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16. b.

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1815 Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal, figned 22 Janv. at Vienna the 22d. of January 1815, in the English and Portuguese Languages.

(Treaties prefented to both houfes of Parliament 1816. cl. B. pag. 3.)

In the Name of the moft Holy and Undivided Trinity.


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is Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent of Portugal having, by the tenth Art. of the Treaty of Alliance, 'concluded at Rio de Janeiro on the 19th. February 1810. declared His determination to cooperate with His Britannick Majefty in the cause of humanity and juftice, by adopting the most efficacious means for bringing about a gradual Abolition of the Slave Trade; and His Royal Highness, in poursuance of His faid Declaration and defiring to effectuate, in concert with His Britannick Majefty and the other Powers of Europe. who have been induced to affift in this benevolent object, an immediate Abolition of the faid Traffic upon the parts of the Coast of Africa which are fituated to the northward of the Line; His Britannick Majefty and His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, equally animated by a fincere defire to accelerate the moment when the bleffings of peaceful industry and an innocent commerce may be encouraged throughout this extenfive portion of the Continent of Africa, by its being delivered from the evils of the Slave Trade, have agreed to enter into a Treaty for the faid purpofe, and have accordingly named as their plenipotentiaries; viz His Majefty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honou rable Robert Stewart Viscount Caftlereagh, Knight of the moft Noble Order of the Garter, a Member of His faid Majefty's most Honourable Privy Council, a Member of Parliament, Colonel of the Regiment of Militia of Londonderry, His faid Majefty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affaires, and His plenipotentiary at the Congress of Vienna; and His Royal Highness


16. b.

Traité entre la Grande-Bretagne et le Portugal, 1815 figné à Vienne le 22 Janvier 1815.

(Traduction privée.)

Son Altesse Royale le Prince Regent du Portugal ayant

par le 10ème article du traité d'alliance conclu à Rio Janeiro le 19 Février 1810 *) déclaré fa refolution de coopérer avec Sa Majesté Britannique dans la caufe de Phumanité et de la juftice en adoptant les mesures les plus efficaces pour opérer une abolition fucceffive du commerce des efclaves; et Son Alteffe Royale en fuite de Sa dite déclaration défirant d'effectuer, de concert avec Sa Majefté Britannique et les autres Puissances de l'Europe qui ont été engagées à prendre part à cet objat bienveillant, une abolition immédiate de ce trafic fur les parties de la côte d'Afrique fituées au Nord de la ligne; Sa Majefté Britannique et Son Altesse Royale le Prince Regent du Portugal également animés du défir fincère d'accélérer le moment où les bénédictions d'une paifible industrie et d'un commerce innocent pourraient étre encouragés dans cette partie confidérable du continent de l'Afrique, en la délivrant des maux du commerce des efclaves, font convenus de conclure un traité à cette fin et ont en conféquence nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, favoir: Sa Majesté le Roi du royaume uni de la GrandeBretagne et d'Irlande le très honorable Robert Stewart vicomte Caftlereagh etc. etc.;

v. plus haut T. I. p. 245.

98 Janv.

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1815 the Prince Regent of Portugal, the moft illuftrions and moft Excellent Dom Pedro de Soufa Holftein, Count of Palmella, a Member of His Royal Highness's Council, Commander of the Order of Chrift, Captain of a Compagny of the Royal German Life Guards the moft illuftrious and moft Excellent Anthony de Saldanha da Gama, a Member of His Royal Highnéfs's Council and of His Council of Finance, Commander of the Military Order of St. Benedict of Aviz; and the moft illuftrious and moft Excellent Dom Joachim Lobo da Silveira, Member of His Royal Highness's Council, and Commander of the Order of Chrift, His Royal Highness's plenipotentiaries at the Congrefs of Vienna; who, having mutually exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. That from and after the ratification of the prefent Treaty, and the publication thereof, it fhall not be lawful for any of the fubjects of the Crown of Portugal to purchafe Slaves, or to carry on the Slavetrade, on any part of the coaft of Africa to the northward of the Equator, upon any pretext, or in any manner whatfoever: Provided, nevertheless, that the faid provifions fhall not extend to any fhip or fhips having cleared out from the ports of Brazil, previous to the publication of fuch ratification; and provided the voyage, in which fuch fhip or fhips are engaged, fhall not be protracted beyond fix months after such publi cation as aforefaid.

ART. II. His Royal Highnefe's the Prince Regent of Portugal hereby agrees, and binds Himself to adopt, in concert with His Britannick Majefty, fuch measures as may beft conduce to the effectual execution of the preceding engagement according to its true intent and meaning; and His Britannick Majefty engages, in concert with His Royal Highness's, to give fuch orders as may effectually prevent any interruption being given to Portuguefe hips reforting to the actual Dominions of the Crown of Portugal, or to the territories which are claimed in the faid Treaty of Alliance, as belonging to the faid Crown of Portugal, to the fouthward of the Line, for the purposes of trading in Slaves, as aforefaid, during fuch further period as the fame may be


et S. A. Royale le Prince Regent du Portugal; le très Illuftre et très excellent Dom Pedro de Soufa Hoftein comte de Palmella etc.

le très Illuftre et très excellent Antoine de Saldanha etc.


et le très Illuftre et très excellent Dom Joachim Lobo de Silveira etc.

lesquels après avoir échangé leurs pleinspouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et due forme font convenus des articles fuivans:


ART. I. Que dès et après la ratification du préfent Com traité et fa publication il ne fera permis à aucun des d'efciafujets de la couronne de Portugal d'acheter des efcla ves dé ves dans aucune partie des côtes d'Afrique fituées au fendu. Nord de l'Equateur, fous aucun prétexte, ou de manière quelconque pourvu toutefois que la dite dispofition ne s'étendra à aucun vaiffeau ou vaiffeaux qui ont mis à la voile des ports du Bréfil antérieurement à la publication de cette ratification et pourvu que le voyage dans ·lequel un tel vaiffeau ou vaiffeaux font engagés ne foit point prolongé au de là de fix mois après la publication fus dite.

à crite

ART. II. Son Alteffe Royale le Prince Régent du Melures Portugal confent et s'engage à adopter de concert avec Sa Gu. Majefté Britannique telles mefures qui peuvent le mieux conduire à l'exécution effective du précédent engagement d'après fon véritable fens et fon intention; et Sa Majefté Britannique s'engage, de concert avec Son Alteffe Royale à donner telles ordres qui pourront effectivement prévenir toute interruption qui pourrait être caufée à des vaisfeaux Portugais reffortiffant des poffeffions actuelles de la couronne de Portugal ou des territoires réclames dans le dit traité d'alliance comme appartenant à la dite cou ronne de Portugal au Sud. de la ligne pour caufe du commerce d'esclaves comme il eft dit ci-deffus, pendant P'époque future dans laquelle ce commerce pourra être

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1815 permitted to be carried on by the Laws of Portugal, and under the Treaties fubfifting between the two Crowns.

ART. III. The Treaty of Alliance concluded at Rio de Janeiro, on the 19th February 18ro, being founded on circumstances of a temporary nature, which have happily ceased to exift, the faid Treaty is hereby declared to be void in all its parts, and of no effect; without prejudice, however, to the ancient Treaties of Alliance, Friendship and Guarantee, which have fo long and fo happily fubfifted between the two Crowns, and which are hereby renewed by the High Contracting Parties, and ackowledged to be of full force and effect.

ART. IV. The High Contracting Parties referve to themselves, and engage to determine by a feparate Treaty, the period at which the Trade in Slaves fhall univerfally cease, and be prohibited throughout the entire Dominions of Portugal; the Prince Regent of Portugal hereby renewing his former declaration and engagement, that, during the interval which is to elapfe before fuch general and final abolition fhall take effect, it fhall not be lawful for the fubjects of Portugal to pruchafe or trade in Slaves, upon any parts of the Coaft of Africa, except to the fouthward of the Line, as fpecified in the fecond Article of this Treaty; nor to engage in the fame, or to permit their flag to be ufed, except for the purpose of fapplying the transatlantic poffeffions belonging to the Crown of Portugal

ART. V. His Britannick Majefty hereby agrees to remit, from the date at which the ratification mentioned in the first Article fhall be promulgated, fuch further payments as may then remain due and payable upon the loan of 600,000, made in London for the service of Portugal, in the year 1809 in confequence of a Conven tion figned on the 21t. of April of the fame year; which Convention, under the conditions fpecified as aforefaid, is hereby declared to be void and of no effect.

ART. VI. The prefent Treaty fhall be ratified, and the ratifications ihall be exchanged at Rio de Janeiro in the space of five months, or fooner if poffible. In witDefs whereof the refpective plenipotentiaries have

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