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plague of

houfe of Pharaoh, and to his fervants ned, and he did not let the people go. houfes, and into all the land of Egypt: the land was corrupted by reafon of the (warm of flies

8 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of afhes of the furnace, and let Mofes fprinkle it towards the heaven in the fight of Pha

25 And Pharaoh called for Mofes, and for Aaron,and said, Go ye,facrifice to raoh. your God in the land.

9 And it fhall become small duft in all 26 And Mofes faid, It is not meet fo to the land of Egypt,and shall be a boyl breakdo; for we shall facrifice the abomination ing forth with blains,upon man, and upon of the Egyptians to the LORD our God: beaft, throughout all he land of Egypt. Lo, fhall we facrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, and will they not ftone us?

27 We will go three days journey into the wilderness, and facrifice to the LORD our God, as he fhall command us.

28 And Pharaoh faid, I will let you go, that ye may facrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness; only you fhall not go very far away: intreat for me.

29 And Mofes faid, Behold, I go out from thee, and I will intreat the LORD, that the fwarms of flies may depart from Phirtoh, from his fervants, and from his people, to morrow: but let not Pharaoh deal decenfully any more, in not letting the people go to facrifice to the LORD. 30 And Mofes went out from Pharaoh, and intreated the LORD.

And the LORD did according to the Word of Mofes, and he removed the fwarms of flees from Pharaoh, from his fervants, and from his people: there remained not one.

32 And Pharaoh hardned his heart at this time alfo, neither would he let the people go.


Hen the LORD faid unto Mofes, Go

Faith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let
my people go, that they may ferve me.
2 For if thou refafe to let them go, and
wilt hold them ftill,

3 Behold, the hand of the LORD is upon thy cattel which is in the field, upon the horfes, upon the affes, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep: there fhall be a very grievous murrain.

4 And the LORD fhall fever between the cartel of Ifrael,and the cattel of Egypt: and there fhall nothing die of all that is the childrens of Ifrael.

$ And the LORD appointed a fet time, fying, To morrow the LORD fhall do this thing in the land.

6 And the LORD did that thing on the mow, and all the cattel of Egyot died: bat of the cattel of the children of Ifrael died not one.

7 And Pharaoh fent, and behold, there Pas not one of the cattel of the Ifraelites dead. And the heart of Pharaoh was hard

10 And they took afhes of the furnace, and ftood before Pharaoh, and Mofes fprinkled it up toward heaven: and it became a boy! breaking forth with blains, upon man, and upon beast.

And the magicians could not ftand before Mofes, because of the boyl: for the boy! was upon the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians..

12 And the LORD hardned the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkned not unto them, as the LORD had spoken unto Mofes

13 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Rife up early in the morning, and ftand before Pharaoh, and fay unto him, Thus faith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go that they may ferve me.

14 For I will at this time fend all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy fervants, and upon thy people: that thou mayeft know that there is none like me in all the earth.

Is For now I will ftretch out my hasu, that I may fmite thee and thy people wit peftilence, and thou shalt be cut off from the earth.

16 And in very deed for this caufe have I raised thee up,, for to fhew in thee my power; and that my name may be de

17 As yet exalteft thou thy felf again my people, that thou wilt not let them go? 18 Behold, to morrow about this time, will caufe it to rain a very grievous hail, fuch as hath not been in Egypt, fince the foundation thereof, even until now.


19 Send therefore now, and gather thy cattel, and all that thou haft in the field: for upon every man and beaft which fhal be found in the field, and fhall not be brought home, the hail fhall come down upon them, and they shall die.

20 He that feared the word of the LORD amongst the fervants of Pharaoh, male his fervants and his cattel flee into the

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upon every herb of the field, throughout the land of Egypt.

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And Mofes and Aaron came in Pharaoh, and faid unto him, Thus 23 And Mofes ftretched forth his rod the LORD God of the Hebrews, How toward heaven, and the LORD fent thun- wilt thou refufe to humble thy felf bef der and hail, and the fire ran along upon me? Let my people go, that they the ground, and the LORD rained hail ferve me.

upon the land of Egypt.

4 Elfe if thou refufe to let my peo 24 So there was hail, and fire mingled go, behold, to morrow will I bring with the hail, very grievous, fuch as there locufts into thy coaft. was none like it in all the land of Egypt, fince it became a nation.

25 And the hail fmote throughout all the land of Egypt, all that was in the field, both man and beaft and the hail fmote every herb of the field, and brake every tree of the field.

26 Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Ifrael were, was there no hail. 27 And Pharaoh fent, and called for Mofes and Aaron, and said unto them, I have finned this time: the LORD is righteous, and I and my people are wicked.

28 Intreat the LORD (for it is enough) that there be no more mighty thundrings and hail, and I will let you go, and ye hall ftay no longer.

29 And Mofes faid unto him, Affoon as I am gone out of the city, I will spread abroad my hands unto the LORD: and the thunder fhall ceafe, neither fhall there be any more hail that thou mayeft know how that the earth is the LORDS.

30 But as for thee and thy fervants, I know that ye will not yet fear the LORD God.

31 And the flax, and the barley was fmitten: for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was bolled.

32 But the wheat and the rie were not Emitten: for they were not grown up.

5 And they fhall cover the face of earth, that one cannot be able to fee earth: and they fhall eat the refidue oft which is escaped, which remaineth you from the hail, and fhall eat everyt which groweth for you out of the field 6 And they fhall fill thy houfes, and houfes of all thy fervants, and the hou of all the Egyptians, which neither fathers, nor thy fathers fathers have fe fince the day that they were upon earth, unto this day. And he turned hi felf, and went out from Pharaoh.

7 And Pharaohs fervants faid unto hi How long fhall this man be a fnare u us? Let the men go, that they may fe the LORD their God: Knoweft thou 1 yet, that Egypt is deftroyed?

8 And Mofes and Aaron were broug again unto Pharaoh : and he faid u them, Go, ferve the LORD your God: who are they that fhall goa

9 And Mofes faid, We will go with young, and with our old, with our fo and with our daughters, with our floc and with our herds will we go: for must hold a feaft unto the LORD.

Io And he faid unto them, Let LORD be fo with you, as I will let you and your little ones: look to it, for ev before you.

33 And Mofes went out of the city II Not fo: go now ye that are m from Pharaoh, and fpread abroad his and ferve the LORD, for that you did hands unto the LORD: and the thunders fire. And they were driven out fr and hail ceafed, and the rain was not Pharaohs prefence. poured upon the earth.

34 And when Pharaoh faw that the rain, and the hail, and the thunders were ceafed, he finned yet more, and hardned his heart, he and his fervants.

35 And the heart of Pharaoh was hardned, neither would he let the children of Ifrael go as the LORD had fpoken by Motes.


12 And the LORD faid unto Mo Stretch out thine hand over the land of gypt for the locufts, that they may co up upon the land of Egypt, and eat ev herb of the land, even all that the hath left.

13 And Mofes ftretched forth his rod d the land of Egypt, and the LORD brou an eaft wind upon the land all that and all that night: and when it was m

And the faid in, Cat brought

unto Pharaoh: for I have hardned his heart, and the heart of his fervants, that I might fhew thefe my figns before him:

2 And that thou mayeft tell in the cars of thy fon, and of thy fons fon,what things I have wrought in Egypt, and my figns which I have done amongst them; that ye

v know how that I am the LORD,

14 And the locufts went up over all land of Egypt, and refted in all the co of Egypt: very grievous were they; fore them there were no fuch locuf they, neither after them fhall be fuch

15 For they covered the face of whole earth, fo that the land was dark and they did eat every herb of the land

thick darkness.

Chap. xi, xij.

The last plague threatned. all the fruit of the trees, which the hail bour, and every woman of her neighbour, had left: and there remained not any green jewels of filver, and jewels of gold. thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the feld, through all the land of Egypt. 16 Then Pharaoh called for Mofes and Aaron in hafte and he faid, I have finned aga nft the LORD your God, and aganft you.

17 Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my in only this once, and intreat the LORD your God, that he may take away from me this death only.

18 And he went out from Pharaoh, and intreated the LORD.

19 And the LORD turned a mighty ftrong weft-wind, which took away the locuffs, and caft them into the Red fea : there remained not one locuft in all the coafts of Egypt.

20 But the LORD hardned Pharaohs heart, fo that he would not let the children of Ifrael go.

21 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven,that there may be darknefs over the land of EBP, even darkness which may be felt. 22 And Mofes ftretched forth his hand toward heaven: and there was a chick darknefs in all the land of Egypt three days.

23 They faw not one another, neither rofe any from his place for three days:but all the children of Ifrael had light in their dwellings.

24 And Pharaoh called unto Mofes, and faid, Go ye, ferve the LORD; only let your flocks and your herds be ftayed: let your little ones alfo go with you.

25 And Mofes faid, Thou muft give us allo facrifices, and burnt offerings, that we may facrifice unto the LORD our God.

26 Our cattel alfo fhall go with us,

there thall not an hoof be left behind:

for thereof muft we take to ferve the LORD our God; and we know not with what we muft ferve the LORD until we come thither.

27 But the LORD hardned Pharaohs beart, and he would not let them go.

28 And Pharaoh faid unto him, Get thee from me, take heed to thy felf, fee Ay face no more: for in that day thou fceft my face, thou shalt die.

29 And Mofes faid, Thou haft fpoken "Well, I will fee thy face again no more. CHAP. XI.

Nd the LORD faid unto Mofes, Yet

3 And the LORD gave the people favour in the fight of the Egyptians. Moreover, the man Mofes was very great in the land. of Egypt, in the fight of Pharaohs fervants, and in the fight of the people.

And ungo upen Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards be will let you go hence: when he fhall let go, he hall furely thruft you out hence all together.

2 Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man borrow of his neigh

4 And Mofes faid, Thus faith the LORD, About midnight will I go out into the midft of Egypt.

5 And all the firft-born in the land of Egypt fhall die, from the firft-born of Pharaoh, that fitteth upon his throne, even unto the firft-born of the maid fervant that is behind the mill, and all the firft born of beafts.

6 And there fhall be a great cry through-out all the land of Egypt,fuch as there was none like it, nor fhall be like it any more.

7 But against any of the children of Ifrael fhall not a dog move his tongue,againft man or beaft: that ye may know how that the LORD deth put a difference be-tween the Egyptians and Ifrael.

8 And all these thy fervants fhall come down unto me, and bow down themfelves unto me, faying, Get thee out, and all the people that follow thee; and after that I will go out: and he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger.

9 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Pharaoh fhall not hearken unto you, that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt.

10 And Mofes and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: and the LORD hardned Pharaohs heart, fo that he would! not let the children of ifrael go out of his land.


ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes and

Aaron in the land of Egypt, faying, 2 This month fhall be unto you the be ginning of months: it shall be the firft: month of the year to you.

3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Ifrael, faying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the houfe of their fa thers, a lamb for an houfe.

4 And if the houshold be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbour next unto his house, take it according to the number of the fouls; every man according to his eating, fhall make your count for the lamb.

5 Your lamb fhall be without blemish, a male of the fitft year: -ye fhall take it out from the fheep, or from the goats.

6 And ye hall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the fame month; and the whole affembly of the congregation of Ifrael fhall kill it in the evening


7 And they shall take of the blood, and 20 Ye fhall eat nothing leavened : frike it on the two fide-pofts, and on the all your habitations fhall ye eat unleaven upper door-poft of the houfes, wherein ed bread. they fhall eat it.

8 And they fhall eat the flesh in that night,roft with fire, and unleavened bread, and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.

9 Eat not of it raw, nor fodden at all with water, but roft with fire: his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof.

10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning: and that which remaineth of it until the morning, ye shall burn with fire.

And thus fhall ye eat it, with your loyns girded, your fhoes on your feet, and your ftaff in your hand: and ye shall eat it in hafte; it is the LORDS paffover.

12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will fmite all the fiftboin in the land of Egypt, both man and beaft and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment I am the LORD. 13 And the blood fhall be to you for a token upon the houfes where you are: and when I fee the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague fhall not be upon you to deftroy you, when I fmite the land of Ept.

14 And this day fhall be unto you for a memorial; and you shall keep it a feaft to The LORD throughout your generations: you fhall keep it a feaft by an ordinance for ever.

15 Seven days fhall ye eat unleavened bread, even the firft day ye fhall put away leaven out of your houfes for whofoever eateth leavened bread, from the first day until the feventh day, that foul fhall be cat off from Ifrael.

16 And in the first day there shall be an holy convocation, and in the feventh day there fhall be an holy convocation to you: no manner of work fhall be done in them, fave that which every man muft eat, that only may be done of you.

17 And ye thall oblerve the feast of unleavened bread; for in this felt-fame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore fhall ye obferve this day in your generations, by an ordinance

for ever.

18 In the firft month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even.

21 Then Mofes called for all the el ders of Ifrael, and faid unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb, according to you families, and kill the paffover.

22 And ye shall take a bunch of hyffop and dip it in the blood that is in the bafon, and ftrike the linel, and the two fidepofts, with the blood that is in the bafon: and none of you fhall go out at the door of his houfe until the morning:

23 For the LORD will pass through to fmite the Egyptians, and when he fee:h the blood upon the lintel, and on the two fide- pofts, the LORD will pafs over the door, and will not fuffer the deftroyer to come in unto your houfes to fmite you.

24 And ye thall obferve this thing for an ordinance to thee, and to thy fons for ever.

25 And it shall come to pafs when ye be come to the land which the LORD will give you, according as he hath promifed, that ye fhall keep this fervice.

6 And it thall come to pafs, when your children fhall fay unto you, What mean you by this fervice?

27 That ye thall fay, It is the facrifice of the LORDS paffover, who paffed over the houfes of the children of Ifrael in Egypt, when he fmote the Egyptians, and delivered our houfes. And the people bowed the head and worshipped.

28 And the children of Ifrael went away, and did as the LORD had commanded Mofes and Aaron, fo did they.

29 And it came to pafs that at midnight the LORD fmote all the firft-born in the land of Egypt, from the firft-born of Pharaoh, that lat on his throne, unto the first born of the captive that was in the dungeon, and all the firft-born of cattel.

30 And Pharaoh rofe up in the night, he and all his fervants, and all the Egyptians, and there was a great cry in Egypt : for there was not a house where there was not one dead.

31 And he called for Mofes and Aaron by night, and faid, Rife up, and get you forth from amongst my people, both you and the children of Ifrael and go, ferve the LORD, as ye have faid.

32 Alfo take your flocks, and your herds, as ye have faid, and be gone: and bless me also.

19 Seven days fhall there be no leaven. 33 And the Egyptians were urgent upfound in your houfes: for whofoever eat- on the people, that they might fend them eth that which is leavened, even that foul out of the land in hafte: for they faid, We thaibe cut off from the congregation of be all dead men. Jirael, whether he be a ftranger, or born 34 And the people took their dough in the land, before it was leavened, their kneadingtroughs

The ordinance of the payover. Chap. Xj. troughs being bound up in their cloaths upon their fhoulders.

35 And the children of Ifrael did according to the word of Mofes: and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of filver, and jewels of gold, and raiment.

The memorial thereof.

51 And it came to pafs the felf-fame day, that the LORD did bring the children of Ifrael out of the land of Egypt, by their armies. CHA P. XIII.

16 And the LORD gave the people fa- ANd the LORD fpake unto Mofes,


Your in the fight of the Egyptians, fo that 2 Sanctifie unto me all the firft-born they lent unto them fuch things as they re- whatsoever openeth the womb among quired: and they fpoiled the Egyptians. the children of Ifrael, both of man and of 37 And the children of Ifrael jour- beaft: it is mine. neyed from Ramefes to Succoth, about fir hundred thoufand on foot that were men, befides children.

38 And a mixed multitude went up alfo with them, and flocks, and herds, even very much cattel.

39 And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough, which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened: becaufe they were thruft out of Egypt, and could not tarry neither had they prepa red for themselves any victual.

40Now the fojourning of the children of Ifrael, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.

41 And it came to pafs at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the felf fame day it came to pafs, that all the hofts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt.

42 It a nightto be much obferved unto the LORD, for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the LORD to be obferved of all the children of Ifrael, in their generations.

43 And the LORD faid unto Mofes and Aaron, This is the ordinance of the paffover: there shall no ftranger eat thereof. 44 Butevery mans fervant that is bought for money, when thou haft circumcifed him, then thall he eat thereof.

45 A foreigner, and an hired fervant hall not eat thereof.

45 In one boufe fhall it be eaten, thou fhalt not carry forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the houfe: neither fhall ye break a bone thereof.

47 All the congregation of Ifrael shall keep it.

And when a ftranger fhall fojourn with thee, and will keep the paffover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcifed, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcifed perfon fhall tat thereof.

49 One law fhall be to him that is home born, and unto the ftranger that kopurneth among you.

so Tous did all the children of Ifrael, the LORD commanded Mofes and Aaron, fo did they.

3 And Mofes faid unto the people, Remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the houfe of bondage, for by ftrength of hand the LORD brought you out from this place: there fhall no leavened bread be eater

4 This day came ye out, in the month Abib.

S And it fhall be when the LORD fhall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amo-rites, and the Hivites, and the Jebufites, which he fware unto thy fathers, to give thee, a land flowing with milk and hony, that thou fhalt keep this fervice in this month.

6 Seven days fhalt thou eat unleavened bread, and in the feventh day fhall be a feaft to the LORD.

7 Unleavened bread fhall be eaten feven days: and there fhall no leavened bread be feen with thee, neither shall there be leaven feen with thee in all thy quarters.

8 And thou shalt fhew thy fon in that day, faying, This is done, because of that which the LORD did unto me, when I came forth out of Egypt.

9 And it shall be for a fign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORDS law may be in thy mouth; for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt.

10 Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his feafon from year to year.

II And it fhall be when the LORD fhall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites, as he fware unto thee, and to thy fathers, and fhall give it thee,

12 That thou shalt fet apart unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix:and every firftling that cometh of a beaft, which thou haft, the males fhall be the LORDS.

13 And every firftling of an afsthou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: and all the firft-born of man amongst thy children fhalt thou redeem.

14 And it thall be whenthy fon asketh thee in time to come, faying, What is this? that thou fhalt fay unto him, By ftrength of hand the LORD brought us out from Egypt, from the house of bondage.

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