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Contents: The historical opportunity in America, by Albert B. Hart; The
execution of the Duc d'Enghien, by Sidney B. Fay; The outcome of the Cabot
Quater-Centenary, by Henry Harrisse; Spain and the United States in 1795,
by George L. Rives; The career of a Kansas politician [J. H. Lane], by Leverett
W. Spring; Documents: Thomas Shepard to Hugh Peter, 1645; The Illinois
Indians to Capt. Abner Prior, 1794; South Carolina in the Presidential elec-
tion of 1800; Note, Journal of Quebec, 1775. Reviews of books; Notes and
news; The French Reformation and the French people in the sixteenth /
century, by Henri Hauser; The causes of Cromwell's West Indian expedition,
by Frank Strong; The administrative history of the British dependencies in the
Further East, by H. Morse Stephens; The Connecticut loyalists, by George A.
Gilbert; The politics of John Adams, by Anson D. Morse; The first Repub-
lican National Convention, by George W. Julian; Documents: Santiago, and
the Freeing of Spanish America, 1741; Letters to Caleb Strong, 1786, 1800;
Letters to Secretary Chase from the South, 1861. The New Haven Meeting
of the American Historical Association; The Recantations of the Early Lol-
lards, by Edward P. Cheyney; Napoleon's Plans for a Colonial System, by
William M. Sloane; Holmes vs. Walton: A chapter in the history of judicial
power and unconstitutional legislation, by Austin Scott; The Search for the
Venezuela-Guiana Boundary, by Geo. L. Burr; Documents: The Siege of Charles-
ton; Journal of Capt. Peter Russell, 1780. The County of Illinois, by Carl E.
Boyd; Hidalgo and Morelos, by Henry C. Lea; John Bell of Tennessee, by
Joshua W. Caldwell; The Battle of Gettysburg, by James Ford Rhodes; Docu-
ments: Attempts toward Colonization; The Council for New England and the
Merchant Venturers of Bristol, 1621-1623, by Miller Christy. Index.

The American Historical Review. Vol.

V. October, 1899, to July, 1900. New York, 1900.

Contents: The ballot and other forms of voting in the Italian Communes, by

Arthur M. Wolfson; Maryland's Adoption of the Federal Constitution, by

Bernard C. Steiner: Contemporary opinion of the Virginia and Kentucky

Resolutions, by Frank M. Anderson; The Unit Rule in National Nominating

Conventions, by Carl Becker; Documents: Accounts of Star Chamber Din-

ners, 1594; Letters of Bancroft and Buchanan on the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty,

1849, 1850. Reviews of Books; Notes and News; Some curious Colonial reme-

dies, by Edward Eggleston; The rise and fall of the nominating caucus, legisla-

tive and Congressional, by M. Ostrogorski; Documents: Cartwright and Melville

at the University of Geneva, 1569-1574; Journal of Philip Fithian, kept at

Nomini Hall, Virginia, 1773-1774. The Boston meeting of the American

Historical Association; The problem of the North, by Gaillard T. Lapsley; Social

compact and Constitutional construction, by Andrew C. McLaughlin; The United

States and Mexico, 1847-1848, by Edward G. Bourne; The Chinese immigrant in

Further Asia, by Frederick W. Williams; Document: A memorandum of Moses

Austin's journey, 1796-1797. The critical period of English constitutional his-

tory, by George B. Adams; Chatham's Colonial policy, by Hubert Hall; Territory

and district-The judiciary Act of 1801, by Max Farrand; President Buchanan's

proposed intervention in Mexico, by Howard L. Wilson; Letters of Ebenezer

Huntington, 1774-1781; Bibliographical: Minutes of Abolition Conventions,

1794-1829. Index.

AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol. VI.

October, 1900, to July, 1901. New York, 1901.

Contents: The English and Dutch Towns of New Netherland, by Albert E.

McKinley; Some political aspects of Homestead Legislation, by John B. San-
born; The Buford Expedition to Kansas, by Walter L. Fleming; The Guiana

Boundary, by George L. Burr; Document: Diary of John Harrower, 1773-1776.

Reviews of Books; Communications; Notes and News; The Sifted Grain and the

Grain Sifters, by Charles Francis Adams; Mirabeau's secret mission to Berlin,

by R. M. Johnston; The Turkish Capitulations, by James B. Angell; Nominations

in Colonial New York, by Carl Becker; The Legend of Marcus Whitman, by Ed-

ward G. Bourne; Documents: Diary of Samuel Cooper, 1775, 1776; Letter of

John Quincy Adams, 1811. The meeting of the American Historical Association

at Detroit and Ann Arbor; The Year 1000 and the antecedents of the Crusades,

by George L. Burr; The political influence of the University of Paris in the Mid-

dle Ages, by Charles Gross; The rise of Metropolitan Journalism, 1800-1840, by

Charles H. Levermore; Sherman's March to the Sea, by James Ford Rhodes;

French experience with representative government in the West Indies, by Paul

S. Reinsch; Documents: The Society of Dissenters founded at New York in

1769; Miranda and the British Admiralty, 1804-1806. The Republic of San

Marino, by William Miller; The risings in the English monastic towns in 1327,

by Norman M. Trenholme; The French Hayluyt: Marc Lescarbot of Vervins, by

H. P. Biggar; The transition from Dutch to English rule in New York, by Albert

E. McKinley; Documents: Letters of Dr. Thomas Cooper, 1825-1832; Letters

on the Nullification movement in South Carolina, 1830-1834; A ministerial

crisis in France, 1876. Bibliographical: A trial bibliography of American di-

plomacy, by Albert Bushnell Hart. Index.


October, 1901, to July, 1902. New York, 1902.

Contents: The financial relation of the Knights Templars to the English

Crown, by Eleanor Ferris; Habeas Corpus in the Colonies, by A. H. Carpenter;
John Quincy Adams and the Monroe Doctrine, 11, by Worthington C. Ford; Lin-
coln and the patronage, by Carl R. Fish; The authorship of the Journal d'Adrien
Duquesnoy, by Fred M. Fling; Documents: English policy toward America in
1790-1791; Two letters of Richard Cromwell, 1659; A letter of Marquis
de La Fayette, 1781; A letter of Alexander H. Stephens, 1854. The study
of the Lutheran Revolt, by James H. Robinson; Geneva before Calvin (1387-
1536) The antecedents of a Puritan state, by Herbert D. Foster; The con-
stitution and finance of the Royal African Company of England from its
foundation till 1720, by W. R. Scott; The plantation type of colony, by L. D.
Scisco; The State of Franklin, by George H. Alden; An unpublished manu-
script on the rising of 1647-1648 in Naples, by Daniel C. Knowlton; Docu-
ments: A letter of William Bradford and Isaac Allerton, 1623; Letters of
Samuel Cooper to Thomas Pownall, 1769-1777. The meeting of the American
Historical Association at Philadelphia; The origin of property in land, by
Gaillard T. Lapsley; American business corporations before 1789, by Simeon
E. Baldwin; American constitutional precedents in the French National

Assembly, by Henry E. Bourne; Henry I's writ regarding the local courts, by
George B. Adams; Documents: George Rogers Clark and the Kaskaskia Cam-
paign, 1777-1778; A letter from De Vergennes to La Fayette, 1780; Portions
of Charles Pinckney's plan for a constitution, 1787; A letter of James Nichol-
son, 1803. The early Norman jury, by Charles H. Haskins; Some French
communes, in the light of their charters, by Earle W. Dow; The youth of
Mirabeau, by Fred M. Fling; St. Eustatius in the American Revolution, by
J. Franklin Jameson; Documents: Correspondence of the Comte de Moustier
with the Comte de Montmorin, 1787-1789; Reviews of books; Notes and
News; Index.
Vol. IX.

October, 1903-July, 1904. New York, 1904.

8vo, pp. iv, 909.

Contents: Historical synthesis, by Fred Morrow Fling; Two lives of the
Emperor Charles V, by Ernest F. Henderson; The failure of the Humble Peti-
tion and Advice, by Ralph C. H. Catterall; Election of delegates from New York
to the second Continental Congress, by Carl Becker; Documents: Correspond-
ence of the Comte de Moustier with the Comte de Montmorin, 1787-1789;
A letter of Noah Webster to Daniel Webster, 1834; A journey from New York
to San Francisco in 1850. Reviews of books; Notes and news; Ethical values
in history, by Henry Charles Lea; The Podesta of Siena, by Ferdinand Schwill;
The Merchant Adventurers at Hamburg, by William E. Lingelbach; Naturaliza-
tion in England and the American colonies, by A. H. Carpenter; French influ-
ence on the adoption of the Federal Constitution; Documents: Papers of
William Patterson on the Federal Convention, 1787. The meeting of the
American Historical Association at New Orleans; Jean Ribaut and Queen
Elizabeth, by Woodbury Lowery; Frederick the Great and the American Revo-
lution, by Paul Leland Haworth; Compromises of the Constitution, by Max
Farrand; Wilkinson and the beginning of the Spanish Conspiracy, by Wm. R.
Shepherd; The World Aspects of the Louisiana Purchase, by Wm. M. Sloane:
Documents: The interment of William Lovelace, New York, 1671; A letter of
Benjamin Franklin, 1775; William Jackson on conditions in France, 1794; A
letter of James Wilkinson, 1806; A letter of Admiral Farragut, 1853. The
rehabilitation of Theramenes, by Bernadotte Perrin; Cornage and Drengage, by
Gaillard Thomas Lapsley; Reginald Pole and Thomas Cromwell: An examina-
tion of the Apologia ad Carolum Quintum, by Paul Van Dyke; The naviga-
tion acts as applied to European trade, by Dudley Odell McGovney; Docu-
ments: Sketch of Pinckney's plan for a constitution, 1787; Papers bearing on
James Wilkinson's relations with Spain, 1788-1789; Two letters from George
Farragut to Andrew Jackson, 1815-1816; Index.

AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol.
X. October, 1904, to July, 1905. New York, 1905.

8vo, pp. iv, 992.

Contents: The University of Paris in the sermons of the thirteenth century,
by Charles H. Haskins; English poetry and English history, by Goldwin Smith;
The naming of America, by Edward Gaylord Bourne; Nova Scotia and New
England during the Revolution, by Emily P. Weaver; The first stage of the
movement for the annexation of Texas, by George P. Garrison. Documents:
Alexander Hamilton's notes in the Federal Convention of 1787; Some papers of
Franklin Pierce, 1852-1862. Reviews of books; Notes and news; The policy of
France toward the Mississippi Valley in the period of Washington and Adams,
by Frederick Jackson Turner; Improvising a government in Paris in July, 1789,
by Henry E. Bourne; The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, by Jesse S. Reeves;
Materials in British archives for American Colonial history, by Charles M. An-
drews. Documents: Some papers of Franklin Pierce, 1852-1862. The meet-
ing of the American Historical Association at Chicago, Dec. 28 to 30, 1904; The
treatment of history, by Goldwin Smith; Methods of work in historical semi-
naries, by George Burton Adams; The early life of Oliver Ellsworth, by William
Garrott Brown; Origin of the title Superintendent of Finance, by Henry Barrett
Learned; Documents on the Blount conspiracy, 1795-1797; History and mate-
rialism, by Alfred H. Lloyd; A Continental Congressman: Oliver Ellsworth,
1777-1783, by William Garrott Brown; The Indian boundary line, by Max Far-
rand; William Walker and the steamship corporation in Nicaragua, by William

Contents: Early records of the King's council, by James F. Baldwin; The
literary activity of the Emperor Maximilian I, by Paul Van Dyke; The manor
of East Greenwich in the county of Kent, by Edward P. Cheney; Burke on
party, by Goldwin Smith; "The Confederation and the Shays Rebellion, by Joseph
Parker Warren; The negotiations at Ghent in 1814, by A. T. Mahan; Letters
of John Quincy Adams to Alexander Hamilton Everett, 1811-1837, 1; Reviews
of books; Notes and news.

AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of Proceedings of ninth annual
meeting of the Association. July, 1893. By Herbert B. Adams, secretary. `
From the Annual Report of the Association for 1893, pages 1-12. Washing-
ton. 1894.

AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of the tenth annual

meeting of the Association. By Herbert B. Adams, secretary. From the

Annual Report for 1894, pages 1-15. Washington. 1896.

[blocks in formation]

AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of sixteenth annual meeting of the Association, Detroit and Ann Arbor, December 27-29, 1900. By A. Howard Clark, secretary. From the Annual Report for 1900. Vol. I, pages 1-33. Washington, 1901.


pp. 33.


AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of seventeenth annual meeting of the Association, Washington, D. C., December 27-31, 1901. By Charles H. Haskins, corresponding secretary. From the Annual Report for 1901, Vol. I, pages 17-45. Washington, 1902.

8vo. pp. 17-45.


AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of the eighteenth annual meeting of the American Historical Association, Philadelphia, Pa., December 26, 27, 29, 30, 1902. By Charles H. Haskins. Washington, 1903. 8vo, pp. 17-45.

From the Annual Report for 1902, Vol 1, pages 17-45.


AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of nineteenth annual meeting of the Association. By Charles II. Haskins, corresponding secretary.

Reprinted from the Annual Report for the year 1903, Vol. I, pages 17-52. Washington, 1904. (57


pp. 17-52.

AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. New Views of Early Virginia History,1606-1619. By Alexander Brown. Liberty, Va., 1886.

12mo, pp. (2), 18.

Written by request, to be read before the Association in 1886. Copious extracts were read by Charles Deane in the absence of the author. (58


The Constitutional Relations of the Amer

ican Colonies to the English Government at the Commencement of the American Revolution. A Paper read before the Association in Boston, May 23, 1887, by Mellen Chamberlain. [Boston, 1887.]

8vo, pp. 24.

Reprinted from Papers of the American Historical Association, Vol. III, 1888, pp. 52-74.

(59-60 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Manuscript Sources of American History. An Address before the Association, May 21, 1887, by the president, Justin Winsor, with the action of the Association thereon. York, 1887.

Sm. 4to, pp. 20-34.


Reprinted (50 copies) from the Magazine of American History, July, 1887. pp. 21-34.

Printed also in Papers of the American Historical Association, Vol. III, pp. 9-27. (61 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Territorial Growth of the United States. Our Title to Oregon. By W. A. Mowry. Boston, 1887.


Read before the Association in 1886.


AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Peace Negotiations of 1782-83, as illustrated by the Secret Correspondence of France and England. A Paper read before the Association, May, 1887, by John Jay. New York, 1888. Svo, pp. 22.

Reprinted from Papers of the American Historical Association, Vol. III, pp. 79-100.


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