> THANKSGIVING TO BE USED UPON THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE KING'S ACCESSION TO THE THRONE. ALMIGHTY GOD! who rulest over all the nations of the world, and disposest of them, according to thy good pleasure; we yield thee our thanks, for having been pleased, as on this day, to place the king upon the throne of these realms. Let thy wisdom be his guide, and let thine arm strengthen him in all his righteous and lawful undertakings for the common weal; let justice, truth, and holiness, -let peace and love, and all those virtues which adorn the christian profession, improve and flourish in his days; direct all his counsels and endeavours to thy glory, and the welfare of our country. Lead both him and us to a willing and cheerful obedience to the laws; that neither our sinful passions, nor our private interest, may disappoint the designs of either for the public good: let him always possess the hearts of his people, that they may never be wanting in proper respect to his person, and dutiful submission to the authority with which he is intrusted: let his reign be long and prosperous, and crown him with happiness in the life to come. Amen. sess FOR A FAMILY. O GOD! our creator and heavenly father! the giver of all good, upon whom we depend now and for ever! Under an awful sense of thy constant presence with us, we, thy creatures and thy servants, are asseinbled together, to thank thee for thy common blessings and undeserved goodness to us; and, particularly, to acknowledge the watchful care of thy good providence, by which we have been preserved, during the defenceless hours of the night, and brought in health and safety to the light of another day. Thy mercies, o GOD! are renewed unto us every morning. Let our gratitude and dutiful obedience to thy holy laws bear some proportion to thy favours, that we may be a family praising and reverencing thee before men, by our virtuous and religious behaviour. We desire to set thee, our GOD, before us in all our ways, that thy blessing may go along with us in our several employments, and that we may never undertake any any thing that we dare not beg of thee to prosper. If it be consistent with thy wise and good designs for us; we pray that we may be preserved from all dangers and accidents, and continued in health. But as we know not what is best for us, we would, therefore, refer our outward state wholly to thee; and be anxious only to be kept from the ways of sin, and to be carried forward in the paths of religion and virtue, which lead to thee and thy favour. Grant that we may be sincere in heart, and uncorrupt before thee; and just and upright in all our dealings with our fellowcreatures; and dispose us to acts of kindness towards them, to share in their distresses and relieve them; and to rejoice in, and embrace, all opportunities of doing them good, especially of promoting their eternal happiness. Assist us also in the just government and subjection of our inferior appetites and passions to the laws of reason and true religion; and make us moderate in the use of lawful things, that we may be kept at the greatest distance from what is unlawful and sinful. It hath pleased thee, the sovereign disposer of all things, to appoint the different orders and ranks of men for wise purposes of public good. Enable us all to be useful in our several stations and capacities; and to discharge our duty towards each other. with diligence and fidelity. May we live in the love and reverence of thee, O GOD! who seest in secret, and wilt reward thy servants in the future world, where greater piety and virtue will make the only difference in the rank of thy creatures, one from the other. These, our humble requests, we offer unto thee, o father supreme! as the disciples of Jesus Christ our lord, whose holy example we ardently desire to follow; and in whose form of words we conclude these our prayers for ourselves and others. OUR FATHER! who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us, day by day, our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those, who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. EVENING |