Then, said he, I served three campaigns with him in Flanders, and remember him ; but 'tis most likely, as I had not the honour of any acquaintance with him, that he knows nothing of me. You will tell him, however, that the person his good-nature has laid... THE MONTHLY REVIEW - Sida 37efter SEVERAL HANDS - 1762Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - Om den här boken
 | Laurence Sterne - 1762 - 170 sidor
...— Then, faid he, I ferved three campaigns with him in Flanders, and remember him, — but 'tis moft likely, as I had not the honour of any acquaintance...good nature has laid under obligations to him, is one Le' Fever, a lieutenant in Angus's but he knows me not, — faid he, a fecond time, mufing ; poiTibly... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1762 - 172 sidor
...— Then, feid he, I ferved three campaigns with him in Flanders, and remember him, — but 'tis moft likely, as I had not the honour of any acquaintance...good nature has laid under obligations to him, is one Le Fever, a lieutenant in Angus'* but he knows me not, — faid he, a fecond time, mufing ; pofijbly... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1776 - 280 sidor
...was— Theny faid he, I ferved three campaigns with him in Flanders, and remember him, . but 'tis moft likely, as I had not the honour of any acquaintance...good nature has laid under obligations to him, is one Le Fever, a lieutenant in Angus's • but he knows me not, faid he, a fecond time, mufmg : poffibly... | |
 | Tobias Smollett - 1780 - 580 sidor
...faid he, " I ferved three " campaigns with him in Flanders, " and remember him— but 'ti-s molt " likely, as I had not the honour of "'any acquaintance...nothing of me.— You will tell " him, however, that the perli.n his " good-nature has laid under obiiga" tions to him, is one Le Fevre, a lieu" tenant in Angus's... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1780 - 338 sidor
...Flanders, and rcinember him, — but 'tis moft likely, as 1 had noc the honour of any acquaintonce with him, that he knows nothing of me. You will tell him, however, that the perfon his good-nature has laid under obligations to him, is one Le Fever, a lieutenant in Angus's but he knows... | |
 | 1781 - 602 sidor
...Then," faid he, " I ferved three " campaigns with him in Flanders, " and remember him— but 'tis moft " likely, as I had not the honour of " any acquaintance with him, that he u knows nothing of me.— You will tell * him, however, that the perfon his " good-nature has laid... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1782 - 484 sidor
...was—Then, faid he, I ferved three campaigns with him in Flanders, and remember him,—but 'tis moft likely, as I had not the honour of any acquaintance with him, that he knows •nothing of me.—You -will tell him, however, that the per-fon hk good nature has laid under obligations to him,... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1783 - 310 sidor
...member Vim,— but ^is moft likely, as J had not the hpnx?vHf of any asquaiaJr ance with him, th^j hg knows nothing of me. — . — You will tell him, however, that the perfon his good-nature has laid under obligations to him, is one Li Fever, a lieutenant in Angus' s— — but... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1784 - 292 sidor
...— Then, faid he, I ferved three campaigns with him in Flanders, and remember him,— but 'tis moil likely, as I had not the honour of any acquaintance...good nature has laid under obligations to him, is one Le Fever,* Lieutenant in yfygw/s — but he knows me not,— faid he a fecond time, mufing ;— poffibly... | |
 | William Enfield - 1785 - 462 sidor
...Flanders, and remember him—— bat 'tis moft likely, as Ihad not the honourof any acquaint. ance with him, that he knows nothing of me. You will tell him, however, that the perfon his good-nature has laid under obligations to him, is one Le Fevre, a lieutenant in Angu;.'s but he knows... | |
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