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accomplished, however, with but little loss of blood, and was followed with very little pain or irritation. The wound was brought together and secured by adhesive sutures and straps and the limb bandaged and extended by a splint. It united favourably by the first intention,-the patient has been free from pain, and the disease is probably permanently cured.

This is another case in opposition to the opinions which discourage the similar treatment of such diseases, to wit, first, that the exposure of such a portion of synovial surface to the air, and the violence of an operation, will be likely to produce violent inflammation in the part, and severe constitutional irritation, and, secondly, that the tendon implicated in the

operation will probably take part in the adhesive process which is go ing on around it, and its mobility become essentially impaired.

The records of modern surgery furnish abundant cause to doubt the assumed probability of the evils contemplated in the first objection, and the very structure of the part seems to us to furnish no small security against those presented in the second. For, the very low degree of vitality enjoyed by the tendon, will probably prevent it from taking on the adhesive inflammation speedily, and meantime, the theca will have become reorganized, and its secretion established before the tardy moving powers of the tendon can be rallied for the mischievous purpose.



This remedy has been recently brought into notice by a Mr or Dr J. T. of Lincolnshire, Eng. A brief notice of this subject has recently appeared in the Hallowell Gazette, which we present to our readers. Dr Cullen has the following passages respecting Mustard Seed, in his work on the Materia Medica; which is by many considered as the principal performance of this eminent writer, and has been republished in New York.

"The seeds of this plant (says Dr Cullen) are the only part employed; and it has been common for the purpose of medicine to distinguish two kinds of it, the black and the white; which (though they seem to be of different species) hardly differ in their sensible qualities, and for every purpose may be indifferently


"The seed contains a volatile part; very pungent to the smell and taste..

Treated by distillation with water, it gives an essential oil; which discovers the same acrimony that is found in the whole substance; and shows that the acrimony of this depends upon that.-The same substance contains also a portion of mild oil, which may be obtained by expression from the powdered seed, and when this is done, the acrid parts are found in the paste that remains after the expression of the mild oil.

"In these seeds there is a large portion of farinaceous matter, capable of fermentation; under which [fermentation] the volatile oil is more evolved, and shows itsfactivity more readily. Thence it is, that the fresh powder shows but little pungency and a good deal of bitterness; whereas, when it has been moistened with vinegar and set by for a day, it becomes considerably more acrid; (as is well known to those who prepare mustard for the use of the ta

It is doubted, by some, whether the two sorts of mustard known in this country (New England) do not differ from each other in medical properties.

ble). This also applies particularly tard seed; telling us as regards its

to its external use.

* *

[blocks in formation]

"Mustard, in its powdered state, taken internally, has all the powers and effects of the other sitiquosæ ;* but they are here more active and powerful than in any other.

* *

"A practice (so far as I can learn) begun in this city about fifty years ago, has since been very frequent. It consists in giving the mustard seed entire and unbruised, to the quantity of half an ounce, (or as much as an ordinary table-spoonful will contain.) This does not prove beating in the stomach, but stimulates the intestinal canal; and commonly proves laxative, or at least supports the usual daily excretion. It commonly increases the secretion of the urine; but in this I have frequently found it to fail.-In giving it twice a day, (as our common practice is,) I have not found it to stimulate or heat the body. * * *

"I cannot finish this subject with out observing two different opinions with respect to it. Professor Murray says that mustard gives an agreeable sensation in the stomach; and, in the case of himself, a cheerfulness to the mind. * * * Linnæus gives a very contrary opinion. Too considerable an employment of it (he says) brings on languor, and is unfriendly to cheerfulness. I cannot vouch for the truth of either opinion." Thus far Dr Cullen.

The celebrated Dr James, who has connected his name with a well known fever powder, has left also in his Dispensatory a panegyric on mus

preparations, that "it imparts its taste and smell in perfection to aqueous liquors, whilst rectified spirit, extracts extremely little of either." He informs us also, that “oil of mustard by expression is prescribed with success in the severest fits of the stone:" but adds, that "the oil by expression is extremely mild."

Dr Lewis, the chemist, in his Dispensatory, copies part of what Dr James had said before him.

Dr Duncan, the father, gives a general list of the virtues of the mustard seed, in his Dispensatory. That of Dr Duncan, the son, is the first to notice the method of swallowing the seed entire;-in which he is followed by Dr John Redman Coxe, of Philadelphia, whose Dispensatory comprehends the improvements in the Dispensatory of Dr Duncan the younger.

Dr Cullen and Dr James mention the employment of mustard seed internally by various practitioners in the continent of Europe; and we shall next proceed to notice its recent employment internally in England in its unbruised state; after observing that Dr Physick has used it in this form in his own case with advantage, and recommended it for trial to one of his patients.

The case of recent English practice to which we allude, is as follows:

In the month of June, 1822, a Lincolnshire gentleman, (whose respectability is known to the writer of this article) made use in his own case of the mustard seed in its unbruised state, merely with a view to open his body; which being immediately succeeded by an improved state of his general feelings, he gave the medicine to the sick poor in his neighbourhood, with equally happy effects. He then printed his observations on the efficacy of this medi

A family of plants, so named from having their seeds in pods of a certain form. + Dr Cullen was then (viz. 1795) writing in Edinburgh.

cine, on a single leaf of paper; in: which form it has gone through eight editions, of a thousand copies each; and the result has been, that a single seed shop in London has at times sold to the amount of one bushel of the seed daily.

We must allow to our Lincolnshire gentleman the merit of zeal, in the enumeration which he makes of the

extensive powers of his remedy, which we shall immediately exhibit in an abridged and methodized form; intending on our side to follow it up with some general remarks, to lessen our wonder at his assertions.

The medicine (he states) may be given where there is, 1st. A tendency of blood to the head, and headache. 2d. Weakness of the eyes. 3d. Weakness of the voice, and hoarseness. 4th. Asthma, shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, or other affections of the chest. 5th. Af fections of the stomach; as want of appetite, indigestion, oppression af ter eating, heart-burn, sickness, wind, cramp, irritability, or costiveness. 6th. Debility, or other uneasiness in the body; and depression of spirits. 7th. Deficient perspiration. 8th. Affections in the urinary organs. 9th. Disorders in the biliary system. 10th. Want of sleep. 11th. Colds, and a tendency to take cold. 12th. Rheumatism, lumbago, cramps in the limbs, and rheumatic fever. 13th. Dropsy in its different forms. 14th. Paralytic complaints. 15th. Coldness of the extremities. 16th. Agues. 17th. Gouty complaints. 18th. Epilepsy. 19th. Scrofula. 20th. Piles. 21st. St Anthony's fire. 22d. The tic doloureux. 23d. Worms, and some other affections of children. 24th. Convalescent states, after fever and other great maladies.

(To be continued.)


There are a few complaints which are peculiar to persons advanced in life, and their general characteristic is obstinacy.

We have already spoken of tussis senilis, and we now propose a few remarks -practical remarks-on a species of prurigo which attacks elderly subjects only.

When the complaint makes its appearance we have always reason to fear the remainder of our patient's life will be constantly harassed by the intense itching which attends it. As years however advance, and one improvement rises on an

other, our fears are gradually banished,

There are few diseases in which this fact and the hope of affording relief brightens.

is so strongly exemplified as in prurigo senilis. When Willan was living, scarce. ly any attempt, further than ablution, was made to cure this disease, because the chance of success was so exceedingly feeble; but in our day we can do more- we can hope to effect a cure in more than half the cases which come to us.

This troublesome eruption is situated most generally under the knees, on the thighs, legs, and forearms. It is scarcely perceptible at first, and the only symptom

of derangement is an inveterate itching,

which accompanies the disease throughout. By this, the attention is more closely directed to the part affected, and small pimples are discovered scarcely elevated, and about the colour of the skin. As the tops of some of these are scratched off, a thin matter exudes, and concretes into minute black scabs, and these scattered papulæ, their peculiar colour, and the intense itching which accompany them, clearly indicate the nature of the disease. This affection is occasioned by the torpor of the circulation and a general want of activity in the extreme vessels. This state of morbid dullness affords an opportunity for pediculi to be generated in the skin, and to increase to a wonderful degree, the obstinacy and the itching which characterize this species of prurigo.

Under these circumstances the afflicted patient applies to us for a remedy, and we may safely promise one chance in two of entire relief. If there is reason to believe pediculi concealed in the skin,

a solution of the corrosive sublimate externally applied-will prove fectual in destroying them. But in all cases our first intention should be to give vigour to the system, and lessen cutaneous irritation. To effect the first purpose it is unnecessary for us to point out the efficient means. For diminishing cutaneous irritation there are two remedies to which we wish to draw the attention of the faculty, as being peculiarly well adapted to this complaint. One is a solution of the Extract of Belladonna,-a drachm to half a pint of water, and the other an ointment composed of opium one drachm, subcarbonate of soda or potass two drachms, and fresh hog's lard an ounce. By means of one or other of these local applications, and a general treatment which will give vigour to the whole frame, the most troublesome of all the complaints which disturb the tranquillity and peace of old age, may, in many instances, be speedily overcome.


An important and interesting case is reported by Dr D. L. Rodgers in the New York Med. and Phys. Journal, in which

the patient was cured by trepanning, after labouring under the disease 14 years.

Mr D. æt. 41, had been subject to fits of epilepsy 14 years, and for the last ten, says the report, they had occurred so frequently as to disqualify him for business, and have gradually increased in frequency and violence. From their long continuance, his mind had become much impaired and he was fast approaching to a state of idiocy. It appears that he had received a blow on the head sometime previous to these fits, which fractured the skull. Dr Rodgers conceiving this to be the cause of these fits, recommended an operation for his relief; accordingly, assisted by Drs Mott and King, he removed the injured portion of bone by the application of the trephine, and found a spicula of bone projecting into the brain. Dr Rodgers adds, that nine months after the operation he saw this man in the street; he stated that his mem◄ ory had nearly recovered its usual strength, and that there had been no return of the fits. His health was so far restored as to be able to attend to his business without any inconvenience.


DIMINUTION OF MORTALITY.-ADVANTAGES OF CIVILIZATION.-In the last sit ting of the French Academy, (30th of January,) M. Fourrier read a note by M. Benoiston de Chateauneuf, on the changes which the laws of mortality have undergone within the last half century, from 1775 to 1825.

The result of these curious researches is, that, whereas formerly, out of every 100 children born, 50 died within the two first years, not more than 38 5-10 now perish. It cannot be doubted that this important difference in the mortality of infants is to be ascribed partly to vaccination, and partly to the improvement in the condition of the labouring classes. The comparison is equally in favour of the present time as it regards all the other periods of life. Thus, in every 100 children, 55 5-10 formerly died under the age of ten; now, the mortality does not exceed 437-10. In the same number of men, only 21 5-10 reached the age of fifty; now 32 5-10 attain that age. Then,

only 15 in 100 reached the age of sixty; now, the number is raised to 24. Thus, it appears that the total number of deaths, compared with the population, is very sensibly diminished. Formerly, the annual deaths were 1 to 30; now, they are only as 1 to 39. The number of births is also found to have decreased. They are now only as 1 in 25; whilst formerly they amounted to 1 in 31.-A similar decrease is observable in the number of marriages; they formerly amounted to 1 in every 111 persons: now they are reduced to 1 in 135.-The fruitfulness of marriages has not undergone any alteration; they yield, on an average, four children to a marriage. The general result is this; marriages are less frequent, and fewer children are born than formerly, in proportion to the population. Nevertheless, the population is rapidly increasing ; because, of the children born, a much larger proportion attain to maturity, and to old age.-This circumstance affords a sufficient explanation of the diminution in the number of marriages.

In fact, the greater is the mortality in a country the greater is the number of mar riages, because the vacancies must be filled up. On the other hand, in a country where the mortality is small, the inhabitants are less rich, and marriages less frequent, because the difficulty of finding employment and of obtaining the means of supporting a family is greater. From these facts we may draw the following conclusions; that if a more perfect civilization increases population by diminishing the causes of mortality, this increase of population becomes the cause of greater relaxation of morals, by presenting obstacles to marriages. Thus it appears that the number of foundlings in France have been tripled since the year 1780.

DEAF AND DUMB.-M. Majendie lately read a case of deaf and dumb before the Royal Institution of France; it was that of a boy, nine years of age, who was restored to hearing and speech by Dr DeJeau, of Paris. This, however, is, we understand, no novelty, as several cases of this description have, within these few years, come under the care of Mr Curtis, the Surgeon to the Royal Dispensary for diseases of the Ear, which have yielded to his judicious and attentive treatment.

REPRODUCTION OF THE CRYSTALLINE LENS.-M. Coquehean has laid before the Royal Academy of Medicine of Paris, a paper, designed to prove, from experiments made on young animals, such as puppies and young rabbits, that the crystalline lens may be reproduced, provided it be extracted with care, and with the least possible injury to its capsule. If such be the fact, it is quite accordant with the opinion maintained by Professor Blainville respecting the nature of the lens, and the office of its capsule.

HUMAN MONSTER.-At the Academy of Sciences, on the 7th of January, M. Geoffrey Saint-Hiliare presented a human monster, which had just been discovered in a collection of animal mummies, forming part of a magnificent cabinet of antiquities recently imported from Egypt by that able artist and learned antiquary M. Passalacquoa, This monster belongs to the class known by the name of amencephalous, characterized by the complete privation of the brain and spinal marrow; and is exceedingly interesting, first, as contradicting the doctrine of the Cartesian philosopher, that thought is generated in the brain; and, secondly, is opposed to the more recent theory of the origin of the nerves in the cerebral or vertebral pulp.

TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH.-M. Orago communicated to the Institution of Fran the results of a great many experiments which he had tried to ascertain the temperature of the earth at different depths from the surface; according to which it appears, that the temperature increases in the proportion of one degree to every hundred feet in depth.

COMPOSITION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. Mr Dalton states that there is a variation in the quality of oxygen in the atmosphere of about 0-45 per cent. The greatest quantity was found on the 8th of January, 1825, when the wind was northeast, and the barometer 30.9 inches; the wind was moderate after three days calm and gentle frost. The atmosphere then contained 21.15 per cent. of oxygen, while, in its general state, it yields only 20.7 or 20.8 per cent.

It will be perceived that we have made another alteration in the form of the INTELLIGENCER, in order to give more room for communications, &c. We shall reprint the articles contained in the No. issued on Tuesday last, and consider the present as the first No. of Vol. IV. All advertisements inserted in the INTELLIGENCER will be published on the cover of the ATHENEUM. None will be admit ted except those connected with medicine.


Consumption, 4-Intemperance, 1-Infantile, 1-Quinsy, 1-Mortification, 1Dropsy in the head, 2-Hooping Cough, 1-Drowned, 1--Lung Fever, 1--Old Age, 1-Accidental, 1-Typhus Fever, 1 Teething, 1-Childbed, i—Canker in the bowels, 1.

Jenckes' Patent Alleviator.

THE subscriber having made an arrangement for introducing this invaluable Instrument in the city of Boston, any family who may have one of their number so sick as to require the exertions of their friends to lift them for any purpose, can be accommodated with the use of the Alleviator by calling on Mr WILLIAM HANCOCK, No. 39, Market-street, or on Mr EDMUND PARSONS, No. 10, Portland-street, who has undertaken to put them up when and where they may be wanted, and attend to the use of them. Any person wishing for further information, will please to apply as above.

JOHN C. JENCKES. Mr JENCKES has many Certificates, from the Medical Society, and from many

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