become us to do as he did, rise from our fullen pofture on the earth, and worship in the houfe of the Lord, 2 Sam. 12. 20. It will behove us, as he faies in another place, to lay our hand upon our mouth, becaufe it was his doing, Pfal. 30. io. and with holy Job Chap. 40. 4. when charg'd with his murmurings, Behold I am vile, what fhall I anfwer? Once have I spoken, but I will not anfwer: yea twice, but I will proceed no farther. 6. Socrates rightly faid of Contentment, oppofing it to the riches of fortune and opinion, that 'tis the wealth of nature, for it gives every thing that we have learnt to want, and really need: but Refignation is the riches of Grace, beftowing all things that a Chriftian not only needs, but can defire, even Almighty God himself. He indeed, as the Scholemen teach, is the objective happiness of the Creature; He who is the fountain of being, must be alfo of bleffedness: and tho this be only communicable to us, when we have put off that flesh which cannot enter into the kingdom of God, and laid afide that corruption which cannot inherit incorruption, i.Cor. 15. yet even in this life, we may make approches to that blef fed fed state, by acts of Refignation and denial of our felves. It was the generous faying of Socrates being about to die unto his friend; O Crito, fince it is the will of God, fo let it be: Anytus and Melitus may kill me, but cannot hurt me. But fuch a refignation as 'tis infinitly a greater duty to a Chriftian, so it is also a more firm fecurity. In that cafe 'tis not the Martyr, but Jefus of Nazareth who is thus perfecuted, and he who attaques him will find it hard to prick against the pricks, Act.9.5. 7. THERE could not be a greater inftance of the profligate fenfuality of the Ifraelites, then that they murmured for want of leeks and onions, Numb. 11. 5. when they are Angels food, and had bread rain'd down from heaven. "Tis impoffible for the foul that is fenfible of God Almighties favor, to repine at any earthly preffure. The Lord is my fhepherd, faith David, therefore can I lack nothing, Pfal. 23. 1. And, thou haft put gladness into my heart, more then when their corn, and wine, and oil increased,Pfal.4. 7. & in paffionate rapture he cries out,Pf.73.25. Whom have I in heaven but thee: and there is none upon earth that I defire in comparison of thee? my my flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the ftrength of my heart, and my portion for ever. And likewife Pfal.46. 1. God is our hope and strength, a very prefent help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear, tho the earth be moved: and tho the hills be carried into the midst of the fea. Tho the waters thereof rage and fwell, and tho the mountains Shake at the tempeft of the fame. If God be in the midst of us, we fhall not be removed, he will help us, and that right early. Let us therefore poffefs our felves of this fupport, and as the Prophet advises Ifa. 8. 12. neither fear, nor be afraid, in any exigence how great foever; but be ftill and quiet, and fanctify the Lord of hofts himfelf, and let him be our fear, and let him be our dread. FINIS. SECTION |