Positioning Theory: Moral Contexts of International ActionRom Harré, Luk Van Langenhove Wiley, 18 nov. 1998 - 228 sidor In this book, Rom Harre give a state of the art overview of positioning theory via contributions from some of the world's leading experts in the field. |
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Positioning Theory: Moral Contexts of International Action Rom Harré,Luk Van Langenhove Ingen förhandsgranskning - 1998 |
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Considering Counter Narratives: Narrating, Resisting, Making Sense Michael G. W. Bamberg,Molly Andrews Begränsad förhandsgranskning - 2004 |
The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in Personal ... Rom Harré,Fathali M. Moghaddam Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2003 |