 27. 8.
Sha mir (rather Shamur), one guard-
ed. Judg. 10. 1, 2.

Sham'ma. 1 Chron 7. 37.

[blocks in formation]




She-al'ti-el, I have asked of God. 1 Sol'o-mon (Hebrew Sh'lomoh), peace- Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca. Acts 17.1.
Chron. 3. 17.

She-ar'iah. 1 Chron. 8. 38.
She'ar-ja'shub [ pr. -yashoob], a rem-
nant shall return. Isa. 7. 3.
She'ba. Gen. 25. 3; Josh. 19. 2.
She-ban'iah. Neh. 9. 4.
She-ba'rim, breaches. Josh. 7. 5.
She ber, breach. 1 Chron. 2. 48.
Sheb'na. Isa. 36. 3.
She'chem, mountain-ridge. Gen. 33.
She-de'ur, the Almighty is fire. Num.
Shelah. Gen. 38. 11.
She-lem'iah, the Lord is recompence.
Jer. 36. 14.

She leph, departure. Gen. 10. 26.



[1. 5.

peaceful. Lev. 24. 11.

She-lu'mi-el, friend of God. Num. 1.
Shem, renown (?). Gen. 9. 18.
She-ma'iah, the Lord hath heard.
Kings 12, 22.
[Chron. 12. 5.



She-mar'iah, the Lord guardeth.
She-me'ber. Gen. 14. 2.


She'mer, watch. 1 Kings 16. 24.
She-mi'da. Num. 26. 32.

She-mi-ra'moth. 1 Chron. 15. 18.
Shen, tooth (i.e. peak). 1 Sam. 7. 12.
She'nir. Deut. 3. 9.
[3. 4.
She-phat ́iah, the Lord judges. 2 Sam.
She phi, bareness. i Chron. 1. 40;
She pho, Gen. 36. 23.
?She-phu'pham, (the horned serpent.
Num. 26. 39; 1 Chr.
She-phu phan, 8.5. [Ezra 8. 18.
She'reb-iah', sprout of the Lord.
She'resh, root. 1 Chron. 7. 16.

She'shach. Jer. 25. 26.

Shesh-baz'zar. Ezra 1. 8.
She'thar-boz'nai. Ezra 5. 3.
She'va. 1 Chron. 2. 49.

Shic'ron, drunkenness. Jos. 15. 11.
Shi hor-lib'nath, glass-river (glass
having been made from its sand).
Josh. 19. 26.
[Іва. 8. 6.
Shi-lo ah, sending forth (of water).
Shiloh, place of rest. Josh. 18. 1.
Shim'e-ah, fame. 2 Sam. 21. 21.
Shim e-i, famous. 2 Sam. 16. 13.
Shim'ri, watchful. 1 Chron. 4. 37;
Shim rith, 2 Chron. 24. 26.
Shim'shai, solar. Ezra 4. 8.
Shi'nab. Gen. 14. 2.

Shi'nar. Gen. 10. 10.

Shiph'rah. Ex. 1. 15.
Shi shak. 1 Kings 11. 40.
Shit-tim, acacias. Num. 25. 1.
Sho'bab, turned back. 2 Sam. 5. 14.
Sho'bach, pouring out. 2 Sam. 10. 16.
Sho ham, onyx. 1 Chron. 24. 27.
Shu'ah, a low-lying district. Gen. 25. 2.
Shu'al, fox. 1 Sam. 13. 17.
Shu'lam-ite, inhabitant of Shulem.
Song 6. 13.
[1 Kings 1. 3.
Shu'nam-mite, inhabitant of Shunem.
Shu'nem. 1 Sam. 28. 4.

Shur, wall. Gen. 16. 7.

ful. 2 Sam. 5. 14.
So pa-ter. Acts 20. 4.

So-phe'reth, one who holds the office
of a scribe. Neh. 7. 57.
So'rek, choice vine. Judg. 16. 4.
So-sip a-ter. Rom. 16. 21.
Sos'the-nes. Acts 18. 17.
Sta'chys. Rom. 16. 9.
Steph'a-nas, crown. 1 Cor. 1. 10.
Stephen, the same. Acts 6. 5.
Suc coth, booths. Gen. 33. 17.
Suc'coth-be noth (Hebrew form of
name of Assyrian goddess). 2 Kings
17. 30.

Su-san'chites, people of Shushan.
Ezra 4. 9.

Su-san'na, lily. Luke 8. 3.

Su'si, horseman. Num. 13. 11.
Sy'char, drunken (?). John 4. 5.
Sy-e'ne. Ezek. 29. 10.
Syn'ty-che. Phil. 4. 2.
Sy'ra-cuse. Acts 28. 12.
Syr'i-a, Aram. Judg. 10. 6.
Sy'ro-phe-nic'i-an, Syrian Phoenician
(as opposed to Libyan Phoenician).
Mark 7. 26.


Ta'nach, S Jos. 12. 21.
Tab'bath, renowned (?). Judg. 7. 22.
Ta be-el, God is good. Isa. 7. 6.
Ta-be'rah, burning. Num. 11. 3.
Tab'i-tha, gazelle. (A word from the
popular Aramaic dialect of Pales-
tine). Acts 9. 36.

Ta'bor, a lofty place. Jos. 19. 22.
Tab'ri-mon (Hebrew Tabrimmon),
Rimmon is good. 1 Kings 15. 18.
Tach'mo-nite. Bad reading of received
text for The Hachmonite.' 2 Sam.

[blocks in formation]

of the Hittites unto Kedesh) 2
Sam. 24. 6.
[Num. 13. 22.
Tal'mai, one's own brother (or, friend).
Ta'mar, palm. Gen. 38. 6. [8. 14.
Tam muz, sun of life (Adonis). Ezek.
Tan-hu'meth, consolation. Jer. 40. 8.
Ta'phath. 1 Kings 4. 11.
Tap-pu'ah, apples or citrons. Josh.
Tar'a-lah. Josh. 18. 27. 12. 17.
Tar'pel-ites, people of Tarpel (in
Assyria?) Ezra 4. 9.
Tar shish, (ie. Tartessus in Spain).
Tar'sus. Acts 9. 11. [Gen. 10. 4.
Tar'tak. 2 Kings 17. 31.
Tartan, commander-in-chief (Assy-
rian official title). Isa. 20. 1.
Tat'nai. Ezra 5. 3.

Shu'shan-Susa (seat of Persian go- Te'bah. Gen. 22. 24.

[blocks in formation]

Sib'mah, coolness. Isa. 16. 8.
Si'don, fishing. Gen. 10. 15.
Si hon. Num. 21. 21.

Si'hor, black, turbid (name of the
Nile). Isa. 23. 3.
Silas. Short for Silvanus. Acts 15.
Si-lo'am. See Shiloah. John 9. 7.
Sim'e-on, famous. Gen. 29, 33.
Si'mon. See Simeon. Matt 4. 18.
Sin (name taken from the moon-god
Sin). Ex. 16. 1: Ezek. 30. 15. [16. 1.
Si'nai, dedicated to the god Sin.
Sir'i-on, breastplate. Deut. 3. 9.
Sis'e-ra. Judg. 4. 7.
Sit-nah, hostility. Gen. 26. 21/
So, male cat (a sacred animal in
Egypt). 2 Kings 17. 4.

[blocks in formation]

Te-bal'iah, the Lord covereth (?). 1
Chron. 26. 11.
[14. 2.
Te-ko'ah, pitching of tents. 2 Sam.
Tel-a'bib, hill of grass-land. Ezek. 3.
Telah, fracture. I Chron. 7. 25. [15.
Tel-as'sar. hill of Ashur. Isa. 37. 12.
Te-la'im, young lambs. 1 Sam. 15. 4.
Te ́lem. See Telaim. Jos. 15. 24.
Tel-har'sa, hill of the wood.
59; Neh. 7. 61.
Tel-me'lah, hill of salt. Ezra 2. 59.
Te'man, the south, Gen. 36. 15.
Te'ma, a desert. Gen. 25. 15.
Te'rah, delay (?). Gen. 11. 24.
Ter a-phim, household-gods (or a sin-
gle specimen of the same). Deriva-
tion uncertain. Judg. 17. 5.
Ter'ti-us. Rom. 16. 22.
Ter-tullus. Acts 24. 1.
Tha'hash, dolphin. Gen. 22. 24.
Thad-de'us, strong (?). Matt. 10. 3.
The bez, far-shining. Judg. 9. 50. [3.
Tha'mah, laughter. Ezra 2. 53.
The-oph'i-lus, friend of God. Luke 1.

Theu'das. Acts 5. 36.

Thom'as, a twin. Matt. 10. 3.
Thy-a-ti ra. Acts 16. 14.

Ti-be'ri-us. Luke 3. 1.
Tib'ni. 1 Kings 16. 21.
Ti'dal. Gen. 14. 1.

Tig'lath-pi-le'ser. 2 Kings 16. 10.
Tik vah, confidence. 2 Kings 22. 14.
Til gath-pil'ne-ser. 1 Chron. 5. 26.
See Tiglath-pileser.

Ti-me'us, blind. Mark 10. 46.
Tim'nath, allotted portion. Gen. 38.


Tim'nath-he'res, portion of the sun.
Judg. 2. 9.

Tim'nath-se'rah, abundant portion.
Ti'mon. Acts 6. 6. [Josh. 19. 50.
Acts 16. 1; 1 Tim. 1. 2.
Tiph'sah, passage, ford. 1 Kings 4. 24.
Tir'ha-kah. 2 Kings 19. 9.

Tir-sha tha, governor. (From a Per-
sian word, meaning The Feared'?).
Ezra 2. 63.

Tir'zah. delight. Jos. 12. 24.

Tish bite, man of Tishbeh. 1 Kings
Ti'tus. 2 Cor. 2. 13.
[17. 1.
Toah, humbleness. 1 Chron. 6. 34.
Tob'a-do-ni jah, the Lord Yah is good.
Tob, good. Judg. 11. 3.
2 Chron. 17. 8.

To-bi'ah, the Lord is good. Ezra 2. 60.
To-gar'mah. Gen. 10. 3.

Luke 3.


To'hu, same as Toah. 1 Sam. 1. 1.
To'i, wandering (?). 2 Sam. 8. 9, 10.
Tola, worm. Gen. 46. 13.
To'phel. Deut. 1. 1.
To'phet, a place of burning. Isa. 30. 33.
Tra-cho-ni tis, rugged tract.
Tro-gylli-um. Acts 20. 15.
Troph'i-mus. Acts 20. 4.
Try-phe na,
Try-pho'sa, delicate. Rom. 16. 12.
Tubal. Gen. 10. 2.
Tu bal-cain'. Gen. 4. 22.
Tyre, rock.
Tych'i-cus (pr. Tykicus].

[blocks in formation]

CAL. (Not a proper name: see
Var. Rend. Bible. *) Prov. 30. 1.
Ulai. Dan. 8. 2.

Ulla, yoke. 1 Chron. 7. 39.
Um'mah, conjunction. Jos. 19. 30.
Uph'az, (same as Ophir ?). Jer. 10. 9.
Ur. Gen. 11. 28.

Urbane (pr. Urban). Rom. 16. 9.
U'ri, (the Lord is) light. Ex. 31. 2.
U-ri'ah, or Uri'jah, the Lord is light.

[blocks in formation]

Uz'za, strength. 2 Sam. 6. 3; 1 Chr.
Uz'zah, 13. 7.

Uz'zen-she'rah, ear or summit of

Sherah. 1 Chron. 7. 24.
[6. 5.
Uz'zi, (the Lord) is strength. 1 Chr.
Uz-zi'ah, the Lord is strength. 2
Kings 15. 13.

Uz-zi'el, God is strength. Ex. 6. 18.

ASH'NI. (Not a proper name: see
Vash'ti, best one (Persian word). Est.
Voph'si. Num. 13. 14.

ZAA-NAN, rich in flocks. Mic. 1. 11.

Za-a-nan'nim, migration. Jos. 19.
Za'a-van, disturbed. Gen. 36. 27. 33.
Zabad, (the Lord) hath bestowed. 1

Chron. 2. 36, 37.
Zab'di, (the Lord is) a bestower. Jos.
Zabulon. See Zebulon.

Zac'cha-us, pure. Ezra 2.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Zid-ki'jah [ pr. Zidkeeyah], the Lord
is righteousness. Neh. 10. 1.
Zi'don, fishing. Gen. 49. 13.
Zik lag. 1 Sam. 27. 6.

Zillah, shadow. Gen. 4. 19.

Zil pah, dropping (of balsam?). Gen.

29. 24.

Zim ran, famed in song. Gen. 25. 2
Zim'ri, the same. 1 Kings 16. 9.
Zin. Num. 13. 21.

Zi'on, a dry place. 2 Sam. 5. 7.
Zi'or, smallness. Jos. 15. 54.
Ziph'ion. Gen. 46. 16. See Zephon.
Zip'por, small bird. Num. 22. 2.
Zip-po'rah, (feminine of Zippor). Ex
Zith'ri, the Lord is a covert. Ex &
Ziz, flower. 2 Chron. 20. 16.
Zo'an, migration. Num. 13. 22.
Zo'ar, smallness. Gen. 13. 10.
Zo ba. 2 Sam. 10. 8.

2. 21.

Zo har, brightness. Gen. 23. 8.
Zo-he'leth, serpent. 1 Kings 1. 9.
Zo'pha, cruse (?). 1 Chron. 7. 35, 36.
Zo phar. Job 2. 11.

Zo'rah, place of hornets (?). Jdg. 13. 2
Zo-rob'a-bel. See Zerubbabel.

Zu'ar, smallness. Num. 1. 8.
Zur, rock. Num. 25. 15.

Zib'ia, gazelle. 1 Chron. 8. 9; 2 Zu ri-shad'dai, the Almighty is a rock.

Zich'ri, famous. Ex. 6. 21. (?).

Num. 1. 6.

Zu zim. Gen. 14. 5.

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