The Works of the English Poets: Dryden's virgil

H. Hughs, 1779

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Sida 203 - I consulted a greater genius (without offence to the manes of that noble author) I mean Milton; but as he endeavours every where to express Homer, whose age had not arrived to that fineness, I found in him a true sublimity, lofty thoughts which were clothed with admirable Grecisms, and ancient words...
Sida 274 - And make the neighbouring monarchs fear their fate. He laughs at all the vulgar cares and fears ; At their vain triumphs, and their vainer tears: An equal temper in his mind he found, When fortune flattered him, and when she frowned.
Sida 184 - This is the mystery of that noble trade, which yet no master can teach to his apprentice ; he may give the rules, but the scholar is never the nearer in his practice.
Sida 34 - And when, too closely press'd, she quits the ground, From her bent bow she sends a backward wound. Her maids, in martial pomp, on either side...
Sida 118 - I had intended to have put in practice, (though far unable for the attempt of such a poem,) and to have left the stage, to which my genius never much inclined me, for a work which would have taken up my life in the performance of it. This too I had intended chiefly for the honour of my native country, to which a poet is particularly obliged. Of two subjects, both relating to it...
Sida 260 - The critic-dame, who at her table sits, Homer and Virgil quotes, and weighs their wits; And pities Dido's agonizing fits. She has so far th...
Sida 336 - Tis not, indeed, my talent to 'engage In lofty trifles, or to swell my page With wind and noise...
Sida 95 - Donne alone, of all our countrymen, had your talent ; but was not happy enough to arrive at your versification ; and were he translated into numbers, and English, he would yet be wanting in the dignity of expression.
Sida 183 - How easy it is to call rogue and villain, and that wittily! but how hard to make a man appear a fool, a blockhead, or a knave, without using any of those opprobrious terms!
Sida 271 - Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own good, or knowing it pursue.

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