Sidor som bilder

to the Heart of Jesus," 38; objections of Protestants to this thesis, 40;
the third thesis that Mary of Bethany is identical with Mary Magdalene,
42; corroborative evidence of the Scriptures for this view, 43; negative
evidence of Scripture, 44; Mr. Isaac Williams on the similarity of
interior character, 44; conjectural harmony of Scripture statements,
46; agreement of the most devout Catholics upon the identity, 48;
weight of the Church's authority on the question, 48; the attacks of
infidel writers upon the history of our Lord have not been an unmixed
evil, 48; importance of Catholics cultivating Scriptural criticism, 49.
Maurice (F. D.), Mediæval Philosophy, reviewed, 294.

Effects of the Incarnation, 294; Our Lord's life one long course of
instruction, 295; analogy of the Church's life to that of Christ, 295;
the doctors of the early Church, 296; they welded philosophy and
Scripture into a divine science, 297 ; the marvellous growth of the early
Church, 297; the political vicissitudes of the Middle Ages, 298; schools
of theological thought, 299; devotions of the Christian people, 299;
the Church's Head, 300; it is not the Church who lives and speaks, but
Christ who lives in her, 301; the Middle Ages in Church History, 302;
opinion of F. Dalgairns upon the Middle Ages, 303; their moral
superiority to the present time, 304; the Bishop of Poitiers' sermon,
"Shall France Perish," 305; the Middle Ages, the mother of the
civilization of Christendom, 306; leading minds of the Middle Ages,
307; the relation of those Ages to the Church, 308; the great breach
between the Church and the world, 308; the temporal power of the
Holy See during the Middle Ages, 309; commencement of the an-
tagonism between the Church and the world, 310; the Reformation,
311; no government of the world is now Christian, 312; exemplary
character of the thirteenth century, 313; F. Dalgairns' remarks on the
influence of the Church during that period, 314; what might have
happened if the Christian world had remained in obedience to the Holy
See, 315; development of dogma in the thirteenth century, 317; devo-
tion to S. Joseph, 318; establishment of the Feast of Corpus Christi,
319; Innocent III. at the Fourth Lateran Council, 319; S. Bonaventure
and S. Thomas of Aquinas, 320; the Sum of S. Thomas, 321; his
influence upon ages posterior to his own, 322; the relative positions of
S. Thomas and S. Bonaventure, 322; Albert the Great, 323; Vincent
of Beauvais, and Alexander of Hales, 324; Roger Bacon, and Duns
Scotus, 325; characteristic devotions of the time, 326; mediæval art,
symbolic of the Christian faith, 328; its relapse, 329; the apogee of
Christian monarchy under S. Louis, 330; the leading characteristics of
that period, 331; the formation of Christendom, 332; the final triumph
of the Church assured, 334.

Milman (H. H., D.D.), History of Latin Christianity, reviewed, 294.
Minutes of Evidence taken before Mr. Justice Keogh on the Trial of the
Galway Election Petition, reviewed, 257.

* Month" (The), September and October, 1872, Article VII.,
Prophets," reviewed, 384.

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Among the

Morris (F.), The Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers, noticed, 513.

NEWMAN (J. H., D.D.), Discussions and Arguments on various subjects,
noticed, 207.

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Historical Sketches, noticed, 519.

Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, noticed,


OAKELEY (Canon), Education to be real must be Denominational, reviewed,

Three Letters to the Tablet, reviewed, 164.

Oliphant (Mrs.), Memoirs of Count de Montalembert, noticed, 508.

PAX: Monastic Gleanings, noticed, 521.

Plumptre (Professor), Lazarus and Mary Magdalene, reviewed, 28.

Poitiers (Bishop of), Shall France Perish noticed, 253; reviewed, 294.
Potter (F.), The Spoken Word; or the Art of Extempore Speaking, noticed,


PRESENT (THE) ANGLICAN POSITION, 476-505: Our unwillingness to enter
into a controversy with Dr. Pusey and his friends, 476; Mr. MacColl's
work on the Athanasian Creed, 477; what is the true meaning of the
"damnatory clauses," 478; Mr. MacColl inconsistent with himself on the
deliberate rejection of Catholic truth, 479; his remarks on the rejection
of the Athanasian Creed, 480; every one holds or rejects the revealed
dogmata of the Trinity and Incarnation, 480; three classes of ob-
jectors to the clauses, 481; the first class and the second, 481; the
third, 482; Mr. MacColl's remarks on the connection between faith and
morals, 483; his reply to Dean Stanley on the necessity of a right faith,
483; compulsory recital of the Creed urged by Mr. MacColl, 486; the
majority of the Anglican laity averse to it, 486; singular advice to
Catholics, 487; "Church of England Defence Tracts" on Anglican
orders, 488; remarks of F. Humphreys upon Anglican ordinations, 490;
basis of the Catholic argument, 491; the High Church argument, 492;
Anglican communion manifestly un-Catholic, 493; Bible Christians
and High Churchmen, 495; the pamphlet by "Two Catholics," 497 ;
Mr. Moore's address to his parishioners, 498; the Catholic Church a
corporate body, 499; Dr. Pusey's counter theory, 499; Historical proof
of the Papal doctrine, 500; our language on a former occasion, 501;
vindication of our opinion by F. Addis, 502; remarks of F. Addis upon
the question of False Decretals, 504.

Preston (T. S.), the Vicar of Christ; or Lectures upon the Office and Pre-
rogatives of our Holy Father the Pope, noticed, 215.

PRIESTHOOD (THE) AT IRISH ELECTIONS, 103–113: The question to be dis-
cussed, 103; landlord influence in England and in Ireland, 104; priests'
and landlords' influence, 104; unsound basis of the whole series of
Reform Bills, 105; reasons why in England tenants vote for the land-
lord's candidate, 106; legitimate and illegitimate influence, 107; the

franchise and conscience, 108; the priests the Catholic voters' trusted
guides, 109; political immorality of some Irish landlords, 110; has any
priest ever urged any elector to vote against his genuine conviction?
111; the case of Lord Dunsandle's voters, 112; the confessional, 112;
regrettable facts which may have to be admitted, 113; necessity for the
whole of the evidence to be thoroughly and candidly sifted, 113.
PRIESTHOOD (THE) IN IRISH POLITICS, 257-293: Culpable ignorance of
English Protestants on the Galway election, 257; their opinion in direct
opposition to certain facts, 257; at the Galway election one candidate
was supported by the landlords, the other by the priests, 257; conduct
of the priests, 258; they were conscious of being in the right, 259;
Catholic tenantry unanimous for Nolan, 260; evidence upon that point,
261; Judge Keogh on the duties required of priests, 261; proofs of
landlord tyranny, 262; extraordinary character of Judge Keogh's judg-
ment, 265; political duty of Catholic priests, 266; under certain
circumstances Catholic priests should themselves be the centres of
vigorous political action, 267; the question of denominational educa-
tion, 267; dangers which attend the performance of the priests' political
duties, 268; Irish Synodal Decrees on this matter, 269; duty of the
priests to canvass for persons who will support certain questions, 270;
duty of electors to vote according to their conscience, 271; landlord
coercion the impediment to free Catholic political action in Ireland,
272; Letter of the Archbishop of Tuam, 273; priestly intervention in
purely political questions, 273; in Ireland the priest absolutely necessary
for political organization, 274; what is meant by political organization,
275; mutual interdependence between a priest and his flock, 276;
censure by the Spectator of the conduct of the priests at the Galway
election, 278; is priestly intervention contrary to English law? 280;
proposal for disfranchising Catholic electors, 282; the impracticability of
such a scheme, 284; the debate on Mr. Butt's motion a disgrace to the
British legislature, 286; it is the duty of English legislators to acquaint
themselves with Irish Catholic phenomena, 287; what is called the
Revolution has not made much progress in England, 288; eight funda-
mental articles of Professor Huxley's creed, 288; advantages which
would result from a better acquaintance with Catholicity, 289; on the
subject of education in Ireland the priests desire no more than the
Conservatives claim for Protestants in England, 290; the increased
political strength Mr. Disraeli's Reform Bill may give to Catholics in
England, 291; what may be done by Irishmen themselves, 292;
Mr. Gladstone's coming Bill on Irish education, 293.

Protestant Ritualists, reviewed, 476.

Pye (Mr.), Education, noticed, 245.

RAWES (F.), Great Truths in Little Words, noticed, 523.
Reflections on the Passion, noticed, 525.

REPLY TO MR. RENOUF, BY F. BOTTALLA.-Orthodoxy of Pope Honorius I.
85-102: The case of Pope Honorius has ceased to be a difficulty
against the doctrine of Papal infallibility, 85; the letter to Sergius, 85;

because the Pope did not condemn Sergius it does not follow that he
accepted the Monothelite doctrine, 86; Mr. Renouf in his second
pamphlet merely repeats the statements in his first, 87; the letter of
Sergius, 88; Sergius did not deny two wills, but two contrary wills in
Christ, 88; cause of two contrary wills in the human mind, 90; the
first letter of Pope Honorius, 90; the second letter, 92; the miscon-
ception by Mr Renouf of the Monothelite doctrine, 92; contemporary
witnesses, 94; suppression by Mr. Renouf of passages in favour of the
orthodoxy of Pope Honorius, 95; Pope John's Apologia pro Honorio
Papa, 96; Mr. Renouf's charges against Abbot John, 97; exculpation
of Abbot John, 98; the Council of Lateran, 99; defence of Honorius
by S. Maximus, 100; the Fathers and the Monothelite doctrine, 101;
unfair reference by Mr. Renouf to the Fathers in favour of his asser-
tions, 102.

Riancy (MM. H. and C. de), Historie du Monde, reviewed, 294.
RIO'S MEMOIRS ON CHRISTIAN ART, 448-475: Interesting character of
M. Rio's present work, 448; favourable reception accorded to it on its
publication, 449; M. Rio's birthplace and early life, 449; restoration of
public worship in Brittany, 450; he becomes a guerilla captain in 1815,
450; his studies, 451; he is admitted a member of La Société des
Bonnes Lettres, 451; his first lecture, 451; refuses the office of censor
of the press, 452; M. Rio's connection with the Count de la Ferronnays,
453; the expulsion of the Jesuits from France, 454; M. de la
Ferronnays appointed ambassador to Rome, takes M. Rio with him,
455; M. Rio's delight in visiting Rome, 456; Mdlle. de la Ferronnays,
457; M. Rio visits Leghorn with Albert de la Ferronnays and Count
de Montalembert, 459; at Munich with De la Mennais, 460; Schelling's
theory of the three churches, 461; M. Rio parts with La Mennais, 463;
revival of real æsthetic feeling in France, 465; M. Rio visits England,
466; his impressions of Macaulay, 466; his first interview with
Thomas Carlyle, 468; his first meeting with Archdeacon Manning,
470; his appointment as tutor to Albert de la Ferronnays, 471;
affecting incident at Albert's deathbed, 472; change in the character
of Count de la Ferronnays, 473; M. Rio again takes up his residence
with the Ferronnays' family, 475; their separation by death, 475.
Ritter, Geschichte der Philosophie, reviewed, 294.

Scaramelli (F.) Directorium Asceticum, noticed, 520.

Scheme (A) of University Education in Ireland, noticed, 197.

Scripture Truth in Oriental Dress, noticed, 242.

Sermons by the Fathers of the Congregation of S. Paul the Apostle, New
York, noticed, 524.

Shall France Perish? reviewed, 294.

Spencer (H.), First Principles, reviewed, 1.

S. John (F.), Sermon Preached at the Requiem Mass for Miss Catherine
Boys, noticed, 207.

TRADITION, principally with reference to Mythology and the Law of Nations,

reviewed, 431.

Trollope (A.), Novels, reviewed, 393.

Tyndall (Dr.), Fragments of Science for Unscientific People, reviewed, 1.
Essays on the Use and Limit of the Imagination in Science,

reviewed, 1, 393.

produces national decay, 1; all classes in France were in 1789 eager
for social regeneration, 2; horrors which ensued, owing largely to a
misapprehension of popular phrases, 3; popular education the move-
ment of the day, 4; physical science in relation to social amelioration
and education, 5; statements of Professor Tyndall, 6; his creed unsatis-
factory to young and inquiring minds, 7; statements of Mr. Herbert
Spencer, 8; statements of Professor Huxley, 9: eight propositions to
be deduced from his teaching, 12; the Church the proper champion
against infidelity, 15; advent of atheistic persecution, 16; Professor
Huxley's conduct at the London School Board, 17; unsectarian educa-
tion, 18; persecution of Catholics in Switzerland and Germany, 18;
what is sectarianism? 19; Mr. Henry Holbeach on secular instruction,
21; Mr. Herbert Spencer on free will, 24; M. Le Play's advice to his
countrymen, 25; advantage of knowing a truth, 26; it is only Catholic
philosophers who can welcome truth, 27.


WORD (A) ON CLASSICAL STUDIES, 384-392: Grave objection to the position
occupied by the heathen classics in Catholic education, 384; necessity
of a concordat in the controversy, 384; imaginary conversation in the
Month upon Mgr. Gaume's recent work, 385; the opinions thereon of
Dr. Bullcox, a priest, 385; exception taken to those opinions, 386;
indignation excited in Dr. Bullcox by the mention of the word classics,
387; F. Miles's objection to Dr. Bullcox's doctrine, 389; opinion
of the Bishop of Aquila that the present times are very different to
those of the Tridentine Council, 390; yet a classical education may be
given without interfering with sound religious instruction, 391; real
ground for a concordat, 392.

WORKS (THE) OF MR. ANTHONY TROLLOPE, 393-430: Mr. Trollope's
status as a novelist, 393; comparison between him and George Eliot,
394; Mr. Trollope's characteristics, the reality of his creations, 395 ;
his avoidance of exaggeration, 396; his novels suited to the age, 397;
his agreeable style, 398; his familiarity with political life, 399; his
novels are free of sensationalism, 400; absence of morbidness in his
works, 402; his views of religion, 403; his Irish novels, 405; "The
MacDermots of Ballycloran," 406; care bestowed upon the story by the
author, 407; his delineation of Irish peasant life, 409; beautiful picture
of Father John, 410; "The Kellys and the O'Kellys," 411; "Martin
Kelly," 411; " Castle Richmond," 413; in plot similar to Thackeray's
"Pendennis," 413; description of Ireland during the famine year, 414;


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