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For ev'ry trifle, scorn to take offence, It either shows great pride, or little sense.'

will be honourable exceptions to I hope that you, my good friends,

the rule which has now become but too general. Cultivate harmony, not only in your performances, but in your tempers, and

your intercourse with each other. Be assured that it will be for your comfort, credit, usefulness, and interest: Look not every man on his own things, but on the things of others.' Each of

portion of the solemn and the
tender chords. On a late even-
ing I went into a Moravian con-
gregation; both the preaching
and the prayers were such as are
exceedingly common among most
denominations of Christians; but
the singing was so deliciously soft
and harmonious, that I am
suaded almost every
present must have regretted that
the hymn was so soon closed. A
selection of the hymns and tunes,
previous to the commencement
of the service, and a little
will readily guard you from the
improprieties I have mentioned,
O be concerned to act as those
who are evidently conscious that
they are engaged in his service,
who cannot be deceived by vain
professions, and who will not be
mocked by solemn sounds on
thoughtless tongues!'

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"II. Be harmonious among yourselves. The disagreement of singers is so common, that it is become almost proverbial, that the sons of harmony are really

some of the most discordant creatures in the creation. Other persons in our congregations may have differences, but they are too prudent to publish them immediately to all around them; but singers usually leave their seats, and from their appearance in some other part of the place of worship, declare to every one their want of mutual forbearance and harmony. The most inconsiderable and trivial circumstances, (I am really almost ashamed to make the remark,) have too often been sufficient entirely to break up an excellent choir of singers. I have sometimes really thought, that it might be useful to have the celebrated couplet inscribed in a conspicuous place in the singing gallery:

you have your own peculiar gifts and excellencies; if you sing a very excellent base, your neighbour, perhaps, sings a tenor, or some other part, with equal excellence. John has a very superior voice, but David has a judgment much better informed in the grounds of music. Recollect that you are all important in your places; none of you of much consequence out of them. hand cannot say to the foot, I have no need of thee.' Take each you for your motto,


I'll not willingly offend,
Nor be easily offended;


What's amiss I'll strive to mend,
And endure what can't be mended.'

And I think you will be respect-
able and useful.

"III. Sing with melody in your hearts unto the Lord. Do not forget that real religion has ever to do with the heart; in reality, it is the penitence, the faith, the love, and the obedience, of the heart. To sing with melody, is to sing with emotions of heart in full unison with the sentiments of the song. Is a hymn or psalm given out, descriptive of the sorrows of the penitent? He who utters the words with corresponding emotions of heart, sings with melody. Is the composition expressive of praise to God for his mercies? or of love

to our divine Immanuel? or of devotedness to his honour and glory? or does it anticipate the infinite blessedness in reserve for the people of God? He who sings them with melody, is conscious of a spirit of holy grati- | tude, and sincere affection, towards the Divine Being; he knows, and, in some happy measure, feels, that it is infinitely reasonable that he should be the Lord's; and, on the wings of faith, he rises above terrestrial things; surveys, and longs to enter on the regions of everlasting bliss. It is, indeed, my very earnest prayer, that you may be inspired with this holy melody of heart. How lamentable is the consideration, that many utter sentiments, which infinitely concern them, of a kind the most delightful and awful, with the most entire indifference. Do not be guilty of this hypocrisy and profanity. Pray God to give you a new heart and a right spirit.' You cannot endure discords in music: O that the more direful discords which too commonly subsist between the heart and the tongue, were equally abhorred! Be anxiously concerned, my dear friends, to sing with the spirit, and with the understanding also.'

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"It is well known, that the late excellent Mr. Cadogan had but little taste for music. An eminent musician, who was one of his hearers, occasionally sung some of the finest pieces of composition, in his hearing; and, since he was in raptures himself, he often expressed his astonishment that his minister was not in raptures also. One day, however, Mr. Cadogan said to him, 'Give me leave, my good friend, to be astonished in my turn-I bring forward invitations of mercy, sweeter than the melody

of heaven-threatenings unspeakably awful and alarming-I treat constantly of themes which employ the angelic harps in glory

and no sympathy is awakened in your bosom.-You are unaffected, unalarmed, unconverted:-no raptures of love, gratitude, or admiration are enkindled in your bosom. O, have I not reason to be amazed at your indifference? Let your hearts, as well as your voices, be found in tune,-and God will lend a listening ear to your songs of praise, nor will your fellowcreatures withhold their approbation.

"How pleasing the reflection, that if you now thus celebrate the praises of God, the moment is not distant when, after a life of usefulness and felicity on earth, you shall meet together to celebrate, in a manner inconceivably more sublime, the infinite perfections, and the everlasting loving kindnesses of him who has redeemed you by his own precious blood, and who will present you faultless before the throne with exceeding joy. This is, indeed, the sincere and ardent prayer of your unworthy friend, Coseley.



B. H.D."




Kettering, March 7, 1812.


YOURS I duly received, covering a bill of &c. &c.; No. XXII. of the P. A. is out, and you will soon receive them. In addition to what you will see there, recent intelligence is since

rides forth at the head of the armies of heaven, prior to the taking of the beast and the false prophet, chap. xix. and, of course, prior to the millenium. We are not likely to live to see the latter: but we have entered, I think, on the former. It is ours to work and war in this glorious cause. I am,

arrived. The work is going on | fidelity, are to be conquered; but gradually, yet gloriously. The under the period of the vials, preundertaking is now so much ex-paratory to it. The word of God tended, and the parties concerned so numerous, that some painful, as well as pleasing events, must be expected to attend every communication. But there are no deaths, no dangerous afflictions; and, what is better, no scandals amongst the brethren. All are at work, and God is with them. Scarcely a month without additions, nor a day, without new enquiries after the new book and the new way.

Within the last two years, I have gone over the Apocalypse, in a way of exposition, on the Lord's-day morning; and the result is, that I am persuaded the seventh trumpet, in chap. xi. has sounded--that the pouring out of the seven vials, (which are subdivisions of that trumpet, as the seven trumpets are of the seventh seal) began at the same timethat being the seven last plagues, (chap. xv. i.) their work is to beat down and destroy the antichristian powers-and that while God is doing this, by the pouring out of the vials, "the kingdoms of the world will gradually become the kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ." The period of the vials, (which commenced with the sounding of the seventh trumpet, and will terminate in the millenium) will be a period of ardent struggle, successful effort, and glorious victory. It will, I conceive, be that to the millenium, which the reign of David was to that of Solomon. David was engaged in war, and so must we; but the Lord prospered David whithersoever he went, and so he will us, if we engage in faith and love. It is not under the millenium, that Paganism, Malometism, Judaism, Popery, and In

affectionately yours, A. FULLER.

FROM THE SAME, to the same.
Kettering, April 14, 1812.


I HAVE prepared the MS. of my lectures on the Apocalypse, and may perhaps some time print them. Having just begun the Epistle to the Romans, in the course of exposition, I was struck a few days ago, with the stress that is laid upon godliness, or that part of religion which has immediate respect to GOD. The beathen, I observe, are charged with unrighteousness, and with holding, or, perhaps withholding the truth in righteousness, chap. i. 18, and which charges are proved against them, in the following verses; but the origin is UNGODLINESS. All the immorality in the world has its root, as you will see, in reading the chapter, in a dislike of GOD. Of this, the prevalence of all the abominations there enumerated, are represented as a judicial punishment. Because of. this, they were given up to the other. The Lord is jealous of his honour. If his name be dishonoured, (as it must before idolatry could be introduced,) he will punish it by giving up the parties to dishonour their own bodies, and wallow, like swine, in the mire of their own corruptions.

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Some of our men of science would persuade us, that the idolatry of the heathens is a very innocent thing, only a mode of worshipping the Supreme Being. Such are the ideas of Pope's Universal Prayer: but if Paul's doctrine be true, it is the root of all other immorality, and the prime ground on which the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against them. I rejoice in the connection of Britain with India, when I view the blessings that we are imparting; but I tremble when I think of the numbers of our youth who go over to acquire fortunes, and return the apologists of idolatry, and but for the custom of their country, would doubtless practise it.

Others of our men of science have been very eager to introduce a system of morals for a country, that should have nothing to do with religion-that is, with GOD. But if Paul's doctrine be true, God will not suffer this. If men think to preserve peace and order among themselves, while they cast off his fear, they shall find it to be impossible. Till the world returns to him, they shall never be at peace with one another.

"God is jealous, and the Lord avengeth!" We lately excluded one of our members for drunkenness. In a letter that he sent me, after his exclusion, he confessed, that he had lived in secret wickedness eight years, and now God had "left him to disgrace himself," in a manner taken away his power of self-government; and he concludes with these words, "The Lord is a jealous God!"

Remember me affectionately to your and my friends, and when you see them, to the brethren and fathers in the ministry.




Edinburgh, Dec. 15, 1799.


By a line from Mr. S. I am informed that you have met with an afflicting dispensation of Providence, in the loss of your youngest child, by the small-pox. You will, no doubt, feel this the more sensibly, from its being, I suppose, the first affliction of the kind you have experienced, and from the natural tenderness of a mother's affections and feelings. Insensibility, under the hand of God, would be criminal, and, in such a case as this, unnatural. He hath implanted in us natural affections, and when he deprives us of the objects of them, he wills that we should feel. True, indeed, these objects are his gifts, every thing amiable in them is from him, and he has an undoubted right to recal them at pleasure; yet

"The God of love will sure indulge The flowing tear, the heaving sigh, When tender friends and kindred die."

But as, on the one hand, we are not to despise the chastening of the Lord, through a stoical or callous insensibility; so neither ought we, on the other hand, to faint, when rebuked of him, so as to be overset, and sink under the trial. As both these extremes are sinful, as well as hurtful to ourselves, so we may be sure that neither of them corresponds with the designs of a gracious and merciful God in afflicting us.

I might suggest to you, upon this occasion, that all our worldly comforts and enjoyments are from God, and lent us but for a season A. FULLER.that we are unworthy of the

Affectionately yours,

least of his favours-that he has | priving us of these; but when we a sovereign right to recal them, consider that God proposes himwhen he sees meet-that afflic-self as the object of our happition is the common lot of man- ness, who is a satisfying and everkind-that death will undoubt- lasting portion, and whose favour edly, sooner or later, close this is better than life; when we think transitory scene, with respect to of this world as only a passage to us all-and that impatience, or an eternal state of happiness, in excessive grief is sinful, unreason- the presence and enjoyment of able, unavailing, and only in- God, where there is fulness of joy creases our distress. But, though and pleasures for evermore; and such reflections are just and pro- when we think of the Son of God per, they are not sufficient, of coming into this world, bleeding, themselves, to give relief to the and dying, and rising again from mind smarting under affliction. the dead, to procure for us the Religion! the Christian religion remission of sins, and eternal life alone, is calculated to assuage our with himself, beyond death and grief in every trial, and to make the grave. This will lead us to us not only submissive and re- consider afflictions as but light signed, but even cheerfully to and momentary, when compared acquiesce in the divine disposals. with the glory that shall be reIt assures us that none of our af vealed-the faith and hope of this flictions come by chance, but by will support us under every trial. the special appointment of our It is only in this view that we can heavenly Father-that they are perceive how chastisements are under his direction and special effects of divine love, and subsermanagement, as to their nature, vient to our true and everlasting degree, continuance, and effects, interest. They serve, when sanctithat he is possessed of infinite fied, to humble our minds,-teach wisdom, and knows what is best us submission to, and acquiesfor us; and also of infinite good-cence in, the will of God-remind ness, whereby he makes all things, us that we owe all our comforts even the sharpest afflictions, to to, and hold them immediately of, work together for good, to them | God-discover to us the transithat love him. His chastisements tory nature of all earthly enjoyare the effects of his love to his ments, and the folly of setting our people, and he therein acts the supreme affections upon them, or part of a tender-hearted Father; of placing our happiness in them "for whom the Lord loveth he-convince us that our true and chasteneth and scourgeth, every permanent happiness lies only son whom he receiveth.” And in the enjoyment of God-make though " no affliction for the pre- us relish the comforts of the gossent seemeth to be joyous, but pel, which are suited to a state of grievous, yet afterwards it yield-affliction in this world—and tend eth the peaceable fruits of righteousness to them that are exercised thereby."

Had God intended no other happiness for his people, no other portion but the transitory enjoyments of this life, we could not, indeed, perceive his love in de

to lead our views and desires forward to that state, where sin and sorrow shall never enter. These, and such like effects, are what God intends by afflicting us, as he has declared in his word. Are they not all conducive to Our chief good? and ought it not to

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