Has he a son with him, then ? said my uncle Toby. — A boy, replied the landlord, of about eleven or twelve years of age ; but the poor creature has tasted almost as little as his father : he does nothing but mourn and lament for him night and day. He... THE MONTHLY REVIEW - Sida 33efter SEVERAL HANDS - 1762Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - Om den här boken
 | 1762 - 686 sidor
...again : Has he a fon ef my kingdoms, are fafe in your with him then? faid my uncle Toby. — hands. t A boy, replied the landlord, of about eleven or twelve years of age ; — but УЪе Story O/LE FEVER : From tke Sixth the poor creature has tafted almoft as folume of Triftram... | |
 | 1762 - 792 sidor
...parlot-r with the corporal, — but 1 c:ui a!k his fort again: — Has he a fon with him then ? fairt my uncle Toby. — A. boy, replied the landlord, of about eleven or twelve years or" * For fome further particulars of tbis fkq/iug darafler, fee our Val. far 1760, j>. 4l\,fit.alfo... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1762 - 170 sidor
...the parlour with the corporal, — but I can. a(k his fon again : Has he a fon with him then ? faid my uncle Toby.— A boy, replied the landlord, of...twelve years of age ; — but the poor creature has tailed almoft as little as his father; he does nothing but mourn and lament for him night and day :... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1776 - 280 sidor
...into the parlour, with the. corporal, but I can afk his Ion again :- Has he a fon with him then ? faid my uncle Toby. — A boy, replied the landlord, of about eleven or twelve years of age i but the poor creature has tafted almoft as little as his father; he does nothing but mourn and lament... | |
 | 1781 - 604 sidor
...with the corporal ; ' but I can alk • his fon again.' — « Has he a fon with ' him then ?' faid my Uncle Toby.— ' A boy,' replied the landlord,...* about eleven or twelve years of age— ' but the ¡-oor creature has rafted almoft 1 as little as his father ; he does nothing . 192 1 but taourrt and... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1797 - 516 sidor
...the parfour with the corpora), — but I can aik his fon again: Has he a fon with him, then ? laid my uncle Toby. A boy, replied the landlord, of about...twelve years of age; — but the poor creature has tailed almoft as little as his fa» ther; he docs nothing but mourn and lament fur him night and day... | |
 | 1797 - 522 sidor
...corpora], — but I can a/k his fon ag.;i:i : Has he a fon with him then ? faid my uncle Toby. — -rA boy, replied the landlord, of about eleven or twelve years of age; — but the poor creature has tailed a!mo!t as little as his father ; he does nothing but mourn and lament for him night ;»nd day... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1802 - 284 sidor
...the parlour with the corporal — but I can ask his son again. — Has he a son with him then? said my uncle Toby. — A boy, replied the landlord, of about eleven or twelve years of age ; but Ihe poor creature has tasted almost as little as his father ; he docs nothing but mourn and lament... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1803 - 304 sidor
...Has he a fon with him then ? faid my uncle Toby. — A boy, replied the landlord of about eleven cr twelve years of age ; — but the poor creature has...and lament for him night and day : — He has not fti: red from the bed .fide tliefe two days. My uncle Toby laid down his knife and fork, and thruft... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1803 - 496 sidor
...the parlour with the Corporal; — but I can afk his fon again. Has he a fon with him, then ? faid my uncle Toby. A boy, replied the landlord, of about...or twelve years of age; but the poor creature has tailed almoft as little as his father : he does nothing but mourn and lament for him night and day.... | |
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