Sidor som bilder

Stand up, ftand up, thou falfe traitòre,

And fight upon thy feete,

For and thou thriveft, as thou beginneft,
Of height wee shal be meete.

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There came a lazar to the kings gates, 1

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King Henrye ran to clafpe his queene,
And loofed her full fone:

Then turnd to look for the tinye boye;

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The lazar under the gallowes tree]
Was comelye, ftraight and tall;

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King Henrye made him his head stewarde
To wayte withinn his hall,








It is ever the fate of a difgraced minister to be forsaken by his friends, and infulted by his enemies, always reckoning among the latter the giddy inconftant multitude. have here a spurn at fallen greatness from some angry partifan of declining popery, who could never forgive the 'downfall of their Diana, and lofs of their craft. The ballad Seems to have been composed between the time of Cromwell's commitment to the tower Jun. 11. 1540, and that of his being beheaded July 28, following. A Short interval ! buc Henry's paffion for Catharine Howard would admit no delay, Notwithstanding our libeller, Cromwell had excellent qualities; his great fault was too much obfequioufneß to the arbitrary WILL of his master; but let it be confidered that this master

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master had raised him from obscurity, and that the high-born` nobility had shewn him the way in every kind of mean and Servile compliance. The original copy printed at London in 1540, is intitled "A newe ballade made of Thomas Crum"wel, called TROLLE ON AWAY." To it is prefixed this diftich by way of burthen,

Trolle on away, trolle on awaye.

Synge heave and howe rombelowe trolle on away.

OTH man and chylde is glad to here tell


Of that falfe traytoure Thomas Crumwel,

Now that he is fet to learne to fpell.

Synge trolle on away.

When fortune loky'd the in thy face,

Thou haddyft fayre tyme, but thou lackydyft grace;

Thy cofers with golde thou fyllydft a pace.

Both plate and chalys came to thy fyst,

Synge, &c.

Thou lockydft them vp where no man wyft,

Tyll in the kynges treafoure fuche thinges were myft,

Synge, &c,

Both cruft and crumme came thorowe thy handes, 10
Thy marchaundyfe fayled over the fandes,
Therfore nowe thou art layde faft in bandes.

Synge, &c.

Fyrfte when kynge Henry, God faue his grace!
Perceyud myfchefe kyndlyd in thy face,
Then it was tyme to purchase the a place.

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Hys grace was euer of gentyll nature,

Mouyd with petye, and made the hys feruyture,
But thou, as a wretche, fuche thinges dyd procure.

Thou dyd not remembre, falfe heretyke,

Synge, &c.

One God, one fayth, and one kinge catholyke,
For thou haft bene fo long a fcyfmatyke.

Synge, &c.

Thou woldyft not learne to knowe these thre,

But eher was full of iniquite;

Wherfore all this lande hathe ben troubled with the.


All they, that were of the new trycke,
Agaynft the churche thou baddeft them ftycke,
Wherfore nowe thou hafte touchyd the quycke,

Bothe facramentes and facramentalles

Synge, &c.


Synge, &c.

Thou woldyft not fuffre within thy walles;
Nor let vs praye for all chryften foules,


Synge, &c.

Of what generacyon thou were no tonge can tell,
Whyther of Chayme, or Syschemell,

Or elfe fent vs frome the deuyll of hell.

Thou woldest neuer to vertue applye,

Synge, &c.

But couetyd euer to clymme to hye,
And nowe hafte thou trodden thy fhoo awrye.


Synge, &c.


Who-fo- euer dyd winne thon wolde not lofe,
Wherfore al Englande doth hate the as I fuppofe,
Bycause thou waft falfe to the redolent rofe.

Synge, &c.

Thou myghteft haue learned thy cloth to flocke,
Upon thy grefy fullers stocke;

Wherfore lay downe thy heade vpon this blocke.

Synge, &c.,

Yet faue that foule, that God hath bought,

And for thy carcas care thou nought,
Let it fuffre payne, as it hath wrought.



Synge, &c.

God faue kyng Henry with all his pover,
And prynce Edwarde that goodly flowre,
With all hys lordes of great honoure.

Synge trollejon awaye, fyng trolle on away.
Hevye and how rombelove trolle on awaye.




This beautiful poem, which is perhaps the first attempt at pastoral writing in our language, is preserved among the SONGS AND SONNETTES of the earl of Surrey, &c. 4to. 1574. in that part of the collection, which confifts of pieces by UNCERTAIN AUCTOUrs. Thefe poems were first published in 1557, ten years after that accomplished nobleman fell a victim to the tyranny of Henry VIII : but it is preSumed

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