Make God Your Senior PartnerXulon Press, 2004 - 648 sidor Anyone who is struggling, spiritually, mentally, physically, socially and/or financially, can, by reading this daily directional step by step book, touch God's Heart who holds your full answer in His Hand. |
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Vanliga ord och fraser
ask Holy Spirit ask the Holy believe blessing Blood of Jesus body of Christ broken heart called Christ Jesus Christians Chronicles 7:14 church contrite spirit cross daily devil earth faith feel focus on Christ focus on Jesus forgive free to worship full of Jesus fullness of Christ Galations 2:20 Genesis Gethsemane Glorify God Your Senior God's Glory God's plan heal Heavenly Father household humble hunger for Christ hungry for Jesus IBPM Worship Center intimate Isaiah John King and Master King Jesus Kingly Anointing Luke Matthew mentally mind ministry Note obedient Peace Peter Pharisees pray prayer precious Holy Spirit religion religious Remember renounce repent Resurrected reveal the fullness revival satan seek His face Senior Partner socially and financially souls Spirit is saying Spirit to give Spirit to help things Thor tithe touch Christ touch Jesus Christ trust unto Victoria vision walk wants woman word Yes Lord Zechariah 4:6