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" He probably did not long remain in slavery ; for at the beginning of the civil war he was made a captain in the royal army, and in 1644 attended the queen to France, where he remained till the Restoration. At last, upon suspicion of his being privy to... "
efter SEVERAL HANDS - 1762
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The London Magazine, Or, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer, Volym 31

1762 - 792 sidor
...prifoner, by a Turkifli rover, and fold into Barbary. He probably did not long remain in flavery ; for at the beginning of the civil war he was made a captain in the royal army, aid in 1644 attended the queen to France, where he remained till the reiteration. At lad, upon fufpicion...
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The British Magazine, Or, Monthly Repository for Gentlemen & Ladies

1762 - 736 sidor
...taken prifoner by a Turkilh rover, and fold into Barbary. He probably did not long remain in flavery, for at the beginning of the civil war he was made a captain in the royal army ; and io 1644 attended the queen to France, where he remained till theReftoration. At lafr, upon fufpicion...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and ..., Volym 5

1763 - 552 sidor
...taken prifoner by a Turkifh rovef, and fold into Barbary. He probably did not long remain in flavery ; for at the beginning of the civil war he was made...and in 1644 attended the queen to France, where he re^ mained till the reiteration. At laft, upon fufpicion of his being privy to the popifh plot, he...
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A Biographical History of England, from Egbert the ..., Volym 1, Del 2

James Granger - 1769 - 314 sidor
...any taller, till after thirty, when he fhot up to three feet nine inches. Soon after the breaking out of the civil war, he was made a captain in the royal army. In 1644, he attended the queen into France, where he had a quarrel with Mr. Crofts, whom he challenged....
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A New Display of the Beauties of England: Or A Description of the Most ...

1776 - 696 sidor
...any taller, till after thirty, when he Jbot up to three feet nine inches. Soon after the breaking out of the civil war, he was made a captain in the royal army. In 1644, ho attended the Queen into France, where he had a quarrel with Mr. Crofts, brother to Lord...
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The Original Works of William King ...: Now First Collected ..., Volym 3

William King - 1776 - 330 sidor
...poi ket, in a mafque at court, to the forpri2e1 of all the fpetSators. S.'on after the breaking out of the civil war, he was made a captain in the royal army ; attended the queen, in i644, into France, where he fought a duel with Mr. Crofts, with piftols, on...
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The Lady's Magazine: Entertaining Companion, for the Fair Sex, Appropriated ...

1778 - 774 sidor
...flavery, for at thf'bcginning of the civil war, he was made a captain of the royal army ; and in 1 664, attended the queen to France, where he remained till the reftoration. At lalt, upon fufpicion of his being privy to the Popifti plot, he vriw tak^n up in i6$2, P.:K! confined...
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Anecdotes of Painting in England;: With Some Account of the ..., Volym 2

Horace Walpole - 1786 - 380 sidor
...taken prifoner by a Turkifh rover, and fold into Barbary. He probably did not long remain in flavery ; for at the beginning of the civil war he was made...France where he remained 'till the reftoration. At lafb upon fufpicion of his being privy to the Popifh plot, .he was taken up in 1682, and confined in...
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volym 5

Edmund Burke - 1787 - 556 sidor
...fold into Barbary. He proba•bly did not remain long in flamy j 'for at the beginning of the civfl war he was made a captain in the royal army, and in...reftoration. At laft, upon fufpicion of his being privy t6 the Popiih plot, he was taken up ia 1682, and confined in the Gatehoufe, Weftminfter, where he ended...
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Encyclopædia Britannica: Or, A Dictionary of Arts ..., Volym 6, Del 1

Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig - 1797 - 434 sidor
...in flavery : for at the beginning of the civil war, he was nude a captain in the royal army ; and ia 1644 attended the queen to France, where he remained...At laft, upon fufpicion of his being privy to the Popiih plot, he wa» taken up in 1682, and confined in the Gatehoufe, Wettminfter, where he ended his...
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