The Book of Common Prayer: Reformed Together with the Book of Psalms and a Collection of Hymns for Public Worship Revised and CorrectedJ. Johnson., 1802 - 564 sidor |
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Sida 13
... eternal : grant to us , so to profit by his doctrines and precepts , that we may finally obtain the reward which he hath promised to all his true disciples , and live with him in thy heavenly kingdom for ever . Amen . Good Good - Friday ...
... eternal : grant to us , so to profit by his doctrines and precepts , that we may finally obtain the reward which he hath promised to all his true disciples , and live with him in thy heavenly kingdom for ever . Amen . Good Good - Friday ...
Sida 14
... eternal happiness of that kingdom which he hath attained . Amen . Easter - Day . ALMIGHTY GOD ! by whose mercy our lord Jesus Christ was raised from death , and confirmed unto us the hope and ex- pectation of everlasting life : lead us ...
... eternal happiness of that kingdom which he hath attained . Amen . Easter - Day . ALMIGHTY GOD ! by whose mercy our lord Jesus Christ was raised from death , and confirmed unto us the hope and ex- pectation of everlasting life : lead us ...
Sida 15
... eternal life , grant us thy continual pro- tection , that we may be safe from all our enemies , and evermore give thanks unto thee , in the congregation of thy people , as becometh the disciples of Jesus Christ our lord . Amen . The ...
... eternal life , grant us thy continual pro- tection , that we may be safe from all our enemies , and evermore give thanks unto thee , in the congregation of thy people , as becometh the disciples of Jesus Christ our lord . Amen . The ...
Sida 31
... eternal life ; grant , we beseech thee , that we , having this hope , may purify ourselves agreeably to his pre- cepts ; that , when we shall appear before thy tribunal , we may be made like unto him , and be admitted to dwell with thee ...
... eternal life ; grant , we beseech thee , that we , having this hope , may purify ourselves agreeably to his pre- cepts ; that , when we shall appear before thy tribunal , we may be made like unto him , and be admitted to dwell with thee ...
Sida 33
... eternal life as- sured unto us by the revelation of Jesus Christ . To all thy people extend thy favour , and especially to this congregation , that , with meek heart and due reverence , they may hear and receive thy holy word , and ...
... eternal life as- sured unto us by the revelation of Jesus Christ . To all thy people extend thy favour , and especially to this congregation , that , with meek heart and due reverence , they may hear and receive thy holy word , and ...
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Vanliga ord och fraser
according to thy afflicted ALMIGHTY Amen Bashan beseech thee bless children of men Christ our lord death delight deliver distress divine dwell earth Edom enemies eternal ev'ry everlasting evermore evil exalted eyes father Father divine fear forgive gospel gracious happiness hateful bands heart heavenly heavens honour HOVAH humble immortal iniquity Israel JEHO JEHOVAH hath Jesus Christ king kingdom land live lord Jesus Christ mercy endureth mighty mind minister mouth nations peace place my trust pow'r praise JEHOVAH praise thee prayer preserve PSALM PSALM rejoice righteous salvation song soul thine hand things thou art thou didst thou hast thou shalt throne thy commandments thy favour thy glory thy holy thy law thy love thy mercy thy name thy power thy praise thy precepts thy servant thy statutes thy truth thy word tongue unto JEHOVAH unto thee unto thy voice wicked Zion