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Whoever thinks seriously, for one moment, will perceive that, as this is an office abhorrent from the nature of God, it is also founded upon a station to which he rises far superior. As he leans not on the feeble authority, he will not stoop to become the pliant tool of human policy, or abject slave to passions which he im planted at first, for wise and good purposes, and hath an absolute right to controul and regulate.

From these things we may conclude, that religion is not connected with politics, as an equal, much less as a dependent. Every argu ment which proves that God hath a right to govern the world; and that revelation comes from God; proves also, that the principles of revelation should regulate the counsels and designs of men; and that human laws can never justify measures, which those of God condemn.

This principle is urged with remarkable strictness under the Jewish dispensation. On all important occasions recourse was had to the law, before any important decision in public affairs was made; and, lest magistrates should err in their duty, they are injoined to have a copy of the law for their private perusal, and to devote a part of every day to the study of it." When thou art come unto the land,

* Deut. 17, 14, 15, 18, 19.

which the Lord thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations which are about me: Thou shalt, in any wise, set him king over thee, whom the Lord thy God shall chuse. And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book, out of that which is before the priests the Levites: And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life; that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law, and these statutes to do them."

The same principle is laid down for the direction of subordinate rulers, with this additional circumstance," that in matters of difficulty, they should have recourse to the priests, whose office it was to expound the law, and that the sentence pronounced by them should be final.

The conduct of Israel, for many ages, was generally conformable with this precept; and on great political emergencies, the circumstances of which came not immediately under the notice of the law, the priests or the prophets were consulted, and their voices implicitly obeyed.



* Deut. 17, 8, 13.

If the politics of the Jews were thus subjected to the morality of their religion; does it not evidently follow that the same morality, under the gospel dispensation, should regulate, with commanding influence, the politics of states professing christianity? This conclusion is so just and obvious, that it cannot be denied ; and I am convinced it will be adopted in this assembly, with that candor and cordiality, which its importance justly claims.

In the strength of this conviction, permit me to subjoin a few plain inferences from what hath been discoursed on this subject. And 1st. As the kingdom of Christ is not of this world -As it did not originate from worldly policy; doth not join issue with the passions or prejudices of men; disclaims the aid of violence and oppression; and arrogates to itself no authority but what truth and righteousness should possess over the minds and conduct of men: we may infer that every attempt to influence belief, or regulate modes of worship among men, by human policy or power, is inconsistent with its spirit. It is a kingdom purely moral and religious; morality and religion are personal: and the religious belief of every individual must depend upon the light in which religious subjects are presented to his understanding.

2dly. As christianity proposes the happiness of mankind as its end, prohibits the violation


of his person, character, property, and denounces its judgments against those who counteract it: we may infer that every act of perfidy, oppression, cruelty, and injustice is highly offensive to that merciful and righteous God, from whom it derives its solemn sanction. If this inference be just, in respect to individuals who fill the private walks of life; it cannot be less so, in regard to those, who, from more elevated stations extend their influence through a wider circle; or states, the effects of whose rapacity and ambition, are still more dreadfully destructive. As Jesus came to subdue the passions of men, direct them into proper channels, and regulate their influence; all offensive wars, for wealth, empire, fame, or even religion itself, are evidently inconsistent with his character and dominion. We can never suppose that he would forbid the poor man to purloin a morsel of bread, or lift his hand against his neighbour, under pain of damnation, and yet, suffer the great to plunder and destroy with impunity; or states to deluge the earth with blood. The thought is too big with absurdity to find reception, for a moment, in an enlightened mind.

To us, my revd. fathers and brethren, who. hold the character of ministers, under the messiah's kingdom, what hath been offered upon this subject, applies with more than common d 2



force. We have undertaken the dispensation of a trust, the most important which can be committed to mortals-A trust, on the discharge of which, it is universally acknowledg ed, the improvement and virtue of multitudes depend. Nor do the duties of our office affect men as individuals only. From the connexion of religion with politics, and the authority which she claims over the kingdoms of the world, we derive a political character, highly important, and become the dispensers of that knowledge which unfolds and ought to regulate their political interests; and patrons of that virtue which alone can secure them. While, therefore, we point the way to Heaven in our religious cha racter, let us not forget the duties of the other; or the additional weight which love of country may give to the distant prospects of futurity. Let us consider that while true patriotism stands on virtue as its base, it rears its head above the regions of mortality, and claims an interest in that eternal world where truth and righteousness shall reign for ever, without controul: And let us endeavour to infuse into the minds of our people a full persuasion that strict honor, incorruptible integrity, and inviolable attachment to truth and righteousness, are absolutely necessary, to national prosperity; and that without them patriotism is a bubble, and religion only an empty name.


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