Sidor som bilder

The Histories (great queene) which tell of those
Who traveld for their wives, and felt their throwes,
Are but just prophecyes of us, who doe

Now know, when queenes teeme, kingdomes labour too.
But all the danger's past, and we have seene
How much more tis to scape, then to lye in.
No birth had recompenc'd our losses, since
Your safety's more, then had you borne a prince.
For though't had prov'd a phenix, yet 'twould bring
Still greife, if't from its parents ashes spring:
Since better tis such issues be supprest,
Which can't be borne unlesse they burne the nest.
Nor joy we only that y'are well, and scape,
But are return'd to your first forme and shape:
You are the queene still; on your face, and cheeke,
No lady need, for your lost beautyes seeke.
After so many childbeds, in your eyes
Do still new starres, and constellations rise,
And the same sparkle keeps awake those fires
In your king, which first kindled his desires.
So goddesses of old, though they did fill
Earth with their ofspring, were immortall still.
So roses have borne gods, and childbirths felt,,
Yet have still blusht, and have still fragrant smelt.
Tis for mean features not to beare, and hold;
Or after each delivery to wax old:
And we may call those ladies pooles, not springs,
Whose beauties one hard birth to drynesse brings.
They are but only toucht, no fixt perfume,
Who in the use, and chafing, doe consume.

In you a constant stock of beauty flowes;
Powring forth rivers, yet like fountaines growes,
Evermore emptying, yet not spent or dry'd;
And after numerous ebbs, showing full tyde.

Thus though the sunne scatter years, months, and dayes,

Yet are his beams whole, and entire his rayes.
Thus tapers doe light tapers, yet no flame
Is lost by giving, but remaines the same.
So to call you lesse beauteous, were a sinne :
Things cannot lessen, which doe still begin.

of Ch. Ch."

My transcript is literal as regards spelling and punctuation, the only liberty taken being in the suppression of capital letters. The English portion of this little quarto contains a number of loyal effusions by other members of the university-viz. Jo. Herbert (fourth son of the Earl of Pembroke), John Windebank, R. Mill, W. Cartwright, R. Barrell, Edmond Vaughan, J. S., Horatius Moore, J. Wither, J. T., Ja. Jackson, Jos. Howe, R. Lovelace, H. Nevill, Franc. Atkins, H. C., Ed. Gray, H. Ramsay, H. Benet, E. Yorke, Humphry Hull, Charles May, W. Towers, Rich. Paynter, Ri. West, Ric. Greville, R. Bride-oake, John Harris, John Lowen, Ralph Hare, R. Cary, T. Dale, and the printer-Leonard Lichfield.

I have only to add that I purchased the volume, some five or six years ago, at a bookstall in Shoreditch. It is in excellent condition, neatly bound in calf by Mackenzie. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT.

IZAAK WALTON: HIS MISCELLANEOUS POEMS.It is well known, I believe, that Walton's name appeared in print as early as 1619, when the second edition of a portion of a book entitled

Alcilia, &c., was dedicated to him. But his earliest effort as an author was his Complete Angler, written some years before it came from the press in 1653. Twenty years prior to the latter date, Walton contributed an "Elegy to the Memory of Dr. Donne," printed in the 4to edition of Donne's Poems, 1633. In 1635 he wrote eight lines beneath Donne's portrait, by W. Marshall, which accompanies the first 8vo edition of Donne, issued in the same year. Then we have the MS. verses which were found attached to a copy of one of Sibbes's books ("N. & Q." 3rd S. i. 14), and to these may be added the following lines prefixed to a too-little-known volume, Sparke's Scintillula Altaris, 1652, 8vo:

"To the Author, upon the Sight of the first Sheet of his Book.

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My worthy friend, I am much pleas'd to know
You have begun to pay the debt you owe
By promise, to so many pious friends,
In printing your choice Poems, it commends
Both them, and you, that they have been desir'd
By persons of such Judgment; and admir'd
They must be most by those that best shal know
What praise to holy Poetry we owe.

So shall your Disquisitions too; for, there
Choice learning, and blest piety, appear.
All usefull to poor Christians: where they may
Learne Primitive Devotion. Each Saint's day
Stands as a Land-mark in an erring age
To guide fraile mortals in their pilgrimage
To the Celestiall Can'an; and each Fast,
Is both the soul's direction and repast;
All so exprest, that I am glad to know
You have begun to pay the debt you owe.


P.S.-I do not think that the lines quoted in "N. & Q." (3rd S. i. 14) are necessarily anterior in date to the present, though found attached in MS. to a book published in 1641.


ROBIN GOODFELLOW: "THE MERRY PUCK."Many years ago, Mr. J. Payne Collier reprinted from a mutilated copy in his possession a metrical history of Robin Goodfellow. Mr. Collier did not know even the title of the piece he was reproducing, as his copy had lost the first leaf; and several others being defective, he was obliged to supply from conjecture the missing words. second copy, however, exists, and in a recent publication (Hand. of E. E. L., art. " Robin Goodfellow") the exact title, The Merry Puck, &c. is given. This copy also enables us to ascertain in some cases how the lacunæ really ought to be filled in. The last stanza of chap. i. ought to read:

"The christening time then being come,

Most merry they would be:
The gossips drank good store of sack,
As then provided be.

And Robin was this infant call'd,
So named then was he.

What pranks he did, and how he liv'd,
I'll tell you certainly."

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In this second copy, which, however, is of a different impression from Mr. Collier's, though probably for the most part, as with all popular productions, a mere verbatim reissue, the heading of chap. ii. is, Low Robin, &c., not Showing how, &c., as Mr. Collier prints it, no doubt in accordance with his original. W. CAREW HAZLITT. P.S.-The other gaps in the text the сору have used is, unluckily, not capable of supplying. EXECUTIONS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. As a query has already appeared and been replied to in "N. & Q." (see 3rd S. ix. 480) touching the date of the first of the following events, it is not impossible that the like information may some day be sought with respect to the other two. It may perhaps therefore be well, for facility of reference, to print the grim record as under:

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1. Last Execution for attempted Murder. Martin Doyle, hanged at Chester Aug. 27, 1861.

[Note.-The new Act had been already passed before the prisoner was put upon his trial, but (unfortunately for him) did not take effect until some little time after the date of his execution-coming into operation, in fact, on the first day of November following.]

2. Last Public Execution. - Michael Barrett, author of the Fenian explosion at Clerkenwell, hanged at Newgate May 26, 1868.

3. First Private Execution (i. e. execution within prison).-Thomas Wells (murderer of Mr. Walsh, station-master at Dover), hanged at Maidstone Aug. 13, 1868. J. B. SHAW.

"I LOVE THEE, BETTY," AND "WHISTLE, DAUGHTER, WHISTLE."-I send for "N. & Q." what, though coarse enough to the fastidious, are, I think, redeemably amusing, especially if said and sung, as I once respectively heard them at a rustic gathering, some thirty-five years ago, in a Craven dale:

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Seaton-Carew, co. Durham. GOLDSMITH'S TONY LUMPKIN.-It some reader or future editor of She Stoops to Conquer, to know that, in the year 1637, "Anthonie Lumpkin" was tenant of fifty acres of fen land near Boston, in Lincolnshire, part of 4399 acres then lately drained by Sir Anthony Thomas and his co-adventurers. Lumpkin's immediate landlord was Sir Walter Norton, who possessed 462 acres of this drained land. (See State Papers, Domestic Series, January 1, 1637-8.) PAUXILLUM.

VAL' AMBROSA.-It may be worth noting that the convent is dissolved; the place is now an horticultural college. Visitors are no longer enrior accommodation, and quite as reasonable, at tertained at the convent, but they will find supehotel at Pelago-the half-way house. a new hotel kept by the same proprietor as the




"Baian ou Baion (André), prêtre indien, né à Goa; il embrassa la religion chrétienne et vint à Rome, où il reçut les ordres en 1630. On a de lui plusieurs bons ouvrages, particulièrement une Traduction de l'Eneide en vers grecs, et une de la Lusiade de Camoëns, en vers

latins. Dictionnaire Universelle. Paris, 1810."

To what Indian tribe, or family, did Andrew Baian belong, and where can a fuller account of his life and writings be found?


Starcross, near Exeter. CELIBACY PUNISHED. - In turning over the leaves of an old note-book, I found the following memorandum supplied by a deceased friend who resided in the parish to which it refers :

“Ordered, that all young unmarried persons above seventeen years of age do forthwith go to service, or be proceeded against according to law."-Extract from the Parish Book of Hilton, Dorset, A.D. 1739.

Perhaps some of your correspondents may be able to throw some light on a law which may well appear at the present day to be so stringent. CHAS. WARNE.

Brunswick Road, Brighton.


"The experiments now making at Lyons to ascertain the exact nature of the wounds produced by the Chassepot rifle are regarded as another symptom of the approaching conflict. These experiments are made upon the dead carcases of horses, and the result is satisfactoryfor those who make them. The hole produced by the bullet is so small as to be scarcely visible-not the smallest drop of blood indicates the spot; but such is the power of the projection that the missile penetrates the flesh with a rotary motion so rapid and so violent, that the wound increases in size a hundredfold as it gets deeper; so that the perforation of the ball at its entrance is scarcely bigger than a pea, while the wound left by its passage is big enough for the two fists to enter." "-"Gossip from Paris," in the Birmingham Journal, August 29, 1868.

I am much puzzled by the above description. Does the bullet work like a circular saw, or how? Perhaps some scientific correspondent will clear up the difficulty. FITZHOPKINS.

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DODDINGHERN LANE. Is the exact position of what was formerly called Doddinghern Lane in Rochester known at the present time? I find a statement in Fisher's History of Rochester that it "seems to have led from the principal street to Boley Hill," but this is somewhat vague. It is referred to in the early charters of St. Andrew's Priory, Rochester, as a boundary; but as the elucidation of other boundaries depends upon its exact position, I am anxious to learn what I can about it. In vol. ii. p. 72 of Archæologia Cantiana there is a very excellent plan of ancient Rochester, by the Rev. Beale Poste, showing the old walls and gates, but Doddinghern Lane is not mentioned. Can any of the correspondents of "N. & Q." help me? W. H. HART, F.S.A.

Folkestone House, Roupell Park, Streatham, S.W.

DownSHIRE, THE CHARPENTIERS, AND WALTER SCOTT.-A recent obituary notice went the round of the papers of the death of the Marquis of Downshire. Can any of your readers tell me what relation the late marquis was to the Downshire who, in 1797, gave Charlotte M. Charpentier to Walter Scott in marriage? The Downshire of that period seems to have dropt all intercourse with his ward after having given his consent to her marriage with Scott; and Lockhart, in his life of Sir Walter, it seems to me, shrouds the connection mysteriously. What was it? Who was Jean Charpentier, the devoted royalist of Lyons? What position did he hold under government? When did he die? When did his wife and her two children come to England, and with whom? Where did she die?

Did these questions concern Downshire and the Charpentiers only, they might and would appear trivial and impertinent, but mixed up with them is an imperishable name, and anything that may throw light upon the story of Sir Walter Scott is of public interest.

J. T. B.

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Art sure he lives?

[Query, a corruption for "survives"?

5. Olinda is fast, and by my disamour hath quench't her love with death." [See No. 1. ?]

My Giles Fletcher is just ready, and Phineas will go to press immediately. Hence a speedy response will add to the obligation. ALEXANDER B. GROSART.

15, St. Alban's Place, Blackburn.

EPIGRAM ON FRIENDS.-In my copy of Bland's Adagia of Erasmus, which bears the autograph of "C. D. Badham" inside the cover, is the following pencil note:

"Friends are like melons. Shall I tell you why?
To find one good you must a hundred try.
Our translation from -? C. D. B."

From what has this been translated?

FLY-SPOTS.-I have a valuable book, well bound in cloth, richly gilt, which has been injured by fly-spots. Can any correspondent tell me how I can remove them?

F. S. A.

HARDINGE FAMILY. - Can any of your readers give me any information regarding the early history of the family of Hardinge or Harding? The first I can find is Hardingus, who, in the reign of William I., was præpositus of Bristol. From him are descended, I believe, the Berkleys and Hardinges, but I cannot discover when the two famiHistory of Melbourne, Derbyshire, is given a lies separated from the parent stem. In Briggs's pedigree of the Hardinges from the sixteenth century. What I want, therefore, is the pedigree of the family before the time at which Briggs commences. I have a great number of notes referring to members of the family during the intervening period, but I find it impossible to connect them together so as to form a complete pedigree.

J. E. C.

HOGHALL MONEY.- What is the meaning of the word hogatt or hogall as used in the following memorandum on the margin of an old folio:

"Mrs. Wright indebted to Richard Basset for keeping a mare four weeks for work, 5s. 6d., by the Hoghall monney, 1s. 6d. 1784."

There are in the same volume MSS. relating to "Great Claybrooke" and a register of the "Bas

sett" family, which may be of use to some of your correspondents. W. J. C.

12, Augustus Street, Manchester.

"LE VRE DE Bosco."-In a Perambulation of the Forest of Blackmore in the Cambridge University Library (2139, Ll. 1, 10,) there is an abbreviation vre, which occurs more than once-e. g. "et sic Le vre de Bosco in orientali parte"; "semper in Le vre de Bosco versus Austrum." An interpretation of this contraction is much desired. C. W. BINGHAM.

"MYLECRAINE." - What are the words of this popular Manx song? I want the Gaelic, not the English version. 0.0.

NEW COURT, CO. HEREFORD.—I should be greatly obliged to any of your Herefordshire correspondents who could tell me the name of the owner or owners of a small estate or farm called "New Court," near Michaelchurch-Esde, in that county, between 1740 and 1780. A. X.

THE RIVER OUSE. - Among the curious notes accompanying the Piscatory Eclogues of the nearly forgotten Moses Browne (ed. Cave, St. John's Gate, 1739,) occurs the following on the river Ouse, called by him the Great:

"It is very remarkable that in the year 1399, which preceded the civil wars, this river at a place called Harewood, in Bedfordshire, stood still, and the stream, retiring both ways, left a passage on foot along the channel for three miles together; which same thing happened again, as the additions to Camden assert, in the year 1648." The note will be found, eclogue vii. p. 108. If the note had terminated with the first instance, I should not have remarked upon it: the century and the troublous times would have accounted for any such record; but it is otherwise with the second, backed by the learned continuators of Camden. Are there any other accounts of this extraordinary occurrence in contemporary writers or in topographical histories ? J. A. G.

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ST. BEES.-I recently had an opportunity of visiting the Priory church of St. Bees in Cumberland. Buck's engraving, 1739, shows the fine Early English choir in ruins. It is now used as a lecture-room, and its utility for that purpose has probably been the means of preserving its The reinteresting features from destruction. storation of the venerable building has been well cared for, and its nave and transepts kept in good order. If the choir reverted to its original use, few churches in the north of England could compare with it. Some of your correspondents date from St. Bees, and I would venture to hope they would favour the readers of "N. & Q." with an account of their noble Priory_church, and its recent restoration. THOS. E. WINNINGTON.

SQUEEZING WATCH. In the British Apollo, 1708 (concerning which see passim "N. & Q." 1st S.), is an advertisement for the recovery of a "gold squeezing watch," lost or taken from a lady's side going out of Pinkethman's booth the last day of May Fair. I should also like to know what kind of timepiece was called a squeezing watch at that period. CHARLES WYLIE.

STOCK GRAVE, CO. DEVON.-Where is this place? Burke (General Armory) assigns a coat of arms to "Hunt of Stockgrave, co. Devon and Worcester." This coat was, I find, granted in 1592 to James Hunt of Danskes, the son of Robert Hunt of Stockgreue in Devon. (Harl. MSS. 1069, 1422, &c.) At Stock Green, in Worcestershire, resided in the seventeenth century a family of Hunt.

Ursula, daughter of Ralph Hunt of Stock Green, Bib. Ant. August. p. 598, vol. vii. ed. Lucæ. 1772.) SoliEsq., and wife of Richard Kenwrick, was buried in 1669, and their son Richard Kenwrick was baptsed at Bradley, co. Worcester, in 1629. (Baker's Northampton, i. 694.) A similar coat of arms is attributed to "Hunt of Worce" in Harl. MS. 1144. Query, for Stockgreue in Devon should we read Stockgrene in Worcestershire ? H. S. G.


Josias Welsh, Presbyterian clergyman of Templepatrick in Tyrone, is said (in the Life of his father, John Welsh, minister of Ayr) to have died somewhere in Ulster, in 1634. He left a son, John, afterwards minister of Irongray, and (it is said)

other children. I wish to learn where Josias Welsh died, or is buried, who his wife was, and particulars regarding his other children (if any). Are there existing records of the presbytery of Ulster of the seventeenth century, which might give information on these points? Any reader who is good enough to reply will please address me to the care of the Publisher of "N. & Q." ANGLO-SCOTUs.

Queries with Answers.

HISTORICAL PAINTING.-I know of a picture of an incident in which a nobleman condemned to death by starvation is preserved by his wife or daughter with her own milk. Can any of your learned correspondents inform me of the names of the parties, and a correct account of the occurrence ? E. J. L. [Byron, in Childe Harold, canto iv. 148-151, alludes to this story:

"There is a dungeon, in whose dim drear light
What do I gaze on? Nothing: Look again!
Two forms are slowly shadow'd on my sight-
Two insulated phantoms of the brain :
It is not so; I see them full and plain —
An old man, and a female young and fair,
Fresh as a nursing mother, in whose vein

The blood is nectar :-but what doth she there, With her unmantled neck, and bosom white and

bare?" &c.

The difficulties attending the full belief of the tale of the Roman Daughter, or, as she is sometimes called, the Grecian Daughter, are thus stated in Lord Broughton's Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, 1818, note to stanza 148: "Alluding to the famous story of the Roman daughter. A Temple of Piety was built in the Forum Olitorium, by Acilius Glabrio, the Duumvir (Liv. Hist. lib. x.), to commemorate the victory of his father over Antiochus at Thermopyle, and a gold statue of Glabrio was placed in this temple. Festus mentions that it was consecrated on a spot where a woman once lived who had nourished her father in prison with her own milk, and was thus the occasion of his being pardoned. (Sex. Pomp. Fest. de Verb. sig. lib. xx. ex

nus has much the same account. It is a pity that so fine a tale should be liable to such contradictions. The father in Festus is a mother in Pliny (Hist. Nat. lib. vii. cap. 36), and the plebeian of the latter is a noble matron in Valerius Maximus (lib. v. cap. iv. note 7.) The naturalist lays the scene in the prisons of the Decemvirs, and adds, that a Temple of Piety was erected on the site of these prisons, where the Theatre of Marcellus afterwards stood. The other writer (Valerius) makes no menIt seems clear, however, that Festus

tion of the temple.

and Pliny allude to the same story, and that the change

of sex was, perhaps, occasioned by some confusion of the

father of Glabrio with the mother of the pious matron."

The story of the Roman Daughter is thus narrated by Valerius Maximus, Romæ Antiquæ Descriptio, lib. v. ch.

4: "Of Piety towards Parents." He says, "No mischief, no poverty, cheapens the price of piety: rather the trial of it is the more certain, by how much the more


The prætor had delivered to the triumvir

a noble woman to be put to death in prison, being condemned for some heinous crime. But the keeper, compassionating her case, did not strangle her presently. All the while he gave her daughter liberty to come to her, after he had diligently searched that she carried her no food, believing that in a little time she might be starved to death. But seeing her live many days without any alteration, he began to consider with himself by what means she kept herself alive; thereupon more diligently

watching her daughter, he observed her giving her breast

to her mother, and pacifying the rage of her hunger with her nipples. The novelty of which wonderful sight being by him related to the triumvir, by the triumvir to the prætor, by the prætor to the council of the judges, they granted the woman her pardon."

Valerius, among his "Foreign Examples of Filial Piety," has given another similar story, probably the Grecian version. He says, "The same is said of Pero's piety, who preserved her father Cimon, fallen into the same misfortune, and in prison, nourishing him like an infant, in his decrepit age, with the milk of her breasts. Men's eyes are fixed, and in an amaze, when they behold this example of piety represented in painting."-Samuel Speed's translation, 1678, p. 231.

The story has been dramatised by Arthur Murphy, and entitled The Grecian Daughter, Lond. 1772, 8vo.]

HYLTON CASTLE, DURHAM. Can any of your correspondents give the undersigned any information regarding this ancient building, and whether any records exist or any local history can be consulted as to the period in which it was built (supposed to have been in the tenth century)? ALEX. P. FALCONER.

Bushey Rectory, Watford, Herts.

[When, or by whom, Hylton Castle was founded, has not been ascertained; nor is the form or extent of the original structure known, it having undergone several important alterations. The best account of it will be found in Surtees' Durham, ii. 20-39, where it is stated

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