The Works of the English Poets: Dryden's virgilH. Hughs, 1779 |
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Sida 8
... Fame is blown : Through the fhort circuit of th ' Arcadian town , Of Pallas flain by Fame , which just before His triumphs on diftended pinions bore . Rushing from out the gate , the people stand , Each with a funeral flambeau in his ...
... Fame is blown : Through the fhort circuit of th ' Arcadian town , Of Pallas flain by Fame , which just before His triumphs on diftended pinions bore . Rushing from out the gate , the people stand , Each with a funeral flambeau in his ...
Sida 20
... fame , and thirst of power , A beauteous princefs , with a crown in dower , So fire your mind , in arms affert your right ; And meet your foe , who dares you to the fight . Mankind , it seems , is made for you alone ; We , but the ...
... fame , and thirst of power , A beauteous princefs , with a crown in dower , So fire your mind , in arms affert your right ; And meet your foe , who dares you to the fight . Mankind , it seems , is made for you alone ; We , but the ...
Sida 27
... fame , with thine . The Trojan ( not in ftratagem unskill'd ) 7756 Sends his light horfe before , to fcour the field : Himself , through fteep afcents and thorny brakes , A larger compass to the city takes . This news my scouts confirm ...
... fame , with thine . The Trojan ( not in ftratagem unskill'd ) 7756 Sends his light horfe before , to fcour the field : Himself , through fteep afcents and thorny brakes , A larger compass to the city takes . This news my scouts confirm ...
Sida 35
... fame weapon , fent from the fame hand , Both fall together , and both spurn the fand . Amaftrus next is added to the flain : The rest in rout the follows o'er the plain : Tereus , Harpalicus , Demophoon , And Chromys , at full speed her ...
... fame weapon , fent from the fame hand , Both fall together , and both spurn the fand . Amaftrus next is added to the flain : The rest in rout the follows o'er the plain : Tereus , Harpalicus , Demophoon , And Chromys , at full speed her ...
Sida 40
... fame . Let me , by stealth , this female plague o'ercome , And from the field return inglorious home . 1160 Apollo heard , and , granting half his prayer , 1165 Shuffled in winds the reft , and tofs'd in empty air . He gives the death ...
... fame . Let me , by stealth , this female plague o'ercome , And from the field return inglorious home . 1160 Apollo heard , and , granting half his prayer , 1165 Shuffled in winds the reft , and tofs'd in empty air . He gives the death ...
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Æneas Æneid againſt almoſt alſo anſwer arms Auguſtus becauſe beſides beſt betwixt buſineſs Cæfar Cafaubon cauſe cloſe courſe courſers defire deſign eaſe Engliſh Ennius Ev'n eyes fafely faid falſe fame fate fatire fatyrs fear fide fight firſt flain flaves foes fome foul fuch give gods Grecians hand haſte heaven honour Horace houſe inſtructive juſt Juturna Juvenal laſt Latin leaſt leſs Livius Andronicus lord Lordſhip Lucilius maſter Menippus moſt muſt numbers o'er obſerved Pacuvius paſs Perfius perfons pleaſe pleaſure poem poet poetry praiſe preſent Quintilian raiſe reaſon refuſe reſt Roman Rome ſame ſatire ſay ſcarce ſecond ſee ſeems ſeen Sejanus ſenſe ſeveral ſhades ſhall ſhare ſhe ſhew ſhield ſhort ſhould ſhoulders ſky ſome ſpeak ſpear ſpoils ſpread ſtand ſtate ſtill ſtore ſtrength ſubject ſuch ſword thee theſe thoſe thou Trojan Turnus uſe Varro verſe vices Virgil whoſe wife words would'ſt
Populära avsnitt
Sida 203 - I consulted a greater genius (without offence to the manes of that noble author) I mean Milton; but as he endeavours every where to express Homer, whose age had not arrived to that fineness, I found in him a true sublimity, lofty thoughts which were clothed with admirable Grecisms, and ancient words...
Sida 274 - And make the neighbouring monarchs fear their fate. He laughs at all the vulgar cares and fears ; At their vain triumphs, and their vainer tears: An equal temper in his mind he found, When fortune flattered him, and when she frowned.
Sida 184 - This is the mystery of that noble trade, which yet no master can teach to his apprentice ; he may give the rules, but the scholar is never the nearer in his practice.
Sida 34 - And when, too closely press'd, she quits the ground, From her bent bow she sends a backward wound. Her maids, in martial pomp, on either side...
Sida 118 - I had intended to have put in practice, (though far unable for the attempt of such a poem,) and to have left the stage, to which my genius never much inclined me, for a work which would have taken up my life in the performance of it. This too I had intended chiefly for the honour of my native country, to which a poet is particularly obliged. Of two subjects, both relating to it...
Sida 260 - The critic-dame, who at her table sits, Homer and Virgil quotes, and weighs their wits; And pities Dido's agonizing fits. She has so far th...
Sida 336 - Tis not, indeed, my talent to 'engage In lofty trifles, or to swell my page With wind and noise...
Sida 95 - Donne alone, of all our countrymen, had your talent ; but was not happy enough to arrive at your versification ; and were he translated into numbers, and English, he would yet be wanting in the dignity of expression.
Sida 183 - How easy it is to call rogue and villain, and that wittily! but how hard to make a man appear a fool, a blockhead, or a knave, without using any of those opprobrious terms!
Sida 271 - Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own good, or knowing it pursue.