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within; but if we wish to promote the welfare of the individual as well as the race, and we all do, we cannot afford to neglect a single child.

After having recognized the principle that every child is born with the capacity for greatness, the next step is to so train the child that everything he may do will tend to bring out the ability the talent and the genius that does exist within him. And every child does possess the capacity for extraordinary greatness; it is one of the many things that we all inherit from our Supreme Source; this modern psychology has demonstrated conclusively; therefore, we should act accordingly, thus making it possible for every person to be all he can be.Extract from "The Scientific Training of Children, by C. D. Larson in Eternal Progress, October 1907.



"The Beauty of the House-is Order.
The Blessing of the House-is Content.
The Glory of the House-is Hospitality.

The Crown of the House-is God-like-ness.”

There is a charming grace universally used in Germany by old and young which I believe dates back to the days of Luther and which I translate as follows>

"Come Jesus Christ, be now our Guest

For all our food by thee is blest."


"Christ is today our heavenly Guest

And all we eat by Him is blest."

It would be charming to use in English garb a thought that has for many years issued in German from many devout and faithful hearts. Pretty stories are told in German nurseries of the sudden appearance of a stranger under humble or lofty roofs, at the pronouncing of this grace, who shared the meal and disappeared, leaving ample and overflowing blessings. In some homes a spare place is always laid for the Divine Guest.

(Contributed by Rachel Knight, London, England.)

I want to add to the list of "table blessings," one we have used for a long time. It has radiated Love and thanksgiving around us while we were partaking of our food:

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"Our Father, we do acknowledge Thee, in all of our ways, as is the command in the thoughts we think, in the words we speak, in the good we eat, and in the liquids we drink.”



There's a little paper coming to our exchange table, which should interest all who are endeavoring to establish the idea of purity in Home and Nation. Here are some of the good things it believes:

"The divine right of every child to be well born and welcomed into existence.

"The improvement of the race through the observance of pre-natal laws and the best possible environ


"The right of the wife to determine when she shall assume maternal office.

"That The Scriptures, rightly interpreted, favor the highest purity.

"That-Continence during pregnacy is an essential factor to the health of both mother and child.

" That-The true home is the most vital factor in the elevation of mankind and the prosperity and greatness of a nation therefore, the purity and enlightenment of the home, through its individual members, transcends every other movement in importance and magnitude.

Life may be and should be as pure and holy in its inception as it is possible for it ever to become."

The Purity Journal, now in its 23d year is published in the interest of what Miss Willard called the "greatest reform the world will ever see," the divine right of every child to be well born.

The editors and publishers are working from purely philanthropic motives and will be glad to send a sample

copy and full particulars of their work to any interested person. Questions on human improvement, health, happiness and for relief of anyone in trouble are answered without charge.

A specialty is made of the subject of prenatal influences, maternal impressions, hereditary and environ


If interested, send for sample copy and full particulars. They will cost you nothing, and may be of inestimable value to you and yours.

Address the National Purity Association, 79 Fifth

Ave., Chicago.


H. T. WIEGel.

Our Father who art in Heaven

We reverence Thy name,

May Thy Kingdom be realized in us

And may Thy will be done in us as it is in Christ; May we realize daily that Thou hast blessed us with an abundance of good, sufficient and beyond all our needs;

May we freely forgive everything done against us in order that we may receive Thy love, goodness and mercy, even as we crave;

May we never look backward while in temptation, And may we always be speedily delivered from adverse ways;

For Thine is the Love, the Mercy, the Goodness, the Strength, the Wisdom and the Power always and forever.

I hold it truth, with him who sings
To one clear harp in divers tones,
That men may rise on stepping stones
Of their dead selves to higher things.


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Be still and know that I am God."


is found when many people hold the same thought there is unity, although they may be separted by thousands of miles, and that all who are conected with that unity are in touch with higher spiritual states, even Jezus Christ.

So there has gradually grown up this Society of Silent Unity, in which thousands in all parts of the world join every night at 9 o'clock in thinking for a few moments one thought, which is given each month in the magazine UNITY. This we call the "Class Thought," and every member is expected to hold it at least five minutes at the beginning of the silence, in order to make the unity connection; after which, "Ask what ye will in my name, and it shall be done unto you."

Certificates of membership are issued without charge to those who make personal written application for them. To meet expenses, we ask members to send us freewill offerings, as no charge is made for any service we render.

This Society has been in existence nearly twenty years, and has about 20,000 registered members. Through its ministry thousands have been healed mentally and physically, and its power grows stronger day by day. The silent hour is 9 p. m., your local time. The Spirit will adjust geographical differences in time.

Beginners usually have a great many questions to ask, and they require a course of lessons and reading. To such we recommend the "Lessons in Truth," by H. Emilie Cady. Cloth, $1.00: paper, 50 cents, and Christian Healing," by Charles Fillmore. Paper, 60 cents; cloth, $1.25; or UNITY and Christian Healing." by Charles Fillmore, $1.45; or UNITY and "Lessons in Truth," by H. Emilie Cady, $.35. A Special Course of Lessons by Correspondence will be given to those desiring it.

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UNITY is published monthly, and contains a large amount of instruction. The price of it is $.00 per year.

Absent healing is just as effective as present healing. We treat people in all parts of the world, also in the next block, without seeing them. People here in the city call us by 'phone and get relief quickly. We can be reached day and night by letter, telegraph or telephone. Give name of patient and trouble in telegram.

The Unity Tract Society is the business department, and the Society of Silent Unity is the healing department. Please keep them separate in your communications.

The simple written request to be enrolled a member of the Silent Unity Society is all that is required to ioin with us. Address



Unity Building, 913 Tracy Ave.,




JUNE 20, 1910 TO JULY 20, 1910


In Quietness and Confidence shall be your




JUNE 20, 1910 TO JULY 20, 1910


My Thought is rich with the Bounty of God.


From Letters Written to Students and Patients by the Society of Silent Unity

These extracts represent the general trend of the doctrine taught at this Center, and they will be helpful to all who are under instruction or treatments.

It is written we should not grieve the Spirit, but neither should we grieve the flesh, which is the expression of Spirit. Let there be no separation. Know you are Spirit and your body is spiritual. Every atom of your being is filled with intelligent life. Do not condemn your body, neither resent pain; both attitudes of mind cause tension, and hinder the Spirit in doing its perfect work. Look upon pain as an indication of a need calling for adjustment, and use your words wisely.

Lift up, redeem and renew your body by pouring out upon it words of love, joy and praise; and the Christ Life present in every atom of your being will respond with renewed and peaceful activity. The song of your soul will be. "Hail, the King of Life."





There is a knowing of Omnipresence that excludes

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