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O ALMIGHTY GOD! who only hast immortality, who didst support thy holy servant Jesus under all the trials of his laborious ministry, and didst finally enable him, in obedience to thy will, and for the joy that was set before him, to suffer death upon the cross: grant, that, the same mind being in us his disciples, we may endeavour, after his example, to advance thy glory, to promote the welfare of our fellow-creatures, and to submit with patience to thine allgracious dispensations, in the blessed hope of partaking of the eternal happiness of that kingdom which he hath attained. Amen.


ALMIGHTY GOD! by whose mercy our lord Jesus Christ was raised from death, and confirmed unto us the hope and expectation of everlasting life: lead us, by thy kind and superintending providence, to rise from the death of sin to a life of righteousness, that when Christ, our great teacher and master, shall appear, we also may appear with him in glory. Amen.


The second Collect, for peace.

O GOD! who art the author of peace and lover of concord, in the knowledge of whom consisteth our hope and assurance of eternal life, grant us thy continual protection, that we may be safe from all our enemies, and evermore give thanks unto thee, in the congregation of thy people, as becometh the disciples of Jesus Christ our lord. Amen.

The third Collect, for protection.

O JEHOVAH! our heavenly father! almighty and everlasting GOD! who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day, defend us in the same by thy mighty power: and grant, that this day we fall into no sin, neither run into any kind of danger; but, that all our actions being ordered according to thy will, we may be preserved from all evil, now and for ever. Amen.


The following prayers are next to be read in the order in which they are placed.

For the King.

O GOD! high and mighty! king of kings! lord of lords! the supreme ruler of princes! who extendest thy fatherly care and protection to all the dwellers upon earth; we beseech thee, to behold with thy favour our sovereign, king George; and to bestow upon him such measure of thy holy spirit, that he may always incline to thy will, and walk in thy way. Endue him plenteously with every public and private virtue; grant him in health and happiness long to live; prosper all his righteous undertakings; and, after this life, receive him into everlasting happiness, through thy mercy and goodness promised in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.

For the royal family.

ALMIGHTY GOD! the fountain of all goodness! we humbly beseech thee to bless the queen, the prince and princess of Wales, and all the royal family; give them a just


sense of religion and virtue, prosper them * with all happiness, and finally bring them to thine everlasting kingdom, which thou hast promised by Christ our lord, to all, who faithfully love and serve thee. Amen.

For the parliament.

To be read during their session. ALMIGHTY and most merciful GOD! we humbly beseech thee to bless with thy favour our country in general, but especially the great council of the nation, now assembled in parliament; be pleased to direct and prosper all their consultations. to the advancement of thy truth; the good of thy church; the safety, honour, and welfare of thy servant, George, our king, and of the whole community: that all things may be so ordered and settled by their endeavours, upon the best and surest foundations, that peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, may flourish and be established among us for all generations. These and all other necessaries, for them, for us, and thy whole church, we humbly beg of thee, O GOD! the bountiful bestower of every blessing. Amen.

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For the clergy and people.

ALMIGHTY and everlasting GOD! who art the author of every good and necessary gift; bestow thy blessing upon all bishops and ministers of the gospel, and upon all congregations committed to their charge; and give success to all their several honest and commendable endeavours to promote the true knowledge of thy word, and the right means of obtaining thy favour both here and hereafter. This we humbly ask as the disciples of Jesus Christ our lord. Amen.

For mankind in general.

O GOD! the creator and preserver of all mankind! we humbly beseech thee, in behalf of all ranks and conditions of men, that thou wouldest be pleased to make thy will known unto all nations. More especially we pray for all who profess and call themselves "christians," in all parts of the world, that they may be led into the way of truth, and receive the gospel of our lord and master, in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life. Finally,

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