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And citizens to their dens:-The death of Antony
Is not a single doom; in the name lay

A moiety of the world.


He is dead, Cæsar;

The round world should have shook

Lions into civil streets, and citizens

Into their dens.


The defect of the metre strongly supports Dr. Johnson's conjecture, that something is lost. Perhaps the passage originally stood thus:

The breaking of so great a thing should make

A greater crack. The round world should have shook;
Thrown hungry lions into civil streets,

And citizens to their dens.

In this very page, five entire lines between the word shook in my note, and the same word in Mr. Tyrwhitt's note, were omitted by the compositor in the original proof sheet.

That the words-" The round world should have shook,” contain a distinct proposition, and have no immediate connection with the next line, may be inferred from hence; that Shakspeare, when he means to describe a violent derangement of nature, almost always mentions the earth's shaking, or being otherwise convulsed; and in these passages constantly employs the word shook, or some synonymous word, as a neutral verb. Thus, in Macbeth:

[blocks in formation]

"Clamour'd the live-long night: some say, the earth
"Was fev'rous, and did shake."

Again, in Coriolanus:


as if the world

"Was fev'rous, and did tremble."

Again, in Pericles:


"Our lodgings standing bleak upon the sea,
"Shook, as the earth did quake.'

Again, in King Henry IV, P. I:

"I say, the earth did shake, when I was born. ---

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O, then the earth shook, to see the heavens on fire, "And not in fear of your nativity."

Again, in King Lear:


thou all-shaking thunder,

"Strike flat the thick rotundity of the world,

"Crack nature's moulds."

This circumstance, in my apprehension, strongly confirms Dr. Johnson's suggestions that some words have been omitted in the next line, and is equally adverse to Mr. Tyrwhitt's emendation. The words omitted were probably in the middle of the line which originally might have stood thus in the MS:

"Lions been hurtled into civil streets,

"And citizens to their dens. Malone.

Not by a public minister of justice,
Nor by a hired knife; but that self hand,
Which writ his honour in the acts it did,

Hath, with the courage which the heart did lend it,
Splitted the heart. This is his sword,

I robb'd his wound of it; behold it stain'd
With his most noble blood.


The gods rebuke me, but it is a tidings
To wash the eyes of kings.9


Look you sad, friends?

And strange it is,

His taints and honours

A rarer spirit never

That nature must compel us to lament
Our most persisted deeds.


Waged equal with him.1


Did steer humanity: but you, gods, will give us
Some faults to make us men. Cæsar is touch'd.

Mec. When such a spacious mirror 's set before him, He needs must see himself.


O Antony!

I have follow'd thee to this ;-But we do lance
Diseases in our bodies:2 I must perforce

8 a tidings -] Thus the second folio. In the first, the article had been casually omitted. Steevens.

9 but it is a tidings

To wash the eyes of kings.] That is, May the gods rebuke me, if this be not tidings to make kings weep.

But, again, for if not. Johnson.

1 Waged equal with him.] For waged, [the reading of the first folio,] the modern editions have weighed. Johnson.

It is not easy to determine the precise meaning of the word wage. In Othello it occurs again:

"To wake and wage a danger profitless."

It may signify to oppose. The sense will then be, his taints and honours were an equal match; i. e. were opposed to each other in just proportions, like the counterparts of a wager. Steevens. Read-weigh, with the second folio, where it is only misspelled way. So, in Shore's Wife, by A. Chute, 1593:

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notes her myndes disquyet

"To be so great she seemes downe wayed by it." Ritson. But we do lance

Diseases in our bodies:] [Old copy-launch.-] Launch was the ancient, and is still the vulgar pronunciation of lance. Nurses always talk of launching the gums of children, when they have difficulty in cutting teeth.

Have shown to thee such a declining day,
Or look on thine; we could not stall together
In the whole world: But yet let me lament,
With tears as sovereign as the blood of hearts,
That thou, my brother, my competitor
In top of all design, my mate in empire,
Friend and companion in the front of war,
The arm of mine own body, and the heart
Where mine his thoughts3 did kindle,—that our stars
Unreconciliable, should divide

Our equalness to this.-Hear me, good friends,
But I will tell you at some meeter season;

Enter a Messenger.

The business of this man looks out of him,
We 'll hear him what he says.-Whence are you ?5
Mess. A poor Egyptian yet. The queen my mistress,

I have followed thee, says Cæsar, to this; i. e. I have pursued thee, till I compelled thee to self-destruction. But, adds the speaker, (at once extenuating his own conduct, and considering the deceased as one with whom he had been united by the ties of relationship as well as policy, as one who had been a part of himself,) the violence, with which I proceeded, was not my choice; I have done but by him as we do by our own natural bodies. I have employed force, where force only could be effectual. I have shed the blood of the irreclaimable Antony, on the same principle that we lance a disease incurable by gentler means. Steevens.

When we have any bodily complaint, that is curable by scarifying, we use the lancet; and if we neglect to do so, we are de. stroyed by it. Antony was to me a disease; and by his being cut off, I am made whole. We could not both have lived in the world together.

Launch, the word in the old copy, is only the old spelling of launce. See Minsheu's Dictionary, in v.

So also Daniel, in one of his Sonnets:



sorrow's tooth ne'er rankles more,

"Than when it bites, but launcheth not the sore." Malone. his thoughts -] His is here used for its. M. Mason. 4 Our equalness to this.] That is, should have made us, in our equality of fortune, disagree to a pitch like this, that one of us must die. Johnson.


Whence are you?] The defective metre of this line, and the irregular reply to it, may authorize a supposition that it originally stood thus:

We'll hear him what he says.-Whence, and who are you?


Confin'd in all she has, her monument,
Of thy intents desires instruction;
That she preparedly may frame herself
To the way she 's forced to.


Bid her have good heart;

She soon shall know of us, by some of ours,

How honourable and how kindly we

Determine for her: for Cæsar cannot live
To be ungentle.3


So the gods preserve thee!

Cas. Come hither, Proculeius; Go, and say,


We purpose her no shame: give her what comforts

The quality of her passion shall require;

Lest, in her greatness, by some mortal stroke
She do defeat us: for her life in Rome
Would be eternal in our triumph: Go,

And, with your speediest, bring us what she says,
And how you find of her.


Cæsar, I shall. [Exit PRO. Cas. Gallus, go you along.-Where 's Dolabella, To second Proculeius?

[Exit GAL

Agr. Mec.


A poor Egyptian yet. The queen my mistress, &c.] If this punctuation be right, the man means to say, that he is yet an Egyp tian, that is yet a servant of the Queen of Egypt, though soon to become a subject of Rome. Johnson.

7 How honourable and how kindly we-] Our author often uses adjectives adverbially. So, in Julius Cæsar:

"Young man, thou could'st not die more honourable." See also Vol. VIII, p. 302, n. 6. The modern editors, however, all read-honourably. Malone.

8 - for Cæsar cannot live

To be ungentle.] The old copy has leave. Mr. Pope made the emendation. Malone.

9 her life in Rome

Would be eternal in our triumph:] Hanmer reads, judiciously enough, but without necessity:

Would be eternalling our triumph:

The sense is, If she dies here, she will be forgotten, but if I send her in triumph to Rome, her memory and my glory will be eternal. Johnson.

The following passage in The Scourge of Venus, &c. a poeth, 1614, will sufficiently support the old reading:

"If some foule-swelling ebon cloud would fall,

"For her to hide herself eternal in." Steevens.

Cas. Let him alone, for I remember now
How he 's employed; he shall in time be ready.
Go with me to my tent; where you shall see
How hardly I was drawn into this war;
How calm and gentle I proceeded still
In all my writings: Go with me, and see
What I can show in this.


Alexandria. A Room in the Monument.


Cleo. My desolation does begin to make
A better life: 'Tis paltry to be Cæsar;
Not being fortune, he 's but fortune's knave,2
A minister of her will; And it is great

To do that thing that ends all other deeds;
Which shackles accidents, and bolts up change;
Which sleeps, and never palates more the dung,
The beggar's nurse and Cæsar's.3

1 Enter Cleopatra, &c.] Our author, here, (as in King Henry VIII, Vol. XI, p. 334, n. 8,) has attempted to exhibit at once the outside and the inside of a building. It would be impossible to represent this scene in any way on the stage, but by making Cleopatra and her attendants speak all their speeches till the queen is seized, within the monument. Malone.

2 - fortune's knave,] The servant of fortune. Johnson.


And it is great

To do that thing that ends all other deeds;

Which shackles accidents, and bolts up change;

Which sleeps, and never palates more the dung,

The beggar's nurse and Cæsar's.] The difficulty of the passage, if any difficulty there be, arises only from this, that the act of suicide, and the state which is the effect of suicide, are confounded. Voluntary death, says she, is an act which bolts up change; it produces a state,

Which sleeps, and never palates more the dung,

The beggar's nurse and Cæsar's.

Which has no longer need of the gross and terrene sustenance; in the use of which Cæsar and the beggar are on a level.

The speech is abrupt, but perturbation in such a state is surely Datural. Johnson.

It has been already said in this play, that


our dungy earth alike "Feeds man as beast.".

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