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" He shall not die, by G — ," cried my uncle Toby. The accusing spirit, which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blushed as he gave it in ; and the recording angel, as he wrote it down, dropped a tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever. "
efter SEVERAL HANDS - 1762
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The Gentleman's Magazine, Volym 32

1762 - 686 sidor
...with the oath, blu Died as he gave it ift ; — and the retarding ax^el as he wrote it down, dropp'da tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever. —My uncle Toby went to his bureau, -^-put his parle into his breeches (rocket, and having orderet! the corporal to go early in tht morning for aphyfician,...
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The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Volym 6

Laurence Sterne - 1762 - 172 sidor
...RECORDING ANGEL as he wrote it down, dropp'da tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever. CHAP. IX. MY uncle Toby went to his bureau, — put his purfe into his breeches pocket, and having ordered the corporal to go early in the morning for a phyfician, — he went to bed, and fell afleep. CHAP. CHAP....
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The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Volym 6

Laurence Sterne - 1762 - 170 sidor
...cried my uncle Toby. — The ACCUSING SPIRIT which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blufh'd as he gave it in ; — and the RECORDING ANGEL as he wrote it down, dropp'da tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever. CHAP. IX. MY uncle Toby went to his bureau,...
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Critical Essays

Edward Burnaby Greene - 1770 - 358 sidor
...are mentioned. ' The accufing fpirit, which flew up to heaven's Chancery with the oath, blufh'd when he gave it in ; and the recording angel, as he ,wrote it down, drop'da tear upon the word, ai.d blotted it out for ever.' The intent julLf>'d ihe sf.cition. Auguftan...
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The Adventures of Roderick Random: In Two Volumes

Tobias Smollett - 1780 - 580 sidor
...cried my Uncle Toby. The ACCUSING SPIRIT which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, hi u (lied as he gave it in — and the RECORDING ANGEL, as he...a tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever ! CHAP. IX. Y Uncle Toby went to h;> bureau — put his purfe into his breeches-pocket— and, having...
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The Works of Laurence Sterne ...

Laurence Sterne - 1780 - 338 sidor
...cried my uncle Toby. -*-The ACCUSING SPIRIT, which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blufh'd as he gave it in; — and the RECORDING ANGEL, as he wrote it down, dropp'da tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever. CHAP. LIT. TV It Y uncle Toby went to his...
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The Novelist's Magazine, Volym 5

1781 - 604 sidor
...cried my Uncle Toby. The ACCUSING SPIRIT which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blufhed as he gave it in— and the RECORDING ANGEL, as he...a tear upon the word} and blotted it out for ever 1 CHAP. IX. ~\/f Y Uncle Toby went to his AVJL bureau— put his purfe into his breeches-pocket —...
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The Beauties of Johnson: Consisting of Maxims and Observations ..., Volym 1

Samuel Johnson - 1782 - 484 sidor
...my uncle Teby. •—The ACCUSING SPIRIT, which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blufh'd as he gave it in ;—and the RECORDING ANGEL, as he wrote it down, dropp'da tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever. i My uncle Toby went to his bureau,—put...
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The Beauties of Sterne: Including All His Pathetic Tales, and Most ...

Laurence Sterne - 1784 - 292 sidor
...with the oath, blutVd as he gave it in; — and the RECORD1NG ANGEL, as he wrote it down, dropp'da tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever. —My...purfe into his breeches pocket, and having ordered the Corporal to go early in the morning ' for a phyfician, — he went to bed and fell afleep. The fun...
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Neue Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften und der freyen Künste, Volym 31–32

1785 - 778 sidor
...trifîram <5r)anbt> , s. $ap. The accufmg fpirit flew up to Heavens Chancery with the Oath,andblufh'd as he gave it in -and the recording Angel, as he wrote it down, drop'da Tear of pity on the Word , and blotted it out for ever. SSon 38. £inrfS gemalt, unb in punffirfer...
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