Sidor som bilder

avoided, For this reason she or an attentive nurse;



is anxious to diffuse, amongst which, were it combined with her own sex, a species of know- a moderate degree of scientific ledge which may enable mo- knowledge, would often prove thers to educate their children the surest guide to the medical with better prospects of health attendant. But it too frequentand happiness; and, perhaps, ly happens that, through the to occasion them to take a ignorance of those about them, greater interest in the welfare the complaints of children are of their offspring, by proving at first disregarded; palliative how much it depends on their remedies are neglected, and the professional man is not The disadvantages under sought for till it is too late. In which a medical man labors, truth, no appearance of indisin his attendance on infant pa- position in a child should ever tients, are many, and may be be thought trifling; and though ascribed to various causes; but the greater number may not the greatest is the difficulty of require the assistance of mediobtaining accurate information cine, yet, in those that do, it from the sick, who are incapa- should be resorted to without ble of describing their sensa- delay. It is to little purpose tions, and when the principal that a physician is consulted lights are to be received from when the vital powers have some person totally ignorant been exhausted by the contin of the science of medicine. uance of disease; and still less This often renders the task when only a part of his advice of prescribing for the diseases is followed. Such is often the of children a matter of great consequence of that sort of igdifficulty; and the indiscretion norance, which it is the object of their attendants, frequently, of this work to diminish. counteracts the good effects of the most judicious advice.

When the best physicians are surrounded with difficulties Even where a physician, by in their treatment of the malbeing the father of a numerous adies to which infants are suboffspring, may appear to have ject, it is not surprising that had the best means of studying many children are lost through those maladies incident to the the want of a little more knowearly years of man, it is impos- ledge in the women who are sible he should ever have such constantly about them, Vaexperience of the momentary rious indispositions are brought changes to which the infant on or increased by neglect; frame is liable, as may be ac- and the timely application of quired by an observing mother simple remedies would often

check the progress of maladies who infest the earth, to the which become dangerous through inattention.

great detriment of the sick; for few persons know how to distinguish between them and those men who, dedicating

their time and talents to the researches of science, are enabled to relieve the infirmities of human nature. To choose a physician well, one should

It sometimes happens that a long series of years spent in the service of children, may have given to an old nurse a degree of experience, which, if accompanied with discretion and modesty, would be of infinite value; but, unfortunately, be half a physician one's self: it is usually attended with the but as this is not the case with inconvenience of her fancying many, the best plan which the herself capable of prescribing mother of a family can adopt medicines with the nature and is, to select a man whose eduthe force of which she is un- cation has been suitable to his acquainted, and which, if im- profession; whose habits of properly administered, may life are such, as prove that he both occasion the most pernicious continues to acquire praceffects. The courage of igno- tical and theoretical knowrance is always great; the mis- ledge; who is neither a bigot takes resulting from it often in old opinions, nor an enthu fatal; and it frequently hap- siast in new; and, for many pens, both in regard to chil- reasons, not the fashionable dren and adults, that, in cases doctor of the day. A little where the learned and judi- attention in making the neces cious physician considers it sary inquiries, will suffice to prudent to delay his exertions, ascertain the requisites here a vulgar apothecary, or an old specified; to which should be nurse, will throw in medicine added, what is usually found on medicine; and, by disturbing in medical men of real merit, the salutary efforts of nature, those qualities which may augment the disease, perhaps serve to render him an agreeto the destruction of the pa- able companion: for the family physician should always be the family friend.


The excessive ignorance of the generality of mankind re- Though the design of this specting everything that re- work has been merely to treat lates to medicine, is productive of physical education, a subject of many bad consequences; which has been much less disone of which, and not the least, cussed than morals, yet, the is the power it bestows on a strict connexion between mind tribe of ignorant pretenders, and body has rendered it im

possible to enter fully into the former without touching on the latter: and it is to be hoped that what has been said of the moral part of education will not be considered as altogether useless.

without this precaution, and attended with immediate advantage. M. Cheze employed camphor internally, the julep, and externally in the form of vapor, with friction; but M. Dupasquier confined his pracThe observations and advice tice to fumigation. "The best contained in this work are method of employing fumigachiefly the result of the au- tion," he says, "is by exposing thor's own experience; and the patient to the action of the when they are founded on the camphor vapor in a proper fuinformation of others, this in- migating case or apparatus; formation has been examined and as it is not always practiwith the strictest attention. cable to convey a patient, laThe book is the production of boring under chronic rheumamany years' study and experience; and the author cannot help flattering herself that it will be of some use to those for whom it is designed, the anxious mother, the attentive governess, and the careful nurse.


tism, to a vapor bath, he recommends a portable fumigating case, similar to the sudatory of M. La Beaume." When the patient's circumstances will not enable him to have a proper apparatus, “the camphor vapor may be easily used by seating him in a chair placed over a small furnace, the furnace being covered by a metallic plate. The patient is then enveloped in a large

The Editors of the Medical Review of Paris have given some cases of rheumatism to illustrate the benefit to be derived from camphor fu- blanket, which is to be tied migation, which occurred in close round the neck, and althe practice of M. Dupasquier. lowed to hang to the ground.. He adopted this practice in A small spoonful of camphor consequence of having observ- may then be thrown on the ed the success of M. Cheze, metallic plate every five minwho employed it from some utes; it soon becomes volatilsupposed analogy between ized, so that the parts of the rheumatism and lockjaw. In body with which it comes in acute cases M. Dupasquier observes, fumigation was preceded by bleeding; but in the cases related by him, the fumigations were employed

contact will, in a short time, be covered with perspiration. This operation may be continued an hour, or three quarters of an hour, according to its re

laxing effects, or as the high in the shoulder, and very untemperature may be agreea- willing to repeat the fumigable. The patient is then to be tion, was directed to wear a wrapped up in the blanket, and little bag of camphor in the put to bed, where the perspi- armpit, and in consequence, as ration will continue an hour or M. Dupasquier supposes, of two; during which time a con- the speedy absorption of the siderable portion of camphor camphor, the patient felt a will be absorbed." Half an numbness in his arm about ounce of camphor M. Dupas- half an hour afterwards, afquier found sufficient for one ter which the pain rapidly fumigation; "but," says he, ceased. The same application "much more may be used was frequently employed with without inconvenience, and I the same results. The remehave known a patient employ dy is much more pleasant than four ounces by mistake with- sulphur fumigation; and, from out any bad consequences." the peculiar properties of camM. Dupasquier has employ- phor in allaying nervous exciteed the above method with ment, and in promoting the sesignal, though not with invaria- cretion of the skin, we have ble success; and he has gener- no doubt is a more efficacious ally found, that the more acute remedy. We recommend M. the disease was, the more Dupasquier's mode of treating readily it yielded to the remedy. He generally encourages perspiration during the process by giving some slightly sudorific drink. The fumigations were repeated according to circumstances; if the patient be strong or severely affected, he recommends it to be used three or four times a day. It appears that in all cases it is necessary to persevere in it for at least a week after the pains have disappeared, Sometimes partial fumigations only, which are much more easily borne by the patient, may be required.

In one case, the patient being afflicted with violent pain

rheumatism, both acute and chronic, local or general, to the attention of those practitioners who have the means of using it.

London Gazette of Health.


In our Medical Guide, p.. 119, edit. 14th, we have noticed a case of a woman who lost her life in consequence of the puncture of an artery of the arm by a popular bleeder, ignorant of anatomy. The patient was admitted into the Hereford Infirmary, but the mortification having extended to the chest, the case was hopeless. The following case of puncture of the radial arte

ry, by a druggist unacquainted to apply a ligature above and with anatomy, in which it was below the puncture. Simple necessary to take up the arte- dressings were used, and the ry in order to save the arm of the unfortunate patient, lately occurred at the Westminster Infirmary.

A man about forty years of age, applied to a druggist to be bled. The druggist, who is the popular bleeder of the neighborhood, in performing the operation, introduced the point of the lancet into the artery lying under the vein. The blood continuing to be thrown out after the bandage was removed, the sapient gentleman, with the sang froid peculiar to this class of operators, applied compresses with much pressure, and the bleeding being thus stopped, the operator told him he might go, and that all would do well." The bleeding recurred two or three times a day, till he was admitted a patient of the Westminster Infirmary, which was about five days after the operation. A considerable tumor had then formed at the bend, of the fore arm, attended with pulsation. In the course of the evening the bleeding returned to such an extent, that the house surgeon found it necessary to send for the surgeon of the week, who, on examining the tumor, considered the case of so serious a nature, that he lost no time in cutting down to the wounded artery


arm being much swollen, fomentation and a poultice were employed. On the following day the swelling had greatly subsided, and the patient was apparently going on well. Mr White apologized to the pupils of the hospital for having operated in their absence. The appearances of the tient, and the state of the arm satisfied them that a speedy and decisive practice was necessary to save the limb. The arm was so much swollen and discolored that Mr Alcock was induced to take a drawing of the parts, as a good specimen of distension of the cellular membrane by blood from the force of an artery. This case, whilst it shows the necessity of granting a new charter to the College of Surgeons, that will give this body the power to prevent ignorant pretenders from practising surgery, or of performing even the simplest surgical operation, must forcibly point out to the ignorant the great risk they run in applying to men of no surgical education, and unacquainted with anatomy, to be bled. If Mr White had not acted with promptitude, the patient would have lost his arm, if not his life. The College of Surgeons having no power to compel such ignorant

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