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For I come hither arm'd against my self:
Stay not, be gone; Live, and hereafter say,
A mad Man's Mercy bid thee run away.
Par. I do defie thy Commiseration,

And apprehend thee for a Fellon here.

Rom. Wilt thou provoke me? Then have at thee Boy.

[They Fight, Paris falls.

Pag. O Lord they Fight, I will go call thee Watch.
Par. O I am flain; if thou be Merciful,

Open the Tomb, lay me with Juliet.

Rom. In Faith I will: Let me peruse this Face -
Mercutio's Kinsman! Noble County Paris!
What faid my Man, when my betossed Soul
Did not attend him as we rode? I think
He told me Paris should have married Juliet.
Said he not fo? Or did I dream it so?
Or am I mad, hearing him talk of Juliet,
To think it was so? O give me thy Hand,
One writ with me in sour Misfortune's Book,
I'll bury thee in a triumphant Grave.
A Grave? O no a Lanthorn, flaughter'd Youth:
For here lyes Juliet, and her Beauty makes
This Vault a Feafting Presence full of Light.
Death, lye thou there, by a dead Man interr'd.
How oft when Men are at the Point of Death,
Have they been Merry? Which their Keepers call
A Lightning before Death? O how may I
Call this a Lightning? O my Love, my Wife,
Death that hath fuckt the Honey of thy Breath,
Hath had no Power yet upon thy Beauty:
Thou art not Conquer'd, Beauties Enfign yet
Is Crimson in thy Lips, and in thy Cheeks,
And Death's pale Flag is not advanced there.
Tybalt, ly'st thou there in thy bloody Sheet ?
O what more Favour can I do to thee,

Then with that Hand that cut thy Youth in twain,
To funder his that was thy Enemy ?
Forgive me, Coufin. Ah dear Juliet :
Why art thou yet so fair? I will believe,
Shall I believe, that unsubstantial Death is Amorous?

And that the lean abhorred Monster, keeps

Thee here in Dark, to be his Paramour ?


For fear of that, I still will stay with thee,
And never from this Palace of dim Night
Depart again: Come lye thou in my Arms,
Here's to thy Health, where-e'er thou tumblest in.
O true Apothecary!

O here

Thy Drugs are quick. Thus with a Kiss I die,
Depart again; here, here will I remain,
With Worms that are thy Chamber-Maids;
Will I fet up my Everlasting rest;
And shake the Yoak of inauspicious Stars
From this World's wearied Flesh, Eyes look your last.
Arms take your last Embrace; and Lips, O you
The Doors of Breath, seal with a Righteous Kiss
A dateless Bargain to engrossing Death:
Come bitter Conduct, come unfavoury Guide,
Thou defperate Pilot, now at once run on
The dashing Rocks thy Sea-fick weary Bark:
Here's to my Love. O true Apothecary!
Thy Drugs are quick. Thus with a Kiss I die.
Enter Friar Lawrence with Lanthorn, Crow, and Spade.
Fri. St. Francis be my speed, how oft to Night
Have my old Feet stumbled at Graves? Who's there?
Pet. Here's one, a Friend, and one that knows you well.
Fri. Bliss be upon you. Tell me, good my Friend,

What Torch is yond, that vainly lends his Light
To grubs and eyeless Sculls? As I difcern,
It burneth in the Capulets Monument.
Pet. It doth so, Holy Sir.

And there's my Master, one that you Love.

Fri. Who is it?

Pet. Romeo.

Fri. How long hath he been there?
Pet. Full half an hour.

Fri. Go with me to the Vault.

Pet. I dare not, Sir.

My Master knows not but I am gone hence,
And fearfully did menace me with Death,

If I did stay to look on his Intents.

Fri. Stay, then I'll go alone; fears comes upon me;

O much I fear fome ill unlucky thing.


Pet. As I did fleep under this young Tree here,

I dreamt my Master and another fought,

And that my Master slew him.

Fri. Romeo!

Alack, alack, what Blood is this which stains
The stony Entrance of this Sepulchre?
What mean these Masterless and Goary Swords
To lie discolour'd by this place of Peace?
Romeo! oh pale! Who elfe? What Paris too?
And steep'd in Blood? Ah what an unkind Hour
Is guilty of this lamentable Chance?
The Lady stirs.

Jul. O comfortable Friar, where's my Lord?
I do remember well where I should be;
And there I am; where is my Romeo?

Fri. I hear some noise, Lady, come from that Neft
Of Death, Contagion, and unnatural Sleep;
A greater Power than we can contradict
Hath thwarted our Intents; come, come away,
Thy Husband in thy Bofom there lyes Dead,
And Paris too-Come I'll dispose of thee,
Among a Sisterhood of Holy Nuns:
Stay not to question, for the Watch is coming,
Come, go good Juliet, I dare no longer stay.


Ful. Go, get thee hence, for I will not away.
What's here? A Cup clos'd in my true Love's hand?
Poison I fee hath been his timeless End.

O Churl, drink all, and left no Friendly drop,
To help me after? I will Kiss thy Lips,
Haply some Poifon yet doth Hang on them,
To make me Die with a Restorative.

Thy Lips are warm.

Enter Boy and Watch.

Watch. Lead Boy, which way?

Jul. Yea, noise ?

Then I'll be brief. O happy Dagger,


Tis in thy Sheath, there rust and let me die.

Boy. This is the place,

There where the Torch doth burn.

[Kills her self...


Watch. The Ground is bloody,
Search about the Church-yard.
Go some of you, who e'er you find attach.
Pitiful fight! here lyes the County flain,
And Juliet bleeding, warm, and newly dead,
Who here hath lain these two Days buried.
Go tell the Prince, run to the Capulets,
Raife up the Mountagues, some others search
We fee the Ground whereon these Woes do lye;
But the true Ground of all these piteous Woes
We cannot without Circumstance defcry.

Enter some of the Watch with Romeo's Man.
2 Watch. Here's Romeo's Man,
We found him in the Church-yard.

Watch. Hold him in safety, 'till the Prince comes hither.
Enter Friar and a third Watchman.

3 Watch. Here is a Friar that trembles, sighs and weeps : We took this Mattock and this Spade from him, As he was coming from this Church-yard fide.

Watch. A great Suspicion, stay the Friar too.
Enter the Prince and Attendants.

Prince. What misadventure is so early up,
That calls our Person from our Mornings Rest?
Enter Capulet and Lady Capulet.

Cap. What should it be that they so shriekabroad?
La. Cap. O the People in the Street cry Romeo,

Some Juliet, and fome Paris, and all run

With open out-cry toward our Monument.

Prince. What Fear is this which startles in your Ears ?
Watch. Soveraign, here lyes the County Paris flain,

And Romeo dead, and Juliet dead before,

Warm and new kill'd.

Prince. Search,

Seek, and know how this foul Murther comes.

Watch. Here is a Friar, and slaughter'd Romeo's Man,

With Instruments upon them, fit to open

These dead Mens Tombs.

Cap. O Heaven!

O Wife, look how our Daughter bleeds!
This Dagger hath mista'en, for loe his House


Is empty on the back of Mountague,

And is mif-sheathed in my Daughter's Bosom.

La. Cap. O me, this fight of Death is as a Bell,

That warns my old Age to a Sepulcher.

Enter Mountague.

Pri. Come, Mountague, for thou art early up
To fee thy Son and Heir now early down.

Moun. Alas, my Liege, my Wife is dead to Night,
Grief of my Son's Exile hath stop'd her Breath:
What further Wo conspires against my Age?
Pri. Look, and thou shalt fee.

Moun. O thou untaught, what Manners is in this,
To press before thy Father to a Grave?

Pri. Seal up the mouth of Out-rage for a while,
'Till we can clear these Ambiguities,
And know their Spring, their Head, their true Descent;
And then will I be General of your Woes,
And lead you even to Death. Mean time forbear,
And let Mifchance be Slave to Patience.
Bring forth the Parties of Suspicion.

Fri. I am the greatest, able to do leaft,
Yet most suspected, as the Time and Place
Doth make against me, of this direful Murther :
And here I stand both to Impeach and Purge
My felf Condemned, and my self Excus'd.

Pri. Then say at once what thou dost know in this?
Fri. I will be brief, for my short date of Breath
Is not so long as is a tedious Tale.
Romeo, there dead, was Husband to that Juliet;
And the there dead, that Romeo's faithful Wife:
I Married them; and their stoln Marriage Day
Was Tybalt's Dooms-day, whose untimely Death
Banish'd the new-made Bridegroom from this City;
For whom, and not for Tybalt, Juliet pin'd.
You, to remove that Siege of Grief from her,
Betroth'd, and would have Married her perforce
To County Paris. Then comes the to me,
And, with wild Looks, bid me devise some means

To rid her from this second Marriage,

Or in my Cell there would she kill her self.


[blocks in formation]
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