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Populära avsnitt

Sida 39 - He shall not die, by G — ," cried my uncle Toby. The accusing spirit, which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blushed as he gave it in ; and the recording angel, as he wrote it down, dropped a tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever.
Sida 37 - I believe, an' please your Reverence, said I, that when a soldier gets time to pray, — he prays as heartily as a parson — though not with all his fuss and hypocrisy. — Thou shouldst not have said that, Trim, said my uncle Toby, — for God only knows who is a hypocrite, and who is not : — At the great and general review of us all, Corporal, at the day of judgment, (and not till then)— it will be seen who have done their duties in this world, — and who have not ; and we shall be advanced,...
Sida 288 - O gentle sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down, And steep my senses in forgetfulness...
Sida 34 - ... twill be enough to give your honour your death, and bring on your honour's torment in your groin.
Sida 33 - Has he a son with him, then ? said my uncle Toby. — A boy, replied the landlord, of about eleven or twelve years of age ; but the poor creature has tasted almost as little as his father : he does nothing but mourn and lament for him night and day. He has not stirred from the bed-side these two days.
Sida 36 - I thought, said the curate, that you gentlemen of the army, Mr. Trim, never said your prayers at all. I heard the poor gentleman say his prayers last night, said the landlady, very devoutly, and with my own ears, or I could not have believed it. Are you sure of it? replied the curate. A soldier, an...
Sida 252 - He probably did not long remain in slavery ; for at the beginning of the civil war he was made a captain in the royal army, and in 1644 attended the queen to France, where he remained till the Restoration. At last, upon suspicion of his being privy to the Popish plot, he was taken up in 1682, and confined in the gate-house, Westminster, where he ended his life, in the sixty-third year of his age.
Sida 36 - Trim, said my uncle Toby, blowing his nose, — but that thou art a good-natured fellow. When I gave him the toast, continued the corporal, I thought it was proper to tell him I was captain Shandy's servant, and that your honour (though a stranger) was extremely concerned for his father; — and that if there was any thing in your house or cellar (And thou might'st have added my purse too...
Sida 36 - Twas well said of thee, Trim, said my uncle Toby. But when a soldier, said I, an' please your reverence, has been standing for twelve hours together in the trenches, up to his knees in cold water, — or engaged...
Sida 37 - Then, said he, I served three campaigns with him in Flanders, and remember him ; but 'tis most likely, as I had not the honour of any acquaintance with him, that he knows nothing of me. You will tell him, however, that the person his good-nature has laid under obligations to him is one Le Fevre, a Lieutenant in Angus's; — but he knows me not, said he, a second time, musing; possibly he may my story, added he.

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