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1815 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands, figned at London 12th August 1815, in the English and Dutch Lan


Treaties prefented to both houses of Parliament 1816. cl. B. p. 55.

In the Name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity.

His Majefty the King of the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majefty the King of the Netherlands, being equally defirous of promoting and cementing the harmony and good underítanding fo happily established between the two countries, by carrying into immediate execution that part of the provisions of the first Additional Article of the Convention of the 13th of Auguft 1814, which stipulates that the subjects of His Majefty the King of the Netherlands, being proprietors in the colonies of Demerara Elfequebo and Berbice, shall be at liberty (under certain regulations) to carry on trade between the faid fettlements and the territories in Europe of His faid Majefty, have nominated for their Plenipotentiaries, viz. His Majefty King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Henry Earl Bathurft, a Member of His Majefty's Moft Honourable Privy Council, and one of His Principal Secretaries of State; and His Majesty the King of the Nether lands, the Sieur Henry Baron Fagel, a Member of the Corps de Nobles of the Province of Holland, and His Ambaffador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to His Britannick Majefty: who after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in due and proper form, have agreed to the following Articles:

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ART. I. It is hereby agreed that for the space of five years from the ft of January 1816, the aforefaid trade may be carried on in any ships being the pro



Convention entre la Grande-Bretagne et 1815 les Pays-Bas fignée à Londres le 12 Août Août. 1815 en langue Anglaife et Hollandaife.

(Traduction privée).


Au nom de la très fainte et indivifible Trinité.

Majefié le Roi du Royaume uni de la GrandeBretagne et d'Irlande, et S. M. le Roi des Pays-Bas defirant également d'augmenter et de cimenter la bonne harmonie et intelligence qui ont été fi heureufement établis entre les deux pays, en mettant en execution immédiate cette partie des dispofitions du er article additionel de la convention du 13 Août 1814 *) qui porte que les fujets de S. M. le Roi des Pays-Bas qui font propriétaires dans les Colonies de Demerara, Effequebo et Berbice auront la liberté (jous de certaines refirictions) de faire le commerce entre les dits établiffemens et les territoires en Europe de Sa dite Majefié, ont nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, favoir S. M. le Roi du Royaume uni de la GrandeBretagne et d'Irlande Henry Comte Bathurst membre du Confeil privé de S. M. Britannique l'un de fes principaux Sécrétaires d'Etat, et S. M. le Roi des Pays Bas le Sieur Henry Baron Fagel membre du corps de la nobleffe de la Province d'Hollande et Son Ambaffadeur extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire près S. M. Britannique, lesquels après s'etre communiqué reciproquement leurs pleinspouvoirs trouvés en bonne et due forme font convenus des articles fuivans:

ART. I. Il eft convenu par la préfente que pour coml'espace de cinq ans à dater du 1 Janvier 1816, le merce. fusdit commerce pourra être exercé fur tout vaiffeau

*) Voyés plus haut p. 57.

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1815 perty of subjects of His Majefty the King of the Netherlands, wherefoever built, and without any reftriction or limitation as to the mariners navigating them; but at the expiration of the faid five years, or as much fooner as His Majefty the King of the Netherlands shall think proper, such trade shall be car ried on only in fuch fhips as are Dutch built, and whereof the Mafter and threefourths of the crew are fubjects of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands.

ART. II. His Majefty the King of the Netherlands referves to Himself the liberty of impofing fuch duties. as He may think fit, upon the importation into the European dominions of His faid Majefty of the produce of the Colonies in question; and vice verfa, with regard to exportation: but the duties to be paid within the Colonies fhall be applicable to the Dutch, as well as to the British trade.

ART. III. The fubjects of His Majefly the King of the Netherlands, being proprietors in the faid Co. Ionies, fhall be at perfect liberty to go to the said Colonies and, to return, without being fubjected in this refpect to any delay or difficulty; or to appoint perfons to act for them in the management of the faid intercourfe, or of their properties in the faid Colonies; fubject, however, during their refidence there, to the laws and regulations of the fame, They fhall alfo have full liberty to difpofe of their property in any - manner in wich they may think fit: but it is understood that in regard to negroes, they are to be subject to the fame restrictions as British fubjects.

ART. IV. In order to protect the proprietors of eftates in the faid Colonies from the ruinous effects of the immediate foreclofure of mortgages due to the fubjects of His Majefty the King of the Netherlands, it is further agreed, that in all cafes in wich the proprietor of an eftate fhall offer to the holder of any mortgage on the faid eftate, made prior to the ift of January 1814 (fuch mortgagee being a fubject of His Majefty the King of the Netherlands) the fecurity hereinafter fpecified, fuch-mortgagee fhall not be at liberty to proceed to the immediate or fummary foreclosure of the faid mortgage; it being however understood, that in all cafes in which no fuch fecurity


étant la propriété de fujets de S. M. le Roi des Pays- 1815 Bas en quelque lieu qu'il ait été bati et fans aucune refiriction ou limitation quant aux mariniers qui le conduifent: mais à l'expiration des dits cinq ans ou auffitôt qu'avant cette époque S. M. le Roi des PaysBas le jugera à propos ce' commerce ne fera exercé, que fur des vaiffeaux confiruits dans les Pays-Bas et dont le capitaine et les troisquarts des mariniers font fujets de S. M. le Roi des Pays-Bas.


ART. II. S. M. le Roi des Pays Bas fe referve Droits. la liberté d'impofer tels droits qu'il jugera à propos fur l'importation dans les poffeffions Européennes de Sa dite Majefié de productions des Colonies en queflion et vice verfa par rapport à leur exportation; mais les droits à payer dans les Colonies feront applicables au commerce des Pays-Bas comme au commerce Britannique.

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ART. III. Les fujets de S. M. le Roi des Pays- Proprié Bas propriétaires dans les dites Colonies auront taires liberté entière de fe rendre dans les dites Colonies dais. et d'en retourner, fans être fujets à cet égard à aucun retard ou difficulté; ou de nommer des perfonnes pour agir pour eux dans l'adminiftration du dit commerce, ou de leurs propriétés dans les dites Colonies fujets toutefois pendant leur refidence aux loix et règlemens de ces Colonies. Ils auront de nième pleine liberté de difpofer de leur propriété de toute manière qu'ils jugeront à propos; mais il eft entendu qu'en ce qui concerne les nègres ils font foumis aux mèmes reftrictions que les fujets Britanniques.

ART. IV. Afin de protéger les propriétaires de Hypopoffeffions dans les dites colonies contre les fuitesèques ruineufes de l'expropriation immédiate d'hypothè ques dues aux fujets de S. M. le Roi des Pays-Bas, il eft de plus accordé que dans tous les cas où le propriétaire d'une poffeffion offrira au créancier d'une hypothèque fur la dite poffeffion, confiituée avant le Janvier 1814 (un tel créancier hypothécaire étant Jujet de S. M. le Roi des Pays-Bas) la fureté ciaprès fpécifiée, ce créancier hypothécaire ne fera pas en droit de proceder à la privation immediate ou fommaire de l'hypothèque: étant toute fois entendu que dans tous les cas où une telle fureté ne ferait pas



Thall be offered by the proprietor, the mortgagee shall retain all thofe rights as to foreclofure to which he is at prefent entitled.

The fecurity in question must provide that the mortgagee fhall receive, at the expense of the proprietor of the estate, a new mortgage for the whole amount of the debt now due to him, including both, that part of the original debt which has not been discharged, and the intereft which may have accrued upon it up to the 31st December 1814 inclufive. That this fecurity fhall reserve to the mortgagee that priority of claim over other mortgagees and creditors to which he is entitled under his original mortgage; that it fhall bear an annual intereft, beginning from the ift of January 1815, at the fame rate, and payable in the fame manner, as that which was payable under the original mortgage; and that the whole amount of the new debt fhall be payable by eight annual inftalments, the firft of which is to become payable on the ift of January 1820.

The new fecurity fhall also afford to the mortgagee all those means of legal redress, in the event of non payment of the intereft, or omiffion to discharge the principal when due, and all those other privileges and advantages to which he would be entitled under his existing mortgage, and fhall place him, with refpect to the debt for which the new fecurity is given, in the fame fituation as he stood with refpect to his original claim upon the eftate, excepting only in what relates to the period at which the payment may be demanded, so that no later creditor fhall derive, from this arrangement, any power to affect the rights of the original creditor, and that no further fufpenfion of payment (furchéance) beyond that herein agreed upon, fhall take place without the original creditor's especial consent..

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It is farther agreed, that in order to entitle the mortgagee to receive the security specified in this Article, he fhall, as foon as the faid fecurity is duly recorded in the faid Colony and delivered to the mortgagee or his agent, in the Colony (the expenses of fuch record being defrayed by the proprietors) deliver up to ¡be cancelled the mortgages or bonds

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