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one Englishman (Smith), the Otaheitan women, and the children.

Thus left to their own exertions, Smith and the women applied themselves to tilling the ground; in which they cultivated plantains, nuts, bananas, yams, and cocoas. Their animals consisted of pigs and fowls; but having no boilers, they dressed their food after the manner of Otaheite. They made cloth, and clothed themselves also like the Otaheitans. Thus situated, they were at length discovered by an American captain, who chanced to sail that way. At this time the children had grown to be men and women; and the population amounted to thirty-nine. They looked upon Smith as their patriarch; they spoke English; and they were brought up under his tuition, in a moral and religious manner.

Some time after they were discovered, their population increased considerably; they parted with their still, and obtained a boat. Their ceremonies of marriage, baptism, and funerals, were plain and simple; none of them learnt to read; but great strictness was observed in respect to religious duty. Many ships afterwards visited them: and in September, 1819, a subscription was entered into, at Calcutta, to supply them with ploughs and other useful articles. These were sent by Captain Henderson, who undertook to land them in the Hercules, on his voyage to Chili. In 1819, not a quarrel had taken place among the inhabitants for eighteen years!

Since the above was written, they have quitted the island. A letter from Sydney, dated June 12, 1831, states, that the Surry had touched some time before at this island, and found the inhabitants living in an undisturbed security, and apparently blessed with every possible happiness. Capt. Beechey, also, gives, in his voyage to the Pacific, a very agreeable account of them. In August, 1831, however, an American a Vol. i. p. 27, 4to.

newspaper informed us, that Captain Wilcox, of the whaling ship Maria Theresa, had arrived at Bedford, and stated, that while he was at Otaheite the English transport-ship, the Lucian, arrived there with all the inhabitants of Pitcairn's Island, for the purpose of settling them at Otaheite, on account of a scarcity of water.

In December, 1831, it was stated in an English newspaper, that they had been removed to Otaheite by his Majesty's ship the Comet; that they amounted to eighty-six persons; and that they appeared to be dissatisfied with the Otaheitans for being too dissolute. Is innocence never to have a resting-place a?

a They have since returned to their own island. "At the time of Captain Beechey's visit, considerable apprehensions were entertained, that, by the rapid increase of the colony, the island might prove inadequate to the support of its inhabitants. It, therefore, appeared desirable to remove them to some other island, which offered a more certain prospect of support for their increasing numbers. Accordingly, an arrangement having been effected between the British Government and the authorities of Otaheite, for a grant of land for their use on that island, the Comet sloop, Captain Sandilands, arrived at Pitcairn's Island on the 28th of February, 1831, and offered to take on board any of the inhabitants who were desirous of removing to Otaheite. On the 7th of March, the whole colony had accepted the offer, and, with their little property, sailed for that island. Their reception was cordial and friendly, and they were located on a rich tract of land; but the experiment did not succeed. The manners of the Otaheitans were so different from their own, and the dissolute conduct of some so disgusted them, that they were unhappy; they were also attacked with diseases new to them, and seventeen of their number died. They requested to be allowed to return, and were, accordingly, put on board an American vessel, and taken back to their native island. Subsequent accounts state, that their transient stay at Otaheite was by no means favourable to their morals; it had unsettled them, and some had addicted themselves to drunkenness, and others to bad vices. In addition to this, John Buffet, and two other Englishmen of dissolute habits, had married native women, and settled on the island, and their influence had tended greatly to demoralise the colony. The latter, however, had been brought to a sense of their duty by the timely arrival of a respectable gentleman, named Joshua Hill, who, at the age of seventy years, had left England to settle amongst them, as their pastor and preceptor. At his suggestion they destroyed their stills, established a temperance society, and returned in some measure to their former state of order and moral discipline. They are happy at having got back; and the three Englishmen who had done so much harm by their immoral example, agreed to leave


THE manner in which cities have been founded, and states organised, is another interesting subject for remark. Colonies have been formed, as checks on conquered countries; as media of extending particular branches of commerce; or in order to discharge a superabundant population. Some by persons, labouring under civil or military inconveniences; others by martyrs in the cause of their faith. Some derived their origin from contagious disorders, ambition of chiefs, vows, or commands of oracles. The Greeks established theirs for all of these causes; but chiefly in order to relieve their cities from a redundancy of inhabitants. The Tartars, Huns, Goths, and Vandals, emigrated with similar views; the Romans formed colonies as checks on the countries they had conquered; the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, French, and English, chiefly for the purposes of commerce.

The most celebrated of colonial establishments in ancient times, were those of the Italians in Sicily, before Christ 1294; of Evander, who led a colony of Greeks into Italy in 1243; of the Phoenicians to Carthage, 1235; of the Ionian colonies in 1044; of the Messenians to Rhegium in 723; and of the Athenians to Byzantium in 670. Miletus, the Athens of Ionia, sent many colonies along the shores of the Euxine, Propontis, and Hellespont. The Cretans, previous to the time of Agamemnon, had made settlements on many coasts of Europe and Asia: while the Samians sent a colony even to Upper Egypt. Samos itself, after many revolu-tions, was colonized by the Athenians, and partitioned into two thousand parts; one part being apportioned to one colonist.

the island. The latest return made their numbers seventy-nine; and a closer examination of the island has proved that it is capable of supporting one thousand persons; so that no apprehensions of an overgrown population need be entertained for many years to come."

The Lydians colonized Tuscany; the Rhodians founded Naples, and some cities in Iberia; while the Phocians sent a colony to Marseilles. This settlement was highly important for the harmony, which, for so many ages, it preserved; and for the benefits which resulted to the country, in which it was established:-Marseilles being the Athens, Oxford, and Cambridge, for the youths of Gaul, and no inconsiderable portion of Spain, Germany, and Britain. It is curious to remark, however, that though Marseilles was eminent for so many ages, not one author, residing within its walls, has survived the wreck of learning and science.

The most remarkable emigration, in modern times, is that of 500,000 Tour-Goths, from the shores of the Caspian to the Chinese frontiers. Nor did ever a government receive a greater insult, than that of Russia in the resolution of those emigrants to encounter so long and so difficult a journey, in order to throw themselves under the protection of a foreign prince, rather than submit to the insults of an unprincipled conquest.

But history presents no colonization, so agreeable to the imagination as that of Pennsylvania by the immortal Penn; whose enlightened philosophy, private and public difficulties, faith with the native Americans; the urbanity of his companions; their order, purity, and precision; present a combined picture, whether relating to manners or to circumstances, which throw into the shade the whole history of empires:-deformed, as it is, with every variety, arising out of sacrilege, robbery, treachery, assassination, and public murder ;-sanctioned by custom, dignified by law, and hallowed into glory.

The United States of America are chiefly indebted for their population, civilization, and consequent power, to the impolicy of European administrations: factions, civil wars, difficulties in procuring subsistence, or the hope of bettering their condition, having induced a great number of Swiss,

German, French, Irish, Scotch, and English emigrants to quit their native soils, and seek in a distant country subsistence and repose.

One observation, however, in respect to colonies, it is very important to record. They are mere merchants: seeming to have no conception beyond the vulgar wants and passions of life. What have the colonists either of Spain, Portugal, France, or England, done for the imagination, or the judgment, of superior men? Those settled in Africa, nothing; in America, nothing; and in Asia, comparatively nothing;—if we except a few translations, and a few treatises on local antiquities. In Greece it was otherwise. Nor is it possible to contemplate, without the liveliest admiration, the gems both of history and of poetry, that the Greek colonists of Sicily, Doria, and Ionia, left for the instruction and delight of mankind. Scarcely a city of those countries, but has recommended itself to the gratitude of posterity! Homer, Theocritus, Herodotus;-but the list were multitudinous.

Liberty came from the North; the sciences and the arts from Egypt, Greece, Arabia, and other parts of the East. These we have imported with safety; since we have had sufficient grace to perceive, that despotism was unworthy of importation. But as a drawback on these advantages, Europe owes some of its disorders to her intercourse with Asia. It is remarkable that in the year, which gave birth to Mahomet, the measles, the small-pox, and the hydrophobia, were first known in Arabia. The two former emigrated from Ethiopia. These disorders have subsequently been transplanted into Europe.

As Europe, in this particular, has suffered by an intercourse with the East,-Africa and the Pacific are under a similar disobligation to Europe. The Portuguese introduced the gonorrhoea and the elephantiasis into the Congo country:

This was written in 1817.

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