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We have nothing remaining of those Varronian Satyrs, excepting fome inconfiderable Fragments, and thofe for the moft part much corrupted. The Titles of many of them are indeed preferv❜d, and they are generally double: From whence, at leaft, we may underftand, how many various Subjects were treated by that Author. Tully, in his Academicks, introduces Varro himself giving us fome light concerning the Scope and Defign of thofe Works Wherein, after he had fhewn his Reasons why he did not ex profeffo write of Philosophy, he adds what follows. Notwithstanding, says he, that thefe Pieces of mine, wherein I have imitated Menippus, though I have not tranflated him, are fprinkled with a kind of Mirth and Gaiety: Yet many things are there inferted, which are drawn from the very Intrails of Philofophy, and many things feverely argu'd: Which I have mingled with Pleafantries on purpofe, that they may more easily go down with the common fort of unlearn'd Readers. The rest of the Sentence is fo lame, that we can only make thus much out of it; that in the Compofition of his Satyrs, he fo temper'd Philology with Philofophy, that his Work was a Mixture of them both. And Tully himself confirms us in this Opinion; when a little after he addreffes himself to Varro in thefe Words. And you your felf bave compos'd a most elegant and compleat Poem; you have begun Philofophy in many Places: Sufficient to incite us, though too little to inftruct us. Thus it appears, that Varro was one of thofe Writers whom they call'd do noor, ftudious of Laughter; and that, as Learned as he was, his Bufinefs was more to divert his Reader, than to teach him. And he intitled his own Satyrs Menippean: Not that Menippus had written any Satyrs (for his were either Dialogues or Epiftles) but that Varro


imitated his Style, his Manner, his Facetiousness. All that we know farther of Menippus, and his Writings, which are wholly loft, is, that by fome he is esteemed, as, among the reft, by Varro: By others he is noted of Cynical Impudence, and Obfcenity: That he was much given to thofe Parodies, which I have already mentioned; that is, he often quoted the Verfes of Homer and the Tragick Poets, and turn'd their ferious Meaning into fome thing that was Ridiculous; whereas Varro's Sae tyrs are by Tully call'd Abfolute, and moft Elegant, and Various Poems. Lucian, who was emulous of this Menippus, seems to have imitated both his Manners and his Style in many of his Dialogues; where Menippus himfelf is often introduced as a Speaker in them, and as a perpetual Buffoon: Particularly his Character is exprefs'd in the Beginning of that Dialogue, which is call'd Nenuo Marria. But Farro, in imitating him, avoids his Impudence and Filthinefs, and only expreffes his witty Pleafantry.

This we may believe for certain, That as his Subjects were various, so most of them were Tales or Stories of his own Invention. Which is also manifeft from Antiquity, by thofe Authors who are acknowledg'd to have written Varronian Satyrs, in Imitation of his: Of whom the Chief is Petronius Arbiter, whofe Satyr, they fay, is now printed in Holland, wholly recovered, and made compleat: When'tis made publick, it will eafily be feen by any one Sentence, whether it be fuppofititious, or genuine. Many of Lucian's Dialogues may alfo properly be call'd Varronian Satyrs; particularly his True Hiftory: And confequently the Golden Afs of Apuleius, which is taken from him. Of the fame Stamp is the Mock Deification of Clau dius, by Seneca: And the Sympofium or Cæfars of

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Julian the Emperor. Amongst the Moderns we may reckon the Encomium Moria of Erafmus, Barclay's Euphormio, and a Volume of German Authors, which my ingenious Friend Mr. Charles Killigrew once lent me. In the Englife I remem Ι ber none, which are mix'd with Profe, as Varre's were: But of the fame Kind is Mother Hubbard's Tale in Spencer; and (if it be not too vain to mention any-thing of my own) the Poems of Ab falom and Mac Flecno.

This is what I have to fay in general of Satyr: Only as Dacier, has obferv'd before me, we may take notice, That the Word Satyr is of a more general Signification in Latin, than in French, or English. For amongst the Romans it was not only us'd for thofe Difcourfes which decry'd Vice, or expos'd Folly; but for others alfo, where Virtue was recommended. But in our modern Languages we apply it only to the invective Poems, where the very Name of Satyr is formidable to thofe Perfons, who wou'd appear to the World, what they are not in themselves. For in English, to fay Satyr, is to mean Reflection, as we ufe that Word in the worst Senfe; or as the French call it, more properly, Medijance. In the Criticism of Spelling, it ought to be with, and not with y;, to distinguish its true Derivation from Satura, not from Satyrus. And if this be fo, then 'tis falfe fpell'd throughout this Book; for here 'tis written Satyr. Which having not confider'd at the firft, I thought it not worth correcting afterwards. But the French are more nice, and never fpell it any other way than Satire.

I am now arriv'd at the most difficult part of my Undertaking, which is, to compare Horace with Juvenal and Perfius. Fis obferv'd by Rigaltius, in his Preface before Juvenal, written to Thuanus, that


these three Poets have all their particular Partifans, and Favourers: Every Commentator, as he has taken Pains with any of them, thinks himself oblig'd to prefer his Author to the other two: To find out their Failings, and decry them, that he may make room for his own Darling. Such is the Partiality, of Mankind, to fet up that Interest which they have once efpous'd, tho' it be to the Prejudice of Truth, Morality, and common Juftice: And efpecially in the Productions of the Brain. As Authors generally think themselves the beft Poets, because they cannot go out of themselves to judge fincerely of their Betters; fo it is with, Criticks who, having firft taken a Liking to one of thefe Poets, proceed to Comment on him, and to Illuftrate him: After which, they fall in Love with their own Labours, to that degree of blind Fondness, that at length they defend and exalt their Author, not fo much for his Sake as for their own. 'Tis a Folly of the fame Nature, with that of the Ro mans themselves, in their Games of the Circus; the Spectators were divided in their Factions, betwixt the Veneti and the Prafini: Some were for the Charioteer in Blue, and fome for him in Green. The Colours themselves were but a Fancy; but when once a Man had taken Pains to fet out those of his Party, and had been at the trouble of procu ring Voices for them, the Cafe was alter'd: He was concern'd for his own Labour; and that fo earnestly, that Disputes and Quarrels, Animofities, Commotions, and Bloodshed, often happen'd: And in the Declenfion of the Grecian Empire, the very Sovereigns themselves engag'd in it, even when the Barbarians were at their Doors; and ftickl'd for the Preference of Colours, when the Safety of their People was in question. I am now, my felf, on the Brink of the fame Precipice; Í

have spent fome time on the Translation of Juvemal and Perfius; and it behoves me to be wary, left, for that Reafon, I fhou'd be partial to them, or take a Prejudice againft Horace. Yet, on the other Side, I wou'd not be like fome of our Judges, who wou'd give the Caufe for a poor Man, right or wrong: For tho' that be an Error on the better Hand, yet it is ftill a Partiality: And a Rich Man, unheard, cannot be concluded an Oppreffor. A remember a Saying of King Charles II. on Sir Matthew Hales, (who was doubtless an Uncorrupt and Upright Man) That his Servants were fure to be caft on a Tryal, which was heard before him: Not that he thought the Judge was poffible to be brib'd; but that his Integrity might be too fcrupulous: And that the Caufes of the Crown were always fuspicious, when the Privileges of Subje&s were concern'd.

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It had been much fairer, if the modern Criticks, who have embark'd in the Quarrels of their Favo rite Authors, had rather given to each his proper Due; without taking from another's Heap, to raise their own. There is Praise enough for each of them in particular, without encroaching on his Fellows, and detracting from them, or enriching themselves with the Spoils of others. But to come to Particulars: Heinfius and Dacier are the most principal of thofe, who raise Horace, above Ju venal and Perfius. Scaliger the Father, Rigaltius, and many others, debafe Horace, that they may fet up Juvenal: And Cafaubon, who is almoft fingle, throws Dirt on Juvenal and Horace, that he may exalt Perfius, whom he understood particularly well, and better than any of the former Commentators; even Stelluti, who fucceeded him. I will begin with him, who, in my Opinion, defends the weakest Caufe, which is that of Perfius; and labouring,

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