Sidor som bilder


yelding theselues to the right high and excellent Prince, the Lorde William Prince of Orrange, Countie of Nassau, &c. With a lamentable Discourse of the calamities, great hunger & extreame miseries that they sustayned, before they yelded vp the sayd Townes. Translated out of the ducthe Coppy, printed at Dordrecht. Anno 1574. Imprinted at London, by Richarde Jhones. 8°, black letter, 8 leaves. Lambeth.

A iustification or cleering of the Prince of Orendge agaynst the false sclaunders, wherwith his il willers goe about to charge him wrongfully. [Quotations.] Imprinted at London by Iohn Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate. Feb. 24. These bookes are to be sold at his long shop at the West doore of Paules. [1575.] 8°, A-M in eights, first two and last two leaves blank.

Certein Letters Wherin is set forth a Discourse of the Peace that was attempted and sought to haue bin put in effecte by the Lords and States of Holland and Zelande in the yeare of oure Lorde 1574. Also a Svpplication put vp by the saide States of Hollande and Zeland, and other places of the Low Countryes to the King: together with the aunswere and a Reply vppon the same, and diuers other particularities. [Quot. from Psalm 28.] Imprinted at London in Fleete-streate by Thomas Marshe. Anno 1576. 8°, italic letter, A-E in eights, and the title, followed by an Epistle "To his very friend E. B. esquier affectionate friend and deuotiste seruant vnto the fayre and vertuous Lady the Comtesse of Culenberghe," a-b in eights. Lambeth.


Tydynges of a Huge and Ougly Childe borne at Arneheim in Gelderland. Licensed to H. Kirkham, 31 Dec. 1576. The Aduise and answer of my Lord ye Prince of Orenge, Coutie Nassau &c. and of ye States of Holland and Zeland, made by the Estates Generall on this side, vpon the Articles cōteined and after concluded and accorded in fauour of a pertuall Edict between Lord Don Iohn Duke of Austrich... of the part and in the name of the Catholick King of Spaine of the one partie and the said generall Estates of the other. Translated out of Dutch into English. Imprinted at London by Iohn Iugge and Iohn Allde. [1577.] 80, 8 leaves. Lambeth. A warnynge songe to Cities all To beware by Andwerps fall.


Licensed to Richard Jones and John Charlwood, 25 Jan. 1577.

Query, by Ralph Norris.

newes out of the Lowe Cuntrey. Printed by John Charlwood without license, for which he was fined, 20 Sept. 1578.

Certen newes of the prynce of Parma. Licensed to R. Jones (by way of fine), 15 June, 1579.

A Report of an assalt against Mastricht the .26. of April 1579. Licensed to Richard Adams, 26 June, 1579.

A true declaracon of ye greate valiancye of ye noble towne of Mastricht. Licensed to John Charlwood, 21 July, 1579. A declaracon of the prince of Orange exhibited vnto the deputies of the generall estates the ixth of January 1580. Licensed to William Ponsonby, 9 Febr. 1579–80. A thinge of Gaunt. Licensed to Richard Day, 11 April, 1580.

ij thinges of newes in the Lowe Countreyes and in Frizelande. Licensed to T. Dawson, 27 June, 1580. A true Copy of a Letter sent by the Prince of Parma to the generall States of the lowe Countries, assembled at Antwerpe. With their Aunsvere to the same the xii. day of March. 1579. Translated out of French into Dutch, and from the Dutch into English. According to the Dutch Copye, printed at Antwerpe by Christopher Plantyn, Printer to the Kings Maiestie. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Richard Ihones. 8°, A in eights, A 8 blank. Lambeth.

The Apologie Or Defence, of the most Noble Prince William, by the grace of God, Prince of Orange, Against the Proclamation and Edict, published by the King of Spaine, by which he proscribeth the saide Lorde Prince. . . . Presented to my Lords the Estates generall of the lowe Countrie. Together with the saide Proclamation or Proscription. Printed in French and in all other languages. At Delft. 1581. 4o, A-R in fours. The Apologie or Defence. . . . At Delft. 1582. 4o, A-R in fours.

This was licensed also to Thomas Marsh, 8 Feb. 1581-2, but not printed.

A Dolefull Discourse of a Dutche gentlewoman distraughte of hir wittes, To the which is added the harde Happe of Twoo Norfolke gentlewomen. Licensed to R. Jones, 1 July, 1581.

A discourse of the Estate of Cambray duringe the Siege. Licensed to R. Waldegrave, 13 Oct. 1581.

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A declaration and publication of the most worthy Prince of Orange, contaynyng the cause of his necessary defence against the Duke of Alba. Translated out of French into English, and cōpared by other copies in diuers languages. [Quot. from Psalm 94.] Imprinted at London by Iohn Day, beneath S. Martins ouer Aldersgate. 8°, black letter, A—B 4 in eights. Lambeth. A Tragicall Historie of the troubles and Ciuile Warres of the lowe Countries, otherwise called Flanders. Wherein, is sett forthe the originall and full proceedyng of the saied troubles. . . . And there withall, the Estate and Cause of Religion, especially, from the yere 1559, vnto the yere 1581. Besides many Letters, Commissions, Translated out of French into Englishe, by Thomas] S[tocker] get. Imprinted at London by Jhon Kyngston for Tobie Smith, [1583.] 40, black letter. a, 6 leaves: Ali in eights. Dedicated to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester.

[ocr errors]

A briefe and necessarie discourse concerning the meanes to preserue both the Religion and estate of the low Countries. Translated out of French into English. At London, Printed for Thomas Charde. Anno. 1584. 8°, A-G 4 in eights, G 4 blank. Lambeth.

A Letter sent from the Prince of Parma vnto the Borrowmaisters, Sherifes, and Magistrats of the Towne of Anwerpe : Also to the great Counsayle called Den Breeden Raedt, and the Fraternities of the same. Wherevnto is adioyned the Aunsvere of the sayde Borrowmaysters... with the common consent and general aduow of the whole Towne. Printed at London for Edward Aggas. 1585. 8°, 11 leaves. Lambeth.

The mappe or discription of Sutfen, with certen verses in Latyne thereunto added by master William Malyn. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot, 5 Dec. 1586.

A Shorte admonition vppon the shamefull treason wherewith Sir William Stanley and Rowland Yorke haue betrayed and Delivered for monney vnto the Spanyardes the towne of Deventer and the Scons of


Zutphen. Licensed to R. Jones, 9 April, 1587.

Placcaet Daer by verbode wert dat niemandt eenighe calumnien ofte valsche wegheningen verspreyen en sal moghen vande hādelingen en actien soo, wel vande Maiest. en d'Enghelische natie / als vanden Heeren Staten generael oft particulier / en vande Magistraten vanden Steden / en audere particuliere officiers inden dienst vanden Lande wesende. Middelburgh, Ghedruct by Richard Schilders, ... 1587. 4°, 4 leaves, black letter.

Newes sent vnto the Ladye Princesse of Orenge. Licensed to John Wolf, 9 June, 1589.

The successe which fell out in the pursute of the Prince of Parma, together with a lettre of the Kinges to the marshall of Byron, &c. Licensed to John Wolfe, 17 Dec. 1590.

A discourse of vij murders committed by a merchant in Brabant. Licensed to E. Allde, 3 Nov. 1589.

Description Veritable Des Batailles victoires et Trophæs Du Duc de Parme. Both in Englishe and Frenche. Licensed to E. White, 23 Jan. 1590-1.

Copie de la Responce de Messieurs le estats generaux sur la proposition a eux faite, par Messieurs les Ambassadeurs des circles d'Alemagne. Londres Imprimé par Iohn Wolfe, 1591. 4o, A-D

in fours.

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A particuler of the yeildinge vp of the towne of Zutphen and the belegeringe of Deven[t]er with the honorable enterprise of Sir Robert Williams performed vppon a Thousand and twoo hundred of the Enemies soldyers lyeinge at Cinque Samne 9 leages from Deepe. Licensed to John Charlwood, 2 June 1591.

The true copie of a letter written from the leager by Arneham Datid the xxvijth of Julye, newe stile, translated out of Dutche into Englishe touchinge a late ouerthrowe gyven to the Prince of Parma by the States/ Licensed to Andrew White, 20 July, 1591.

A balladd entytuled the happie ouerthrowe of the Prince of Parma his powers before Knodtsen burghe sconnce the xxijth

[blocks in formation]

The lamentacon of the Prince of Parma &c. Licensed to J. Wolfe, 15 Sept. 1591. A booke intituled. / By letters out of the Lowe Countries of the 16 of October 1591. Licensed to J. Wolf, 23 Oct. 1591.

A placat, of the generall States of the Lowe Cuntries, contayninge a straight charge not to transport anye munition for warre nor any grayne or victuall, to the leagers Rebelles against the Kinge of Fraunce and Navarre. Licensed conditionally to Adam Islip, 16 Sept. 1591.

A true discourse of the ouerthrowe of the Prince of Parma, &c. Licensed to John Wolf, 1 May, 1592.

A Trve Declaration of the streight siedge laide to the Cytty of Steenwich, and of the Skirmishes and Battailes which happened on both sides, very strange and aduenturous. Heerevnto is also annexed, in what maner the Enemie besought to parley with Counte Maurice his Excellency, conserning the yeelding vp of the Citty into his hands. Togither with the yeelding vp of the same. Printed first in Dutch, and truely translated into English, by I. T. London Printed by John Wolfe, and are to be solde at his shop, right ouer against the great South doore of Poules. 1592. 4o. A-B in fours, first and last leaves blank, and A 2 misprinted A 3.

A booke of the birth of a monstrous child borne in geetrue deubeigh [Geertruidenberg] within the Dukedome of Brabant the 9 of Julye 1592. Licensed to Robert Bourne, 25 July, 1592.

The Auns were of the Lords the Estates generall of the Vnited Prouinces of the Lowe-Countries, to the Letter of the Archduke of Austria, heereafter inserted. Together with the proposition done in the name of the sayde Arch-duke to the forenamed States, by Otto Hartius, and Jeronimus Coomans, learned in the Lawes. Also, the extract of certaine Letters, written out of the Campe before Groning. Printed first at Middelburgh, by Richard Schilders, Printer to the Estates of the Land and Earledome of Zealand. 1594. London, Printed by Iohn Wolfe. 4o, black letter, A-B in fours: the Extract, &c., A in fours, A 4 blank.

A discourse more at large of the late ouerthrowe giuen to the King of Spaines armie at Turnehaut, in Ianuarie last, by Count Morris of Nassawe, assisted with


the English forces. Wherunto is adioined certaine inchauntments and praiers in Latine, found about diuerse of the Spaniards, which were slaine in the same conflict: Translated out of French according to the copy printed in the Low Countries. Seene and allowed. Printed at London, and are to be solde in Paules Churchyarde, at the signe of the blacke Beare. 1597. 4o, black letter, A—B in fours. Most Trve And more Admirable newes, expressing the Miracvlous preseruation of a young Maiden of the towne of Glabbich in the Dukedom of Gulische: And, The Strange yet Worthy execution of Iohn Honaver, of Bramholf at Wittenberg, this present yeere 1597. . . . London, Printed by Adam Islip for Thomas Stirrop, dwelling in Pouls Church-yard at the signe of the George, 1597. 4o, A-C in fours, C 4 blank, and title on A 2. With curious woodcuts. Lambeth.

The Answere made by the Noble Lords the States, vnto the Ambassadour of Polonia. Imprinted at Amsterdam .. 1597. London. Imprinted by John Windet. 1597. 4o, A-B in fours. Lambeth.

The Description of a voyage made by certaine Ships of Holland into the East Indies. With their aduentures and successe: Together with the description of the Countries, Townes, and inhabitantes of the same: Who set forth on the second of Aprill 1595, and returned on the 14. of August, 1597. Translated out of Dutch into English by W. P. London Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe. 1598. 4°. A-L in fours, including several woodcuts, which count in the sheets.

Dedicated by W. Phillip to Sir James Scudamore Knight. This is succeeded by an Epistle by Bernardt Langhenez to the Burgomaster, &c., of Middleburgh.

A True and perfect Description of three Voyages, so strange and woonderfull, that the like hath neuer been heard of before: Done and performed three yeares, one after the other, by the Ships of Holland and Zeland, on the North sides of Norway, Mvscouia, and Tartaria, towards the Kingdomes of Cattaia & China; . . . And how that in the last Voyage, the Shippe was so inclosed by the Ice, that it was left there, whereby the men were forced to build a house in the cold and desartCountrie of Noua Zembla. . . . Imprinted at London for T. Pauier. 1609. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B-X in fours, X 4 blank. Black letter. Dedicated by William

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Phillip states that he had been chiefly induced to undertake this work by Mr. Richard Hakluyt.

Orders Established by the Lords the Generall States, touching the mustring and wel-gouerning of the Companies, to preuent all abuses therein heeretofore vsed. Renewed and concluded the fourth of Februarie 1599. Translated out of the Dutch coppy Printed at S'Grauen Hage. .. Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe,

1599. 4o, A-C 2 in fours.

A briefe relation, of what is hapned since the last of August 1598. by comming of the Spanish campe in the Dukedome of Cleue; and the free bordering Countries, which with most odious and barbarous crueltie they take as enemies, for the service of God, and King of Spaine (as they say.) Heereunto is adioyned a Translation out of Latin, of a Letter of the Emperours Embassadour, to the Admirant of Arragon, the Generall of the said Army: With his answere. Together with a description of the Whale of Berckhey, or the great fish which stranded or came on shoare at Berckhey in Holland, the third of February 1598. Also a Letter of the Emperour of Germany, to the Admirant of Arragon, Generall for the Archeduke Albertus. . . . Faithfully translated out of the Dutch coppy Printed at Roterdam. Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe,... 1599. 4o, A-D in fours, A i blank: the Letter of the Emperor, &c., with a new title, A-B in fours.

A Briefe discourse of the cruell dealings of the Spanyards, in the Dukedomes of Gulick and Cleue. A Copie of his Excellencies Letter to the States of the Westphalian Creibs at Dormont. A Copie of the Letter of the Archbishop of Colen, to the Landgraue of Hessen. Translated out of the Dutch Copie, Printed by Harmon Allertson. Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe, . . . 1599. 4o, A-C in fours. Lambeth.

A Proclamation of the Lords the Generall States of the vnited Prouinces, whereby the Spaniards and all their goods are declared to be lawfull prize: Faithfully translated out of the Dutch coppy. Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe, 1599. 4°, 4 leaves. Lambeth.


A Coppie of the Proclamation made by the illustrous Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, Soueraigne Princesse of the


Netherlands, ... Touching the defence interdiction and restraint of all communication, dealing and trafficke with Holland, Zeland and their adherents. Faithfully translated... Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe,. 1599. 4o, A-B in fours,

B 4 blank. Lambeth.

Newes from Flanders and Ostend. A Trve Declaration how that the Lords States of the vnited Prouinces, vnder the conduct of his Excellencie, haue set forth a princelie Nauie of Ships from Zeland, the 15. day of April 1604. Which went to the Island of Casant, where the foresayd Lords haue taken in the Sconce of Coxie, S. Catherine, S. Philip, and Isendiick with other small sconces and holds. Translated out of Dutch into English. London Printed by Arnold Hatfield for Iohn Bill. [1605.] 4°, A-B 2 in fours, or 6 leaves. Lambeth.

A Ballad called the worldes warning of [or] an Alarum from Sinne by the vision of 2 Dragons seene fightinge in the ayre neere Gaunte. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 6 February, 1608-9.

Th' apprehension, arraignmente and execucon of Morgan Colman for the murther of Helen Hunte and Alice Burnam her servante, who were executed at Armen in Zealand neere Middleborough. Licensed to Joseph Hunt and John Trundle, 22 May, 1609.

A Short and Trve Narration concerning the abhominable treasons attempted by eighteen persons to haue been executed vpon the Townes of Goch, Cleef, Emmerich, and Rees, discouered by Gods prouidence the last of Febrvary, 1615. Together with a Vision or Dreame containing the whole state of the Netherlands warres, the Popes tenne commandements, and the Holland dance, with other things as may appeare in the booke. [At London Printed. 1615.] 4o, A-F in fours. With a woodcut on the first title.

The imprint given above occurs on Ei; that to the first portion has been cut off in the copy used. On E 4 is a Dutch titlepage, with the imprint of Utrecht, and at the end are some verses in Dutch. The Pope's [Paul V.] commandments are in English metre.

This is, no doubt, the work licensed under a somewhat different title to Edward Marchant, April 3, 1615. No other copy is at present known.

A discription of the housekeepinge of the virgin of Batavia compast with the wall of vnion and now endangered by an Her


Licensed to

mofradite and Leoparde.
William Welby, 10 May, 1615.
Miraculous signes of the Lord in Holdt
in the province of Menster of 3 dead
bodies that did arise out of their graues,
and spake of the Lordes Judgmentes.
Licensed to John Barnes, 20 October,
1616, with a ballad on the subject.

A proclamacon giuen by the States of
Gelderland and Zutphen against the
slaunders laid vpon the Evangelicall and
reformed Church, with the examinacon
and Confession of Leidenberch Taurinus.
Licensed to Thomas Thorpe, 23 October,

The golden Legend of the newe saint
John, that is, a short rehersall of the
Noblenes, virtue, and Dealinge of master
John of Barnevelt. Licensed to Natha-
niel Butter, 13 January, 1618-19.

The Oration of the French Ambassadour
to the States concerning Barnevelt, with
their answere there vnto. Licensed to
N. Newbery, 6 April, 1619.

The relacon of Barneveldes arraigment with the States letter concerning the same matter. Licensed to Ralph Rounthwaite, 17 May, 1619.

The picture of Barneveldes execucon. Licensed to Nathaniel Newbery, 17 May, 1619.

The declaration of the sentence pro-
nounced against Leidenberg, to be trans-
lated into English. Licensed to N. But-
ter, 26 May, 1619.

The Decree of the States against certaine
Remonstrants [Arminians] made the fift
of July last past. Licensed to Nathaniel
Newbery, 6 July, 1619.

Newes out of Holland, concerning the East India trade there Contayning a true copie of a Dutch treatise. there published of the grosse abuses of their Maiours to the English in the East India. Licensed to Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, 24 June, 1622.

A booke called the Couragious salley and great slaughter of the English garrisons in Bergen-op-Zome, vpon Spinola's English [1] Souldiers, he having nowe besieged it, Licensed 18 July, 1622.

A thing called The post of the prince which aduised vs the taking of Stenburdy, and the besieging of vp zoom with the weekely newes. Licensed 10 Aug. 1622. A Description of the Beseiging of Bergenop-zoom, with a map of the same. Li



censed to Nathanael Newbery, 10 Aug. 1622.

The Relation of the Death of that great Generalissimo (of his Imperiall Maiestie) the Duke of Meckleburg, Fridland, A Coppy of the Oath taken by his Commanders, Mandates of his Imperiall Maiestie: For Vpon which followed the his apprehension, ... London, Printed by Tho. Harper, for Nathaniel Butter, and Nicholas Bourne. 1634. 4o, A—E in fours, A 1 blank.

A Ballad called Hollandes honor re-
vived. Licensed to Francis Grove, 23
Feb. 1638-9.

A Part of the Lyturgy of The Reformed
Chvrches in the Netherlands. Or The
Formes which they use. .. Translated

out of Dutch into English. Printed at
Leyden. [About 1640.] 4°, A-E in fours.
The Speech of their Excellencies the
Lords Ambassadours Extraordinary, From
the High and Mighty States General...
taking their leave
Moderate Answer by a private Gentle-
Together with a
Printed according to Order. Lon-
don, Printed by M. B. for Robert Bostock
16 April, 1645. 4°, 4 leaves.



A Seasonable Expostulation with the Netherlands. Declaring their Ingratitude to, and the Necessity of their Agreement With the Common-wealth of England. Oxford, Printed for Thomas Robinson, Anno Dom. 1652. [June 12.] 4°, A-C 2 in fours. B. M.

A Catalogue of the Damages for which the English demand Reparation from the United Netherlands. As also a List of the Damages, Actions, and Pretenses for which those of the Vnited-Netherlands demand Reparation and Satisfaction from the English. Together with the Answer of the English, subjoyn'd to the Several and Respective Points of their Demands. London, Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1664. 4o, A—L 2 in fours, first leaf blank,


The Dutch Drawn to the Life, In 1. An Exact Description and Character of the several Provinces of the Netherlands. An Account of their Trade and Industry. III. A well-weigh'd re-search into their Policy, Government, and Strength. A particular Discourse of their Religion and Customes. London, Printed for and H. Marsh, 1664. 8°. A, 6 leaves, A 1 blank: BH 6 in twelves, besides a frontispiece

Tho. Johnson,



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