The Book of Common Prayer: Reformed Together with the Book of Psalms and a Collection of Hymns for Public Worship Revised and CorrectedJ. Johnson., 1802 - 564 sidor |
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Sida 3
... heavenly father , with a lowly , penitent , and obedient heart ; that we may obtain forgiveness of the same by his infi- nite goodness and mercy . And as we ought , each of us , to make confession of our guilt and unworthiness , in our ...
... heavenly father , with a lowly , penitent , and obedient heart ; that we may obtain forgiveness of the same by his infi- nite goodness and mercy . And as we ought , each of us , to make confession of our guilt and unworthiness , in our ...
Sida 13
... precepts , that we may finally obtain the reward which he hath promised to all his true disciples , and live with him in thy heavenly kingdom for ever . Amen . Good Good - Friday . O ALMIGHTY GOD ! who only MORNING PRAYER . 13.
... precepts , that we may finally obtain the reward which he hath promised to all his true disciples , and live with him in thy heavenly kingdom for ever . Amen . Good Good - Friday . O ALMIGHTY GOD ! who only MORNING PRAYER . 13.
Sida 15
... heavenly father ! al- mighty and everlasting GOD ! who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day , defend us in the same by thy mighty power : and grant , that this day we fall into no sin , neither run into any kind of danger ...
... heavenly father ! al- mighty and everlasting GOD ! who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day , defend us in the same by thy mighty power : and grant , that this day we fall into no sin , neither run into any kind of danger ...
Sida 23
... sins and wickedness , before the face of almighty GOD , our heavenly father , with a lowly , penitent , and obedient heart ; that we may obtain c4 obtain forgiveness of the same by his infi- nite goodness EVENING PRAYER . 23.
... sins and wickedness , before the face of almighty GOD , our heavenly father , with a lowly , penitent , and obedient heart ; that we may obtain c4 obtain forgiveness of the same by his infi- nite goodness EVENING PRAYER . 23.
Sida 31
... heavenly kingdom . Amen . The second Collect , for peace of mind . O ALMIGHTY GOD ! give , we beseech thee , unto us , thy servants , that peace of mind which the world cannot give , that our hearts may be determined to obey thy com ...
... heavenly kingdom . Amen . The second Collect , for peace of mind . O ALMIGHTY GOD ! give , we beseech thee , unto us , thy servants , that peace of mind which the world cannot give , that our hearts may be determined to obey thy com ...
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Vanliga ord och fraser
according to thy afflicted ALMIGHTY Amen Bashan beseech thee bless children of men Christ our lord death delight deliver distress divine dwell earth Edom enemies eternal ev'ry everlasting evermore evil exalted eyes father Father divine fear forgive gospel gracious happiness hateful bands heart heavenly heavens honour HOVAH humble immortal iniquity Israel JEHO JEHOVAH hath Jesus Christ king kingdom land live lord Jesus Christ mercy endureth mighty mind minister mouth nations peace place my trust pow'r praise JEHOVAH praise thee prayer preserve PSALM PSALM rejoice righteous salvation song soul thine hand things thou art thou didst thou hast thou shalt throne thy commandments thy favour thy glory thy holy thy law thy love thy mercy thy name thy power thy praise thy precepts thy servant thy statutes thy truth thy word tongue unto JEHOVAH unto thee unto thy voice wicked Zion