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one may hereafter arise who shall be able to lay down rules more general and more accurate than any which have heretofore been given, and from which, either by means of the barometer and thermometer, or of the state of the clouds, a person may judge, with a degree of precision not yet attainable, of the weather to be expected.

The average heat of each month in the years 1807 and 1808, is as follows.




40.066 39.500













37.000 39.230 44.730 39.230 14.740 42.000 58.933 64.733 61.564 61.000 70.000 68.000 69.500 61.670 56.230 60 000 59.080 49.00

41.320 43.25

34.900 36.825


this state-

It will be observed from
ment, that the general average of heat
for the whole year differs but little from
that of the last. It is about one degree
colder, though we had in the month of
July hotter weather than was probably
ever known in this country. The ten-
perature for January, March, April,
June, July, August, and October, has
been lower this year than the last; in
the other months it has been higher.

The year commenced with stormy wea ther, which did much damage on the coast, and in some of the interior parts of the country. Of some nights towards the latter end of the year a similar rẻmark may be made; and in many parts of the kingdom, several days in the month


Average Height of
the Barometer.

of July were remarkable for storms of
hail, accompanied with thunder and
lightning. One, on the 15th of that
nonth, has been described with much
interest in the last volume of the Month-
ly Magazine, (See vol. xxvi. p. 302-
8.) by an eye-witness; to which
the reader may be referred, as well
for the facts contained in it, as for
the many judicious philosophical obser
vations incorporated with it. I have
in my meteorological reports, attached
to each number, recorded the principal
facts relating to this subject, which will
render it unnecessary to repeat what will
be found in their respective places. I
shall therefore only give a sort of sum-
mary for the whole year.

The average of heat, as may be seen above, is 50.619, and the average height of the barometer is 29.724, which is something less than what it was the preceding year and the quantity of rain fallen is 30.55 inches in height for the whole year. The greatest cold in the year was on January 22, and the great, est heat on July 14.

Of the 366 days, 162 may be denominated brilliant, that is, days in which the sun was scarcely covered for any length of time with a cloud-39 were fair-29 cloudy, in which the sun was not seen on 119 there was rain-and on 18 there was either snow or hail."

The wind has blown 38 days from the north-19 from the south-52 from the west-54 from the cast. In the northcast it has been 41 days--south-east $7 -north-west 65-and south-west 57.

It may not be uninteresting to bring into one point of view the average state of the atmosphere for the last seven years. The reader will recollect that the observations were made at Camden-Town, a village about two miles north-west of St. Paul's cathedral.

Average Height of
the Thermometer.


Depth of Rain in



























Average for

Seven Years S



29 613

The only remark that I shall make is, that the quantity of rain in the whole year is not by any means proportional to the density of the atmosphere. Your's, &c.

Highgate, Jan. 9, 1809.

J. J.


For the Monthly Magazine. ACCOUNT of the RE-CONQUEST of NORMANDY from the ENGLISH, in the REIGN of HENRY VI. from Mss. in the NATIONAL LIBRARY of FRANCE, marked 6197, 6198, 5964, written by Ro


Now first published in England.

BLONDEL, commences his narratio on, with the cause which produced the breach of the truce, between France and England. It was the capture of Fougeres, by the English in 1448, from the Duke of Brittany, who had been included in the treaty. Francis de Surienne, an Arragonese, in the service of England, had surprised the place, and carried off an enormous booty. The Duke of Brittany and the King of France complained to Somerset, and demanded redress. Somerset gave up Surienne; but Blondel affirms, that he was expressly authorised by Somerset, in the name of the King of England. The council of England made the same reply, but notwithstanding approved what Somerset had done, and engaged to support him. The English historians affirm, on the contrary, that they would have agreed to the restitution of the place, upon condition that the value of the damages could have been settled, and the French had not made reprisals.

These reprisals were the capture of Pont de l'Arche, in which affair historians have not noted, that the chief part was played by a tradesman of Louviers, named Jean Hovel. Having made his agreement with the porter to let him in before day, under pretence of bringing in some goods, he encumbered the bridge with his cart; afterwards having on purpose let the money fall, which he drew from his pocket to pay the sun agreed, he killed the guard, as he stooped down to pick it up, and afterwards a young inhabitant, who ran thither in his shirt to raise the draw-bridge. Then Flogues and Mareni, who were in ambuscade with the troops, threw themselves into the town and took possession of it. An inhabitant escaped over the wall, and ran to Rouen to carry the news to Somerset, who came to him in a rage, for he was of a very passionate character; and our author gives the following trait of it. When Pont de l'Arche was taken, the wife of Somerset was sick, and had with her a French physician, na med Jean Tiffeigne. Hearing her husLand coming into her chamber, furious against the French, and knowing of what MONTHLY MAG, No. 181,

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he was capable, and not doubting but he would kill the physician, if he saw him, she hid him under the curtains, till Somerset was gone out; she was however not less sensible than himself of the loss of Pont de l'Arche, for on hearing of it, she jumped out of her bed, running and crying, without perceiving that she Blondel, comparing the warmth of the husband with the grief of the wife, makes this honorable observation, concerning the English women: that although the men of that nation are of a violent temper, which knows no bounds, the women are full of sweetness and humanity. These traits of ancient national character, softened without doubt in some respects, may still be discovered.

England demanded the restitution of Pont de l'Arche, France that of Fougeres and reparation of damages. They negociated, but without success. Then the King of France, having held a grand council, resolved to recommence the war, Our author here gives a long speech, made by the chancellor, in which he exposes the various grievances, committed by the English since the truce. Among other things, he says, that they sent out their garrison upon the roads from Paris to Orleans and Rheims in the masquerade disguise of devils, to rob and murder the passengers.

Blondel here makes a digression upon the establishment of the free archers by Charles VII. and the advantage of that institution. He gives it with reason, the highest eulogium. Instead of companies more devoted to robbery than war, and who practised the former when the war was ended, even upon those from whom they received their pay; troops paid by the people, dreadful to the enemy during war, became quiet citizens during peace, devoted to commerce, arts, and agriculture.

The war then recommenced, and Verneuil, was taken by stratagem in July 1449. This event is recounted by the well known historians, but the recital of Blondel is more detailed, and differs in some circumstances, which he appears to have learned from persons worthy of credit.-Verneuil was surrounded with a wall, near which were built mills, turned by a rivulet, which fell into the ditch of the place. An Englishman of the garrison kept a woman,whom he suspected to have a connection with the miller of one of the mills. He picked a quarrel against the miller, under pretext of the guard of the town, due from the citizens, and



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treated this man exceedingly ill. The miller projected revenge, by delivery of the town to the French. He went to the bailiff of Evereux, Robert de Flogues, and proposed to introduce him into the place. Flogues twice refused, from fear of some treachery; but the miller pressing the matter, he at last agreed. The miller, as generous as vindictive, asked no other recompence than the honour of having served the king; but, added he, I require one condition, it is, that when the town is taken, no Frenchman shall receive any damage.

Flogues arranged matters with the Count de Dunois, and ordered the seneschal of Poitou, Pierre de Brezé, to bring him some troops. To conceal the design, the Count de Dunois and Flogues, pretended to have a hunting party in the forest of Couches, near Verneuil. Their wives,who were sisters,came there, and there was much hunting with great splendour. They fixed on the night of the 19th or 20th of July for the execution of their project.

The miller in the mean while obtained an associate. As the 20th of July was a Sunday, they had a pretence for letting the water run (on Saturday) be cause they could not grind the next day. One of them went to fetch the soldiers, concealed in the forest, the other remain ed watching upon the wall, and advised the English, who were on guard at that place, to go at break of day to hear mass. Brezé then arrived with the soldiers, who threw themselves into the foss. He was on foot at their head: but having his boots on, which were large and heavy, they were buried in the mud to such a degree, that he could not remove them; he left them behind, and gained and scaled the wall, followed by his people: nobody was present to repel them, they descended into the high-street, holding their swords drawn in their hands, but concealed under their cloaks, and advising the inhabitants in a low voice, to keep within their houses, and they would do them no harm. One person had the imprudence to attempt resistance and was killed upon the spot.

The French, arrived at the gate, opened it to the rest of their people, who were on horseback. There were only one

Hence it appears that the bombastic statements of the modern day, are of ancient origin.

The passages in italics shew the unwary confessions of the author, and what absurdities he makes of trivial incidents.

hundred and twenty English in the place. Some were killed, or made prisoners in flying to the castle. The French, followed by the citizens, did not wait for scaling ladders, but clambered up the wall, one leaped armed as he was upon the drawbridge, though it was raised; and the English were obliged to fly to a tower, which could not be taken, but by famine. It surrendered at discretion, August 22, and the English were reduced to thirty men. There were among them some banditti, whom the king had commanded them not to let escape; but having corrupted the centinels, they descended in the night by cords, and carried away a great deal of money. Florent d'Illien, who had the charge of the siege, was greatly reproached on this account.

[A finer picture, though unintended by the author, of the bravery of a handful of English overpowered by numbers, cannot be given; and the caution and corruption of the French, ill accords with the hombast of extraordinary exploits, in the affair of the boots, draw-bridge, &c.]

Talbot, the English general, who was at Beaumont le Roger, heard of the capture of Verneuil, on the morrow; but having been told at Vandreuil, that the French were masters of the place, and that the Count de Dunois was arrived in force, he retreated to Neuborg. nois followed him, but could not prevent him from gaining Rouen. This retreat was very fine. Although the printed accounts speak of it, there are in the MSS. some differences and particularities.


The French were less successful at Pont Audemer. This town was only defended by a pallisade and a ditch, in which ran the river Rille. Brezé attempted to carry it by a coup de main; but when he had arrived at the fauxbourg, he found that his men had deserted him to go and pillage. Notwithstanding this deser tion, he passed the foss, tore up the palisades, and had entered the place, when the inhabitants rushed to repulse him He found that he was almost alone, and was obliged to retire. Dunois approach ed to lay a regular siege. It might have lasted a long time, for a supply of money and troops had just arrived; but an acci dent expedited the surrender. The detail are not given by any other writer. young man, a relative of the Count of St Paul, who was at the siege, attempting to imitate the Greek fire, had made a fire. work, which he discharged upon the town, without informing the generals of it It fell upon a thatched roof, which imme



diately took fire. The flame communicated to the neighbouring houses, and in an instant the distress was extreme. The besiegers prepared to take advantage of it, and put an end to the affair. The inhabitants cried at once-To the fire! To arms!—some ran to stop the progress of the flames; others to the pallisades. The soldiers of Picardy and the Pays de Caux jumped into the river; their chiefs followed, they were up to their chin in water, and the current was rapid: but one supported the other, they climbed up the bank, raised en dos dane (like an ass's back) tore up the pallisades, and jumped down into the town, at lance's length.* The English to the number of five hundred had no resource but to fly to a strong house, at the end of the town, and were very soon compelled

to surrender.

Then follows an account of the surren der of Maulès, which the Count de Brequigny notices to be a gross falsehoodthis, I pass over, of course,to proceed to unpublished accounts of particular incidents. Geffrey de Couvron, who commanded for the King of France at Coutances, and Joachim Ronault at Saint Lo, at the head of two hundred horse and some infantry, went out at night and advanced to the gates of Vire, which was then in the hands of the English. They were very neur taking it; for towards eight in the morning, they fell upon the man who was on guard at the gate, and overthrew him by the thrust of a lance, and cut off the arm of another, who was attempt ing to raise the draw-bridge; but the inhabitants running up at the noise, obliged the French to retire! [Thus, more than two hundred men boast of having conquered two, but fled before the undisciplined towns-people.] The infantry halted in the Fauxbourg, whence they carried away two prisoners, by whom they learned that a party of three hundred English had left Vire on the preceding night. The French resolved to lie in ambuscade to surprise them on their return; but they were not there long, when the English appeared and surprised the French themselves. Ronault hesitated upon the measure he ought to take. Couvron cried out: It is no time to deliberate 'let us see which has the fairest mistress;' an expression of chivalry common in that age. He put his lance in the rest, and rushed upon the English, followed by his people.

• More bombast like the boots.

Twenty-four English were killed, as many made prisoners, and the rest dispersed. His victory cost him dear. He had with him the young Roisnivinen his nephew, who was bringing a prisoner." He had taken off his helmet to breathe a moment; the perfidious prisoner seized the sword of Roisnivinen, whose head he saw disarmed, and killed him. Near' thirty prisoners paid upon the spot with their lives, for this treachery.*

Blondel relates, the battle of Formigny in the same manner as the other French historians, and he precisely agrees, with Matth. de Couci, concerning the number of dead on the side of the English. He makes them amount to three thou. sand, six hundred, and sixty-four men, whilst the French lost only twelve! The English, according to him, had in all seven thousand men, the French but three' thousand, five hundred. The English writers pretend that the French were far superior in number, and that the English had only five thousand, of which they lost only five hundred; but our author explains the cause, and the Count thinks he is the only writer, who does so. The wind was so high, that it quite blinded the eyes of the English with dust, and not only hindered them from aiming their blows, but impeded the flight of the


Passing by a variety of superstitious reasons assigned by the author for the ill success of the English, I proceed to the capture of Avranches. This was the first result of the battle of Formigny. The author gives some particulars, not to be found elsewhere. The English governor, without hopes of succour, wishing to save the inhabitants from the danger of storm, was resolved to surrender; but his wife, young and handsome, whose bravery equalled her charms, would not permit a place, impregnable on one side, protected on the other by high walls and deep. ditches, and defended by a garrison of five hundred men, to surrender, without striking a blow! She quitted her female dress, put on a helmet, and cuirass, and with a truncheon in her hand, harangued the soldiers, went from house to house, to the citizens, even to the ec clesiastics, and animated them with an' ardour like her own. They engaged to

We are not told, whether the English former had infinite advantage over the latter; were cavalry or infantry. In those times, the who could do nothing with them till dis mounted.


defend themselves. In vain did the Duke of Brittany batter the walls with a formidable artillery. Being at the point of sapping them, and already master of the fort, the inhabitants demanded a capitulation; then, this same heroine, pulled off her armour, clothed herself in her gayest dress, aided her natural charms by every possible art, and went to see the Duke of Brittany. This prince who was of an age which favored the hopes which she had conceived, could not refuse to such a negociatrix, the favour which she asked. After this preamble (says the count shrewedly) one might have expected better terms than marching out with a white staff in the hand, instead of a lance, and abandoning bag and baggage.

The capitulation of Bayeux was nearly upon the same conditions. More than three hundred women went out, drawing behind them, or carrying their children, The French could not see such a sight without emotion! they gave them horses and carriages.

The English soon after further experienced the generosity of the French to their conquered enemies. Caen was surrendered 1st July, 1450. Somerset, who commanded there,left it, with his garrison of four thousand men, and went to sleep in a village, which he had before sacked and delivered to the flames. The inhabitants refused provisions and lodging to the English, shewing them the ruins of more than sixty of their burnt houses, and loading them with reproaches. The king was informed of it, and made them bring provisions, and provide them lodgings.

The town of Falaise was surrendered the next day; and the deliverance of Talbot, prisoner in France, was one of the conditions of capitulation. He was one of the best English generals; and they strongly advised the King of France, to retain him; but such treachery would have been unworthy of him. He loaded Talbot with presents, and gave him his liberty. This general did not take advantage of it to resume his office; but went to Rome to profit by the indulgence of the jubilee.

There remained but two places to subdue in all Normandy -Dompont and Cherbourg. Dompont, according to our author, surrendered at the first attack; some writers say, notwithstanding, that it held out a siege of five days. Cherbourg a place so strong, that it was supposed it ould not be taken but by famine, defended itself vigorously. But the French


placed a large piece of cannon* upon a spot, which the sea covered twice a day, and battered the wails on weakest side. They took care at the return of every tide, to stop the mouth of the cannon with wax and pitch, and cover it with an entire piece of leather, so that the sea, in covering it, could not wet it. The effect of this battery was such, that at the first discharge a large part of the wall was thrown down, as well as a tower built upon an angle, which was on that side. The inhabitants were terrified, and Thomas Howel, who hade much booty at sea, which he was afraid to lose, surrendered August 12th, 1450, upon condition, that they should liberate his son, who remained as a hostage for the capitulation of Rouen. Thus, says Blondel in finishing, were more than thirty places, and all Normandy conquered in a year and six days. [A most unequivocal testimony of brave defence against an enemy at home.]

[Our historians observe, that affairs never went well after the death of Card. Beaufort. The infancy and character of Henry VI. the squabbles of the courtiers during the regency, the intestine factions of York and Lancaster did not however prevent a long and tedious war, with the French, on their own shores, and very superior numbers, &c. It is sufficient to note, that they even needed the stimulus of fanaticism,the Pucelle, to make any exertions at all. Our English_officers uniformly admit the gallantry of the French: but, though they cannot take a ship, or conquer the British troops in equal numbers, St. Croix's continuator, mentions a patriotic Abbé, who went to all the coffee-houses in the Palais Royal, perpetually declaiming that twelve thousand men must be landed in England before it could be conquered, whence he got the name of Abbè Douze-mille hommes.

If three hundred British marines and a few Turks resisted the whole army of Buonaparte at Acre for twenty-eight days, it is a matter of just doubt whether an equal regular army would not teach even this mighty general what Sieyes is said to have told him, that the "fiers insulaires” would pluck the laurels from his brow HoweverBuonaparte is certainly to be acquitted of being the author of "bombustic statement," this of the fifteenth century being precisely so. It is the mal de pays.]

*He means a bombard, a huge mortar which shot enormous stones, such as those at Con-stantinople.


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