advancement. Jofter to K. Hem. viij. p. 145. Goujeers. query = p.225. hinted with his honour to day. The common adrese. p. 70. Deserved muntess & a Lord, in our Anh? 1.2. devorved a tutt porse or more dit Ime was Your Ήσησι, which was used indif graceful sikia kon. A Situation not so regn- Lordhhiep. Ses ange = table. =lation of that age? Th of Bogs & Hair Hernal P. 218. This Note Jr. Speises sh st. have been explained. $. 128. soyled Horse, it Horse kept up in St. ar have come in, p.174. 91.264. thon drawst Sa a Portrait was sin our authors bien Stable and Hare fid commontyexpresied els. A common term have heard of a Discank had not yet been 4 which a Fanatic tistih founded: but he was. Preacher was making thinking of his own. to his handsence of the Chines, as belor when several purposes for en providence had crented. that useful kriinala in p. 348. he makes Aaron object to Lucing Sheep. Ah! my Pietren his popish tricks and days he, There's the ceremonies, forgetting Wood for Claithe, and That Lreins war w the Guts for Staggis, Heathen Roman. and the Shin-Canet. for Whittle-hefts. p.35.3. Refine & Murder. Shakespeare means piagg. – are you such foils Rape and Murthar So square for this us evidently appe 1. e. quarrel. So in an if from met pages, and inised Titus calls them Come comeyit ge dare. soppressy in the / ... AB. The aforemention. The Devil in Ma. Maing aho, was the thief devil confessed his name to be the possession of Sarea Modry and that he had lliamb: Untanother befides himself feaven. the possessed, named ther Spirits of all of them Captain's & of great Lichard many fa young them ے int was possessed by a more confidetable fame. these are faid to ble be th ith vend in Mid Modu. vid. Spirits of the 7 Modu. vid. Dendly Sins, who had al she of t Main 68. where in the Dsposition at once, with. Th. Spirit The said Rich. Maing we of Pride. 2. Covetous= wus... Furthermore it is nesse. 3. Luxury for retended... that there Lasciviousness) u. Envrz Emaneth ftill in mee? the Prince of all other 5. wrath. 6. Gluttony. Devils, whose name shy. Sloth... "Then Ma. bk Modu? he is 1 he is else = Edmondes (the Exorcist) where called "the Prince began agame hin Exor= -cismes : with great Par= and all th and all Modu" Jo. p. 269. "When the faid Priests had did = = hestres, and patch s? there busines at Company cried out in pore Hackney (where they bind God, the blessed Virgin, all the Been exorcising Sara Wil: 5. s. George George and liams) thay then returned company of Heaven to towards mee, uppon Pre helpek succour them in •tence to caft the great that holy action, so as Prince Modu... out of both that wicked prince Modn, & his Company Ibid. 1.248. We have an mit be caft ont!" Extract from the account published by the Exorcists lex Tomstence K.Lear. p.63. I was sicke of this Disease I how this mother fwalls up in Tirannce, tonsaros my heart! a Scottish Doctor of Physick then in ma Hystorica pafsio. Down thon Paris, called it as I temeis climbing forrow! ber, Verliginem Capitis. Strifeth.... of a winde in 7 off the swelling of his heart & proceeding witha grant. b day By to gris & indignation, indignation, swelling, can fett a very kem For the diseases catted the painfull collidke in the Mre they or Hysterica Puflis Stomack, and an extra. in our Authors time was not thought peculiar to In Harsns A's ordinary ordinary giddines gidd in the head." It is at loaft very pros Balle bable that Shakespeare making Lear affect Women only: Fumors Declaration of Poith 15. not have thought Impostors, Rich. Mainy Gout of making one of the pretendid koloni to have the Hysteric acks, depotes (4.263.) that passie the brieft right that he came if the or Mother offerrem fpage has a Verhand, the seat of en Wher he was he was The war fomewhht will at selecting the other Zase, grew worse and particulars from it, in worse with an old Disense that order to furtrish ont ne had, and which the Priests his character of Tom persuaded here was from the of Bedlam; to whom. Possession of the Devil. vir. The Demoniacal Gib= "The Disease I spake of, berish is admirably thias a pice of the mother where wift I had beene went adapted. Id... before my going into nce: whether Idor terme is the mother. I knowe not... When 1 |