THE PLAY S O F WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. VOLUME the SIXTH, CONTAINING, The LIFE and DEATH of KING LEAR. TIMON of ATHENS. TITUS ANDRONICUS. The TRAGEDY of MACBETH. LONDON: Printed for J. and R. TONSON, C. CORBET, H. WOODFALL, and the Executors of B. DODD. M,DCC,LXV. Knights attending on the King, Officers, Meffengers, Soldiers and Attendants. SCENE lies in Britain. Of this Play the Editions are, 1. Quarto, 1608, by Nathaniel Butler. II. In the folio of 1623. III. Quarto, by Jane Bell, 1655. This edition is of no value, for, neglecting the better copy in the folio, it follows the |