Country Report: JapanThe Unit, 1992 |
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Asia Pacific average banks bn yen budget Business International Limited Cambodia capital cars cent CHANGE ON PREVIOUS China Consumer prices corporate Côte d'Ivoire Country Profiles Country Reports current account surplus decline Diet Djibouti domestic demand earlier period Economist Intelligence Unit electronic Equatorial Guinea Europe Exports fob factor income fiscal forecast Foreign trade Germany global Guinea Hong Kong House of Councillors Housing starts imports increase industry inventories investment Islands issue J-curve effects Japan Japan Country Kanemaru Kiichi Miyazawa land prices loans Machinery orders major manufacturers Michio Watanabe Ministry Miti Miyazawa money supply Outlook overseas percentage points political prime minister production Qtr 4 Qtr quarter of 1992 quarterly real GNP growth Sagawa Kyubin scandal SDPJ seasonally adjusted sector share prices Shin Kanemaru South Korea Taiwan Telex Tokyo trade surplus trends wage yen appreciation Zambia